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8245523 No.8245523 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best edition of Ulysses out there now?

I was thinking about getting either this one:

Or this one:

>> No.8245529

Pretty sure the words in 'em are the same.

>> No.8246428

I am currently reading the 1922 text. It's my first time reading Ulysses though so I have nothing to compare it to. I've enjoyed it so far though, if that helps a little bit. There are plenty of footnotes.

>> No.8246495


Gabler or bust.

>> No.8246616

Shows what you know.

>> No.8246623

Gargler is for memelords.

>> No.8246629


>> No.8246853

you're retarded

it's no secret that the original 1922 edition contained a plethora of errors, which joyce then worked with random house to emend for the 1934 us edition, that was later reprinted in 1961 by the modern library and forms the "standard" text

the highly unusual styling of ulysses meant there was copious room for error, esp from the copywriters/typesetters, and it showed aubndantly in 1922. though thousands of errors were corrected by joyce himself in 1934, there were still many more he worked on, and often incldued as errata for later editions before being incorporated into the text. it's not unreasonable at all to think there were still more to come.

general academic consensus today states gabler likely overstepped a bit in his corrections, but it is not at all unreasonable for him to have done what he did. the controversy around the edition is, anyway, largely academic and completely irrelevant to the lay reader, and certainly not to pseuds on /lit/

kindly never post about this topic again.

>> No.8246862

>reading a translation


>> No.8247488

i'd seriously recommend the Vintage International edition, 1990 print. uses the "standard" text and the book itself feels so nice on the hands, like butter, you'll see if you get one.


>> No.8247500

uugh cover is so ugly though

>> No.8247504

much better than either of OP's imo. Gabler is maybe my favorite cover, but also still shitty.

>> No.8247517

the oxford world classics one is alright, pretty average but not ugly. the one with the enda duffy introduction is the best cover by far but has the 1922 text im pretty sure

>> No.8247519

wait lol I think the oxford one has the 1922 text as well, fuck sake

>> No.8247520
File: 33 KB, 400x430, Ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any feedback on this one? I don't hear much talk about it but it looks promising.

>> No.8247525

ooohhh i saw this at a bookstore once, looks nice, t b h I don't like annotations but if you don't mind them go for it I guess

>> No.8247540
File: 110 KB, 650x151, 1462232607898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not what you're asking, but check out this sweet edition of fw the folio society has right now http://www.foliosociety.com/book/FNG/finnegans-wake-joyce

>> No.8247590

this is amazing, i cant believe i've never heard of this site before

>> No.8247724

they're gorgeous right? i have a few, secondhand lol

>> No.8247739

1 9 6 1

>> No.8247901
File: 69 KB, 480x640, 6874781301_96db7e98fa_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, I'm reading the Oxford edition and while there are errors they are pointed out in the endnotes and if you are anything like me the endnotes are extremely helpful as they give you all sorts of historically relevant information as well as all sorts of translations (gaelic, Latin, etc.), As well as all literary references. I am happy with the Oxford edition but I can understand the appeal of a corrected edition.

>> No.8247928

>look mom, I posted it again!
Fuck off, shillfag.

>> No.8247927

Someone on /lit/ recommended this. I told the advice and found it pretty good. Kinda heavy on hands though.

>> No.8247980

What's good about it? Sorry, but considering buying it new and it's a bit expensive if it turns out to be shit. Could you give a small overview of what's good about it?

>> No.8247989

hahaha ha heh lol!

>> No.8247998

It's a pasta and it's also completely correct.

Or are you implying Hans Gabler is lurking /lit/ shilling his book whenever the chance comes up?

>> No.8248004


terrible choice. it does not maintain original pagination (which is very important for FW) and I'm willing to bet they did not use the text that embodies Joyce's corrections, which are arguably more crucial for FW than for Ulysses.

>> No.8248012

Get a reprint of the 1927 issue.

>> No.8248212

I've got the random house 1946 edition. It's got a few punctuation errors but nothing that detracts from the book.

I'm pining after the 1934 edition.

>> No.8248274

f a m, what's the best annotated 1960/61 edition?

>> No.8248294
File: 217 KB, 800x1200, 71JH4hxUG2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got this edition of portrait yet? looks quite nice, even has an introduction from karl ove

my edition is a completely shit, cheap collins classic which started coming apart after reading it once, so I might be looking to upgrade

>> No.8248984

That has to be the most tumblry cover I have ever fucking seen, why do books need to have such flashy covers?

>> No.8249008

increases sales, obviously
I also think it's not that bad, quite pretty
the comparison with wanderer above the sea of fog is somewhat justified and I suppose the colorfulness matches joyce's descriptions somewhat

I think it's alright, would probably buy if I saw it, mostly because, again, my edition is so shit

just checked and the oxford classics is probably the best version, don't like penguin modern classics versions of Joyce

>> No.8249016


>so I might be looking to upgrade

If that's your idea of upgrading you should upgrade your ass back to tumblr, faggot.

>> No.8249023

honestly you're the one that should be called names here

>> No.8249040

This. It's not perfect, but it's the best we have. Though wasn't some professor working on a "definitive" version, however impossible that might be?

>> No.8249050

Kidd. For some reason it hasn't come out
also, 1960/61 is the best version we have. it's not just being printed for copyright reasons

>> No.8249090

I just think it looks like the cover of a children's book, bright colors, cartoon style, and soft casual looking font

>> No.8249118

that's not necessarily a bad thing

>> No.8249129

Man, just buy a book you will read instead.
Don't fall for the meme

>> No.8249148

It's funny cause they're actually not.

>> No.8249682

This. I read Ulysses from a Wordsworth and then only because I didn't have access to a library. It was 100% fine. Typographical and other errors will make zero difference to a first-time lay reader struggling to follow the events of novel, let alone find artistic meaning in spelling choices.

If you end up really fucking loving Ulysses, then you'll do some actual research and buy an edition based on that.

>> No.8249774

I got an old hardcover of the 1960 Bodley Head version. It's really fucking cool.