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/lit/ - Literature

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8251062 No.8251062 [Reply] [Original]

You are walking into the a very professional job interview in which you will be judged solely on the last 4 books you have read. How fucked are you lit?

The Bell Jar - Plath
Ariel - Plath
Doors of Perception - Huxley
Symposium - Plato

Judgement: Melodramatic faggot who overestimates their own emotional depth.

>> No.8251175

zero k
suspended sentences
once and for all
nobody is ever missing


>> No.8251180

Mein Kampf - Hitler
'On Women' - Schopenhauer
Ride the Tiger - Evola
Culture of Critique Series - McDonald

Judgment: rational, enlightened, and sensible

>> No.8251190

The last 4 books I read were all by John Swartzwelder, so yes.

>> No.8251193

The Worst Witch 1 to 4.

Don't judge me. I have a niece.

>> No.8251198

Confederacy of Dunces
Cats Cradle
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Judgement: Normie, get dat job boi

>> No.8251200

Harry Potter 1-4

Judgement: 13 year old girl

>> No.8251203

Hangmen - McDonagh
The Power that Preserves - Donaldson
Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
The Twelve Caesers - Suetonius

Don't know what the judgement would be..

>> No.8251207

>Peloponnesian War
>Biography on Bob Hawke
>Gene Wolfe's Castle of Days
>Jameson's The Modernist Papers


>> No.8251212

the dwarf - lakgervist
some ether - nick flynn
atomised - houellebecq
the map and the territory - houellebecq

judgment: a misanthrope! welcome aboard to Goldman Sachs!

how was zero k?

>> No.8251214

>doesn't know what a book is
some how this is the best part of the troll

>> No.8251222

Iron Dragons Daughter
Storm of Steel
Vita Activa
Aquinas by Edward Feser

>> No.8251225

Probably think you are a homesaxual

>> No.8251236

I'm a Catholic, so considering I post here, you would almost be right.

>> No.8251239

>Ficciones - Borges
>Musashi - Eiji Yoshikawa
>Street of Crocodiles - Bruno Schulz
>The Beetle-Leg - John Hawkes

>> No.8251240

The Road
A Christmas Carol
The Life of Pi
To the Lighthouse

Judgement: Why though?

>> No.8251245

>Why though?
Go back to your home on r/books or whatever shithole you emerged from

>> No.8251246

1. The Broom of the System (going to finish it today)
2. Running the World
3. American Appetites by Joyce Carol Oates
4. Fahrenheit 451

not sure if totally fucked

>> No.8251247

Infinite Jest
<no fourth book>

Judgement: pretty well-read guy

>> No.8251256

Those are the only 3 books you've read in your entire life? wow anon

>> No.8251260

The Doors of Perception
The Iliad
Plato: 5 Dialogues
Confessions of a Mask

Judgement: fag

>> No.8251263

I didn't want this job anyway.

>> No.8251264

Romeo and Juliet
Naked Lunch

no fucking discipline

>> No.8251289

define discipline

>> No.8251294

>The Bell Jar - Plath
>Ariel - Plath
>Doors of Perception - Huxley
>Symposium - Plato

The boss will make sure you never find a job in your town ever again.

>> No.8251313

Brothers Karamazov
Crying of Lot 49
Savage Detectives
Blood Meridian

would probably be seen as normal, although he/she would probably ask what "savage detectives" is

>> No.8251340

The Return of Depression Economics - Paul Krugman.

Farenheight 451


The Great Gatsby

>> No.8251346

Fall of Hyperion
Foundation Trilogy
Book 2 of Gunslinger

>> No.8251362

>moby dick
>white noise
>red harvest

>> No.8251364


rejected for plebbitude

>> No.8251372

I think all the last books I've read are on shorthand, and really not massively representative of anything.

>> No.8251417

Children of the New Forest - Captain Marryat
Oriental Seven-Day Diet - Norvell
The Hive - Camilo Jose Cela
Jacob and Rachel - Rosemary Hart

Judgment: Weirdo, I guess.

>> No.8251452


Ready Player One- Cline (Hated it desu)
The Open Boat- Crane
The Art of Living- Epictetus
A Treatise Concerning The Principles of Human Knowledge- Berkeley

>> No.8251455

Brave New World
The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching
Foundation Trilogy (Collection book, counts as one)
Roadside Picnic

Judgment: Fuck if I know

>> No.8251511
File: 508 KB, 476x711, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i'd probably be fine as long as the job isnt in singapore. tank girl would probably be a red flag if the job would have me interacting with customers in any way
>The Power that Preserves - Donaldson
love these books. i don't usually like reading fiction but the thomas covenant series hooked me for some reason. As far as judgement, i think you'd seem like a cultured guy who appreciates the classics without neglecting to stay current
high school/10

>> No.8251514

Four Musil books. Straight to CEO.

>> No.8251525

Drown by Junot Diaz
Definitely Maybe by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Another by Yukito Ayatsuji
Goth by Otsuichi

Judgement: They'd think I was an edgy retard and they wouldn't hire me.

>> No.8251529

>Sophocles-The Theban Plays-Can't remember which translation
>Beowulf (Seamus Heaney's version)
>Kalevala-can't remember which translation

Not too bad, could be better.

>> No.8251530

Considering I'd be applying for a tech position and it's all literature, yeah.

>> No.8251551


I'm trying to catch up on my classics reading list.

Before those four were more economics books.

>> No.8251638

Ovid- Metamorphoses
Franzen- The Corrections
Some Etymological Dictionary
Pastrnak- Dr. Zhivago

I don't want to be robbed of my right to come out of the autism closet when I'm ready

>> No.8251658

>Song of Roland
>Joe the Barbarian

I'm allowed one, right?