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/lit/ - Literature

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8241946 No.8241946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well /lit/?

>> No.8241956

too bad all female authors draw from their theses and often just rewrites their stuff with minority characters...

>> No.8241958

I probably wouldn't have been reading Neil Gaiman anyway

>> No.8241965

I only read books by Oirishmen, Jews and Italians.

Looks like I'm in the clear, lads. Best of luck.

>> No.8241970

Thank God for white, gay, cis-male authors.

>> No.8241975

Start with the Greeks!

>> No.8241977

>implying any of the straight female authors are good

>> No.8241980

>she said, wearing a doctor who shirt
I don't understand why this is a thing. Read a nigga cuz a nigga good. I don't read a white nigga shit cuz he white 2bh.

>> No.8241981

Let's see, Simone Weil, Elizabeth Anscombe, Hildegard of Bingen and Flannery O'Connor are some of my favorite writers. They're all female.

>> No.8241990

They can pull this off "successfully" because they read YA and fantasy books.
Of course there's no loss in quality if that's all you read.
Not to mention it's a time limit and not a book limit, everyone reads at different rates.

If you took literature seriously you couldn't do this unless you made a specific reading list and schedule for that year

>> No.8241992

She's beautiful. What's her name?

>> No.8241993

So what about the other 9 months

>> No.8241997

Dorothy Day. Also, I deep read exclusively.

>> No.8241998

I'll stop reading white people books for a year if the women in op's pic stops shoving pop culture down her throat for a whole year.

>> No.8242000

>Anscombe is one of my favorite writers
This is the dumbest things I've ever read.

>> No.8242004

You could easily do it with just a few female authors, or one very prolific one, or just by picking a time period. The joke is that OPs pic related has no clue how hard Simone de Beauvoir's work is, or how much of it contains pedo shit and advocates murder, but she'll lie to her friends that she read and agreed with it.

It's delicious, like when you get a pleb to talk about the end of the Trojan War in the Iliad.

>> No.8242005

Why would you challenge me to read poorly written, unchallenging books with very little meaning for a year?

>> No.8242007

But my favorite author is Clive Barker.

(say whatever you want, the dude writes surprisingly good for a guy that is most known for horror)

>> No.8242008
File: 306 KB, 225x199, 1460739618817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying russians or greeks are white

>> No.8242015

>implying ireland's white and sober enough to care about the rest of it
does nobody read the tain?

>> No.8242021

>Russians aren't white
I keep hearing this, and I'm American so this is news to me. Also currently reading Dosto so it's somewhat relevant, what are Russians if not white?

>> No.8242029


>> No.8242030

If it's a non-english speaking country, chances are there's a meme that they're not white.

>> No.8242033

White literature is only ever good when it is done with Semitic influences, or the writer is infused with that sacred blood of Israel from which all great poetries and fancies are born

So the question is; are Jews considered white?

>> No.8242034
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You're all a bunch of niggers.

>> No.8242040

I'm half-asian/half-black, never implied I was white.

>> No.8242045
File: 20 KB, 264x522, ufoart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites don't exist, except moon men.

>> No.8242048

Must feel awful to be this fucked up right from the start of your life.

>> No.8242053

Pushkin definitely isn't white by American standards, but it might be referring to the fact a lot of the Russian population is more Asian than European, so they're descended from Mongols or Turks etc.

It gets really weird at times because they also call Chechens black and shit like that, even though Chechnya is north of Georgia which they claim is Russian.

>> No.8242065

It's just a meme

>> No.8242072
File: 1.46 MB, 1000x750, slavs circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying white people still exist

The gods left us anon, we walk alone now

>> No.8242073 [DELETED] 


I have been choking on SJW and PC literature from all sides, it feels like that scene in Star Wars with the closing walls....

Is there a list of non-SJW science fiction writers/novels?

I can deal with space opera and military sci-fi myself, since I am familiar with it and have been reading it for decades, but other sub-genres are unfamiliar and using google or goodreads is not helpful at all. No gay dinosaurs, no trans/minority/female empowerment crap please.

For example steampunk or airships...where can I find a list of good non-SJW steampunk>

>> No.8242076

whoa, easy with those pronouns, anon

>> No.8242082

slavs got turkic blood in them and mediterranean people got north african blood in them. only the germanic people are white.

>> No.8242087

>white is the human standard
maybe if you explain that one to women they'll leave me for you, but somehow I doubt that.

in the meantime, stay cucked m8

thank you, I was just reading into it and there is no definitive answer, which makes sense considering such a large country bisected between two continents.

I'll just resort to reading into the histories of the individual Russian authors if im interested

>> No.8242093

People of a darker shade melanin colour make better lovers.

>> No.8242108

you probably just #hashtag #triggered that individual with your oppressive misgendering, bigot. She'll never love you now

>> No.8242146

You even argue like a nigger. News flash, women all around the world would rather date a white male than a black male.

>> No.8242182

I'm not arguing with you. Especially about women. I don't need to be told, son.
Feel free to send more news flashes for us to read while we cuddle post-fuck

>> No.8242192

>black man cuddling
Whitey detected

>> No.8242201

I already read plenty of nonwhites and males, so I don't see an issue

>> No.8242202

Oh, this is the she ape who started me on my boycott of women authors. Two years now, no women authors. It was only going to be a year at first but then another sjw woman wrote another click bait article and I extended it to a 2nd year. I'm so much happier without women writers in my life, I might never read one again. I urge you to do the same my fellow anons. You don't need them and they're pretty toxic anyway.

>> No.8242230

ah, you got me.
I totally don't cuddle.ha

>> No.8242267

I read whatever I think is interesting. Sometimes the author ends up being a woman or gay or black or Asian or Jewish or whatever. What kind of person has to look up the race, sex, and sexual preference of the author before they read their books to ensure that they are OK to read? Only two types of people come to mind: feminists and whoever writes the blacklist for a totalitarian fascist government.

>> No.8242277

4/10 this is weak.

>> No.8242279

>Simone de Beauvoir
Explain? I haven't read her yet (I'm learning french but not near that level yet). This sounds crazy.

>> No.8242341

German people have Arabic blood in them, Britons have a good infusion of the Indus Valley and Scandinavians have been mixing with the East Africans for almost a generation now

>> No.8242356

In her philosophy she draws a lot on Heidegger, which means a whole bunch of esoteric jargon. She's better at it than Sartre was, in that her shit isn't completely fucking retarded, but that doesn't make Heidegerian jargon easy to read.

Her and Sartre (and quite a few others) petitioned to have the age of consent in France eliminated. It was fifteen at the time, but Beauvoir had been already suspended from teaching for fucking a fourteen year old girl she taught whose parents complained. Beauvoir and Sartre used write letters to each other about how good it is to rip open virgin 12 y/o pussy, and I think she apologised eventually as a "soz you seem to now be claiming I raped you but I thought you were asking for it" because obviously people freak out a bit about that shit.

Her novel She Came To Stay deals with her jealousy over the seventeen year old (and her sister) she felt was too close to Sartre. The girl in the book is the amalgam of the two sisters Kosakiewicz, and most editions quote the older sister's age of nineteen as when they started hanging out, making the younger seventeen, but both Sartre and Beauvoir had known them since they were much younger.

I can't remember which sister, but I think it was the younger one got blamed for their relationship with Camus going south too.
A lot of her work is really shit that feminist now would never claim they mean like

>women ought not be given the choice of being stay at home mothers because too many of them would choose it

>women in countries which had divorce and acknowledged the property rights of women before and after marriage because of islam are more oppressed than her- who never married sartre in france because she would have become his legal property and a nonentity in law, and she could just rely on his finance as a mistress into old age instead- because obviously smiling people of different races couldn't experience real happiness as women like her who wanted to murder her student lovers

>women who wear makeup, dress nicely, keep secrets, or lack focus, or really display any "feminine mystique" support the patriarchy as much if not more than any given man

If you actually read any of her stuff, you realise that either feminists really have not read the shit they recommended to you, or they're psychopaths who don't see the problem in recommending her shit.

>> No.8242388

Ah, I googled her name and found that petition stuff. What about the advocating murder?

Honestly not shocked by any of this. I live in Canada and people want to put Nellie McClung on a bill. She is one of those pro eugenics scumbags. Actually, in my country National Council of Women was pro eugenics.

>> No.8242409

In the end of She Came to Stay, the character who's totally not Simone sets off this gas oven explosion to kill the loli and, I think, the character that's totally not Sartre. Definitely to kill the loli, but it's been a while since I read it

The great part about her getting kicked out of teaching for fucking students was that she was kicked out when France was under Nazi occupation. She got a job with Radio Vichy later on, but when even the Nazis think you're a pedo...

>> No.8242432

Ah, well thanks for explaining all that.

>> No.8242458
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>tfw i have way better taste in female writers and female high art in general than most feminists and would laugh off any attempt to soapbox about their middling humanities identity politics with me

it's a rare feel but i r8 it lads.

>> No.8242461


Sartre is smarter

>> No.8242468


intensely interested in reading her now, ty anon

>> No.8242485

he's really not, for once the simpsons were not spot on.

>> No.8242498

protip: sartre and smarter do not rhyme

>> No.8242506


protip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co7TqAJTBWM

>> No.8242509

protip: you're an idiot american who posted a youtube video

>> No.8242532
File: 635 KB, 2949x3833, Arthur_Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading works written by the equivalent of twelve year olds

Please leave.

>> No.8242534

I'm against censorship of any kind.

>> No.8242541



it was a joke post you literal spergmax.

>> No.8242543

>using shopenhauer to call women immature
fuck, some people are dumb.
>thinking shopenhauer will excuse you for insulting weil
jesus christ on a bike, was the last book you read mostly pictures?

>> No.8242551
File: 95 KB, 482x640, st-teresa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


prototypical schop sperg.

forget him bro.

>> No.8242552

eh. I doubt it. If you hadn't posted "protip" along with it, mimicking me, I'd believe you.
You are an animal in a trap. And when I take you, before I skin you and fashion you into a hat, you say, 'no! I was just pretending to want the apple'. You die just the same.

>> No.8242554


kek. probably the funniest post i've read in weeks.

btw i'm american.

>> No.8242562


>eh. I doubt it. If you hadn't posted "protip" along with it, mimicking me, I'd believe you

the paranoia here. wow. take a break from posting maybe.

>> No.8242713

aren't you ugly?
is your penis tiny or huge?

>> No.8242726

i only read classical japanese literature, mostly written by women

it would probably be harder for her not to use 'white, straight, cis male' in a sentence for one year

>> No.8242737

you might want to learn what your words mean before you call me a time traveller christians and schopenhauer aren't that different, they just can't agree if plato or jesus came up with the golden rule

>> No.8242738

>mfw Magyar shitblood

>> No.8242763

Why can't people just be focused on being humans? Why does race or sexually orientation have to matter so much? We'really all humans that have no choice I what gender, race, or sexually orientation we are.

>> No.8242811
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>cherry picking lit based on race, sex or nationality

Why are plebs ruining my hobby, /lit/?

>> No.8242881

this should be easy mode

Non-white writers in a European language:
>African literature such as Achebe or Soyinka
>Indian literature like Seth or Adiga

Non-white literature in native languages:
>Arabic/Persian poetry (Rumi et al)
>Indian literature
>Japanese literature
>Chinese literature

>> No.8242886

that's easy, i would read japanese stuff and to the lighthouse 10 times

>> No.8242900

Ethic Serb from Bosnia reportin, crackas is dyin.

>> No.8242916

What does she mean by white, isn't skin colour a spectrum?

What does she mean by straight? Isn't sexuality a spectrum??

What does she mean by cis? Isn't the molecular configuration a spectrum?

What does she mean by male? Isn't gender a spectrum?

>> No.8242988

I'm generally perceived as very attractive,
athletic build,
well-endowed, but not disproportionately so.

>> No.8243007

I do this already naturally, without boycott. I held back from reading Mircea Eliade for a while because I thought he might be a chick, but he's definitely a guy and it's all good.

>> No.8243181

Okay I'll just ready the works of straight, Chinese, cis males

>> No.8243189
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I challenge you to stop being a net drag on the economy for a year.

>> No.8243252
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You see anon, to the White Anglo Saxon, there are white people and non whites, but there is also a third intermediate class: the wogs. Wogs are not really white, nor are they as bad as darkies, orientals, Hindoos, or Red Indians. They're something in between.

It's a bit of a grey area, because traditionally people like Turks or Syrians were considered wogs, but now it seems unfair to lump the Greeks and Portuguese in with the shoplifting, German-raping, Arabs. So Greeks become more European and Syrians become more like the negro. Adversity brings people together.

>> No.8243286

It's not really hard, is it? There is a lot of Asian authors to draw from, a whole lot of gays, so many gays, and a couple of women too.

And let's not even get into what constitutes as white to self-righteous Americans shits. Are Jews white, Russians, Greeks, Slavs? Or does white coincidentally only cover the European ethnicities that dominantly emigrated to the US so Germany, Britain, Ireland, France and Sweden?

Looking at my reading list I'd say only half of it is white, straight, cis, male and that's without really knowing much about the sexuality or gender troubles of most of them.

>> No.8243358


I challenge lesbians to try a bit of cock.

>> No.8243402

In my mind Persians and some Arabs are white.

>> No.8243437


>> No.8243507

vichy france is basically wog city innit

>> No.8243753

>northern italy

>> No.8243757

I've actually had a few years of that. Assuming Asians don't count as white.

>> No.8243764

Pushkin was literally part negro though.

>> No.8243790

Why do you even care about what some people write on social media? Do you like to get annoyed at how stupid can other people be? You're only making that gender shit more popular by spreading it, what do you gain?

>> No.8243805

I think it's telling that the first "white, straight, cis male author" she thinks of is Neil Gaiman.

People like that don't have much going for them by way of critical faculties.

>> No.8243951

I'm doubtful as to whether you will see this, but would you be able to recommend a book by Weil? I have been wanting to read her for a while but don't know where to start.