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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 953x953, deus_ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
824213 No.824213 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/

I'm not much of a bookworm so what's a book like Deus Ex? I just love the futuristic setting, story and characters of it and I'd love to read a book with a similar feel to it.

>> No.824217


>> No.824216



>> No.824222

I think you have your answer OP.

>> No.824223
File: 13 KB, 180x250, 1254791203231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here

Thanks, I'll check it out

>> No.824224

Check out Snow Crash and, if you want to branch out into other media, Ghost in the Shell and Delta Green.

>> No.824225

I lol'd at simplicity of OP's.

>> No.824242

Also if you like Neuromancer, congratulations, you should immediately get into William Gibson's other books (preferably starting with Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive, the other two parts of the Sprawl trilogy in which Neuromancer is the first)

>> No.824256

brb reinstallan

>> No.824263


I nostalgia'd


>> No.824407

I have a reverse question: I love William Gibson's books, as well as Snow Crash and other cyberpunk fiction, but I don't really play computer games any more. Should I check out Deus Ex?

>> No.824415

No, I won't reinstall it...I won't shit shit I want to kill stuff laser sword ahhh

>> No.824420



Non linear story, a shit load of gadgets/weapons, the ability to "upgrade" your abilities (x ray, etc), lots of references to those books

some will find the graphics to be badly outdated

>> No.824435

Interesting. Nothing with 3d accelerated graphics really looks outdated to me, so that's not an issue. Is it heavy on cut-scenes, though, or does it integrate the story nicely into gameplay?

>> No.824438


Jacob's Shadow. Read it OP. One the the best book I've ever read.

>> No.824442

after Gibson, move to Stephenson. The Diamond Age begins with a delightful deconstruction of 80s cyberpunk tropes.

>> No.824451

snow crash by whats his face. closest thing to a video game in a sci fi book

>> No.824455

it's really an interactive story. there are a fair share of cutscenes but the decisions you make don't necessary happen in the dialogue choices. sometimes you'll have an opportunity to kill someone or let them live or to exit a building a certain way. it's an old game but it really is one of the best. its not too short nor too long. roughly 15-25 hours on a first time through.

i've never read neuromancer but i think i'll check it out too...

looks like you can dl a copy of deus ex from /rs/


>> No.824494

I also love Deus Ex! And I am much of a bookworm...

What you're looking for is paranoia. You need:
P.K. Dick The world Jones made
Maze of death
A scanner darkly
William Gibson: Pattern Recognition
Spook country
J.G Ballard Supercannes

But why go for science fiction, when the real world is so much worse? Real paranoia:
John Gray False Dawn
Naomi Klein The shock doctrine
David Rothkopf Superclass

>> No.824565

Thanks for elaborating. That sound like something I'm likely to enjoy. Apparently Deus Ex is Windows-only, though, so I'll try it later when I get my PC laptop operational.

>> No.824638
File: 32 KB, 300x289, zomg-the-drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want deus ex writing?
i guess any sf ever.
its a breeding ground of hacky writing, and god machines

i have a ring that cant be destroyed... unless you toss it in a volcano... but it has to be the evil volcano... ps we have birds for the trip home so it wont take 3 books.

you cant kill the dark lord / destroy horocruxes... unless you have snake venom... oh you do, perfect. also what do you mean you found the super secret retard helmet already. thats amazing. your the wands true owner. so it killed the bad guy for you.

this house comes with a labyrinth and a minotaur. sort of like David bowie but less sing songy. guess what, it was just a drug trip by some non important sexoholic loser. ...or was it ....'directed by m'night shamalaalalalalalan'

>> No.824658

Troll thread

>> No.824670
File: 75 KB, 638x563, fuck-you-internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because fuck your sage

>> No.824685
File: 33 KB, 416x200, teenage girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually uses a Mac!

>> No.824719

Are you still mad about your acne?

>> No.824728

ahahahaha that's funny i just looked at that thread again

no my face is looking ok right now other than the usual morning sleepiness and my back well give me a couple of days

>> No.824751

like your screen name. a few of my fave old timey blues players played the song.

>> No.824759

You must be new here.

>> No.824763

nope. been on 4chan for almost 3 years now. have i missed something?

>> No.824765

>screen name

wtf is a screen name.

>> No.824774

oh i don't know what the hell. tripcode then?

i have one but i rarely use it. only when i'm op or meet another anon i share a lot of interests with.

>> No.824782
File: 5 KB, 201x251, 1274155929671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK fine.
You can stay.

>> No.824785

i don't know. i always said screen name or triptag and tripcode for the code after. anyways, none of this shit really matters.

>> No.824869

Be hip, call it 'handle'.