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File: 34 KB, 600x450, Pansexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8238306 No.8238306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe in sex?

>> No.8238315

in the context of a spiritual union between two people who genuinely love each other, then yes

but in the context of doing it for worldly pleasure, it will eat you away from the inside out and make you a spiritual desert

that is of course assuming that you don't see the light and repent. But even then, dont be surprised if someone you like turns you down because of your devious sexual past

>> No.8238321
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>> No.8238332


>> No.8238337


>> No.8238339

She certainly does.

>> No.8238341

I'm a Virgin but I stopped masturbating this month and I'm hoping to quit. I want to feel requited love so bad.

>> No.8238343

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.8238358

doesn't matter

>> No.8238361

sometimes it seems improbable, but i've seen enough videos of it that it must happen.

>> No.8238367

Show me yours and yeah, I'll believe it.

>> No.8238377
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love is a spook

>> No.8238380

this is a blue fucking board

>> No.8238384


ignorance is bliss, youre right

>> No.8238389

I'm too mentally problem-ridden to ever be able to comfortably experience love
I'm too physically problem-ridden to ever be able to comfortably experience sex

>> No.8238403

don't fret, drugs are better anyhow

>> No.8238404

I never saw it.

>> No.8238417

I've felt it before, unrequited. I don't know the exact definition of a spook as I've never read Stirner, but if it's just something that holds power over you I wish love could spook me more. What's left when you have no spooks?

>> No.8238447

starting to think this is correct. still a virginfag but my experiences with drugs / alcohol tell me that physical hedonism and excess starts off pleasurable but is ultimately quite degrading.

just need to find my qt 3d waifu

>> No.8238451

Guess what: "genuine love" is a contradiction in terms

>> No.8238452

Jesus christ you people are determined.

>> No.8238458
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Sex without love is shit desu

I've had my share of what you would call "hedonistic" sex. Even back then, I believed sex between two people needs to be trusting and heartbreakingly intimate. I usually just get caught up in the moment where I feel like I need to fill a void within my soul but then the act of sex would quickly become a tiring chore. I would ask myself when can I stop fucking and return to my loneliness, when can I just experience intimacy and some kind of love between two people. Sometimes I would get them to stay, sometimes I wish they would just leave already so I could cry to myself in what felt like the darkest part of the night. How meaningless and wasteful is sex that kind? I didn't feel fulfilled, I didn't feel better. It was just emptiness and the dull blade of bitterness sawing away at my soul.

>> No.8238469

love is literally delusion and farce, any examples of "genuine love" you attempt to drudge up will inevitably be consist of cowardly couples too afraid to pierce the veil of their own illusions and so they passed through to the grave without disturbing their illusion.

I guess it's not quite that bad, love can last for 6 months, max. Even then though, it is a shallow thing, a fashion statement, an accessory.

>> No.8238474

This is true of romantic love, platonic love is good though.

>> No.8238479
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>But even then, dont be surprised if someone you like turns you down because of your devious sexual past

This legitimately worries me.

>> No.8238481

truth is left after every spook is gone

>> No.8238482

I like fuckkkkk g my girlfriend even if she bored still feel good n dick

>> No.8238485

you've never experienced love and I pity you

>> No.8238492

How's truth? Is it similar to Buddhist ego death?

>> No.8238499

why are you liking idiots in the first place?

>> No.8238501

Not until I see it with my own eyes

>> No.8238504
File: 61 KB, 528x960, used and abused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with love is a completely different ballgame. It will eventually lead to a yearning to be one with the other person, to melt away the atomic barrier which separates them from you. It will eventually hits you, the holiness of birthing your own children with them. You child is a sullen testament that you have achieved the escape of atomic barrier. You partner and you exists within your child, atom by atom, your genes by theirs. I believe that's what sex is meant for. I believe we've been forcefully made to forget how special and sacred sex is.

>> No.8238507

Believe me, I've felt the feeling. I've spent too many nights crying a broken heart to sleep to not know otherwise. Pity me if you will, but I pity you all the more, you who cannot face reality. Life ain't a disney movie, son.

>> No.8238510


I agree with you, minus the pathetic self dramatizing.
maybe trolling or intentionally edgy.

>> No.8238517

Did you just read the Kreutzer Sonata or something?

>> No.8238540
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Your love, I believe, is merely an attachment. The kind of love which I am familiar with is tested, is strengthen with hardship and would break your heart just feeling it. Have you ever watch your loved one sleeping and bawl your eyes out thinking they will one day die? Have you ever had ravenous sex only to realize the aftersex is better than sex itself? Have you ever asked them to commit suicide with you at 75-years-old and they suggest helium? Love this kind will never go away, if I see my husband 25 years after our divorce I'd still feel the same kind of love.

tl;dr It takes a lot of insanity to love

>> No.8238546

I want to know how if feels to be touched without feeling like I'm going to have a panic attack. I want to trust someone completely. I want to hold hands in public. I want to maintain eye contact. I want to speak to someone without stammering. I want to kiss someone.
Sex, really doesn't interest me very much. That's landing on the moon and I'm talking about kittyhawk.

>> No.8238565

this is exactly the kind of bullshit I'd expect from a lovesick idiot. You've fallen for her bullshit- love is an artifact of convenience

The longest I've been with a woman was five years. One time we fucked 13 times in two days.

>> No.8238580

>this is exactly the kind of bullshit I'd expect from a lovesick idiot. You've fallen for her bullshit- love is an artifact of convenience
Get out of here you sad sack of shit.

>> No.8238590

I'm the woman in the relationship. My husband and I fucked 7 times in our first night together but that doesn't feel better than getting all choked up just feeling his face in the palms of my hands.

Love, of course, doesn't transcend time. That's why I want to make babies with him so they may live on after we've passed away.

>> No.8238592


Also an anti-natalist?

>> No.8238594

>Do you believe in sex?
The question is meaningless.

>> No.8238595


>> No.8238615

Oxytocin feels good, but sacred it most certainly is not. Unconditional acceptance, on the other hand, is the best thing we can achieve in this life, but it should not be associated with sex.

>> No.8238618



Speaking to you will be useless, you are self-deluded by nature.

>wahh wahh

life is made of blood and pain, what else did you expect, baby

>> No.8238625

I'm a surgeon virgin and neckbeard who volunteered for autist niggers and wiggers while my grandpa revoked a federal job safety law by being the stupid fucking manchild that he is which got him exiled by his fourth dimensional heterosexual sun god from inner space (northwest by north) living in a shoe box eating New England boiled dinner and counting the last days til Armageddon til I die from that Armageddon and resurrect on the autumnal equinox as an insectoid having sex with tyrannosaurs rex bones in my ass filled with mustard gas as I heard in the past so say the grand wizard Metatron who died after gangstas shot him with those Thompson machine guns while his ace of spades cards stayed stuck in my abdomen by surgical implant forever festering rays pays forth wild as we all do taking Viagra pills to stay straight or waste away fluttering, so, NO, I don't believe in sex.

>> No.8238631


What is sex other than the complete and unconditional acceptance between yourself and our partners? It is being told you are loved from your temples to your toes.

Not everything our parents and grandparents told us was right, but they had a much better grasp on love than any of us could hope for.

The again, I'm drunk as hell, so what do I know?

>> No.8238636

I lost my virginity to a girl that loved me this year
the sex was shit and I got bored so I dropped her

>> No.8238637

>What is sex other than the complete and unconditional acceptance between yourself and our partners?
pfffff ahahaha

>> No.8238651

Go on then, you come up with a better answer. Acceptance sounds good to me.

>> No.8238673
File: 40 KB, 466x396, baby goat old phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Love is just chemicals in your brain? Everything in your brain is either energy or chemicals, why would this biological fact invalidates love? Love doesn't transcend time, love doesn't transcend death. If your point is that love only exists for as long as the chemical is present in the brain, then I suggest you think beyond emotions. Love is not just an emotion, it is a willing commitment that moralize the average animal of a man.

Also, birth and children are sacred. It's painful for me to see my friends talking their "baby-daddies" as if they were boogeymen. I pity the children that came into this world being caught up in this mess between two adults. The child must feel terrible knowing she's only half her mother and half of this monstrous man. That to me is one of the worst miseries of life.

>> No.8238687

what is prostitution

what is the drunken last-call desperate bar hookup

what is a convenient hole to fuck

>> No.8238701

Those are an OK substitute in a pinch, but nothing compared to someone genuinely caring for you and vice versa. Like the difference between McDonalds and a proper restaurant.

>> No.8238724

yeah i agree once you've got a proper delusion going whole new realms of farcical experience open up

>> No.8238742
File: 388 KB, 1200x877, ivan the terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-deluded by nature
Aren't we all? Our entire world perception is painted by presumptions and "suggestions". What makes you so sobering and bitter? A broken heart? I've lived a thousand deaths knowing my dedications meant nothing to a man I would have killed for. I've sought death to waste away what seemed like a sack of meat ridden with pain and distrust. Perhaps you readily dismiss me because I'm a solemn proof that female creatures can love deeply and blindly. Many men will continue to dismiss me and my existence altogether to validate their crippled worldview, as love is a farce and nothing worthwhile can come from it.

Man, I pity you,.

>> No.8238752

boys I got a date this weekend

>> No.8238760

>Aren't we all?
mostly the women

>female creatures can love deeply and blindly
and they'll really believe their own lies, even while committing adultery. That's why it's useless to talk to you.

guess how surprised I am that your """suicide attempt""" failed
not at all, because it was actually a cry for attention, not a deathwish. (if it even happened, women are notorious liars) Not that you'd admit it

>> No.8238769

If you think reproduction is sacred, we'll probably never see eye to eye, but one thing I will clarify is that I don't mean to invalidate anything on the basis of it being "chemical". The reason I referenced oxytocin is that it's a chemical which is created after orgasm and induces a strong feeling of attachment. In other words, it's putting one person above all others merely because they fucked you - it represents the failure of our moral faculties to overcome sex. Platonic love is just as chemical, but it's driven by emotion rather than sexual pleasure.

I hope it brings you happiness, anon.

>> No.8238771

>I'm the woman

>> No.8238775

how'd you do it? i've been trying online dating but so far no one has responded to my messages.

>> No.8238791
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>> No.8238795
File: 85 KB, 196x194, so sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're assuming a whole lot based on the fact that I'm a woman. Your relationship with the other sex is fractured with breakups and horror stories you read on the internet. You are self-deluded, you have painted yourself into a corner with a worldview so similar to the MGTOW movement and posters of /r9k/. Your worldview is tainted with presumptions, so much that even when you are proven wrong you'd still assume more presumptions.

I drank bleach btw, all alone at home in the closet after my mother was left work and I had 8 hours to die. If my mother didn't get splashed with cars driving across puddle while she was waiting for a cab, I would have died.

>> No.8238796

tried that first, got no matches other than a scam and a girl who stopped responding

she seems like a dreamgirl btw

>> No.8238807

she seems like a dreamgirl, but she's about to ask him to sign up for easyconnects4u.info to verify his identity because she's has "some bad experiences in the past".

>> No.8238809

Sure babs, sure.

she's hysterical boys, get the vibrator

>> No.8238814

>Love, of course, doesn't transcend time. That's why I want to make babies with him so they may live on after we've passed away.
That is the single worst reason to make babies

>> No.8238821

You should have died. One less stupid cunt pretending she is on equal footing with men. Women are like children.

>> No.8238827

You probably just had a shit profile and gave up too quickly
Vast majority of my conversations end in being ignored

>> No.8238836

that's what my scammer did lol

i couldn't even get to the conversations man. how am i supposed to make a good profile?

>> No.8238843


We do those things to try to simulate what it is to actually be loved.

Though I guess for the sake of the discussion it would make more sense to break down sex into two categories.

Which is tending to our physical desires


>>Making Love
Which is truly about accepting and loving someone.

Honestly the latter doesn't do much for me. I gave it a shot (Well 10 shots actually) and it simply doesn't compare.

Just fucking someone is like reading the first draft, raw and unfiltered with all the bits and pieces there, but without the substance and meaning found through the editing/rewriting process.

>> No.8238846

No I'm an atheist.

>> No.8238847

lol dude you suck so much, you've only fucked 10 chicks and you don't know the difference between latter and former lmaooo

>> No.8238849 [DELETED] 

It can be a good idea, see 70,000 years ago.

>> No.8238854


I thought this way for awhile, I am ashamed to admit.

After a quite devastating heartbreak (She joined a cult on vacation, I can't make this shit up) I had a very negative view of women.

Someday hopefully you will meet a friend or a lover that will change your view, or at least I hope you do.

It would be a shame if you spent the rest of your life so bitter.

>> No.8238855


haha sorry, very drunk.

Also I said 10 partners that I "hooked up" with, not in total, not that it really matters.

>> No.8238858


I apologize.

>> No.8238859

you literally defined it as "fucking" which is what I said, dummy

>> No.8238862


>> No.8239141

No. Nothing of what I have witnessed so far has convinced me that this "sex" thing actually exists.
Just another tired trope, like Bigfoot and werewolves.

>> No.8239163


Fuck off, Swedenborg.

>> No.8239187

Romantic love is always highly depend on certain phenomena being present, and therefore the shallowest form of love.

If somebody can love without any external phenomena needing to be met, meaning unconditional love, I'd say that's a more admirable form of love -although not better in any absolute sense.

>> No.8239295

Fuck you, OP, now I want a blowjob.

>> No.8239301

I suppose one could argue that your existence is proof enough of the act of sex as procreation exists, but then what of the sexors or sexees that made you? Is it "sex all the way down"?