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/lit/ - Literature

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8235068 No.8235068 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering if anyone here has published a book?

If so:
* What's your book?
* How was the process of publishing?
* How much money did you make?
* How'd you feel afterwards?

I want to publish a novel for the Amazon Kindle about robosexual relations with robo-wives and the effect it has on society, the economy, and feminism.

It follows the story of a man who lives his life through the robosexual revolution, a span of 10 years which culminates in the downfall of mankind.

I'm thinking the book should be along the lines of semi-serious, ridiculous, and satiric.

What are your guy's thoughts? What do you want to see?

>> No.8235250

Sounds interesting but would never read.

>> No.8236252
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What would make you want to read it?

>> No.8236285

>it's not written yet
You're off to a bad start tbqh famsu

>> No.8236291

If it was already written it wouldn't be a start at all. It would be mid-way at least.

>> No.8236305

It's a bad start to publishing something.

>> No.8236315

100% of published books started out unwritten.

>> No.8236322

100% of unpublished books started out unwritten.

>> No.8236328

>100% published
>100% unpublished
So at worst it's an average start.

>> No.8236344

Fair enough. But the publishing discussion tends to be more productive when you have something to publish.

>> No.8236352
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OP here.
You all got a point. But, lets assume that I have something to publish.

Anyways, thoughts on robosexual relations?

>> No.8236373

>Anyways, thoughts on robosexual relations?


Seriously though, if there is some reciprocation it's all good, otherwise its just elaborate masturbation not that I wouldn't have a robotic sex doll

>> No.8236396

Yes I was just being pedantic for my own amusement.

>> No.8236472

OP here.
I am talking about an actual robo-wife. An ideal female companion which other woman cannot compete with. She is everything on wants and more. Women and pro-woman Males come out of the wood work to stop or slow down robosexual relations. Society becomes divided on robosexual relations due to societal, ethical, economic problems.

Also there are robo-husbands, ideal, perfect men that no man can compete with. But those aren't in focus.

Robosexual relations causes humanity to stop reproducing and marrying each other, which causes economic and societal problems that leads to the depopulation of Earth and the downfall of mankind.

>> No.8236494


You should take it up another level towards the end of the book, where the robo-wifes and robo-husbands come together. Humanity would probably survive in a sort of people-zoo or with cloning.

You could really go places with this idea

>> No.8236507

its a retarded idea because literally right this second you can get a baby made in a test tube if you have enough money.

>> No.8236574
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We're assuming that no one really wants to have kids due to spiraling inflation, rising costs to raise kids, risk of cuckoldry, etc. Only the rich can have stable kids in this future (as you said, "if you have enough money").

Feminism have passed laws to "protect the women" to give them every advantage in the book. One such law makes paternity tests illegal thus increasing the risk of cuckoldry.

>> No.8236582

>I want to publish a novel for the Amazon Kindle about robosexual relations with robo-wives and the effect it has on society, the economy, and feminism.
You mean like this? http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6508233-his-robot-girlfriend

>> No.8236619
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Ooo. Thanks for this.

I'd like to take a jab at the genre anyways. And from the looks of the reviews, I'd like to think I can do a better job.

>> No.8236648
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* What's your book?
>Fusion Heart (amazon)
* How was the process of publishing?
>fairly simple but you have to do all the work yourself
* How much money did you make?
>couple hundred bucks so far
* How'd you feel afterwards?
> theres a sea of new content being added everyday so its hard to get noticed unless you do the footwork of getting your own exposure. theres a decent podcast on youtube of three guys who actually know what the fuck theyre talking about. its called "self publishing podcast" or SPP and i'll listen to what they have to say and take notes. nt everything applies but theres some decent stuff. i got a nibble from a small publisher this week so that helps.

>> No.8236701
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Nice work. I downvoted and reported that one negative review you got (I got you, senpai).

I'm glad to meet at least one person who accomplished his dreams. I'm definitely going to take a look into that podcast.

I feel like I'm way over my head with this seeing how no one teaches you the necessary skills to truly go above and beyond. You have to look up everything these days through self-research.

What are your thoughts on my book idea?

>> No.8236718

how much of it is done? let me tell you about my experiences of attending writers groups. 95% of it is a bunch of people wanting to sit around reading their samples and have people start patting them on the back for half a scene. WRITE YOUR STORY. dont just talk about writing it, or talk about conceptualizing it, write the damn thing. until you have a completed work with solid words on the page then its just talk. i say go for it.

>> No.8236760
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2,300 words :-|

I am sort of afraid of becoming sloth-y. I'll continue to chip away at this monstrous task. Thanks for the advice.

I'm just here for some initial feedback on the idea and some advice. Writing a book is something few people have done, that I know of.

>> No.8236799
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most people are all talk. seems like everyone wants to be a writer these days. its en vogue. but just like everything else, they want the end result but dont want to do the work. you're going to have to give up time spent on other things if you really want this. thats the trade, thats the sacrifice. youre going to have to give up other things to go after this. most people dont want to do that. they want to do all the fun shit and have it magically appear with a contract and a book tour without giving anything for it. thats why the people at those groups i ised to attend would look all butthurt when i came in with a manuscript box containing a full book and theyre still fighting with a paragraph in the 2nd chapter. the first draft is ALWAYS shit. accept that and move on. finish the draft, start rewrites. repeat.

>> No.8236872

>couple hundred bucks so far

goddamn, really nice, anon. I was there for the thread where you originally released your book, everyone just laughed at you. Keep going man, don't give up. I've been following you for a long while now, gas-kun, don't give up.

>> No.8236890

I appreciate it. But right now, reviews are worth WAY more than money. Since I'm a nobody, having a backlog of fair to great reviews (4-5 star) are worth their weight in gold. Lately I've been offering free copies in exchange for reviews. Unfortunately, I found some minor typos so right now I'm fixing what an editor friend of mine found. Nothing major, but still there. Once they're fixed, I'm going t blow up book review sites to get the word out and spend some cash on marketing in sci fi mags and people with large facebook and Twitter followings who offer ads. The hustle is real. Could I purchance offer to send you a free copy to a temp email of your choice in exchange for an Amazon or goodreads review?

>> No.8236957


epub, pls

Also, do you want me to upload your stuff to libgen and share it on soulseek?

>> No.8236976


dont upload yet. let me fix the grammatical problems. (should only take a few days) then email me back and i'll give you both repaired copies

>> No.8237073

>One such law makes paternity tests illegal
I don't believe you.

>> No.8237079

Long time no see gascunt

>> No.8237198

is black twitter starting to get more redpilled or is it just me?

>> No.8237220

It's just you. Black twitter is shit.

>> No.8237351
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Paternity tests are banned in France! Probably elsewhere as well. To "protect the women."

Send me a free copy at lk00100100@gmail.com. I'd also love to talk to you about writing.

>> No.8237354


>> No.8237384

sent.plz to leave reviews if you like it

>> No.8237400
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she super cute for a mature woman though. i want to breed her.

>> No.8237413
File: 176 KB, 1178x728, 21stCenturylit everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an example of a self-published "book" by someone here.

>> No.8237462

I made extra money selling an ebook full of greentext stories


>> No.8237622

What's the risk of cuckoldry when your partner is a "perfect" wife robot? Is fidelity not one of the characteristics of a perfect wife?

>> No.8238302

Short story...

>> No.8238345

That's literally the plot of Cherry 2000.

>> No.8238683

i upvoted the negative review because fuck you

>> No.8238735

OP here.

Cherry 2000, sounds like it's more apocalyptic.. and 1980s...


>> No.8238759

i un-upvoted it because i felt bad. sorry

>> No.8238812

Reminds me of a story I once read, short story, about zombie sex partners. It wasn't that recent, meaning before this zombie-craze, and it wasn't much about the classic zombie apocalypse as it was about reanimated corpses as sexbots. Cannot remember what it was called for the life of me. Someone gets BLACKED in it though.

>> No.8238844

OP here

4channers unite.

I'm currently pondering over the outline. I've written some dialog about failed dates and I've written 2 chapters. So far, 3000 words...


>> No.8239750

how much money? I wanna know what the market is like. Pls post data

>> No.8240219

Avg about 8 bucks a day. That equates to a shot of good bourbon. It keeps the booze flowin so I don't mind literary shitposting. Thanks 4chan

>> No.8240533

Assuming you aren't lying, what kind of advertising do you use?

>> No.8240559

Yeah, tell us more, we wanna know how to do it. $8 a day is not bad for throwing together some greentext stories ripped from 4chan.

>> No.8240719

Printed up a shitload of flyers and posted them all over town and on the university of Kentucky campus. I spent about 6 hours in total just walking around and taping them up in bathrooms and in coffee shops. Word of mouth did the rest. I know it's lazy but I was curious to whether I could pull off the process of cutting and pasting shit from the Internet to literally make something from nothing. Holy shit, you can. College kids are rock stupid, especially the liberals

>> No.8240767

About how much did it run you? About 20-50 bucks total?

>> No.8240846

Nope. Printed shit off office computers and then used Amazon createspace already made templates to make a cover.

>> No.8240848

What kind of flyers? Was it a picture of the cover and your description from amazon on it or what? What'd they look like?

>> No.8240944

I will read and review your book.


>> No.8240995

what kind of books do you like? this is space opera

>> No.8241041
File: 80 KB, 363x597, Screenshot - 04.07.2016 - 23.45.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a lot of stuff. Don't read much space opera (Ender's Game obviously), but I took a look at the amazon page and it looked like a well written adventure story with a solid hook.

Right now I'm reading:
Running the World by Rothkopf
The Broom of the System by DFW
Sabriel by Garth Nix

I don't intend to fuck you over or anything.

>> No.8241108

Fusion Heart is just the starting/jump off point. theres a sample of the second book at the end.
I appreciate feedback and genuine reviews but if you're going to be a memelord and shoot it down in the reviews because its not a "postmodernistic reimagining of the 21st cntury capitalist american nightmare fueled by reading too much of Frank Herbert's Dune" then do me a favor and don't. i busted my ass for the better part of a decade to put this series together and i'm trying to get it off the ground as best i can.
i found some small grammatical errors after release so spent the better part of this weekend making repairs and i'm waiting on my formatting specialist in India to get me the revised version back so i can start a genuine marketing and ad campaign as well as getting it to book bloggers. so if you see a few, trust they've been taken care of.

also, IF... you like it, i can make later volumes available. theres a guy i went to college with who's read the whole series in its entirety. I told him to be critical and that kissing my ass wasn't going to help me make a better novel/series. he pointed out some spelling stuff (expected) but had high praise for the twists i put into it and the finale in book 11.

were you wanting mobi or epub format?

>> No.8241163

I didn't give a shit about it before but I'm tempted to write a one star review now because of how much of a faggot you're being.

>> No.8241403

PDF or whichever is easiest for you/easiest to read on a non proprietary device.

If I wanted to write a 1 star review for keks I already could have.

>> No.8241421

i sent mobi epub and docx

>> No.8242237
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OP Here
Please, be good to one another. We're 4channers who are in this shit together.

I'm at 5,000 words. My target is 40-50k words. This is pretty hard, but I think I can make it given one year.

Thanks for all the information and support, guise!

>> No.8243233

Let me know if you want a beta reader/feedback OP, I enjoy that sort of thing.

>> No.8243954

Asimov did it first, retard.

>> No.8244060

If you're looking for any sort of camaraderie this is the wrong site to be on.

>> No.8244383
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>> No.8244392

Don't post his pictures he's just going to think I'm the one doing it.

>> No.8244480

My uncle just self-published on Amazon. So far he's sold over 70 copies.

>> No.8245734
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OP Here

What is the book?
How has it been out for?
Has he been promoting it?

>> No.8246931

I wrote a Military Science-Fiction novel Titled To Arms: The New Colonial War. It was on amazon for a while, but it isn't there anymore. It's still available on Googlebooks and Barnes and Noble, however.

The ebook publishing process I underwent was straightforward. Write, format, send.

It was released last month, so I'm waiting on figures.

As for how I felt? Glad to have done something I've wanted to do for a long time.

>> No.8246972

They were redpilled before redpill even became a meme

>> No.8246989

OP dont get in the trap of counting words, finish the thing and make sure every word counts.

>> No.8246990


>> No.8247006

I'm not him but I figured out a system where I can basically tell how many words I'm writing without being too far off. Essentially, every page I handwrite is 500 words on average, so then I just come up with a target number of pages to write based on that and get roughly as many words as I was aiming for by the end.

>> No.8247010

It's presumably supposed to be a troll account, but yeah.

>> No.8247701
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Once it's published, how does one go about marketing the book? Internet ads?

>> No.8248478


>* What's your book?
20k word horror novellas

>* How was the process of publishing?

Easy. Takes 10 minutes, at most.

>* How much money did you make?

A total of £30 from 3 books over the past 6 months... I just can't seem to break the publicity part.

>* How'd you feel afterwards?

Nervous, at first. But now I'm fairly apathetic. I don't have enough readers to give a shit.

>> No.8248684
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OP Here
I'm making progress. I got a lot of great ideas!

All this new information is fantastic. Love you guys.