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/lit/ - Literature

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8248676 No.8248676 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you like to turn into a film, who would you hire to direct it and who would you cast? I like to see the kinds of people others imagine when reading. Sorry for the potato quality, I had a template but lost it

>> No.8248691

Why would you want a hack like Nolan to direct it?

>> No.8248703

Phenomenology of spirit directed by james franco

>> No.8248714

Crime and Punishment starring Christian Bale, directed by Wes Andersen.

>> No.8248729

terrible posts

>> No.8248733

Wes Anderson would make an absolutely fantastic Infinite Jest

>> No.8248737

>not Paul Dano


>> No.8248738

A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius directed by Kevin Smith with Lindsay Lohan as Dave Eggers.

>> No.8248741

who the fuck plays queequeg then?

>> No.8248749

terrible thread desu senpai

>> No.8248764

an unknown

>> No.8248768

boo hiss.

>> No.8248797

No budget?

Director: Nicolas Winding Refn

Josef K: Emile Hirsch

Fräulein Bürstner: Natalie Portman

Fräulein Montag: Scarlett Johansson

Frau Grubach: Glenn Close or Judi Dench

Uncle Carl: Christoph Waltz

Herr Huld: Kevin Spacey

The Chief Clerk: Alec Baldwin

Leni: Rooney Mara

The President: Gary Oldman

I don't know. I have to think about the rest. I just think Winding Refn would do a good job with Kafka.

>> No.8248807
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No budget?

Director: Nicolas Winding Refn

Josef K: Emile Hirsch

Fräulein Bürstner: Natalie Portman

Fräulein Montag: Scarlett Johansson

Frau Grubach: Glenn Close or Judi Dench

Uncle Carl: Christoph Waltz

Herr Huld: Kevin Spacey

The Chief Clerk: Alec Baldwin

Leni: Rooney Mara

The President: Gary Oldman

I don't know. I have to think about the rest. I just think Winding Refn would do a good job with Kafka.

>> No.8248883
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>> No.8248896

>Tom Hardy
>Not the Whale

>If I stabbed that eye, would you die?
>It would be extremely painful...
>You're a big whale!
>...For you.

>Sinking this ship...WITH NO SURVIVORS!

>> No.8248906

Nolan would CGI that bitch to no end
probably a white male.

>> No.8248913


Ever seen The Machinist?

>> No.8248920


Although I don't think it'd be good. It can't have been worse than Ron Howard's In the Heart of the Sea.

>> No.8248929

That was exactly what I had in mind!

>> No.8248934

no way

>> No.8248957

Why the fuck would you think Herzog if anybody would be an ounce capable of pulling off 100 years in style?

Tereyama is the closest cinema has come a Marquez equivalent and even then there are great magic realist directors like Ruiz and Monteiro.

Horrendous. Don't post here. Any ounce of artistic sensibility you think you may have is a lie.

>> No.8248962
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Stanislaw Lem's The Invincible. Direction Denis Villeneuve. Cinematography Roger Deakins. No casting ideas for Rohan, preferably someone who isn't well known. Maybe Tom Hardy as the captain.

>> No.8248964

because he wouldn't even try to do it in style

>> No.8248981
File: 37 KB, 308x475, kafka-the-castle-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Castle
Short (no Twin Peaks filler shit) TV series directed by David Lynch. Maybe in black and white.

>> No.8248985

Refn does not do narrative, that's what's so good about him.

I'd like to see him pull together something based on something more open, like Revelation, though OGF may have in some ways been exactly that

>> No.8248986


>Horrendous. Don't post here. Any ounce of artistic sensibility you think you may have is a lie.
>Doesn't offer an alternative

Classic /lit/. So much fun.

>> No.8248988

Gravity's Rainbow with John c Reilly as slothrop

>> No.8248991


Lynch would fuck it up completely

>> No.8248998

Have you seen Eraserhead?

>> No.8249014

if that's the kind of vulgar surrealism you're seeing when you read Kafka your brain has turned to slop from hearing the word 'kafkaesque' one too many times

>> No.8249021

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.8249026

Lynch is brilliant though, it's just that Eraserhead is not an especially good film, which is expected from a young inexperienced director without a clear vision.

>> No.8249033

>Refn does not do narrative

What sort of retard are you? Refn is illustrated narrative fiction like the majority of film. Maybe step out of your pleb zone sometime and actually watch some experimental shorts.

>> No.8249056

He doesn't, he only does theme.

With the exception of Dovzhenko, formal "experimental" crap does nothing, goes nowhere because it never started. pure masturbation

>> No.8249068

it's not that at all. I have nothing against lynch, but his artistic vision is downright incompatible with anything kafka. lynch does not engage abstract or intellectual concepts, his films are quite conventional up to the point that he applies his own surrealist style.

lynch doing kafka would be too literal an adaptation that misses the intangible terror of his writings with added scenes of people acting weird for no reason other than lynch's hand hit a hot car on the way to the set and he felt like barnabas should be up to his neck in water or something when he meets k

>> No.8249110

This post is very accurate.

>> No.8249113

You must have a very superficial understanding of Lynch's works if you think it all boils down to "scenes of people acting weird for no reason" and lacks terror. Eraserhead is probably the one that has the absolute least of "acting weird for no reason" and it absolutely on point thematically, maybe the clearest his vision has ever been. Probably due to the personal investment in it.

But feel free to disagree. Wouldn't mind hearing about directors that would be more suitable to Kafka, just to add something to my watchlist. And by the way, did you read translations?

>> No.8249131

no, I agree with what you say about eraserhead, but that's Lynch's student film. he's not that filmmaker anymore. look at Inland Emprie. now imagine that man handling kafka. he gets his ideas from meditation and probably hasn't read a book in his life.

adapting literature requires precision, it's not the a direct equivelence to Kafka but look at Lynch's Dune, if nothing else it shows what happens when elements of story are out of his control.

>> No.8249139

This. What actors would play the master and the slave?

>> No.8249146

I actually think this is good desu senpai, especially Starbuck stubb and flask

>> No.8249152

The Stranger directed by the Coen Brothers

>> No.8249155

beat me to it

>> No.8249182

Peleg and Bildad took off before the Peqoud set sailed. So, they'll be in the movie for five minutes

>> No.8249199

Fair enough, I guess I want his student film self to make that series and I think he could manage it. Stuff like the family dinner scene is very close to what some of the more surreal elements of the Castle feel like to me.

I haven't read Dune, so I can't judge if it's a good adaptation but it's pretty at least.

>> No.8249217
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>> No.8249227
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Tom Hardy as Ishmael. Shutup fangaybay. He would be a shit Ishmael.

Pic related would be much better. And Djimon Hounsou for Daggo. Pleb

>> No.8249240
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>the rock as Queequeg

Close, but no dice

>> No.8249252

Queequeg was a Malaysian cannibal, not a nigger.

Go back to /tv/ and rejoin your circle jerk over that no talent hack that has been shit since the wire.

>> No.8249304
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>> No.8249417

>Lynch's script for Eraserhead was influenced by his reading as a film student; Franz Kafka's 1915 novella The Metamorphosis and Nikolai Gogol's 1836 short story "The Nose" were strong influences on the screenplay.[8]

>> No.8249557


I've never seen Ishmael to be a big guy, it doesn't fit his character at all

>> No.8249589
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I'd love for this to finally get made but I wouldn't be surprised if Kevin James starred as Ignatius or something

>> No.8249985

1984 in the style of The VVitch

>> No.8250301
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Blood Meridien

Directed by Alfonso Cuaron
Cinematography by Lubezki
Vincent Donofrio as Judge Holden
Christian Bale as Glanton
Introducing [unknown] as the Kid
Paul Dano as Tobin the Expriest
Jerome Flynn as Toadvine

>> No.8250315

tobey mcguire would be the perfect fit if he hadn't already played nick in Gatsby

>> No.8250318

Wasn't it already made?

>> No.8250494

>Nolan would CGI that bitch to no end
Nolan's notorious for using practical effects when most other directors would've used CGI.


You can make a lot of criticisms of Nolan as a director, overuse of CGI is not one of them.

>> No.8250512

wow, and that diarrhea dump I just took was influenced by proust, the holy bible, and leo tolstoy

>> No.8250518

(this does not mean my bowel movement actually captures the artistic qualities of any)

>> No.8250520

james franco and james franco

>> No.8250542


>> No.8250554

Adding to this:
>It's a depressing day when you have to shoot green screen.

>> No.8250659
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No one's made a 1984 film in a long time, I'd like to see an updated version.

Haven't put a lot of thought into the director, but maybe Alex Garland or the Wachowskis.
face of Big Brother: Colin Farrell
Winston: Shaun Evans
Julia: Alia Shawkat
O'Brien: Andy Serkis
Mr. Charrington: Christoph Waltz
Parsons: Robbie Coltrane

>> No.8250688

Dante's Inferno by innaritu.
Michael Keaton as Dante.
Edward Norton as Virgil.
Emma Stone as Beatrice.
Done in one tracking shot.

>> No.8250696

>toby mcguire as ishmael
wow that's pretty much perfect

>> No.8250728

The Man Who Wasn't There is the closest to a modern adaptation of The Stranger you're gonna get bud

>> No.8250770

>Dante's Inferno by innaritu.


>> No.8250809
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Paul Thomas Anderson

Tao Lin as Paul
Megan Boyle as Erin

>> No.8250945

James and Seth

>> No.8251065

Wow, I guess you have to admit you are wrong about him not reading though.

>> No.8251077

Michael Haneke already did it

>> No.8251081

tao and megan would be terrible actors.

>> No.8251091

this movie would be so unejoyable.

>> No.8251094

Thanks, familia, I was completely unaware. Looks good too.

>> No.8251106

>Forgets Queequeg
Fuck off
>Tfw Queequeg faded into the background

>> No.8251107

This is such a shit thread.

>> No.8251116

thats the point

PTA would get them to forget about the camera and just be themselves

>> No.8251123

just watch mumblecore then

>> No.8251127

but with the PTA visuals. and score. would be amazing

>> No.8251233

Keke I was thinking of 120 years of sodom

>> No.8251265

For the love of FUCK don't have Nolan direct Moby-Dick. He'd compress it for time and he'd add his weird cinematic symmetry to it, and it would be awful.

I actually think PTA would be a great Moby-Dick director. The final cut should be five hours long and should come with a twenty minute intermission.

>> No.8251268

I'll add that Terrence Malick would also be a fantastic Moby-Dick director. Above all else it can't be a pop director. It has to be someone that knows how to depict the passage of time, since that's a huge part of Moby-Dick.

>> No.8251288

>someone that knows how to depict the passage of time,
linklater desu

>> No.8251293
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del Toro/Cuarón
JGL as Severian

>> No.8251295
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Michael Mann
Johansson as Molly

>> No.8251298
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Jack Kirby production designs ftw

>> No.8251315
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I'm not sure about director, but Ethan Hawke would make a good Continental Op
And incidentally, why has this never been made into a film when every other Hammett was in the 30s and 40s??

>> No.8251319
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Dune could be made, split in two at the point where Paul and Jessica go into the desert
This gives you enough time across two films to do the whole story
Russel Crowe as Duke Leto
Cate Blanchett as Lady Jessica
Simon Callow as Baron Harkonnan
Alexander Siddig as Stilgar

>> No.8251351

>faded into the background
You mean sinks into the ocean

>> No.8251365

Not familiar with the director but that's a good lineup. Paul Dano would be a good expriest for sure, but he could also make a good Kid.

>> No.8251903
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>> No.8251908

Nah, Spike Jones + Charlie Kauffman

>> No.8251909

Is he even jewish.

>> No.8251914

I volunteer to play Blazes Boylan.

>> No.8251920

I know it might conflict with the story because he's black, but I feel like Hannibal Burress is the best candidate for Ignatius.

>> No.8251923

> Christopher Nolan directing Moby Dick

Do you lack any actual sense or taste, OP? What the fuck, go watch some actual films.

>> No.8251928

> implying Werner Herzog isn't the only director who should tackle Moby Dick

You know 1970s Herzog would have the film shot on a giant whaling vessel and he would only shoot scenes with Moby Dick if there were actual sperm whales found in the water.

>> No.8251931

Refn is a hack desu

>> No.8251939
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Thomas Hardy's The Withered Arm, directed by Thomas Vinterberg. Starring Tom Hardy.

>> No.8251946

Vincent Donofrio would make a perfect Judge actually. Shave his hair, eyebrows and go full method-actor and get him to shave his whole body and pubes and it'd be perfect.

Not Christian Bale though. He's not a bad actor but I don't think he'd fit in Blood Meridian.

>> No.8251950

Colin Farrell should be Winston, he's much better as a down-on-his-luck type.

>> No.8252202

Big Brothers should be an animated corporate logo, or an attractive celebrity with a reality show.

>> No.8252207

the pusher trilogy is goat, can't argue with that.

>> No.8252210
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>> No.8252218

lel i love this

>> No.8252219

> don't worry about not being Irish

>> No.8252224

>black guy narrating a russian

>> No.8252229
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>> No.8252238

he gets his ideas from meditation and probably hasn't read a book in his life.
What an actual fucking pseudo you are.
Lynch says Kafka is his favorite novelist, and biggest authorial influence.
>actually uses Dune as evidence
The studio raped Lynch. Ever seen Mulholland Drive? Remember the ENTIRE plot with the director having no say in his production?

Just.... Don't make shit up. You have no idea.

>> No.8252274

Master and Margarita directed by Terry Gilliam

The Master - Michael Fassbender
Margarita - Eva Green
Woland - Gary Oldman
Behemoth - voiced by H. Jon Benjamin (seriously)
Azazello - Steve Buscemi
Hella - Marion Cotillard
Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz - John Hurt
Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyryov/Bezdomny - Paul Dano

They'll probably Americanize the names and not bother with the accents but it'd still be great

>> No.8252277

Oh, and Pontius Pilate would also be Fassbender, and Jesus would be a no-name

>> No.8252291

The only Master and Margarita you'll ever need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t6W9hkXV6g&list=PL5F53D266E7688852
Fuck your Hollywood bullshit.

>> No.8252301

Did not know about this. Thanks for the rec, unnecessarily edgy closer aside.

>> No.8252307

>unnecessarily edgy closer aside
Fair enough, it is a fantasy thread after all. But believe me, this is the best version. Russians know their shit when it comes to book adaptations. Except for LotR.

>> No.8252346

do people here actually like nolan or i'm being rused?

>> No.8252354

I'll keep that in mind. And admittedly most of the actors I chose epitomize Hollywood bullshit, though Gilliam is pretty far from it

>> No.8252362

That's the movie I had in mind.

>> No.8252379

Looks like we can be friends nonetheless. Fun fact: for russian actors Master and Margarita is what MacBeth is for the british. All of them are scared of it because every time they tried to make a movie out of it, someone died or something else terrible happened.

>> No.8252461


>> No.8252476

Watching The Revenant made me think Inarritu could make a good Blood Meridian

>> No.8252575

Only if he had the script forced on him and he had a producer strong willed enough to have a good handle on the editing process. Inarritu has style but not much else, but if he were treated as a tool (a talented skilled tool) you could use him to make a great film against his will. Also Lubezki would have to be on the team as well.

>> No.8252638

for you

>> No.8252915

Inarritu has made two of the best films I've seen in the past decade I don't know how on Earth you could think he's that shallow

>> No.8252926


Tye Sheridan as The Kid

>> No.8252968
File: 27 KB, 384x288, candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always visioned John Candy as Ignatius. He's dead but still.

>> No.8252993

I've seen the Revenant. It's hard to get much more superficial than that. I hope the two best films of the past decade don't include that slide show.


>> No.8252996


>> No.8253962

Yeah but he's too good-looking and robust.

>> No.8253976


Absolutely why

I expect better from you, /lit/.

>> No.8254004
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I wasted my time with this and now actually don't want it made, but i still think cianfrance could do something with it

>> No.8254707
File: 34 KB, 322x499, 5189NK0O-gL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson

Movie is black and white apart from fleeting moments of explosive color and beauty

Rieux - Daniel Day Lewis
Tarrou - resurrected Albert Camus
Grand - Mark Margolis
Rambert - Paul Dano

>> No.8254719


Moby Dick has already been made into a movie several times.

>> No.8254750
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Oh, man we're unaligned. For me, I'd have...

>> No.8254756

Dude, Samuel Hamilton can't be played by anyone but Jeff Bridges

>> No.8254772

oh fuck, good call

>> No.8254796

That's actually kind of perfect. Queequeg's interactions always seemed a little over the top, so it isn't like we need an Oscar caliber actor to take the role.
Too young.
I nominate Daniel Craig, but only half-seriously.

>> No.8254803

Nah man, Alejandro G. Iñárritu for director.
Maybe Karl Glusman as the kid?

>> No.8254818

Im impressed that you filled out all of these actors with really well known ones but it still doesn't look like Avengers part four, celebrity showdown - unlike some other ideas in this thread.

>> No.8255108


disgusting, why do people like his stuff?

>> No.8255136
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>Moby Dick
>cast consists entirely of meme British actors

Starbuck's casting is good. Stubb might work. Zach Galifianakis is a meme.

Casting Tom Hardy as Ishmael is all sorts of retarded. Tom Hardy plays overly theatrical "big guys", Ishmael is quiet, conscientious and philosophical.

Whoever they picked as Tashtego looks nothing like an East Coast Native American.

The "Welcome to Qarth" guy is a poor choice for Daggoo, who is a native African. "Welcome to Qarth" guy, from the only role I know him from, is a mild banker which is antithetical in character to the warrior-savage, although solemn, harpooner. I think someone darker in hue and more impressive physically would be preferred.

Bildad and Peleg's choices are too Spaniard looking to be Nantucketers, who in Moby Dick are the extreme manifestation of puritanism.

Daniel Day Lewis is cast in roles like Ahab's too often, the central role of the movie would seem redundant.

If I had to pick a director, it would be Paul Thomas Anderson since he seems to have a mature grasp of literature. Christopher Nolan has a good eye but his writing and storytelling is pretty shitty except for the occasional soliloquy.

>> No.8255143
File: 59 KB, 600x400, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>casting by skin colour
If Heimdall can be played by a darkskin nigga then Quequeeg can be played by Rhys Ifans or some shit don't be racist fuck

>> No.8255160


I didn't know who Heimdall was until I googled it, and even now I don't fucking care.

Yes they should be cast according to race, race is a part of someone's character. To change someone's race or to cast someone that doesn't approximate that race, is to do a disservice to the text. This my ideal Moby Dick, not some high school stage play.

So yeah, I want a tough, dark skinned, mandingo motherfucker to Daggoo. With all his desert Sahara wisdom. If I could get a native African, good. If I can get a guy who looks like Seal, alright. I don't want some blatantly Europeanized negro, especially a flabby one.

>> No.8255168

>He thinks "African" is a distinct genetic and cultural group
Moroccans are more closely related to Europeans than they are to Kenyans.

>> No.8255178
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We're getting off track, I'm not interested in discussing the various ethnicities of Africa. The sort of dark negro I described fits the character of Daggoo, who is described as being very dark and being picked up of the cape of South Africa, not as a Moroccan.

Also, Zahn McClarnon for Tashtego.

>> No.8255191

>Hardy plays overly theatrical "big guys"

For you

>> No.8255202

waiting for godot

directed by Carey Fukunaga

need some ideas for cast though

>> No.8255342

Well duh, you can't make Blood Meridian without Lubezki now.

>> No.8255344

underrated post

>> No.8255347

Me as Godot.

>> No.8255352

>comparing capeshit to mody dick

>> No.8255551

Who (working today) would you have as Dr Talos? For some reason Gene Wilder is the only person that comes to mind for me.

>> No.8255565

There's already a Taipei movie with those actors


>> No.8255733

It's pretty. That's about it.

>> No.8256213

The Coen brothers did such a good job on No Country. I think they could do Blood Meridian just as well.