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8211685 No.8211685 [Reply] [Original]

So what is the point of him finishing the books any more?

Who will want to wander through thousands of pages of description of food, nipples and endless meanderings like Quentyn or Aegon when they can just watch the show and get to the point in a much more streamlined story? Particularly that all the main plot twists will be in the open after the show and Martin is one of those writers that without the plot twists you lose 90% of the reason to keep going through all the bad writing.

Why should he even bother finishing those books?

>> No.8211698

Because I like literature and reading?

>> No.8211703
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Season 6 had basically NOTHING happen. The show did a really good job of feeding the normie masses filler and making it seem substantial, but they didn't give us anything new really and discounting developments which are fundamentally at odds with the plot present in the book.

Nice try faggot, I can't wait to read WoW and am so glad I didn't get spoilered by HBO's shitshow.

>> No.8211712


he's lazy as fuck and his central themes havent changed much: war is horrible and the old times were pretty fucked up

that being said I can't stand emilia clarke's acting , so I haven't watched GOT since mid season 4, and probabbly wont catch up on GOT until the novels come out

unless he dies before ADOS comes out desu

>> No.8211777

None. And that's precisely his plan.

>> No.8212361

He needs to make Tyrion and Cersei bump uglies.

>> No.8212364

GoT is not literature pal

>> No.8212375

Thus, spoke Zarathustra

>> No.8213792

The past two seasons have been unwatchable horse shit and I actually stopped watching entirely half way into the current season. GRRMs writing is indeed very boring and dry most of the time but the way he tells the story with all of the different minor characters and plot details fleshed out is much more enjoyable than the show which has been streamlined to a mere skeleton with awful dialogue and dick jokes in every single episode.

>> No.8213802

This is something people don't understand, the show and the books are separate. GRRM did not give D&D the secrets to what's going to happen in the books.

Dany would have die hilariously while being so close to finally getting what she wanted if he was writing the show.

>> No.8213803

Thus spoke, Zarathustra

>> No.8213848
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Is this intentional? It's so close.

The show is the same as the books, novelty for it's own sake and boring af.

>> No.8213942

>GRRM did not give D&D the secrets to what's going to happen in the books.

Yeah he did

>> No.8213958

>Season 6 had basically NOTHING happen
Are you trying to fit in?
A load of shit happened.

>> No.8213979


>Jon is revived and becomes king after the Battle of Bastards
>Ramsay dies
>Tommen dies
>Three eyed raven dies and Bran suceeds him
>Margaery et al. dies in the sept, Cersei is now queen
>Dany is sailing to Westeros with a Martell / Greyjoy / Redwyne / Unsullied / Dragon fleet
> R+L = J ???

>> No.8213985

Oh and motherfucking Benjen comes back

>> No.8213986

Thus...SPOKE. Zarathustra?

>> No.8213999

Guys, I need a book to read for next month, what should I read? Should I try a Game of Thrones?

I don't hate normie books, but some of them really leave a bad taste in my mouth. Is there literary value in these books or is it just entertainment? I love Lord of the Rings, but mostly because the characters are well developed, and there's this almost mythical feeling about every page.

>> No.8214000

There's no literary value in Game of Thrones.

>> No.8214009

The characters in ASOIAF are better in every way, so you should enjoy it

>> No.8214016


No literary value. It's a pulpy normie book that has "eh" writing. The consistency of the world's rules (e.g. regarding magic or heroism) and the small vignettes hidden throughout are what make it a notable.

I would read it for fun.

>> No.8214015

Yeah, but that's shit that GRRM says. I don't know if I can take anything that he says seriously because he's so conceited and feels like he's a better writer than Tolkien. A little humility is to be desired.

>> No.8214027

It's true. Tolkien's focus was on making a myth; the characters are thus more distant and archetypal. GRRM's are all over the spectrum in complexity, motivation and psychology. I still wouldn't call GRRM a better writer overall, and GRRM has always said Tolkien is better.

>> No.8214031
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>> No.8214035

I won't be reading the books anymore that's for sure. I read the first 5. Good entertainment but Georgy fucked up big time and I'm not going to give him my patronage. Unless I hear of some radically different direction I'm just not interested anymore.

Perhaps when Brandon Sanderson is finally consigned to finish the series after grrms death and I later find copies in a used bookstore for $0.50 I'll pick them up.

>> No.8214036
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>Arya becomes a master assassin
>Arya returns to Westeros
>Arya kills Walder Frey
>Jon is resurrected
>Sansa is reunited with Jon
>Jon teams up with the wildlings and gathers half of the north to go to war
>Rikon dies
>the battle of the bastards
>Ramsay dies
>Jon is King of the North
>Sandor is alive
>he joins the brotherhood without banners
>Theon returns to the Iron Islands
<Theon and Yara escape to Essos to offer a fleet of ships to Dany
>Euron userps the Iron Isands and sets out to kill Theon and Yara
>Hodor dies and the whole hold the door thing
>Cersie goes full mad Queen and blows up the whole septan with all the Tyrels and the high Sparrow killing loads of innocent people with wild fire
>Tommen kills himself

There is plenty of other shit that happened but there has been a shit load of things happening.

>> No.8214296

but did the Kenosha Kid speak it?

>> No.8214520

trips deserve an answer. The books aren't awful but GRRM is just a passable prose writer who will never impress you with his way with words. The story is kind of interesting though since he's clearly put a lot more thought into things than most people give him credit for and things feel like they're building up to something very unique and subversive. I don't expect Citadel of the Autarch tier genius out of the last two books but I think they'll look VERY good when compared alongside the tv show. Really the show might have given me a greatly exaggerated impression of how good the books are. The show is fucking awful.

>> No.8215436

reminder that 95% of this happened in 90 minutes of television

>> No.8215767
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<Did George Rape Rape Martin steal from this man?

>> No.8215773


Do you think Cersei blowing up the septan will go down differently in the books? I'd imagine she'd do it under false pretenses similar to The Red Wedding, Cersei will not only kill a shit load of Tyrells gathered at her and Tommen's official marriage ceremony but will also kill her son in the process.

>> No.8215794


>Cersei burns down the septan while Tommen and Margaery are getting married, sacrifices her own son
>She survives the fire because of her Targaryen blood, confirming that she is actually Aery's daughter

>> No.8215797


Best comment chain I've seen here on reddit in a while, could use 10-15 forced puns, but you still have my le upbote.

>> No.8215839

Pretty sure Targs aren't immunte to fire in the books and Cersei's motivation has always been family first.

>> No.8217557

>Pretty sure Targs aren't immunte to fire in the books
Wrong, Dany sat in the fire she burned Khal Drogo's body in and came out unburned apart from her hair which did burn.

>> No.8217694

>Who will want to wander through thousands of pages of description of food, nipples and endless meanderings like Quentyn or Aegon when they can just watch the show and get to the point in a much more streamlined story?

Because there are some subtle themes and characterization that can be done more effectively through the written word you dense pleb. Sorry you have to have everything spoonfed to you

>> No.8218388

if you are a history junkie you will like it. the books are a bit accurate when it comes to "medieval" warfare and politics.
and of course as a normie book it has many witty and snarky characters which are a bit fun.
also there a descriptive chapter about the lead protagonist having an explosive diarrhea in the middle of nowhere

but then again many physical details are unrealistic even for a fantasy book (the wall being too high, westeros having the same size as south america, etc.)
also there are very uninteresting and objectively "filler" chapters - especially in the 4th book.

>> No.8218562

He isn't going to finish them / hasn't written anything in 2 years. He has the yips, too much pressure now

>> No.8218970

Pretty sure GRRM has confirmed that was a one-time deal which only happened due to spooky witch-stuff.

>> No.8219314

Nope, she was immune to heat before Mirri Maz Durr. She got in to boiling hot water for baths and held her hands over fire.

>> No.8219331

That's a bit lame if it turns out to be true.

>> No.8219389

>Dany would have die hilariously while being so close to finally getting what she wanted if he was writing the show.
You didn't get it yet? She's a Mary Sue, I doubt she'll die.

>> No.8219439
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Well as someone who is a normie, I am a 25 year woman who has a programming job and a boyfriend, I just started getting into reading. I thought it was a better hobby than drinking all night while playing video games or trying to code while high on acid, but to each their own.

Anyways being that I am new to this whole reading novels stuff, I have not read a novel cover to cover since I took my last English class in university five years ago, i decided to pick up the box set of ASOIF and get a library card. I figured I should start with something I liked and I do love the TV show. I picked up the box set on Friday after work at barns and noble and I could tell the guy working behind the counter thought I was a pleb.

Anyways I gotten about 1/4th through the first book kind of going slowly and I must say I like it. I honestly kind of forgot the first few seasons so reading the books again are showing me a lot of twist i had forgotten about or were wholly not in the show. The characters seem more alive and the world is filled with much more detail. While the show does a good job of capturing the objects in the world I seem to fill more in the world when I read the book. Like when I read about how imp and jon are walking on the wall and it is described how cold it really is and how empty it is in the gift or what is going through their heads.

TL:DR I am a showfag who started reading the books and I like it more than the show.

Any recommendations on when I am done?

>> No.8219449


>> No.8219469
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I read lord of the rings when I was younger. I liked the movie so I did the same thing with LOTR.

So fat ASOIAF has not lived up to LOTR, but it is still pretty good. I am looking for something more modern and maybe not so high fantasy though because I am pretty sure after I finish all five books I will be burnt out. I am trying to finish them in under a month.

Oh, one little side note that I found funny. No where on the front part of the book show any mention of A Song of Ice and Fire. It just says the title, e.g., Dances with Dragons or A Feast for Crows and Game of Thrones - A New Original Series from HBO.

On the back it says it though.

>> No.8219529

It's not good literature pal

>> No.8219536

Worm Ouroboros if you want something to live up to LotR.

Book of the New Sun for a different kind of fantasy (post-apocalyptic science-fantasy).

Decameron and Canterbury Tales, for period works that give you the same sense of "being there" that you like.

Earthsea if you haven't read it yet.

Try Fitzgerald or Pope's translation of The Iliad, too, so you can fulfil the meme.

>> No.8219580

It's important that GRRM finish the series so people can experience the characters with actual dimension instead of trying to out-badass each other.

The show is shallow. The best TV series is still Deadwood.

>> No.8219594
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>the books are a bit accurate when it comes to "medieval" warfare and politics.
Were you dropped too many times on the head when you were a baby?

>> No.8219646

Please be a troll, no one can be this ignorant. GRRM has stated countless times that the Targaryens are NOT fire immune. She did not bathe in boiling water, only in scalding hot water, there is a difference. Danaerys is not fire immune, what happened in the show won't happen in the next book.

>> No.8220399

don't read fantasy shit. grown ups read science fiction

>> No.8220433

not him but, all that could've been done in 4/5 episodes

desu I don't even really care any more, the show has been shit since season 3, I'm just watching it to watch it and complain/laugh how bad it is with a friend who also thinks it's shit since season 3

>> No.8220961

>scalding hot is different to boiling hot

>> No.8221190

Is English your second language?

>> No.8221202

Is it yours?

>Scalding (from the Latin word calidus, meaning hot) is a form of thermal burn resulted from heated fluids such as boiling water or steam. Most scalds are considered first or second degree burns, but third degree burns can result, especially with prolonged contact.

>> No.8221216

I guess it isn't, then.

Scald = very very hot. Boil = literally around 100 degrees.

>> No.8221224
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>> No.8221231

10/10 argument friend

>> No.8221234
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>> No.8221237


>> No.8221253

What is there to argue?

Water has to be pretty much boiling point to scald you. Arguing the difference between scalding and boiling is irelavent

>> No.8221260

You could literally just look up the definitions. If you can't grasp the difference between conversational hyperbole/metaphor and literal descriptions, that's you're own problem.

>> No.8221264
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>> No.8221270


>> No.8221287

Didn't he said somewhere he wont continue the books and that the series will be canon?

>> No.8221300
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>btw i'm a girl
>can't lurk
>can't even read the sticky

I recommend you leave /lit/ and kill yourself.

>> No.8221308

Drop some acid, smoke two bowls, and read The Silmarillion.

You'll thank me later.

>> No.8221663

>So what is the point of him finishing the books any more?
Money, you idiot.

>> No.8221683

Read Eragon instead, it's the same level of literary value but dumber and less MUH DARKNESS.

>> No.8221902

>I am trying to finish them in under a month
You won't. The quality drops off after book to a point so you won't be motivated. Took me 6 weeks when i was unemployed

No, but if he dies it will be. He also wants his notes destroyed

>> No.8222200

G R R Martin has stated that the books and the show will have a different ending.

>> No.8222543

Oh really?
Will we see the awesome Dark Star fighting in a kickass manner, steamrolling/curbstomping his enemies? or is that too much fanservice to ask?
Will he SS with the blonde sand snake? since the sand snakes from the books are not the "muh stronk womyn"
Will we see more about the daynes?
Fuck them if they made the "Eddard's brother fucked Ashara instead of Ned" seriously that would be super bullshit. It wouldnt be trolling, nor shocking, just an outright spit on the face.

After all this waiting, that would be a disrespect.

>> No.8222647

They're barely the same story anymore.

>> No.8222883

if I want to contact this bastard, where could I write to him?

>> No.8222893

I do. I'm looking forward to learning more about the Others and what's further north than we've been so far. It is true the last two books have been somewhat bloated (and even then, book 5 picks up around the halfway point), but the overall story is interesting and the world is immersive.

I'm also happy that the television series seemingly only spoiled little of what will be contained in The Winds of Winter. The Battle for Meereen and the Battle of Winterfell supposedly happen early on in the new book, whereas they happened at the end of the latest television season.

>> No.8224722

It's not that nothing happened, it's how they showed the happenings, IMO throughout the season every time I finished an episode I was like "This episode was once again full of nothing" because unlike previous seasons the presentation and exposition sucked donkey balls