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/lit/ - Literature

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8234299 No.8234299 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really fucking necessary?

>> No.8234313

the books are 50% descriptions of clothes and food and rooms and shit, if not more. get used to it if you wanna read em

>> No.8234318

He's a genuinely fucking awful prose writer. I do think the stories are pretty entertaining and he could have been a brilliant TV writer but Jesus Christ.

>> No.8234321

Necessary? I don't know. But colours are used to tell stories by their association with qualities. A nine year old would know as much.

And in fantasy writing this sort of thing is expected - even demanded, by readers.

>> No.8234325

>the books are 50% descriptions of clothes and food and rooms
But why? I watched an interview with him where he explains why he is so descriptive and claims it helps immerse the reader into the scene. I get the logic, but it isn't necessary at all.

"They ate a deliciously crispy duck" serves the same purpose as the long as fuck descriptions he comes up with. This is grade school shit.

>> No.8234371

Thats pretty standard, OP. And descriptions like that can help characterize very subtly.

learn 2 prose

>> No.8234392
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GRRM is no prose master, but he's better than most fantasy writers. The only reason he gets so much shit is that the popularity of the books and show makes it an easy target for those looking to demonstrate their 'superior taste'.

>> No.8234399

i'm surpised to learn that this reads pretty decently.

>> No.8234424

It's more palatable than some /lit/ posters would lead you to believe.