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/lit/ - Literature

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8237672 No.8237672 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ never speak about Gogol? Is he not patrician?

>> No.8237681

dostoy and tolstoy are the only russians people read and even then war and le peace is the only of tolstoys.

All other russians do not exist, i repeat they don't exist.

le dead souls doesn't count considering it's just as memed as infinite jest on here.

>> No.8237684

I read that one thing with the nose and that was pretty cool I guess

>> No.8237685

He's patrician. The Nose is one of the greatest short stories ever written.

>> No.8237692

he is among the top 50 authors that get talked about

>> No.8237760 [DELETED] 

dead souls is pretty funny at times but also rather boring

>> No.8237889

He is patrician. That's why we don't talk about him.

>> No.8237903

it doesn't make sense for a foreigner to read dead souls, there's nothing to extract from it for them, even though the novel's themes are quite universal

>> No.8237919
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>there's nothing to extract from it for them
>even though the novel's themes are quite universal
>there's nothing
>even though

>> No.8239322

Gogol is huge, and desu we discuss him quite enough. He is my third favorite Russian author after Dosto and Tolstoy.

You can definitely enjoy it as a foreigner, but to truly understand its brilliance you have to be Russian. It's Russia - surface and subconscious - simply written into a book.

>> No.8239341


I've read Pushkin, Turgenev, Gogol, Chekov etc

>> No.8239403

He's good, but Chekhov is better

>> No.8239438

>muh Russian exceptionalism
>muh incomprehensible Slav soul

>> No.8239516

It's not that, spend 5 years at Russia and you can fully appreciate it as well. It's a cultural thing, like you have to be British to understand a stand up show about British culture.

>> No.8239535


how is this something to appreciate?
russia seems shit af

>> No.8239557

Chekov is a horrendous writer
Gogol is a more interesting read

>> No.8239596

I've read one book by Dostoyevski and I feel I got a pretty good idea about the Russian mentality. Is that good to go then, reading Gogol it is?

>> No.8239615

>I've read one book by Dostoyevski and I feel I got a pretty good idea about the Russian mentality.
You haven't. Dostoevsky was crazy and so are his characters, all of them. That's not to say he isn't a great writer. Gogol was somewhat crazy too, though.

>> No.8239795

The Portrait is pretty good.

>> No.8239871

I've drawn angry faces and mustaches on my copies of oblomov and fathers and sons and have them face one another on my bookshelf

>> No.8239922

we're gonna need a pic of this

>> No.8239958

I heard, he just wrote about his dreams. Makes sense when i remind some DS fragments like protagonist and this "nice guy" trying to walk into door

>> No.8239965

I've read 'The Overcoat'

>> No.8239970

So have I. Wanna fuck?

I read Dead Souls in English. Shit was mindblowing.

Read "The Master and Maragita" by Bulgakov. Shit is Gogolesque and rocked my shit. I was stiff as a board.

>> No.8239974


>No Anna Karenina

Get out.

>> No.8239975

>Wanna fuck?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No, I do not.

>> No.8239980

The characters are hilarious and realistic. Even if they are meant to represent typical Russian figures, they are universal. Who doesn't know a rather stupid older lady like korobochka or a weasely cheat like nozdryov?
The book is about Russian mentality and character of that time, but don't we see those same mentalities and character everywhere at all times?

>> No.8239984

>Anna Karenina
A poorly translated melodrama, with an abundance of detail which he thrives on. Whew lad.

>> No.8239991
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>> No.8240007

>imply /lit/ reads books

>> No.8240011

His short stories are great (so is dead souls, but the stories are better imo).

>> No.8240158
File: 17 KB, 258x400, 252981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with Dead Souls or some short stories first?

>> No.8240178

Doesn't matter. Maybe try some short stories to see if you like his style/the translator.

>> No.8240183

>chekhov is a horrendous writer

/lit/ going against the grain as usual

>> No.8240189

Where does one start with Chekov?

I've watched The Duel but found it boring

>> No.8240211

I loved his shorts, but Dead Souls was quite dull and uninteresting in comparison. Maybe just me.

>> No.8240247

idk, was very funny for me

>> No.8240266

I cannot seem to comprehend written humor.
I failed to find MaM amusing.

>> No.8240284

It's a lot dryer than other humor. There are few straight up jokes or punchlines. But the ways characters behave and the things they say when trying to be serious can be hilarious. You have to be in tune to this humor or it can easily go over your head (there are no laugh tracks to tell you when to laugh).

>> No.8240322

I get that things are humorous, I just cannot seem to find them actually funny.
Even The Nose left me without any keks.

>> No.8240430
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I heard that when reading Gogol in english you really want to get this one author's version, anyone got an idea who this one would be? I have the penguin DS lel

>> No.8240473

Read Gogol anyways, your familiarity with Russian culture/mentality isn't that important.

Actually Gogol said many times it's more of a trip into his soul rather than to the subconscious of Russian society, so it makes sense for it to be quite universal.

His short stories are much better than Dead Souls, Gogol's peak as a writer is Petersburg Tales. Dead Souls presents very clearly, and in a very big scale of work, Gogol's ridiculous talent as a writer - but his deteriorating mental state shows and the work as a whole is full of problems. Chichikov's story is the framework Gogol delivers his analysis, his ideas, his poetry - and it's completely stuck, random, unpolished - making Part 1 of Dead Souls feel like a very profound collection of anecdotes. Part 2 is where he really lost it - feels like a poor man's Tolstoy with all the pathetic preaching. You should read Dead Souls after the stories, when you already have an idea of Gogol's power as a writer and you want to go on a long trip in his unfinished, twisted world, meet him in some of his highest and some of his lowest moments.

>> No.8240547

You're a horrendous poster

>> No.8240659
