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/lit/ - Literature

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8211412 No.8211412 [Reply] [Original]

The bible is literature. How much of it is worth reading? Is it any good?

>> No.8211416

Genesis, first half of Exodus, Kings, Judges, both Samuels, Esther, Job, Ecclesiastes

The Gospels, Romans, Acts, Revelation

>> No.8211419
File: 31 KB, 520x324, Fedora-Hats-for-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bible is literature

>> No.8211430

>no Song of Songs

>> No.8211538

It a great book. Too bad dumb people don't understand litrature and start to think you should follow a book you clearly can't read. Believers are just dumb. Users are way beter off. They don't believe unnatural statement, yet find wise lesson found in every book. And some of them recognise much older litrature when then read the bible. It is nothing more then a roman attemt to create something as fine as they found in the greek Classics. In other words, the bible is a low effort copy of older books.

>> No.8211558

this >>8211416 but also Psalms and for Catholics the Book of Tobit

>> No.8211567

>Believers are just dumb.
1) Thomas Aquinas
2) Immanuel Kant
3) Soren Kierkeggard
4) (((Emmanuel))) Levinas (technically perhaps a Jewish philosopher, but based on Christian values none the less)
5) Martin Buber (technically a Jewish philosopher)
6) Alvin Plantinga
7) CS Lewis
8] Norman Geisler
9) Martin Luther
10) Francis Shaffer
Honorable Mention:
1) NT Wright
2) Alister Macgrath
3) Ravi Zacharias
4) Tim Keller
5) William Lane Craig

>> No.8211572


All of it is great literature, except for Leviticus, but you should read it anyway because it's important.

>> No.8211591

kek at William Lane Craig. Also Aquinas was fucking retarded you ever read his shit?

>> No.8211600

Wittgenstein was a Christian also. And Pynchon. Dante Aligheiri. William Faulkner. And pretty much every notable author has converted to Christianity on their deathbed.

>> No.8211607

nice bait 3/10

>> No.8211615

>And pretty much every notable author has converted to Christianity on their deathbed

>> No.8211814
File: 3 KB, 83x125, NoahMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8211416 /this and All of Exodus and Numbers. Pay attention to the people hanging out at THE VOLCANO, Mt Sinai. Also Moses has Joshua do some initial vengeful slaughtering against Moses' wife's people (the Midianites Ch 31). And Joshua (for the rest of the slaughtering).
>>8211430 /this (pretty erotic stuff)
Proverbs. It's like Ben Franklin writing his wise sayings in Antiquity and
Ezekiel: It's where the naughty parts are.

>> No.8211835

Someone's been drinking the kool-aid. Most death beds conversions are fabricated. It's all too easy to do. And do you really want to claim a Bastard like Faulkner? I thought his actions would offend your delicate sensibilities.

>> No.8211841
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>> No.8211923

Any time spent seriously reading/studying the Bible is time well spent, for believers and nonbelievers alike. It is a foundation of western thought.

For readers interested in Bible-as-/lit/, some sections are much better than others. KJV is beautifully written and was heavily read and influential on prose writing (or at least Harold Bloom says the KJV was one of the main influences of Walt Whitman, and I would guess this is true for others).

I can't speak to much since I haven't read a great deal of the Bible, but here's what I've found:

>Song of Songs (also called "Canticle of Canticles") is excellent poetry.

>Isaiah (extremely intense language and imagery, fiery and gripping)

>the Psalms (a wide variety of writing written over hundreds of years, containing extremely ancient references to ancient religion)

>in the first 5 books you will find very little Bible-as-/lit/ except for a few snippets like Exod. 15. The Joseph narrative at the end of Genesis is a fun plot read, very short.

>> No.8211930

Ecclesiastes is the best

>> No.8211947
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George Washington also apparently converted to Catholicism on his deathbed.

>> No.8212570
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>> No.8212595

i got the list from someone random website
the point is: pretty much every decent writer, thinker, inventor, musician, etc... were religious or they found it some point later.

>> No.8212622

The bible is just an inferior shadow of what was to come, namely, the Koran and the hadiths.

>> No.8212625

l m a o

>> No.8212626

kys my man

>> No.8212657

Your writing is shit, m8.

Clearly you haven't read Aquinas.

>> No.8212660

I actually enjoy hadith but it's hardly literature. It's just recorded oral tradition and wisdom speeches. And the Quran is cool but it's a niche text because most of what makes it good lies in how it's written/spoken and not the content, so it's lost when read in English. The bible is way more enjoyable as a piece of literature as a whole.

>> No.8212831

Speaking as a former Catholic, not much. Some of the new testament is alright, I specifically enjoy Matthew, but the old testament is really boring and fairytale like. Matthew and Luke are where you get good Jesus quotes. I don't believe in God, but still some good quotes.

>> No.8213244

I don't want to sound like a fedoralord but the bible is shit tier mythology at best. I hate how people wank off about how you need to read the bible to understand modern literature. No, you don't. Even Lovecraft my hero said something similar to that.

How on earth is it great? Explain it.

>> No.8213255
File: 127 KB, 580x887, BookOfMormon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much it. These are the best of the best
>reading uninspired drivel

>tfw /lit/ will never realize the beauty of pic related

>> No.8213665
File: 103 KB, 624x434, 1448992120523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate how people wank off about how you need to read the bible to understand modern literature. No, you don't. Even Lovecraft my hero said something similar to that.
>Even Lovecraft my hero