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/lit/ - Literature

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8232171 No.8232171 [Reply] [Original]

>been offered a job writing for a VERY niche and weird erotic online community
>the pay is good
>I could probably cut down my hours at work significantly

I can use a pseudonym of course so I guess it won't be a problem but I still feel weird
If literally anyone found out what I did I'd be considered a cretin

There's nothing illegal about it, it's just relatively unheard of

Would /lit/ take this offer given the chance?

>> No.8232192

no, i am uber paranoid and am always afraid of my writing style being recognized. for example i imagine myself publishing a masterpiece only to have my old 4chan comments found in the archive. for that reason on 4chan i try to post in a different style than i write, sometimes i make sentences more clunky than i need to and use words i don't use regularly like "uber". i still fear an algorithm could find my old posts via neural network and reverse engineering the subconscious elements of my sentence structure.

>> No.8232202

you're god damn right i'd take that offer. shut the hell up and do it. make dat money and write dat novel, you god damned idiot. this here is real life, son.

>> No.8232206

I have thought about all of that too.

>> No.8232216

Do it! Meeting good writing in some weird erotic novels is one of those little unexpected yet beautiful things that make life worth living, in my opinion.

Also it's a great opportunity to train, experiment with prose or whatever. You can't fail because of the nature of your job.

>> No.8232261

Watch 2046. It will help you.

>> No.8232268

Help me how? By giving me inspiration or a caution regarding this pursuit?
Google the plot summary only seems to tell me it's a great movie about love, loss and perception.

>> No.8232305

The guy writes erotic novels. It is also a great movie which will give you feels.

>> No.8232310

I'll give it a watch tonight. :)

>> No.8232334


I think I'll take your advice. Thank you guys.

>> No.8232347

What is the community anon? You are anon so it doesn't matter if you say it here

>> No.8232351

Original pic related

>> No.8232366

elf porn? that's not that weird in the grand scheme of weirdness

>> No.8232536

I wish that the age of technology would reach it's pinnacle, so an uggo wage slave NEET like myself would be able to get an android with an appearance like that, and bodily functions that would be able to deal with organic matter.... I would be so happy, would cure my depression desu.

>> No.8232571

So you're depressed because you have no one to fuck? Is that what you're saying?

>> No.8232631

Pretty much, but years of internet, hentai, doujins, jab and milftoon have ruined my perception of women. The real ones don't seem "real" enough for me anymore, they always have some flaw. I mean if I could get a baby smooth, no wrinkles 50+ obasan for myself I would marry her and try to impregnate her multiple times a day.

>> No.8232635

You ever thought about stopping fapping so much?

>> No.8232647


>> No.8232649

im not paranoid about it but i do post much shitter than i write

>> No.8232659

>a baby smooth, no wrinkles 50+ obasan
What is even the point? Fap to lolis, like all the normal people.

>> No.8232681

But I got a thing for older women, I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm fucking the place someone i know came out of, idk.

It's not like I have mommy issues, evenmif my mom spread eagle for me I wouldn't touch it, just the thought put a grimace of revulsion on my face and a shiver down my spine... but I would fuck a few of my friend's moms... hell my boss is 70 and I want to fuck her bad....

I thought they said when you get older you grow out of it these urges and what not, I'm 26 and I want to fuck grannies... fml.

>> No.8232690

Fucking go for it

Worst comes to worst:

>hey this looks like [famous anon's writing]
>famous anon: no it isn't
>famous anon has presumably signed some kind of confidentiality agreement with the porn employers so they can't say shit

Not seeing the problem here. You can write for good money for a living. There was a guy on /biz/ a while back making a decent living doing that.

Where did you find this job, incidentally?

>> No.8232704

I'd say do it, assuming you become a big and famous writer and it gets out you can just say it was a financially tough time for you and you needed the money from any work you could get. If anything you'd get sympathy as the 'struggling writer'.

More likely you won't become famous and so nobody will even care if they find out that the real name of HotPornWriter69 is actually John Smith who lives at 10 Tree Road.

If you're getting more money and can trim down your work hours then what's the problem? You do you anon.

>> No.8232781

what genre is it? I write feminization and general femdom stuff for fun, but have thought about putting the 'best' stuff online for a fee, reckon it's worth it?

>> No.8232814

Please let me know what you think.

>> No.8232832

>pay is good
>can use pseudonym

>> No.8233242

Paranoia is a form of narcissism. Nobody will ever actually care enough about anything you write to ever do this.

>> No.8233258

it's also a form of self-preservation, and humility, and love, hate, disgust, jealousy, in fact come to think of it it can be anything you want it to be

>> No.8233263


Absolutely do it. Why wouldn't you?

Chances are, you aren't going to make it as a 'real' writer. And if you do, and somehow you are "found out," who gives a fuck? Just say, "Yeah, I did that for money, and to practice the craft."

>> No.8233274

I dont think theres anything wrong about that (but obviously you shouldnt tell people anyway) unless what you call VERY niche is fucked up.
Like in my profession audio engineering people would take radio jobs, commercial jobs, drony voice editing anything jobs and look at it as a springboard both for developing skills and perhaps even tie connections.
You would still reap all the benefits of being a professional like editing and working deadlines and whatever.

>> No.8233279

What community is it?

BDSM? Sure
Furries/cloppers? Don't fall into the degeneracy

>> No.8233284

Anon, you shouldn't be so paranoid.

This is the sort of thing that you can laugh about with your friends.

>Haha, holy shit dude. I just got a job offer from some crazy erotic fiction site. They're actually paying a lot - think I should do it?

>> No.8233291

The idea that it is self preservation is delusional. Humility doesn't even make sense

Paranoia, at least in the sense that you are describing it, stems from self-centeredness -- the belief that your writing style is unique enough that it could be traced back to you 4chan posts; belief that anyone would ever care enough about anything you've written to bother going through the trouble. You think your writing is more unique and important than it is.

>> No.8233405

>The idea that it is self preservation is delusional
So if i just withdrew a sizable amount of money from the bank and find that it looks like someone is following me, I guess I'm just being delusional, I shouldn't step in a store to seenif the guy will pass.

Thanks, your post will help save my life, paranoia is just me feeling that I'm important enough to get robbed. They only go after wallstreet types of course i have nothing to fear.

>> No.8233417

Give me the hookup bro

>> No.8233423

sounds fun. i'd do it, unless i had real objections to the community

>> No.8233430

>Like in my profession audio engineering
So you can take dirty music(profanity) and clean it up?
What kind of studies you had to do for your job? Physics? Biology (how vibrations affect organic tissue)? Maths?
Do you have to go out in the wild with a 10k$ microphone to capture noises?
Do you have to have pitch perfect hearing?
Do you have to be an audiophile beforehand?

I'm 26 and can't decide what I want to do, sound engineering sounds like fun.

>> No.8233436

Get a job at a old persons home, you will soon grow out of your fetish, or end up in jail.

>> No.8233457

They have to be looking good anon, taking care of themselves, not frizzy gray hair, weak spaghetti hands and old person smell. Ew.

Also why would I end of in jail? A lot of older women want a young buck to master their tired cunnys.

>> No.8233460

Oh I thought you meant any old lady, instead of the nice looking youngish ones ( i.e 50s ).
Jail for doing an old Jimmy Danville.

>> No.8233466

Savill* not danville

>> No.8233480
File: 32 KB, 590x350, saville-370439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like that guy from teen titans.

Also as I said before, my boss is 70 but I would stuff her old cunt at a moment's notice if she asked.

I don't want her naked, it's the act I want, I want to break in her so bad.

>> No.8233490
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There is nothing inherently wrong with being attracted to older women, especially as women are now living for longer and looking after themselves better.

As for you, OP. You can write smut while still honing your chops, by experimenting with perspectives, syntax, figurative language. IIRC sci-fi author Robert Silverberg wrote soft porn under an alias.

>> No.8233492

>if i just withdrew a sizable amount of money from the bank
Assuming that you will do something as interesting to a... What is the scenario, a blackmailer? Sure we'll go with that. As interesting to them as a 'sizable amount of money' would be to a robber hanging out at the bank.

Protip, There are several billion people on this planet, and a hefty percentage of them rank higher than you in terms of desirability as a target.

>> No.8233524

This. In an erotic writing forum I used to hang out in, there was this author who obsessively searched for people online who might be copying his work in whole or in part by googling phrases from his works. If there's a match, he assumes that they're plagiarizing off from him and it's not just coincidence.Then he edits his works to make them "plagiarization-proof" and claims victory over the supposed plagiarizers.

>> No.8233536

I live in a third world country shithole and I can vouch for anon. Guys stand at the door, mark who withdraws big, sends a text to their compatriots, and they are the ones who follow and rob you.

In Americlap you only have to fear big brother watching you, elsewhere it's someone who wants what you have.

>> No.8234218

Have you ever left your basement?
Were you ever robbed?

>> No.8234337

>edits his works to make them "plagiarization-proof"

how does this even work

>erotic writing forum

which forum? I've been looking for one to join too...

>> No.8234473

>IIRC sci-fi author Robert Silverberg wrote soft porn under an alias.
Son of Man makes so much sense now.

>> No.8234523

He was saying that being paranoid that people are going to trace you back to your 4chan posts through your writing style is self centered. Being paranoid about someone robbing you is a completely situation. take your meds

>> No.8234529

*completely different situation

>> No.8235176

So how did you like it? Did it help?