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/lit/ - Literature

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8220107 No.8220107 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I've been browsing /r9k/ for a while now which has redpilled me to women.

I know I'll never have a romantic relationship or any attention from women and I'm not devastated by that because I am convinced their nature is evil, shallow, and not worth the trouble.

Is their any literature which expounds on this fundamental insight into the worthlessness of women?

I've read Schopenhauer's 'On Women' already and it blew my mind and made me feel much better about being unloved and unlovable.

Recommend me books that asserts that women aren't worthwhile, that they're worthless, and that they will destroy man's integrity with their filthy, putrid, rotten selves.

>> No.8220113

Looking for Alaska by greenebean

>> No.8220122

>please only recommend me any books that can just confirm whatever conclusions I've already reached from /r9k/

Just skip the books, you've made up your mind already.

>> No.8220123

Is this post a parody?

Shit is uncanny

>i hate women because other men told me to
>someone rec me lit to confirm my pre-existing bias

you have stunted yourself
you could explore and learn and enjoy the world but instead you've denied yourself this for no reason

>> No.8220125

>using R9K for a moral compass

>> No.8220129
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Obvious bait, but there is one main title for this.

Also Selby's The Demon is an overwrought morality tail on the dangers of dallying with loose women.

And also, read Willa Cather if you are brave enough for an asexual/lesbian view on male female dynamics.

>> No.8220131

>t. buttshattered roastwhores who realize they are nothing but holes who are barely more sentient than a rock

>> No.8220134

Have you read lucking for all askya yet?

>> No.8220137


This is textbook 4chan drone and STILL critically embarrassing

>> No.8220141

Exactly, misogyny should be something one comes to on his own.

>> No.8220142
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>Hi, I've been browsing /r9k/ for a while now which has redpilled me to women.

>> No.8220148

This is true, the banality of middle aged women and teens is painfully obvious

but work addicts and nana types show OPs thesis to be wrong

>> No.8220152

This. Every logical man will realize women are worthless except to fuck and dump

>> No.8220156

Who argues without having their mind made up?

>> No.8220160

Daily reminder that if you impregnate a woman for any reason you're just providing a shallow whore with adornments and increasing our bloated population.

>> No.8220162

this desu. Nothing could ever persuade me that women aren't inferior to me as a man

>> No.8220164

A closed mind is an ugly thing

>> No.8220165


see >>8219953

>> No.8220166


aight famalamadingdong, peace

>> No.8220168

Here you sit on 4chan

You're just as worthless

>> No.8220169

He asking for books to read, not making an argument.

Also, people DO argue without certainty. If we didn't, philosophy and the sciences would have gotten nowhere.

>> No.8220173

>He thinks he knows something

>> No.8220178

I'm a man.

Men created civilization and built it. Men created all artistic masterpieces. Men invented. Men flew to the moon.

Women? They've been a drag on the ethical nature of the superior male. They are simply inferior.

It is the blood, the sweat, the creativity, and the resourcefulness of men that runs through my veins as a man. I am a product of these great men.

>> No.8220183

>I'm a man.

>Men created civilization and built it. Men created all artistic masterpieces. Men invented. Men flew to the moon.

Who knew sharing a gender with someone who discovered or did something impressive let you lay claim to their achievement

As a man, my heart swelled with pride when Usain Bolt set the 100m sprint world record, because I could say "I'm a man and he's a man. Women BTFO"

step it up

>> No.8220187

The CoEd Olympics would be a great thing.

>tfw men blowing women out in US olympic trials last night by like 10-30 sec depending on the race

Fuckin roasties

>> No.8220188

I don't get why those whole "pilling" analogy isn't mocked more. It's cringeworthy as fuck, and is on the same level as telling the "sheeple that you are enlightened". "I HAVE TRANSCENDED IGNORANCE!"

This is on the same level of fedoras, trenchcoats, and katanas.

>> No.8220189

you have nothing in common with anyone that has ever achieved anything. don't be delusional.

>> No.8220191

R9k didnt redpilled you for shit, I stopped browsing here because there are more shitty person there than b/ , i don't want to be as miserable as they are and so should you, and using them as a guide in your life won't help you


>> No.8220192

You didn't create shit.
Stop leaning your self esteem on other people's accomplishments and do something yourself.

6/10 I responded.

>> No.8220197

>Men created civilization
Civilization is utter shit.

>> No.8220204

the redpill is objective, undistorted, fact-based, non-ideological, scientific, Absolute Truth.

There is nothing cringeworthy about it, roastwhore

>> No.8220207

RedPill and Poe's Law: A study into information age "sincerity"

By Anon

>> No.8220209

>I know I'll never have a romantic relationship or any attention from women
>not because there's anything wrong with me, but because they are evil
>please give me 'literature' that supports the views I already hold
fuck off you aren't welcome here

>> No.8220210

Because of feminism, yes.

If women were to get back in the kitchen where they belong and be subservient to Man, then we'd reclaim the greatness of civilization and decency.

>nu-male feminist cucks detected

>> No.8220212

>It is the blood, the sweat, the creativity, and the resourcefulness of men that runs through my veins as a man. I am a product of these great men.

You're almost as delusional as the "we wuz kangs" crowd, trying desperately to latch onto the success of others. No, anon. You're one the billions of nobodies. You're no better than the women you hate until you put your money where your fucking mouth is. And you'll stay that way if you waste all your time trying to find books to validate your hatred rather than doing something productive. Hate women all you like, but stop being such a little bitch about it and just channel that free time you get from no relationship into something less pathetic than this thread.

>> No.8220216

>it's ironic

good laff senpai

>> No.8220217

You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.8220223

Can't you shitpost on /his/?

>> No.8220236

>Because of feminism, yes
No, it's inherently shite.
>If women were to get back in the kitchen
Kitchens have existed for a minority of the time that civilization has you ahistoric fuck.

>> No.8220241
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>'waah he posted an opinion that hurts my feefees because it doesn't confirm to my hugbox safe space ideology of liberal brainwashing wahh it must be shitposting or trolling!'

you are literally Carl the cuck

>> No.8220253

Joke on you I am not a feminist and I am suspicious of women because I talk to them and experience some of their bullshit

>> No.8220257

>Kitchens have existed for a minority of the time that civilization has you ahistoric fuck.

I obviously mean that women should take care of domestic issues such as raising kids and cooking for her husband who provides for the family.

Feminism has destroyed the West through socialism, by putting women in the workforce and destroying the nuclear family.

women are inferior and should know their place. See the 1950s for how happyness is achieved through gender roles of tradition and common sense

>> No.8220260
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>tfw used to spend all day on /r9k/ fully immersing myself I'm the cuckiest echo chamber on the internet, reinforcing my undeserved sense of superiority, hatred towards women and the idea I was unlovable, but decided to spend the energy I wasted on self-pity on self improvement instead, became utterly content with being alone and now have a woman to further enhance my life

Books for this feel? Maybe some about bitter virgins who are entirely detached from reality

>> No.8220261

>Carl the cuck
the mythology of the alt-right universe is a bit child-like

"Alliteration the alliteration"

>you're just like roger the russian
>get out of my country ruskie

>> No.8220263

>get BTFO by redpilled robots with facts, rationality, and logic
>responds "ur all bitter virgins!!"

"""""""feminist"""""""""" logic everyone

>> No.8220265

He's asking for books to read THAT RE-ENFORCE HIS ASSERTIONS

And we have gotten nowhere in morality, we have a plane in the air and no runway to land on, so we fight over the controls.

>> No.8220268

could they have done it without women as reward?

>> No.8220270

>agrarian women didn't do any non domestic work

>> No.8220274

because the word cringe shows that you have the shaming power of a vagina that you think lends weight to an argument.

>> No.8220276

Not an argument

>> No.8220279

>destroying the nuclear family.
More people grow up in nuclear familys now than 100 years ago.
What logic?

>> No.8220280

stop defending women, they're utterly worthless compared to men, history confirms ir.

they think with their feelings instead of rationality like men. hence they can't achieve as much because they're more animal than person.

>> No.8220281

No they didn't. They took care of the horses at most.

>> No.8220289

>implying I've read any posts on this thread other than yours and the OP's
>implying most people on /r9k/ aren't bitter virgins
Stay mad, cuck. I'll be working at a job I love, inhabiting a body I'm proud of and going home to make a woman submit to my cock while you brag about epic pwning feminists on the internet

>> No.8220297

>being a wagecuck
>being a cuck to fitness Jews
>being cucked and eventually cheated on by a roastwhore

you are the definition of beta, you worthless nu-male cuck

>> No.8220299

>gets called out on bad history
>changes the subject

>> No.8220307

>bad history is when the truth is told

nice try, roastie

>> No.8220347

>agrarian women didn't do any non domestic work

>> No.8220363

I think he's right. I still wonder why we gave women votes.

>> No.8220366

Absolutely this. They cannot think rationally.

But neither can liberals, so there you go

>> No.8220372


>> No.8220623

Women are inferior

>> No.8220966

because the infographs prove it u liberal cuck!!

>> No.8221135
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>> No.8221158
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>> No.8221170
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>> No.8221171

>you have stunted yourself

nah senpai i was born short

>> No.8221174
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/pol/ developed a whole joke mythology around different pill types some time ago.

I recall someone once said pills are to the alt-right what genders are to tumblr.

>> No.8221182
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>> No.8221197
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Why is Earl a house?