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/lit/ - Literature

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8249009 No.8249009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

contemporary science gave us the internet, space traveling, extended life expectative and cured several diseases
contemporary philosophy gave us sudoku for people with phds
why should anyone spend their precious time on earth with such games? philosophers of /lit/, why aren't you learning a real trade?

>> No.8249039
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>the Internet
Another plebeian distraction to further dilute our authenticity
>space traveling
Fuck off reddit, I hate STEM autistics so much who rag on about this, there's nothing out there and we'll all die one day
>extended life expectancies
Why would I want to live this tortured existence even longer? faggot
>cured several diseases
Joy oh joy, you've saved all those Africans who will now die of starvation instead of Mega-AIDS

>> No.8249058

so cynical, so pessimistic and edgy! if you had a fucked up eye and sang falsetto you could be the next thom yorke xD

>> No.8249086

this board is for literature. you know, books?

>> No.8249122

/lit/ also is de facto /phil/

>> No.8249210

When you think about life hasnt been extanded by that much. child mortality is another matter(oh except we now simply abort them before they are born).

Contemporary science is a result of philosophy as well.
Darwin could only think about evolution because hegel and other idealists intorduced the idea of an evolution of history/man/ideas to the world's psyche.
Its jsut that everything else is always trailing behind philosophy.
The mainstream pressupositions and held metaphysics are the result of really old philosophical work that has now trickled down to the masses through other disciplines.

>> No.8249219


>> No.8249232

look at me, i'm so out of tune with pop culture i don't even know radiohead's frontman lmao

>> No.8249424

radiohead is stupid pop garbage. stop projecting your insecurity onto me faggot

>> No.8249446

pop culture is so stupid and garbage god i'm being so cynical right now haha *watches spongebob squarepants*

>> No.8249460

i live in me mum's basement and never go out, you think i know anything about pop culture? i wish i did then maybe i could have friends. i don't want to live in this stinky world anymore, mate, not anymore.

>> No.8249476

i don't now if you're being facetious rn but a basic understanding of pop culture is essential to connecting to most people

>> No.8249484
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>connecting to people
haha fagger

>> No.8249492

Argumentum ad populum

>> No.8249496

ad penisus suckus

>> No.8249499

? he literally just said he wished he could make some friends
i was giving out advice not arguing you dense faggot

>> No.8249519


>> No.8249583

>/lit/ - History and Humanities

>> No.8249594

thats a pretty cool rabbit, can I save it?

>> No.8249611

because i don't enjoy that as much

>> No.8249616

>why should anyone spend their precious time on earth with such games?

Because you STEMfags are hard at work making your own life miserable and stressful to make my life easier, I'm going to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Half of the blessing of civilization and creating a surplus is the fact that society can afford having philosophers, entertainers, etc. Besides, lots of you STEMfags have a horribly signleminded approach to everything, you manage to make things so retardedly black and white, and many of you specialize some narrow scientific hammer and proceed to treat everything as a nail. Specialists are great, but sometimes society needs generalists as well.

If some scientific pursuit is your passion and you enjoy doing it, that's good for you. Why should someone who hates it "spend their precious time on earth" doing it? For the good of others?

>> No.8249638

Philosophy gave us contemporary science, numbnuts.

>> No.8249644
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>> No.8249725

Bro.. it's a duck man, Wittgenstein hates it when you dont spell and grammar right. Now go on! Shew! Shoo!

>> No.8249757

you can quite clearly see its long rabbity ears

>> No.8249816

>he evaluates the merit of a field based on its real-world benefits

>> No.8249917
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>contemporary science gave us the internet, space traveling, extended life expectative and cured several diseases
Those are all mediums, not ends.

>> No.8249964

>contemporary science gave us the internet, space traveling, extended life expectative and cured several diseases
>contemporary philosophy gave us sudoku for people with phds

Contemporary philosophy gave us a further demarcation between science and religion that prevented the inclusion of mandatory religion (called back then "religious science") in the school programme, pushed forward the limits of logical principles creating new non-classical logics useful for both technology and formalization of classical philosophical studies, show us the how medicine "cured several diseases" but with it a series of development in the treatment of some patients that wouldn't be censurable unless an historical-archaeological research is made to show the implications of both in the past and present.

Science gave us videogames and mini-cars to transport fat people inside the mall.

Not really, but it is a misrepresentation in same way OP wrote.

>> No.8249967

Yeah, but what did shit posting ever accomplish?

>> No.8249976

you're reply

>> No.8250200

Philosophy is just a way of clearing your thinking which has been muddled by philosophizing. As a profession it's pretty frivolous, unless you're teaching others how to think.

Studying for 6 years to be able to make smelly bath salts is also pretty frivolous, but whatever. STEM masterrace, right?