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File: 13 KB, 190x274, 190px-Immanuel_Kant_(painted_portrait)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8222152 No.8222152 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that if given a choice between telling a lie and letting your newborn son die, you should sacrifice the kid

>> No.8222159

reminder that i will never do the deed necessary to have a son

>> No.8222168


Reminder that empiricism is dead and that modern 'science' is a laughing stock due to its love afair with positivism.

>> No.8222191

scientists have made dozens of amazing discoveries this week alone
what have your ""philosophers"" done this week besides burning private/public funds with cocaine and masturbating to futanari?

>> No.8222195

reminder that the lie meme is fucking stupid

>> No.8222202


>scientists have made dozens of amazing discoveries this week alone

Yeah, thanks to those smart souls who reject empiricism in all its retarded forms.

Have fun getting anywhere without some sweet 'n' sturdy synthetic a priori judgements.

Suck on causality, empiricists.

>> No.8222204

What amazing discoveries were made this week? Just curious.

>> No.8222212
File: 6 KB, 233x217, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing this week. But I heard that some madman philosopher killed God not too long ago. And he did it for free.

>> No.8222241


Some deep sea ocean fish that eats with its asshole or something, probably.

That's the benchmark that's used for 'amazing' in science, nowadays.

>> No.8222243

this is good bait

>> No.8222260

this is bad bait

>> No.8222340

God is dead, and we* killed him

>> No.8222358

>implying nietzsche had anything to do with secularism/nihilism in yurop

he was just one of the first to make the diagnostic

>> No.8222375


>> No.8222388

>moral duty

>> No.8222400
File: 49 KB, 360x328, 1448360047807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should this, ought to that.

I'm doing what I want.

>> No.8222409

Reminder that this is a strawman argument and Kant would say that a lie preserving a human life isn't unethical.

>> No.8222427

>what is the murderer at the door

>> No.8222444

What I think is interesting about 'god is dead' is that it is not just a diagnosis. It can also be seen as a counter-argument to the existence of God. If someone claims that God exists 'god is dead' can be used as a retort. Then the burden falls of the original proposer to prove that God is not dead.

>> No.8222446

>Hey! I'm a murderer and I'm here to kill x. Is he home right now?
>Great! Great. Okay, so I'll just be letting myself i--

'Dilemma' solved.

>> No.8222452
File: 28 KB, 415x476, 1444941075945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8222514

And maybe he was using the word God to mean other things too, like Science. Nice double trips

>> No.8222533
File: 125 KB, 300x350, 1466309746335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8222548
File: 22 KB, 362x358, 1463802508738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete your post.

>> No.8223275
File: 77 KB, 536x728, Urobuchi's arch nemesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah nigga nah.

>> No.8223837

Kek. Good work triptrips

>> No.8223868

>Have fun getting anywhere without some sweet 'n' sturdy synthetic a priori judgements.


Kant himself disproved the possibility of synthetic a priori judgements. Read some Heidegger; ontological knowledge is a myth, which lead Kant himself toward an epistemology reconcilable with empiricism.

>> No.8223874
File: 6 KB, 225x225, ayn rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand would say that if you value your newborn son over a lie, you will lie. Because you self impose a duty to never lie, you let your newborn son die for no reason. Everything is placed upon a personal moral hierarchy of values.
If telling the truth is more important than your newborn, then he was never important as your own standards. Why would you even have a son?

>> No.8223899

What if I hate my son and my son is always sick and crying?

>> No.8223905

Have you read old yeller?

>> No.8223920
File: 72 KB, 288x362, Ayn Rand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you simply have your son lower on your hierarchy of values and you value his life less than lying.

>> No.8223930

bitch had iq of 115

>> No.8223932


>Kant himself disproved the possibility of synthetic a priori judgements

That's enough posting for you.

>> No.8223938

Better than most.

>> No.8223945

I dislike Rand but that's a fair point.

t. moral relativist

>> No.8223952


>> No.8223965

How so?

>> No.8223968

Read it, but imagine the dog as your son.

>> No.8223970

this is average bait

>> No.8223973

That situation is unrealistic, and a third moral agent is required for it to make sense. It's exactly the same as the trolley dilemma

>> No.8223985
File: 37 KB, 225x225, ayn rand will eat your soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even worse if you imagine yourself in the place of the kid, with your father telling the serial killer where to find you
>sorry son, but it's my duty to never lie or else, well, what do you think would happen if EVERYONE lied, so this serial killer absolutely has to know where you are so that he can kill you.
Because of self imposed duty, you would get killed.

>> No.8223994

>amazing discoveries
Empiricism is required to observe and confirm the existence, capacity, efficiency, etc; of said discoveries.

Empiricism does not confirm empiricism.

>> No.8224006

Out of curiosity, what makes him Urubochi's arch nemesis kek

>> No.8224044


Because you can't seem to help but post ridiculous things.

>> No.8224047

Keep memin

>> No.8224102

that nigga was a proferssor at a university.
he got paid to kill god
or was at least under a salary
also book sales nigga

>> No.8224152

Bad poem desu.

>> No.8224675

You forgot that Kant stated that he only wished to describe what OUGHT to be done. It would be a moral action if you as a father would sacrifice the kid, but Kant also specifically stated that people performed amoral and non-moral actions all the time.

He gave guidelines towards ethics.

>> No.8224719

this bait can chose to be good or bad therefore it's neither

>> No.8225022

No, some assholes grew potatoes in "Mars like soil" so we should all bow down to science for bringing us one step closer to corporations mining the asteroid belt.

>> No.8225081

Urobuchi has an obsession with shoving utilitarian philosophy into this works for whatever reason.

>> No.8225361

A consistent theme in his work is that utilitarianism, or something related to it, is bad. The obvious example is how Kyubey turns little girls into witches to stave off entropy, while Psycho-Pass is about how fucked-up a society that tries to maintain pristine mental and social health is. Fate/Zero also has Kiritsugu's whole "needs of the many" thing, which he's supposed to overcome at the end by saving one single child from the grailpocalypse, but the whole sinking ship refutation is fucking stupid desu.