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/lit/ - Literature

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8211927 No.8211927 [Reply] [Original]

Post your top ten favorite books that are not on this chart

I will record the information and make a chart on it


>> No.8211944

nobody has read that many books

>> No.8211962

1. The Master of Go
2. Little, Big
3. The Summer Book
4. The Blind Owl
5. The Once and Future King
6. The Street of Crocodiles
7. Kornel Esti
8. King Lear
9. Middlemarch (really surprised this wasn't in the OP)
10. In Watermelon Sugar

>> No.8211980

1. The Tunnel
2. The Public Burning
3. JR
4. The Lime Twig
5. The Death of Virgil
6. Under the Volcano
7. Lookout Cartridge
8. Double or Nothing
9. The Great Fire of London
10. In the Heart of the Heart of the Country

>> No.8211994

repost from the other thread. repeating my suggestion to make a top 50 chart instead.

>The Portrait of a Lady (James)
>The Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)
>Billy Budd (Melville)
>L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution (de Tocqueville)
>Storm of Steel (Junger)
>Considerations sur la France (de Maistre)
>Five Dialogues (Plato)
>Alcools (Apollinaire)
>Mason & Dixon (Pynchon)
>La Princesse de Cleves (La Fayette)

>> No.8212009

has infinite jest ever truly be justified for always have the #1 spot besides being a meme book? Is it truly the best literature humanity has to offer thus far?

>> No.8212015

No and no. It's a nice, interesting book, and it certainly has its moments, but it is not, by any means, the peak of literature, whatever that means.

>> No.8212023

never let me go
revolutionary road
j r
at swim two birds
light in August
the once and future king
the razors edge
the man without qualities

Goodluck having a bunch of books with 1 vote each. your gonna have to spam this for a month just so you know. one thread probably won't do.

>> No.8212025

1. Chronicle of a Death Foretold
2. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea
3. Kokoro
4. Temple of the Golden Pavilion
5. Narcissus and Goldmund
6. The Glass Bead Game
7. Death in Venice
8. The Melancholy of Resistance
9. Pnin
10. Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.8212034
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even if I get 100 book mentions that would make an alright list/chart

people should know to take it cum grano salis anyway

>> No.8212040

aight but at least try spamming it a few times to make something half decent.

>> No.8212041

mostly just means that it is well liked. It might not be world class prose but it definitely has some charm

>> No.8212043

guys please vote. Reading is knowledge. we need a new varied chart.

>> No.8212052

this is mine

i guess lolita is already in there so ill reaplce it

Antony and Cleopatra
Franny and Zooey
Eugene Onegin
The Fortress of Solitude
1982, Janine
Manhattan Transfer
Inherent Vice
Goodbye to Berlin
All That Is

>> No.8212057


Think hard about all the books you've read and enjoyed and pretended to read

>> No.8212061

1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
2. Ivanhoe
3. Zorba the Greek
4. The Epic of Gilgamesh
5. Robinson Crusoe
6. Inherent Vice
7. Monkey/Journey to the West
8. The Three Musketeers
9. Salammbo
10. Orlando Furioso

>> No.8212070

Actually I wanna change Orlando Furioso to Faerie Queene.

>> No.8212071

if you have more than ten then go ahead and post those

>> No.8212074

1. King Lear
2. William Gaddis - Agape Agapē
3. William Gaddis - Carpenter's Gothic
4. Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
5. The Tempest
6. Eugene Ionesco - Rhinocereos
7. Kleist - Michael Kohlhaas
8. Juan Gosoyto - Quarantine
9. Virginia Woolf - Orlando
10. WEB DuBois - The Souls of Black Folk

>> No.8212080

The Once and Future King
Henry V
American Pastoral
Faust 1 & 2
Confidence Man
The Nonexistent Knight
The Aeneid

>> No.8212083

I will, then:
The Beetle Leg
The Man Without Qualities
Omensetter's Luck
Milkbottle H
Darconville's Cat
Crystal Vision
The Sleepwalkers
The Cantos
The Rifles
Take Five

>> No.8212102

-pride and prejudice
-the way of a Pilgrim
-sunshine sketches of a little town
-falling man
-Chronicle of a death foretold
-asylum (William Seabrook)
-death be not proud
-a storm of swords
-the colour of magic

>> No.8212106

the complete works of shakespeare - seriously wtf why is this not on top

the unconsoled - kazuo ishigoro (alternate: buried giant)
master of go - yasunari kawabata (alternate: the old capital/snow country)
foucault's pendulum - umberto eco
glass bead game - hermann hesse
doctor faustus - thomas mann
invitation to a beheading - vladimir nabokov
death with interruptions - jose saramago (alternate: blindness/seeing)
the fall - albert camus

alternatively just count 10 votes for goethe's faust from me

>> No.8212121

>Faust 1 & 2
this is already on the top 100
>goethe's faust

>> No.8212124

is there a doc of this? don't want to accidentally over-lap and being able to ctrl+F would make things easier by half i say

>> No.8212137

Faust was on the old chart, but it's not on this one.

>> No.8212142

Faust (how was this missed?)
Last Exit To Brooklyn
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
The Changing Light At Sandover
Beckett's Trilogy
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
American Pastoral
My Struggle
The Man Who Was Thursday

>> No.8212163

Props for alasdair gray

>> No.8212172

leaves of grass - whitman
white buildings - hart crane
new poems - rilke
ezra pound - personae
the cantos of ezra pound
flowering plant families of the world
the new princeton encyclopedia of poetry
the works of thomas campion edited by walter r. davis
the faerie queene - edmund spenser
metamorphoses - ovid, melville translation in particular

>> No.8212175

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
Faustus (depending on translation)
Quiet Flows the Don
The Savage Detectives
A Naked Singularity
Owls Do Cry
Sudden Death
Chronic City

>> No.8212178

what's the man who was Thursday like?
oh i thought we were doing novels


>> No.8212179

actually let's sub out Sudden Death (though it is extremely good) for The Man Without Qualities eh

>> No.8212181

middlemarch (is it really not on there...fuck me I'm not reading that list again)
portrait of a lady
house of mirth
ferrante series
invitation to a beheading
i <3 dick

>> No.8212183

he just asked for 10 books that i like so i named 10 books that i like

>> No.8212186

it's fun
no anthologies jesus christ

shit add
play it as it lays
is baldwin represented

>> No.8212197

Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe
After Virtue Alasdair MacIntyre
Aquinas by Edward Feser
Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor
The Servile State by Hilaire Belloc
A Road to Serfdom by F. A. Hayek
Selected Works of Thomas Aquinas
Jesus of Nazareth by Joseph Ratzinger
Silence by Shusaku Endo
Short Stories by Anton Chekhov
Short Stories by Gogol
An Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine by John Henry Newman

There's more than 10 but I can't chose.

>> No.8212202

there's only one anthology on my list and that's because his work wasn't published in a book. how about you suck my fat dick and fuck off with your policing faggot

>> No.8212244

The Street of Crocodiles - Schulz
The Dwarf - Lagerkvist
Imaginary Lives - Schwob
At Swim Two Birds - Flann
Oresteia - Aeschylus
The Walk - Walser (just count one more vote to whatever by Walser)
The Dark Eidolon - Clark Ashton Smith (anthology)
The High Life - Jean Pierre Martinet
With my Dog Eyes - Hilda Hilst
Thus Were Their Faces - Silvina Ocampo (anthology)

I can't be bothered to check if any of these are already there.

>> No.8212267

1. Natsume Soseki - Kokoro
2. Franz Kafka - The Castle
3. Kōbō Abe - The Woman in the Dunes
4. László Krasznahorkai - The Melancholy of Resistance
5. Stefan Zweig - Chess Story
6. Simone de Beauvoir - All Men are Mortal
7. Natsume Soseki - Light and Dark
8. Yukio Mishima - Spring Snow
9. Rainer Maria Rilke - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
10. Stanislaw Lem - The Futurological Congress

>> No.8212317


Hey I know its kind of irrelevant to the OP

but how good is Stefan Zweig / What does he have that is worth reading / his best

>> No.8212339

Well Chess Story is just a nice short novella that has quite a few things going on for its length, and a pretty good entry point for his work becaus of the length. It's a frame-story that juxtaposes two nearly opposite people and how they came to practice the same game, it's a story about split-personality, about psychological torture.
Most of his work is about the human psyche in a certain way.

>> No.8212481
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Volverás a Región - Juan Benet
Fear and Trembling - Soren Kierkegaard
Anabasis - Xenophon
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne
Complete Short Stories - Flannery O'Connor
Complete Short Stories - Chekhov
El Beso de la Mujer Araña - Manuel Puig
Le Spleen de Paris - Charles Baudelaire
Cathedral - Raymond Carver
Yes - Thomas Bernhard

>> No.8212524

1. Storm of Steel (Ernst Junger)
2. Plutarch's Lives (Plutarch)
3. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edward Gibbon)
4. Hadji Murat (Leo Tolstoy)
5. History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)
6. The Camp of the Saints (Jean Raspail)
7. The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck)
8. Vic and Blood (Harlan Ellison)
9. All Quiet on the Western Front (Erich Maria Remarque)
10. Complete works of Shakespeare

>> No.8212577

Goethe - Faust (not on the list, wtf)
The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake
Christoph Ransmayr - The Last World
Adalbert Stifter - Bunte Steine
Franz Kafka - The Complete Stories
Yasunari Kawabata - Palm-Of-The-Hand-Stories
Stanislaw Lem - Solaris
Julio Cortazar - Blow-Up: And Other Stories
W.G. Sebald - The Rings of Saturn
Ian McEwan - The Cement Garden

>> No.8212606

Goethe's Faust (how is this not on the list?)
Mysteries - Hamsun
Poort Things - Alasdair Gray
Anything by Kafka, Ein Landarzt for example. Just add 1 point to the highest scoring work.
Die Leiden des Junge Werther
The Autobiography of Red
The Hearing Trumpet - Carrington
Jesus' Son - Johnson

>> No.8212620

are you saying people should salt their taste with spunk, I don't speak latin

>> No.8212637

Cat in the hat
The very hungry caterpillar
Harry Potter (all of them)
The jungle book

>> No.8212648

>i'm incapable of using the sticky or math
yeah buddy, you need a new board

>> No.8212659

fuck off, OP is right, I want some original chart that is not another permutation of the same 100 books /lit talks about all the time

>> No.8212673

The Unnameable
Pantagruel & Gargantua
Will's Vision of Piers Plowman
The Book of Chuang Tzu
The Nose & other stories
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories
Voice of the Fire
The King in the Golden Mask
Sonnets to Orpheus

>> No.8212680

>Ethics - Spinoza
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
>The White Album - Joan Didion
>Child of God - Cormac McCarthy
>TAZ and other writings - Hakim Bey
>Fear and Trembling - Kierkegaard
>The Birth of Tragedy - Nietzsche
>Hilarotragoedia - Giorgio Manganelli
>Autobiography of Red - Anne Carson
>Blindsight - Peter Watts

>> No.8212695

The Man who was Thursday - Chesterton
The Golden Age - Ajvaz
Housekeeping - Robinson
The Things They Carried - O'Brien
The Sea, The Sea - Murdoch
Faust - Goethe
Popol Vuh - Anonymous
The Tartar Steppe - Buzzati
Aniara - Martinson
A Canticle for Leibowitz - Miller

>> No.8213075

Will you actually make the top 100 alt lit favs after this?

>> No.8213101

1. Watership Down
2. The Once and Future King
3. 1493
4. Class by Paul Fussell
5. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
6. Middlemarch
7. Essays by Michel de Montaigne
8. Schachnovelle
9. The Conquest of Happiness
10. Stuff White People Like

>> No.8213110

the westing games.

>> No.8213113


>> No.8213190
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I think there are too little works mentioned multiple times, we should make a giant chart with all the suggestions instead

>> No.8213215

that's stupid. just wait for more votes.

>> No.8213233

Bouvard and Pecuchet
The Man Without Qualities
60 Stories
Doctor Faustus (Mann)
The Public Burning
Mao II
The Sleepwalkers
Under the Volcano
At Swim-Two-Birds

>> No.8213268

I wasn't even aware that there WERE this many books.

>> No.8213304

What the fuck is this chart? 2 votes is enough to get a book into the top 100?

It truly is a modern wonder how it managed to stay largely meme-free.

>> No.8213345

we have to spam this for a month at least

>> No.8213393

>It truly is a modern wonder how it managed to stay largely meme-free.
It didn't.

>> No.8213401


yea about that...

>> No.8213412

1. A Confederacy of Dunces
2. The Count of Monte Cristo
3. For Whom the Bell Tolls
4. 1984
5. The Iliad
6. Heart of Darkness
7. Watership Down
8. The Name of the Rose
9. Brothers Karamazov
10. A Scanner Darkly

>> No.8213415

you can't read

and your taste is shit.

i suppose the latter tends to follow the former.

>> No.8213419

Did you forget how to read, anon?

>> No.8213432

much as kafka, woolf, and nabokov blow most authors out of the water, maybe let's keep a 3 book cap

>> No.8213579

1. The Beetle Leg
2. Vineland
3. Look at the Harlequins!
4. Lost in the Funhouse
5. The Aeneid
6. Underworld
7. The Lime Twig
8. Forty Stories
9. Mao II
10. The Cannibal

>> No.8213810

I'd be fine with that too. I just want /lit/ to stop talking about the same 3 authors all the time.

>> No.8213814

>The Castle
>King Lear
>An Enemy of the People
>Oedipus the King
>Yvain ou Le Chevalier au lion
>Nathan the Wise
I also feel that if we have the Bible in there we should also include some collection of Greek mythology.

>> No.8213855

1. Infinite Jest
2. Moby Dick
3. The Brothers Karamazov
4. Ulysses
5. Crime and Punishment
6. Gravity's Rainbow
7. Blood Meridian
8. Lolita
9. Stoner
10. Catch-22

>> No.8213870

1. Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
2. On The Road
3. The Waves
4. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
5. Inherent Vice
6. The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea
7. The Pale King
8. The Corrections
9. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
10. Taipei

>> No.8213876

Please die

>> No.8213885

I like these threads. You can so easily tell who's an Anglo and who isn't.

>> No.8213928

1. The Fall- Albert Camus
2. The Monkey Wrench Gang- Edward Abbey
3. Desert Solitaire- Edward Abbey
4. Henry IV: Part 1- William Shakespeare
5. Macbeth- William Shakespeare
6. House of Leaves- Mark Danielewski
7. All Quiet on the Western Front- Erich Maria Remarque
8. To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee
9. The Things They Carried- Tim O'Brien
10. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas- Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.8213934

Indeed! You haven't even mentioned any book and I can tell you're not one, to say Anglo while actually thinking North American.

>> No.8213984

The Red and the Black
Train Dreams
The Snow Leopard
The Peregrine
Far Tortuga
Life and Fate
Jesus' Son
Hard Rain Falling
Sons and Lovers
All the Kings Men

>> No.8214029


>> No.8214047

Fuck off euroscum

>> No.8214136
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Here's the full list before it was reduced, FYI

>> No.8214221

The Peregrine- J A Baker
The Invention of Morel- Casares
Under the Volcano- Lowry
The American- Henry James
Black Snow- Bulgakov
Nadja- Breton
The Land of Heart's Desire- Yeats
The Man Without Qualities- Musil
The Overcoat- Gogol
Spring Snow- Mishima

>> No.8214267

>tfw spotting all my choices there too

Dang, I forgot to pick Motorman this time around.

>> No.8214290

Either you forgot the last time around too or I did

>> No.8214492


>> No.8214616

Vote so far:

The Master of Go: 2
Little, Big: 1
The Summer Book: 1
The Blind Owl: 1
The Once and Future King: 4
The Street of Crocodiles: 2
Kornel Esti: 1
King Lear: 3
Middlemarch: 3
In Watermelon Sugar: 1
The Tunnel: 1
The Public Burning: 2
JR: 3
The Lime Twig: 2
The Death of Virgil: 1
Under the Volcano: 3
Lookout Cartridge: 1
Double or Nothing: 1
The Great Fire of London: 1
In the Heart of the Heart of the Country: 1
Portrait of a Lady: 2
The Peloponnesian War: 2
Billy Budd: 1
L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution: 1
Storm of Steel: 2
Considerations sur la France: 1
Five Dialogues: 1
Alcools: 1
La Princesse de Cleves: 1
Never Let Me Go: 1
Revolutionary Road: 1
At Swim-Two-Birds: 3
Cannonball: 1
Vurt: 1
Light in August: 1
The Razor's Edge: 1
The Man Without Qualities: 5
Chronicle of a Death Foretold: 2
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea: 2
Kokoro: 3
Temple of the Golden Pavilion: 1
Narcissus and Goldmund: 1
The Glass Bead Game: 2
Death in Venice: 1
The Melancholy of Resistance: 2
Pnin: 1
Foucault's Pendulum: 2
Antony and Cleopatra: 1
Franny and Zooey: 1
Eugene Onegin: 1
The Fortress of Solitude: 1
1982, Janine: 1
Oblomov: 1
Manhattan Transfer: 1
Inherent Vice: 3
Goodbye to Berlin: 1
All That Is: 1
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: 4
Ivanhoe: 1
Zorba the Greek: 1
The Epic of Gilgamesh: 1
Robinson Crusoe: 1
Monkey/Journey to the West: 1
The Three Musketeers: 1
Salammbo: 2
Orlando Furioso: 1
The Faerie Queen: 2
Agape Agapē: 1
Carpenter's Gothic: 1
Wuthering Heights: 1
The Tempest: 1
Rhinocereos: 1
Michael Kohlhaas: 1
Quarantine: 1
Orlando: 2
The Souls of Black Folk: 1
Beowulf: 1
Henry V: 1
American Pastoral: 2
Augustus: 1
Faust: 7

>> No.8214619


Confidence Man: 1
The Nonexistent Knight: 1
Coriolanus: 1
The Aeneid: 2
The Beetle Leg: 2
Omensetter's Luck: 1
Milkbottle H: 1
Darconville's Cat: 1
Poundemonium: 1
Crystal Vision: 1
The Sleepwalkers: 2
The Cantos: 2
The Rifles: 1
Underworld: 2
Take Five: 1
Pride and Prejudice: 1
The Way of a Pilgrim: 1
Babbitt: 1
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town: 1
Falling Man: 1
Asylum: 1
Death Be Not Proud: 1
A Storm of Swords: 1
The Colour of Magic: 1
The Unconsoled: 1
Doctor Faustus (Mann): 2
Invitation to a Beheading: 2
Death with Interruptions: 1
The Fall: 2
Ferdydurke: 1
Last Exit To Brooklyn: 1
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love: 1
The Changing Light At Sandover: 1
Beckett's Trilogy: 2
Slouching Towards Bethlehem: 1
My Struggle: 1
The Man Who Was Thursday: 2
Leaves of Grass: 1
White Buildings: 1
New Poems: 1
Personae: 1
The Cantos: 2
Flowering Plant Families of the World: 1
The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry: 1
The Works of Thomas Campion Edited by Walter R. Davis: 1
Metamorphoses: 1
The Wind-Up Chronicle: 2
Quiet Flows the Don: 1
A Naked Singularity: 1
10:04: 1
Asphodel: 1
Owls Do Cry: 1
Chronic City: 1
Speedboat: 1
Ice: 1
Sula: 1
House of Mirth: 1
Ferrante Series: 1
Fifth Head of Cerberus: 1

>> No.8214623


After Virtue: 1
Aquinas: 1
Everything That Rises Must Converge: 1
The Servile State: 1
A Road to Serfdom: 1
Selected Works of Thomas Aquinas: 1
Jesus of Nazareth: 1
Silence: 1
Short Stories by Anton Chekhov: 2
Short Stories by Gogol: 1
An Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine: 1
The Dwarf: 1
Imaginary Lives: 1
Oresteia: 1
The Walk: 1
The Dark Eidolon: 1
The High Life: 1
With my Dog Eyes: 1
Thus Were Their Faces: 1
The Castle: 2
The Woman in the Dunes: 1
Chess Story: 1
All Men are Mortal: 1
Light and Dark: 1
Spring Snow: 2
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge: 1
The Futurological Congress: 1
Volverás a Región: 1
Fear and Trembling: 2
Anabasis: 1
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman: 1
The Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor: 1
El Beso de la Mujer Araña: 1
Le Spleen de Paris: 1
Cathedral: 1
Yes: 1
Plutarch's Lives: 1
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: 1
Hadji Murat: 1
The Camp of the Saints: 1
The Good Earth: 1
Vic and Blood: 1
All Quiet on the Western Front: 2
The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake: 1
The Last World: 1
Bunte Steine: 1
Palm-Of-The-Hand-Stories: 1
Solaris: 1
Blow-Up: And Other Stories: 1
The Rings of Saturn: 1
The Cement Garden: 1
Petersburg: 1
Mysteries: 1
Poort Things: 1
The Autobiography of Red: 2
The Hearing Trumpet: 1
Jesus' Son: 2
Pantagruel & Gargantua: 1
Will's Vision of Piers Plowman: 1
The Book of Chuang Tzu: 1
The Nose & other stories: 1
Cosmicomics: 1
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories: 1
Voice of the Fire: 1
The King in the Golden Mask: 1
Sonnets to Orpheus: 1
Spinoza's Ethics: 1
The White Album: 1
Child of God: 1
TAZ and other writings: 1
The Birth of Tragedy: 1
Hilarotragoedia: 1
Blindsight: 1
The Golden Age: 1
Housekeeping: 1
The Things They Carried: 2
The Sea, The Sea: 1
Popol Vuh: 1
The Tartar Steppe: 1

>> No.8214628


Aniara: 1
A Canticle for Leibowitz: 1
1493: 1
Class: 1
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: 1
Schachnovelle: 1
The Conquest of Happiness: 1
Stuff White People Like: 1
Bouvard and Pecuchet: 1
60 Stories: 1
Mao II: 2
Vineland: 1
Look at the Harlequins!: 1
Lost in the Funhouse: 1
Forty Stories: 1
The Cannibal: 1
An Enemy of the People: 1
Oedipus the King: 1
Yvain ou Le Chevalier au lion: 1
Nathan the Wise: 1
Woyzeck: 1
Parzival: 1
On The Road: 1
The Waves: 1
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World: 1
The Pale King: 1
The Red and the Black: 1
Train Dreams: 1
The Snow Leopard: 1
The Peregrine: 1
Far Tortuga: 1
Life and Fate: 1
Hard Rain Falling: 1
Sons and Lovers: 1
All the Kings Men: 1
The Invention of Morel: 1
The American: 1
Black Snow: 1
Nadja: 1
The Land of Heart's Desire: 1
The Overcoat: 1

>> No.8214642

The Quick and the Dead-Joy Williams
Under the Volcano-Malcolm Lowry
Good Morning, Midnight-Jean Rhys
Leaving the Atocha Station-Ben Lerner
Two Serious Ladies-Jane Bowles
The Face of Another-Kobo Abe
You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine-Alexandra Kleeman
Cathedral-Raymond Carver
A Box of Matches-Nicolson Baker
Franny and Zooey-JD Salinger

>> No.8214644

>Short Stories by Gogol: 1
>The Nose & other stories: 1
>The Overcoat: 1
You can likely regroup those

>> No.8214691

ugh this is depressing. how many fucking people are on this goddamn board like 60? jesus christ people vote! Viterbo twice. be a cunt and vote for like 30 books you like lol

>> No.8214726


>> No.8214788

cool idea

1. Invitation to a Beheading - Nabokov
2. The Flame Alphabet - Ben Marcus
3. A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
4. The Buried Giant - Kazuo Ishiguro
5. Winter Journal - Paul Auster
6. Galapagos - Kurt Vonnegut
7. Mistborn 1 - Brandon Sanderson
8. Xenogenesis - Octavia Butler
9. Arcadia - Tom Stoppard
10. Morituri - Yasmina Khadra

>> No.8214819

The Silmarillion by Tolkein
The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
The Deep by John Crowley
Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine Saint-Exupery
The Little Prince by Antoine Saint-Exupery
Flatland by Edwin A Abbot
The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson
Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart
Solaris by Lem
Peace by Gene Wolfe
Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny
Creation by Gore Vidal
Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman
The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester
Watchmen by Alan Moore if you want to count it

>> No.8214827

gas yourself

>> No.8214835

excuse me? learn sf/f bro.

>> No.8214890

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Watchmen by Alan Moore
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

>> No.8215201
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>> No.8215269

Shameful how Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas happens to be one of the most mentioned books. Fuck summerfags

>> No.8215277


Half this board is under 21, m8.

>> No.8215322

1. Julius Ceaser (William Shakespeare)
2. The Epic of King Gesar
3. The Mabinogion
4. The Phenomenon of Man (Teilhard de Chardin)
5. Alamut (Vladimir Bartol)
6. Hyperion Cantos (Dan Simmons)
7. The Cities of Red Night (William S Burroughs)
8. The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (Muhammad Iqbal)
9. The Essential René Guénon
10. Perdido Street Station (China Mieville)

>> No.8215349

Schachnovelle is the German title for Chess Story, you can combine those.

>> No.8215871

this fucking sucks. im sticking with the meme list

>> No.8215880

But not under 16

>> No.8215899

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
Under the Volcano
Last Evening on Earth
The Buddha of Suburbia
The First Bad Man
Europe Central
The Wayward Bus

>> No.8215902
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>Owls Do Cry

Fuck yes whanau. under-rated as bejesus even in New Zealand

>> No.8215909

1. The Confidence Man - Melville
2. Middlemarch - Eliot
3. Bleak House - Dickens
4. Great Expectations - Dickens
5. Gulliver's Travels/Tale of a Tub - Swift
6. The Castle - Kafka
7. Faust - Goethe
8. Zorba the Greek - Kazantzakis
9. Cancer Ward - Solzhenitsyn
10. Vanity Fair - Thackery

Not voting for plays, short stories or philosophy books because that's dumb.

>> No.8215931

>Faust - Goethe
>not voting for plays
>because that's dumb

>> No.8215950

What's some good NZ /lit/?

>> No.8215956

original poster reporting in: Janet Frame and Robin Hyde are essential, as well as the early short stories of katherine mansfield


Owls Do Cry
Check to your King
THe Garden Party and Other Stories

then there's The Luminaries, obviously, and The Rehearsal

you can't go wrong with 'The Scarecrow'

and Hone Tuwhare is a god among poets

>> No.8215964

Thanks mate.
Have you read Wulf? I assume Once Were Warriors isn't that great?
Patricia Grace?

>> No.8215969

Wulf is fine if a bit contrived, Once Were Warriors is interesting as a cultural document but not as a work of literature, and i haven't read Patricia Grace

I have a low-key soft spot for Mahy though -- her work for teens can be very good I think. The Changeling especially.

>> No.8215980

Thanks pal

>> No.8215997

Closet drama - wouldn't consider the brothel episode in Ulysses a play either. When's the last time you saw all of Faust performed?

>> No.8216003

Fair enough, I'm pretty sure the whole thing unabridged would be ridiculous.
But I still don't see why you'd be against including plays, plays are a staple of literature.

>> No.8216030

As are short stories and poems, but I'm not going to vote for Ode on a Grecian Urn or the Encantadas.

Though quartos and folios probably count as books, the word "book" has an obviously more limited meaning here. Simple "one of these things is not like the others."

Voting for the Bible is also pretty dumb.

>> No.8216061

16 years ago

>> No.8216137

How is Babbit? Been on the list for a while. Seems like it'd be depressing like the Ice Man Cometh

>> No.8216144

Was it good? How'd they stage the Walpurgis night? Was it in the original German?

According to wikipedia the thing is actually -- frequently, even -- staged in Germany, but it seems insane to me. Like !Heimskringala! or something. Harder even than Macbeth.

>> No.8216340

Fantastic, thanks.

>> No.8216361

dezso kosztolanyi - skylark
kazuo ishiguro - the unconsoled
richard yates - the easter parade
vladimir sorokin - ice trilogy
laszlo krasznahorkai - war and war
laszlo krasznahorkai - satantango
laszlo krasznahorkai - the melancholy of resistance
laszlo krasznahorkai - seiobo there below
virginia woolf - the waves
j a baker - the peregrine

>> No.8216379

Would like to know as well. I've seen the Walpurgis night several times, but the whole text unabridged? How long did that take?

>> No.8216477

it's usually part 1 + abridged part 2 or something. it's almost never staged in full - it's a momentous event whenever it does happen.

that other guy is full of shit.

>> No.8216478

tournier - friday
schulz - street of crocodiles
hasek - good soldier svejk
hrabal - harlequin's millions
simenon - dirty snow
meyrink - golem
elschott - cheese
malaparte - kaputt
houellebecq - the possibility of an island
lowry - under the volcano

i only did novels because it seems like this kind of chart is most cohesive when it's about literature but i think this should be clarified. if you include philosophy, theory, theology etc. the list would be even more scattered.

>> No.8216494

>ctrl + f "diving comedy"
>no results

this board is so pleb

>> No.8216503

that was a pretty deep book

>> No.8216514

You really liked Milkbottle H? Everything I've seen about it indicates that it's not very good and people just like the obscurity of it.

We have similar taste, though, so maybe it's worth a read?

>> No.8216535

why do you like phenomenon of man so much?

>> No.8216559

not him, but the phenomenon of man is totally next level shit. brilliant synthesis of theology, globalization theory, post-industrial theory, and transhumanism. so so ahead of its time.

>> No.8216568

what other books would you recommend that are similar in nature to it?

>> No.8216592

Remainder - Tom McCarthy
Lost in the Funhouse - Barth
Tours of the Black Clock - Steve Erickson
The Instructions - Adam Levin
The Great Fire of London - Roubaud
Wittgenstein's Mistress - Markson
Invitation to a Beheading - Nabokov
Log of the S.S. the Mrs. Unguentine - Stanley Crawford
Beckett's Trilogy
60 Stories - Barthelme

>> No.8216598

Well, because it (and the other works if Teilhard de Chardin) not only reconciles Religion and Science, it forms a rich independent theological theory around the reconciliation of the two. One that In my opinion is evidence for the extreme potential of religious modernism. Evidence that it can be something not about casting away of spirituality and religiousity in the modern world, but using the innovations of the modern world to enhance and protect religion.

>> No.8216620

The obvious problem here is there are books that a lot of us have in common, and we have our own personal favorites. Whenever we do a chart it's always the common books that will be picked every single time, wheras the lesser personal favorites are never going to get on a chart because there are so many of them. The original top 100 charts are then the best that this is ever going to get, but since the less widely read books are never going to be on it the top 100 will always be a "shit meme list" despite how it's the only possible list.

>> No.8216631

It's already on OP's list you absolute fucking dimwit.

>> No.8216639

? i see "divine comedy" but nowhere is "diving comedy" to be found

>> No.8216641

go please

>> No.8216646

actually the top 100 is shit for a different reason - this board is hilariously underread (in general) for a "literature" board. so you hae a bunch of people just voting for whatever book they've happened to have read instead of having people who've read a respectable amount picking among their favorites.

if voting was limited to people who've read a complete arbitrary limit of, say, 500 books, it'd be of much higher quality. not saying htat' necessarily a good process, but i still suspect it'd yield a better result than the current one. i'd rather see a list where 20 ("well read") people each vote 50/100 books than one where a bunch of people just vote 10 books.

>> No.8216660

i'm pretty well read tbqh

>> No.8216674

i never read the books i voted for.

>> No.8216682

>tfw well read
>tfw didn't post the same meme books everyone else did
>tfw didn't get a (You)
not worth it my friends

>> No.8216698

I didn't think anyone else here had read The Great Fire of London. How did you like it?

>> No.8216720

I did, yes, but I had read a lot of his poetry before it, which gave me a pretty good idea of what I was going into. If you're like me, and you enjoy strange, seemingly incomprehensible novels that push the limits of language, you may like it; otherwise, avoid it all costs.

>> No.8216726

*at all

>> No.8216777

I must have read around 500 books of all kinds (as a child not counting) and yet if at any point I had to freely pick three to five favourites, most of them would still happen to be in that top100, or close neighbours. So no, a popularity vote would still yield a common core and cull specialised interests, and I don't think it would yield a more interesting result, which is the only thing you could possibly hope for.

>> No.8216886

Somebody higher up actually voted for it already, which reminded me of it.

Roubaud's writing is just really enjoyable. He throws in all sorts of math and philosophy ideas and everything is pretty joke-y. He's sort of like a French Flann O'Brien. I think I'm more disposed to like him than the average reader because I study mathematics and he was a mathematician, which flavors his writing a lot.

I actually probably enjoyed the Hortense novels more, but they're less serious and I couldn't choose among them. If you're ever looking for some quick, silly fun I highly recommend those.

>> No.8216905

I volunteer, anon. I've read a bit over 1,000 books in the past decade.

>> No.8216914


it was more of just a conceptual thing. actually reading over it again the focus isnt on finding people who are well read, but rather creating a list where everyone gets a significantly larger number of votes instead of picking 3 - 10. i guess being well read is a prerequisite for someone to even be able to come up with 50 - 100 books they enjoy immensely, but it's not the "crux" of the issue so to speak.

ill give this some thought. a bit busy now but maybe in some time i can try running this and seeing what we come up with.

>> No.8216989

Why don't more people read John Henry Newman?
I should start shilling harder.

>> No.8217063

That just goes back to the original issue that if you get a whole lot of people who have read that much then the 10 they pick will in no way overlap with each other and get enough votes except for the stuff like Melville or Dostoyevsky, so that stuff will be voted to the top thus continuing this cycle.

>> No.8217575

>I should start shilling harder
Please don't. There's enough shilling as is.

>> No.8217577


>> No.8217759

Do you believe a chart made by 4chan memers, some of the worst people on the internet, is a good referral for the best literature humanity has to offer? You are fucking lost.

>> No.8217788

it might not be the "best literature humanity has to offer" and if you go into it with that attitude you might not enjoy it. It is many peoples favorite book and it only got spread around because of that reason.

>> No.8217798

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. Lord of the Flies (can't believe nobody said it yet)
3. White Nights
4. 1984
5. Dead Souls
6. The Overcoat
7. Fahrenheit 451
8. Macbeth
9. Metro 2033
10. Art of Happiness

Not exactly in that order, except for the first 4

>> No.8217833

>(can't believe nobody said it yet)
Because it's overrated shit?

>> No.8217842

My shills have been quite successful.
Got 20-30 people to read the shilled stuff.

>> No.8217844

It's one of the best novels ever written my dude, perfect plot.

And why is it overrated? I never saw anyone out of /lit/ talking about it, and here I only saw brief mentions of it.

>> No.8217887

what'd you shill?

>> No.8217908

>wuthering heights

What is there to like?

>> No.8217927

Gene Wolfe, Hilaire Belloc, Flannery O'Connor and Shusaku Endo.
But Wolfe is my main shilled author. It's over now tho, the shill is perpetuating itself now.

>> No.8217968

do you know anything about hans urns baltharsars book on prayer?

>> No.8218114

>John Henry Newman
what so good about him?

>> No.8218185

No Aristotle on that chart. Fucking /lit/

>> No.8218252

What good would that do? It would just be the same anon spamming the same shitty lists. A book would have 3 votes but they would all be from the same guy.

>> No.8218343

I am going to use this just for some additional votes

so far there is enough results to make a chart of 100 with 2 votes putting the book in

>> No.8218365

These are the books that are likely to get in so far

let me know if I am missing anything popular between this thread and this list

>> No.8218455

Billy Phelan's Greatest Game
True Confessions
Big Sur
Morte d' Urban
A Bend in the River
Another Country
The Sporting Club
Light Years
Studs Lonigan

>> No.8218479

thanks for your input

>> No.8218498

When will the next vote for the 2016 list arrive?

>> No.8218560

You're essentially just doing a run-off vote for things that didn't make the top 100 chart- which is completely fine, it's just a bit weird. I don't really understand what you get out of this versus a "name a good book that's never discussed on /lit/" thread.

>> No.8218563

Late September or early October, otherwise it's under a year, in which case what's the point.

>> No.8218987
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>> No.8218993
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>>Alcools (Apollinaire)

>> No.8219100

Does this sub hate one flew over the cuckoos nest?

>> No.8219156

Pride and Prejudice
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace With the Sea
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Water Margin
Bartleby, the Scrivener
The Book of Mormon
The Torah
The Quran

>> No.8219176


>> No.8219247

He's the most well researched theologian you can find, it's pedantic and has 4 pages of footnotes on a 30 page chapter because of his absolute mastery over the subject.

>> No.8219275

>anglo-centric list ommits superior latin american commie authors of the 60's.

Ya'll niggas missing out.

1. Oficio de Difuntos
2. Cuando quiero llorar no lloro
3. Gracias por el Fuego
4. El coronel no tiene quien le escriba.
5. Candide.
6. Light in august
7. Futbol a sol y sombra
8. Romancero gitano
9. Las lanzas coloradas
10. El camino del dorado

>> No.8219283

i like it, it's not in my top ten

>> No.8219288

Wilehelm Meister
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
Song of Solomon
Heart of Darkness

>> No.8219309
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The interrogation - Le Clézio
Alcools - Appolinaire
A confederacy of Dunces - Toole
V. - Pynchon (haha memes)
Night Flight- Saint-Exupéry
The cave- Anouilh
Dubliners- Joyce
Frankenstein- Shelley
The complete poems of John Keats - Keats
Germinal - Zola

In no particular order

>> No.8219339

what book is this again?

>> No.8219353

>The interrogation - Le Clézio
How was that? Heard it was rather unreadable , but I think I like the premise. Did it take you a long time to read it?

>> No.8219417

Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine

>> No.8219809

You really seem to like epics huh?

>> No.8219824

Who doesn't?

>> No.8219827

Most people over 14

>> No.8219830

And you're surprised that people aren't reading this why exactly?

>> No.8219834

>What is the bible.

>> No.8219971

There are people, quite a few, who read things quite similar to it in terms of general interest. This would fall with the other ones I've mentioned before.
Also, he's extremely important in Ireland as he founded their national college and wrote a book about it, Idea of a University.

>> No.8220338

>shitskin spics
>producing anything of value

wew. spanish is by far the worst "major" literary language. literally chink tier.

>> No.8220831

what books would you recommend by him?

>> No.8220879

Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine and Apologia Vita Sua as the best.
One is Augustine style confession and the other a research on how Christianity doctrinaly formed and why protestant claims of biblical Christianity is nonsense.

>> No.8220902

what editions would you recommend for both?

>> No.8221093

I got them from Guttenberg so those are good

>> No.8221113

Por favor, suicídate.

>> No.8221114

i only read physical copies

>> No.8221204

Too bad. I don't assume there's much difference and I'd go with Ignatius press if they have it

>> No.8221277

1. The Red and the Black
2. A Schoolboys Diary
3. Burdenbrooks
4 .The Melancholy of Resistance
5. The Decameron
6. Montaignes Essays
7. The Emigrants
8. The Castle
9. The Aeneid
10. Woman in the Dunes

>> No.8221330

1. Le mythe de Sisyphe - Albert Camus
2. Sexus - Henry Miller
3. The Colossus of Maroussi - Henry Miller
4. Le wagon à vaches - Georges Hyvernaud
5. Les coups - Jean Meckert
6. Un homme qui dort - Georges Perec
7. Dreams from Bunker Hill - John Fante
8. Dreaming of Babylon - Richard Brautigan
9. L'avenue - Paul Gadenne
10. L'homme révolté - Albert Camus

>> No.8221349

Nada de Vargas Llosa.


>> No.8221357

I bet you think american scribblers are english literature

>> No.8221365

1. The Epic of Gilgamesh - Anonymous
2. Mahábharata - Vyasa
3. The Odyssey - Homer
4. The Arabian Nights - Anonymous
5. Don Quijote de la Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes
6. Monkey: Journey to the West - Anonymous
7. Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
8. Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak
9. The War of the End of the World - Mario Vargas Llosa
10. Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe

>> No.8221373

wtf are american scribblers?

american lit is mostly shit too if thats what you mean.

>> No.8221465

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.8221470

It's New Age shit.

>> No.8222023

I doubt there will be any big changed. this chart will cover all the books missed in the top 100 anyway

>> No.8222036

I'm surprised Norweigan Wood never gets mentioned much anymore. /lit/ got me to read it because of how many threads on Murakami there were at some point

>> No.8222098

1. Petrarch- Il Canzoniere
2. Petronius- Satyricon
3. Carl Sandburg- The People, Yes
4. Marshall McLuhan- Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
5. Benjamin Franklin- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
T. S. Eliot- The Waste Land
6. Jean-Paul Sartre- Being and Nothingness
7. William Least Heat-Moon- Blue Highways
8. Tom Wolfe- The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
9. Louis Sachar- Holes
10. Chuck Tingle- Pounded By President Bigfoot

>> No.8222106

Corrected version, forget to delete the 11th one from my list/

1. Petrarch- Il Canzoniere
2. Petronius- Satyricon
3. Carl Sandburg- The People, Yes
4. Marshall McLuhan- Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man
5. Benjamin Franklin- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
6. Jean-Paul Sartre- Being and Nothingness
7. William Least Heat-Moon- Blue Highways
8. Tom Wolfe- The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
9. Louis Sachar- Holes
10. Chuck Tingle- Pounded By President Bigfoot

>> No.8222316

Grendel - John Gardner
The Plague - Camus
In Cold Blood - Capote
Winesburg, Ohio - Sherwood Anderson
The Island of Dr. Moreau - H.G. Wells
The Sorrow of War - Bao Ninh
Franny and Zooey - J.D. Salinger
Middlemarch - George Eliot
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Frankenstein - Mary Shelly

>> No.8222624

1. Frankenstein (Shelley)
2. Interview with The Vampire (Rice)
3. The Yellow Wallpaper (Gilman)
4. House of Leaves (Danielewski)
5. My Sweet Audrina (Andrews)
6. Flowers in the Attic (Andrews)
7. Push (Sapphire)
8. The Diary of Laura Palmer (Lynch)
9. Richard 3 (Shakespeare)
10. Sense and Sensibility (Austen)

MiddleSchoolSadGirlxCore but whatever.

>> No.8222861

Have you even read it?

>> No.8223686


>> No.8223705

1. All the King's Men
2. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
3. Jerk, California
4. King Lear
5. Robin Hood
6. The Giver
7. The Samurai's Garden
8. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
9. A Thousand Splendid Suns
10. Frankenstein

Some of these might be on the chart as I didn't read the whole thing.

>> No.8223957


>> No.8223961

Demons, Dostey
Fathers and Sons, Turgenev
Mao II, DeLillo
Ubik, Dick
Death in Midsummer, Mishima
Chilly Scenes of Winter, Beattie
Taipei, Lin (yes i liked it, come at me)
Nausea, Sartre
Welcome to the NHK, Takimoto
To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee

>> No.8224133

It's pretty dense mainly because it is one of those postmodern experiments where a ton of motives/artforms are combined. I recommend reading a bit on Le Clézio's personal philosophy before starting but you should be fine

>> No.8224209

1. Moby-Dick; or The Whale by Melville
2. The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates by Defoe
3. The Iliad by Homer
4. The Quiet American by Greene
5. The Odyssey by Homer
6. Lolita by Nabokov
7. Dubliners by Joyce
8. A Man Cannot Cry by Keverne
9. To the Lighthouse by Woolf
10. Ulysses by Joyce

>> No.8224571

Looks like some people don't understand what's going on in this thread.

>> No.8225353

I know, sure is fucking summer up in here.