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/lit/ - Literature

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8248097 No.8248097 [Reply] [Original]

>your favorite book
>when a cute girl asks

>> No.8248111

cute girls don't talk to me

>> No.8248126

>>your favorite book
The Twelve Chairs.
>>when a cute girl asks
*if but it'd be the same

>> No.8248128


And that's how i found my fiancé

Gee, maybe lying and pretending to be someone you're not is fucking stupid

>> No.8248136

>being attracted to girls
Truly pleb tier. I have realized that only homosexual men can truly be cultured, for it is us and us alone who are free from the grasp of roasties

>> No.8248146

>Better to Never Have Been
>The Trouble with Being Born
I've transcended concepts that the Semitic, pro-natalist agenda pushes like "sex" and "relationships"

>> No.8248152

Bros. K

When a cute girl asks:

Crime & Punishment

>> No.8248161

>When a cute girl asks
How often does that happen to you?

>> No.8248166

>Moby Dick
>Moby you'd like my Dick hahaha

>> No.8248174

>ctrl+f "the fault in our stars"
>0 results
virgins, the lot of you

>> No.8248190


I never understood the issue with roasties, no ones genitals look good, that's why we call 'em junk.

>> No.8248198

You have clearly never seen the beauty that is an uncut cock

>> No.8248199

>A Farewell to Arms

AFtA is a great answer lads. A lot of girls will at least recognize Hemingway, if not the novel itself. If they don't know anything about literature, the name sounds interesting/mature enough that they assume it's a difficult novel.

>> No.8248287

If i say :the fault of our memes: she gonna think thay im gay???

>> No.8248292

You'd be better off with American Gods imho, but then I have very low standards for "cute"

>> No.8248304

you guys talking about the fault in our stars are stuck in 2012

if you want fresh, new pussy in July of 2016 tell girls this when they ask for your favorite book:
>"It changes, but right now I'm really into Me Before You"

it's the current meme and also has a film adaptation in theaters right now. its 'the notebook' of this summer, and if you dont see the advantages of this strategy youre never gonna make it.

>> No.8248306

>your favorite book
The 120 Days of Sodom

>when a cute girl asks
Looking for Alaska

>> No.8248316


I don't have a favorite book. I'm currently reading the unbearable lightness of being by Milan Kundera. I like it.

>> No.8248380

>Finnegans Wake

I'd have them read FW aloud. And laugh with them, not at them.

>> No.8248383

>laugh with them, not at them

>> No.8248424

Don Quijote
Don Quijote

>not being a faggot

>> No.8248438

>Growth of the Soil
>The Confessions of Saint Augustine

>> No.8248453

>If on a Winter's Night a traveler
>Invisible Cities

The former's better, the latter easier to talk about.

>> No.8248465

>your favorite book

My diary

>when a cute girl asks

cute girls don't read

>> No.8248474

>Naming the second most popular book instead of the most popular by the same author

Wew lad, that's some deception right there.

>> No.8248486

>between the world and me

much love

>> No.8248491

You can probably get the same girl with either of those books.

>> No.8248499

No they won't. Virtually none of the tings (none of the hot ones, anyway) have heard of Charles Dickens. It pains me to wake up to that realization each and every day.

>> No.8248505


where are these girls who read cyberpunk??
also who don't have dimple piercings??

>> No.8248523

malleus maleficarum

>> No.8248528


I just answer the truth, a tie between a few books

>> No.8248529

>your favorite book
The Iliad
>when a cute girl asks
Pride and prejudice

>> No.8248536

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>A Confederacy of Dunces

Cute girls are impressed by guys who know about the Civil War.

>> No.8248541

Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.8248548

>Infinite Jest
>Infinite Jest

have qt gf

>> No.8248549

Yeahh, so you're going to have to settle for some kind of alt piercing...

>> No.8248551

>Master of Go
>Master of Go

I don't really feel a need to lie to cute women. If we were going to start a friendship about books, I'd at least want it to begin from truth.

>> No.8248557

>100 Years of Solitude

>> No.8248562

If she's freaky and wears a choker, Lolita will win you mad points

>> No.8248620


>> No.8248763

>Storm of Steel

I don't like women.

>> No.8248940

The Cannibal for both. Odds are they've never heard of it anyway.

>> No.8248953

How, as it were, they deprive man of his virile member

>> No.8248972


>The Mysterious Island

Have yet to meet a girl who ever asks me about books.
I had everything to this day films, music, artists, fucking anime and video games, but never did someone ask about a book.

>> No.8248978

This person gets it.

>> No.8248980
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The Hunger Games

>> No.8249005


>> No.8249333
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Faust? I haven't ever made any experiences with such situations though.

>> No.8249341

if a girl asks I'll say marley and me or finding Alaska

>> No.8249403

emil cioran had a life long relationship bud

>> No.8249420


>> No.8249438


Part 1 or 2, nigga?

>> No.8249483


>> No.8249489

henry miller
anais nin

>> No.8249503

>no ones genitals look good
speak for yourself, buddy

>> No.8249508

The Holy Bible
The Holy Bible

>> No.8249511
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>The Decline of the West
>Stand in a high wood of mighty stems while the storm is tearing above, and you will comprehend instantly the full meaning of the concept of a force which moves mass.

>> No.8249709

underrated post

>> No.8249854

My nigga

>> No.8249860

I don't talk. I listen.

>> No.8249861

To The Lighthouse
To The Lighthouse

>> No.8249865

>Gravity's Rainbow
>something by Murakami or Vonnegut

>> No.8249872

>"But anon The Holy Bible is a collection of 73 books compounded, please leave heathen"

>> No.8249904


baiting with /r/books tier shit is just as bad.

>Invention of Morel
>Invention of Morel

>> No.8249921

how are you even supposed to pronounce ulysses?

I say

>> No.8249927
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The Torah
The Talmud

*tips yamulka

>> No.8249932

>Henderson the Rain King
>The Bible

I'm not catching no VD.

>> No.8249947

>My Struggle, by Knausgaard
>My Struggle, by Hitler

>> No.8249957

>kama sutra

>> No.8249989

>The Sun Also Rises/The Great Gatsby (Or Walden, if I feel like they've read anything ever before)

>> No.8250036

>Godel, Escher, Bach
>Mason & Dixon

>> No.8250047

Stoner - John Williams
Stoner - John Williams

If she doesn't like Stoner she can get fucked

>> No.8250069

Underrated post

>> No.8250075

The Baroque Cycle. I hate explaining it so I just say "Game of Thrones", and then they say "oh I love that show". They don't have sex with me either way.

>> No.8250098

If she does like Stoner she can get fucked too u kno wat im sayin

>> No.8250105

came here to post this exact thing

>> No.8250156



>> No.8250291

How do you like Growth compared to Hunger? Not sure which Hamsun to read first.

>> No.8250302

This. You straight fags are a truly puzzling breed. Like mental children in front of even decently attractive chicks.

The greeks were right. Homo arts and philosophy utopia when?

>> No.8250312
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>Having a "favorite book"
>Not drinking the sweet nectar of transcendental prose

Do people seriously get attached to a particular arrangement of words in material form?

>> No.8250339


>> No.8250347

>"ah yes, my favorite book, Faust part 2"

>> No.8250348
File: 245 KB, 1399x1965, 71mUxYJxKvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Battles: Armageddon

>> No.8250370

>The Science of Logic
>The Phenomenology of Spirit

>The thinking or figurate conception which has before it only a specific, determinate being must be referred back to the [...] beginning of the science made by Parmenides who purified and elevated his own figurate conception, and so, too, that of posterity, to pure thought, to being as such and thereby created the element of the science. What is the first in the science had of necessity to show itself historically as the first. And we must regard the Eleatic One or being as the first step in the knowledge of thought.


>> No.8250381

The Arms of Krupp
The Arms of Krupp

May as well talk about something that gets me invigorated so I don't seem a lifeless husk.

>> No.8250389

>It's hard to say, I read a lot

>It's hard to say, I read a lot. What's yours?

>> No.8250567


>> No.8250576

>your favorite book
Asturias' Mulata
>when a cute girl asks
Asturias' Mulata
>when an ugly girl asks
Lolita (which is most likely my second favorite book anyway)

>> No.8250594

The worst possible answer

>> No.8250597

Is that actually good?

I was thinking about buying a Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Battles book but I'm not sure which one would be best

>> No.8250613

I usually say Blood Meridian, and they have never heard of it, and then we don't talk to each other ever again.

>> No.8250618

Norwegian Wood

Hipster bitches love Murakami, he's the Wes Anderson of literature.

>> No.8250625

yoo-LISS-ees because that's the accepted English pronunciation and I want people to understand what I'm referring to.

>> No.8250629

I think it's the best Space Marine Battles book. It's about a Black Templar sent to die an inglorious death fighting a losing battle to defend some dumb town full of humans.
It's also got plenty of cool Knight action, lots of stuff about the humans that are fighting too, it covers the whole battle
good characters and good 40k style action, even a little humor in just the right paces

>> No.8250638


fuck you bitch

>> No.8250641
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The one you wrote
Or the one I wrote about you
If its the right cute girl

Goal 5


>> No.8250645

Thanks for the recommendation anon, I will check it out once I get through my current reading

>> No.8250646
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Star Tracks?

>> No.8250648


>> No.8250650
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>> No.8250653

/oʊˈdJsiəs, oʊˈdJsjuːs/

>> No.8250681
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The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego

>> No.8250736
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Sol fitness?


>> No.8250744
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I'll probably say Musashi or something

either way I'm nearly numb when it comes to females so I just give dry, matter-of-fact answers and go about my day.

>> No.8250764
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>> No.8250785
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>> No.8250852

Hmmmmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm Norwegian Woooood

>> No.8250853
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Do you even lift ?

>> No.8250915

I tell the truth you fucking insecure faggots.

>> No.8250920

/pol/ was right again!

>> No.8250973
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What sort of men do you like


One's that lift ?


Love Ever Upward


>> No.8251010
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>> No.8251058

>Crime and Punishmen
>Anything by Jane Austen

>> No.8251464

>your favorite book
Love in the Time of Cholera
>when a cute girl asks
Boy Meets Boy
>when a cute boy asks
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.8251496
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>Searches related to better never to have been torrent:
>benatar why it is better never to come into existence
>better never to have been david benatar
>better never to have been epub
>debating procreation
>the second sexism: discrimination against men and boys

the last one(s)

>> No.8251506

None in particular

Only females have the good fortune to get my attraction, strangely enough.

>> No.8251516

gravity's rainbow
gravity's rainbow

>> No.8251563

dubs made me unzip my pants

>> No.8251565


>> No.8251571

Hunger - shorter, I would say easier since its not so dense, and very captivating and at times funny.
Growth is a lot heavier in a sense, longer, dense, and absolutely beautiful at every page. But if you dont quite get into it I can see it maybe feel a little slow or even a bit boring. Not the guy you replied to btw

>> No.8251573

Ment to reply to you

>> No.8251595


>le morte d'arthur
Makes me look like a geeky normie

>> No.8252571

Well you're an idiot then

>> No.8252693

no, you certainly aren't

>> No.8252787

>having a favourite book

in response to the second question, I just stutter until they leave

>> No.8253043
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>i have many favorites :)

just end yourself already jesus christ

>> No.8253052


>> No.8253442

Not him but do you really have a single favourite book?
If someone would ask me I would just name one well known, well received book I could say some sentences about.

>> No.8253754

>gravity's rainbow
>gravity's rainbow
Girls like authenticity you virgins.

>> No.8253760

>The Recognitions
>The Recognitions

If they're not wretched then they aren't for me

>> No.8255231

>War and Peace
>"the next one!"

>> No.8255254

>Girls like authenticity you virgins.


>> No.8255261
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>> No.8255302

The Vicar of Wakefield

I don't think it'll be the most effective answer, but it's an honest one.

>> No.8255311

Persuasion is better for this and also a better Austen book IMO