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8204982 No.8204982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How dangerous are some books?

Today I spoke with a close friend of mine whom I hadn't spoken to in over a year. To my dismay he has become a right wing Christian nationalist who wants racial purity. And he used to be a pretty intelligent and chill guy, even had a couple of black girlfriends when we were in college. Now he's against immigration, abortion, sex better marriage.

During our conversation I said he seemed like a mad Evola, and he was surprised I knew the writer and he said he had been reading him. Then I told him to throw that shit in the garbage and he laughed at me for saying it was dangerous ideas.

Seems to me like he's proof that some books are destructive of or mental capacities and thought.

I know some /pol/tards come here to push Evola on people.

What are your thoughts? Does Evola have that negative impact on people? I don't fully know what else he's reading but he raised a few dtrange points that I later learned were lies by the BNP, such as Trotsky inventing racism and other such nonsense.

>> No.8204990

>How dangerous are some books?


>What are your thoughts?

you are a bad judge of character.

>Does Evola have that negative impact on people?

no. most people don't consider other arguments with even a shred of seriousness, they just accept whatever if it resembles their own thoughts.

>> No.8204998

Seems like he's got his life together, OP. Why haven't you?

>> No.8205010
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seems like a pretty cool guy tbqh

shape up, OP

>> No.8205013

>you are a bad judge of character.

the books aren't dangerous, the danger comes when ignorant people read ignorant shit to reinforce their bias.

>> No.8205017

>he laughed at me for saying it was dangerous ideas
>dangerous ideas

>I dont like it and dont agree with it
>therefore its dangerous

I see you're an authoritarian of the highest level OP.

Seems to me, your friend did the right thing, laughing at you

>> No.8205025

Sure and yet it is the book that can also give an ignosnt person terribly harmful ideas.

Without Evola he might simply have remained a fool, now he's a fool with racist ideas.

>> No.8205029

No, I don't force or ban books, but I do identify ones that corrupt people's minds towards bigotry and ignorance.

Dianetics for examppe is harmful, but I don't want it banned. Authoritarians use force to enforce their views.

>> No.8205043

again, you're jsut signalling the idea that only your worldview is somehow the correct, enlightened one.

Plus, your argument boils down to saying that you're not an authoritarian because you dont act on it. Yet, you already follow the mindset of an authoritarian with that mindset.
Going from identifying certain books as "corruptive" to banning them is a small step

just say you disagree with Evola (i hope you actually read it, considering you have such strong opinions about it).
thats enough. you dont need to form value judgements and act all high and mighty by putting your opinion in some self-made moral pedestal.

>> No.8205045

Yet, you already follow the mindset of an authoritarian with that way of thinking*

sorry, its past bedtime for me

>> No.8205048
File: 329 KB, 1274x1700, Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stunning groupthink, /plit/

"There are books which have an inverse value for the soul and the health according as the inferior soul and the lower vitality, or the higher and more powerful, make use of them. In the former case they are dangerous, disturbing, unsettling books, in the latter case they are herald-calls which summon the bravest to THEIR bravery. Books for the general reader are always ill-smelling books, the odour of paltry people clings to them. "

>> No.8205049

The Codex Seriphinianus (I think) is being reprinted soon, look it up.

>> No.8205054

Slippery slope fallacy.

Back to /pol/ please, that might work better there.

>> No.8205055

it would have happened one way or another, notions like racism are usually more ingrained than that. those ideas probably stem from his childhood or society and were only reinforced by the book, or maybe it was the first time his thoughts were expressed so concretely and convincingly,

people don't believe the bible just on a whim

>> No.8205057

That is not necessarily true. Racism as much as any other fanatical thought is learned. A book, of any kind, only allows the fanatic more ammunition. Sometimes, a book can push someone further down the path of fanaticism, but only if that someone has allowed themselves to think of it as truth.

Racism and other exaggerations are often called identity politics.

It's called identity politics because for the racist or cultural Marxist or mysognist or radical feminist, their identity resides in some kind of stupid belief, and they've been taught that way, indirectly or purposefully.

Like every other thing in the world, the quick and simple fix is to actually experience things open mindedly. People often lack the intellect or means to do so, and so you have all kinds of madmen around.

The intelligent person believes in himself but isn't ever sure. A stupid person has decided they were right before they picked up any book or talked to any person, and they'll think they are right until they get information thier biased world view accepts, or they are challenged by who they consider authority to change their opinion.

The authority of a racist is a racist leader or someone who is "tough'

The authority of an SJW is a prominent activist or a minority for example

Just my thoughts

>> No.8205069

Yes, he merely came to hold these opinions through a fatalistic mechanism of animal behavioral learning, there is no way he could have reached these beliefs independently and rationally, p-please
t. OP

>> No.8205070

Get over yourself.

>> No.8205074

Who gives a fuck about Nietzsche's stupid pussy-asshole bullshit? How sensitive do you have to be to think that books are dangerous? If people are idiots naturally, they'll find whatever they can to support their opinions and be easily taken in by whatever bullshit, books or no books.

>> No.8205076

i just said that seeing certain works as "corruptive" is a sign of authoritarian thinking.
It shows how OP sees works that he disagrees with as fundamentally evil, without offering any clear argument other than his own personal moral viewpoint. From that he makes universal judgements. Thats quite authoritarian.

I get why you said that I used a fallacious argument, I know. It was a rhetorical device. Make of that as you will.

>> No.8205077

>Racism is learned
In-group preference is biological. Cuckolded anti-racism is the learned behavior.

>> No.8205078
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>> No.8205079


>Racism as much as any other fanatical thought is learned

as applied to political systems maybe, but it's been shown that even infants are biased in favor of the race of their parents. So at least some amount of racial prejudice is a natural consequence of being raised by one's biological parents.

>It's called identity politics because for the racist or cultural Marxist or mysognist or radical feminist

oh fuck me, i just responded to Sargon of Akkad

>> No.8205086

reductio at /pol/ is a fallacy too.

>> No.8205092


>a right wing Christian nationalist who wants racial purity.
>had a couple of black girlfriends

Either this guy is going through a black comedy level identity crisis or this is a bait. I'd say bait.

>> No.8205094

>"how dangerous are books?"
>he hasn't read Don Quixote
>"hey /lit/ real quick answer the question which provided the premise of one of the world's earliest and most cherished and most revisited novels"

>> No.8205095

>sex better marriage

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8205101 [DELETED] 
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Trotsky popularized its use, as did Mao, for political purposes. It was one of Mao's magic words to shut down debate. You're "racist", "capitalist", "counter-revolutionary", etc.

>he used to be a pretty intelligent
>Now he's against immigration, abortion

Only intelligent people support abortion and mass immigration/ demographic replacement? I'm sorry to say this, lad, but you seem to live up your own arse. These are personal beliefs and there is no use trying to treat them as a question of education. Abortion is not a truth or good that has been revealed by scientific investigation, your idea of "educated beliefs" are simply the beliefs that you have been indoctrinated into yourself, probably in higher education. These ideas specifically are a materialistic leftism and scientism.

You may believe that there is nothing wrong a ~10% indigenous population in some parts of London. You may not care if babies are aborted, you may hate and despise your own country -- you might even be ashamed of your country. 'National pride, religion, and conservatism is for morons. Lets tear down everything around us because we are "enlightened"'. Do you really think you're new in thinking this?

You have to realise that your beliefs have consequences. Your friend is trying to find his place in the world. If you're anything like the other vapid undergraduates here, you're probably some edgy leftist nihilist.

Edgy progressives have destroyed the traditions and customs of Western Europe without even asking the people affected. Decent, ordinary people have had their whole communities destroyed, when they complain you call them "racist", "bigoted", "stupid" etc. You just don't get that society *needs* myth and tradition in order to survive.

You are just another fucking pseud with your phony outrage, shallow emotions, and stolen platitudes. The words "chill guy" really just show your facetiousness. If being "chill" is acting like a little nihilistic poser then // F U C K // Y O U //

Yes I'm triggered. I'm sick of all these fucking teenage pseuds and Reddit/Tumblr tier posts over the past few years. This is IT now. /lit/ has totally gone to shit. Fuck off back to your safe space, kiddo.

>> No.8205118

Lol typo, before marriage.

Your buttmadness pleases me.

>> No.8205126

I love the buttmad because I recognize a little bit of myself in it too.
Godbless you

>> No.8205128
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dam u mad... lol... :^)

>> No.8205134

pick one


>wanting to murder babies and accept Muslim invaders en masse

>> No.8205146

Not OP but you sound pretty stupid.

>> No.8205168

Preference isn't racism. Everyone has racial preference. Racism is the active and obsessive need to go out of your way to bitch and moan about the blacks.

>> No.8205181

>Edgy progressives have destroyed the traditions and customs of Western Europe

>Edgy progressives have destroyed the traditions and customs of Western Europe

Yes, progressivism in the form of liberalism and capitalism did that, and neo-liberalism even further. There is no place for old tradition and customs in the modern economic world. But the people who support this aren't the left now, not the progressives. They are the conservatives.

No one gives a shit about your shitty traditions.

>~10% indigenous population in some parts of London
>traditions and customs of Western Europe
>Being this wilfully ignorant.

>> No.8205189

Books are simply a vehicle for information. Don't kill the messenger.

>> No.8205209
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>its a "baselessly redefines the meaning of a word to suit his particular point" post

>> No.8205218

>To my dismay he has become a right wing Christian nationalist who wants racial purity
Why to your dismay?

>> No.8205242

not an argument for mass immigration, abortion, or atheism

>> No.8205251

just to let you know, you're agreeing with him

>> No.8205284

He's direly misread Evola if he became a racist. You have to be a retard to become a fascist from reading him.

>> No.8205288

Because all of that is a regression to unreason, hatred, and fear.

As if you made an argument, dumbass.

>> No.8205292

Well there are certainly many fascists and neo Nazis that read his crap. It's labeled as a very anti-egalitarian anti-humanist work. So right wing whackos draw from it.

>> No.8205302

Hatred and fear are healthy, natural emotions. Throwing open your borders to millions of people who venerate a child-fucking warlord is, I would argue, a bit more disastrous than anything your friend feels.

>> No.8205303

Reason is an evil, hatred is inherently un-Christian so you seem to be confused on that end, and Christianity is the religion of fear and its converse.

>> No.8205308
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>I'm a basic bitch and I'm just oh-so appalled by my friend's blossoming
>like eww gross, widespread opinions people had up until 30 years ago i like can't even, im so shocked!

Wow you sound like a fag, do you only interact with likeminded twenty-somethings? Probably.

>> No.8205318


Many fascists and neo-nazis just know Evola was part of the "traditionalist" movement so they latch on to some of his critiques of modernity without keeping the moral base he's coming from.

An Evolan would make a critique of the modern world as being degenerate due to its misalignment with what is Hyperborean, not because ROASTIES ARE FUCKING TYRONE REEEEE GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW

>> No.8205325

Lol, that makes sense.



>> No.8205331
File: 591 KB, 700x6826, 1466744732930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass immigration
drives communities apart, imports radicalized elements that pose an actual threat of terrorism

You are terminating a life. It's murder.

I'll leave that to Aquinas

>> No.8205339 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 717x880, 1424886317577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing whackos

>> No.8205342
File: 137 KB, 574x768, 2006BB5439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the the fascist Falange de las JONS promoted social justice long before those progressive shits did.

That's a misleading thing to say. Fascists didn't reject modernity, they rather wanted an alternative to the cosmopolitan view capitalists and Marxists had of modernism.

>> No.8205344

are you 12

>> No.8205372
File: 132 KB, 566x553, 1465642581698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fascist ideal is a man of action, by nature it sets out to seize back and mold the world to its liking. It's fully possible for someone to grasp an Evola text and, instead of writing an impotent academic critique about Hyperboreans, feel energized in the conviction that the current world is vapid and directionless. Kikes and roasties as you call them are a common boogeyman and negative sentiments about them are especially common amongst less sophisticated people but that doesn't acquit them of what they are accused.

It says everything that Evola himself was supportive of right-wing movements. I think you're either trying to sanitize him because he's a monolith and you don't want to believe reactionary politics may have some basis outside of reflexive hatred.

>> No.8205387

>infinite regress is like totally impossible guys

>> No.8205538

Uh... But that's not actually about anything, is it? Or have I missed something?

>> No.8206064

No, that's only if you're a racist. Immigration spurs economic growth and innovatuon. Immigrants also commit less crimes, work harder for less pay, and do jobs no one else wants.

Terminating life does not equal murder. Killing a person is murder. A fetus is not a person.

I'll leave that to almost any other philosopher who cared to talk about god.

>> No.8206081

>Obsessive need

Stop obsessively pointing out that all these immigrants are rapists :^)

It's gross
It's learned behavior
Haver you been reading evola?

>> No.8206085
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>Immigrants also commit less crimes, work harder for less pay, and do jobs no one else wants.
jesus fucking christ
pure ideology

>Immigrants also commit less crimes
quantifiably untrue in numerous circumstances. immigrant populations like the arabs in europe or mexicans in the U.S. are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime, especially violent crime - rates of crime being higher among the immigrant population than among natives.

>work harder for less pay
you mean are exploited by opportunistic employers? which not only defrauds the immigrant workers, but prevents locals from being able to compete in the jobs market.

>do jobs no one else wants
complete bullshit, a retroactive justification. there are so many people who want jobs and can't find them, only a complete sheltered faggot could really believe this rhetoric.

>> No.8206091

>You are terminating a life. It's murder.

potential vs actual. a fetus cannot live by itself

>> No.8206095

>counters ideology with ideology


>> No.8206098

neither can babby
stupid measure of morality

>> No.8206100

equivocation fallacy. a baby can live by itself, as it can be alive without being directly connected to the mother, even if it can't provide for itself. a fetus can't.

>> No.8206101

Books are dangerous to some people only. Basically it's the effect it has on the individual person. For example, I can read a bible and think nothing of it. Another person can do that and think they should go stone a witch.

But such extremes aside I think books can be negative to a degree. On a personal note I have picked up some books from a /lit/ recommendation for depressed people, namely No Longer Human and the Book Of Disquiet. While they helped to make me see my feelings are not uncommon amongst others it also made me border on tears.

>> No.8206113

Pure ideology

Absolutely false. Immigrants are far less likely to commit crime, do some research. And think logically, they just escaped hell holes, all they want is to work hard and survive.

No I mean picking berries for 14 hours a day in the sun for less than min wage so we can eat cheap food, and no American would ever do that job.

Also, we don't need more jobs kid. We could all be working 15 hours a day and we'd still have plenty. Most work is bullshit.

Pure ideology

>> No.8206117

Right, some things in the right frame of mind can be harmful. Even a conversation can be harmful if a person pries your weaknesses open and attacks your sore sports. Books can do the same.

>> No.8206131

He just really took to the idea of the Social Machine. To a point where he sees that a particular class of people hinder that, and others help it. He's taking note of sacrifices that are necessary in life so you don't have to live in fear, but in comfort everyday.
I don't agree with him. I believe with, how the upper management of our society is handling things, that other cultures and ethnicities are integrating. He knows that through this, his own power in our world is decreasing because white men had, and still have, more power than most other people in the world. The lower 70% of the U.S. population's pittance of an income is actually quite wealthy to much of the rest of the world.
So I really disagree with him; but my point is you need to know where he's coming from, and not say he's unintelligent because of his opinions. I'm sure he came to his ideals in a thoughtful way. Not all similar understandings lead to similar conclusions.

...Ahem... I mean
Your the ignorant one fag

>> No.8206158

God bless you.

>> No.8206161

That's not an unreasonable assesment. I've always known him to be quite thoughtful.

There is vertainly an element of fear there. I think ironically fear undergrads all righy wig extremism (fear of being weak, fear of not knowing ) so they seek out those who offer truth and strength, even if it's all lies.

Idont know how to reach him really, even if I understand.

>> No.8206162

The Marvel Studios fandom is full of generic cunts who try to seem quirky and unique by identifying heavily with a slightly offbeat fandom such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe "But wait, that's actually incredibly mainstream and not offbeat at all!" you say. And you're right. But actual offbeat things don't give as much 'nerd' cred, and these things have more creative value than reality TV so people on Tumblr can make posts such as "Why are all girls nowadays such idiots who watch Jersey Shore? I'm very unique because I like nerdy intelligent stuff like Iron Man 3, and I like quirky men like Tom Hiddleston and Mark Ruffalo teehee, look at this repeating gif of 0.5 seconds of Loki doing a thing with his face and a theory about how all the Marvel movies are connected and Thanos is going to collect all the Infinity Gems except in the movies none of them are really "gems" at all and here is some fanart of all the Avengers gender swapped and with less sexist costumes and they all have the exact same fucking face with that bulbous red nose also did you know that I am a girl who likes superheroes I know it's hard to believe but it is true I AM AN AVENGERS look at this gif of Tony Stark raising his eyebrow, anyway The Avengers is sexist because Black Widow's costume is too tight and unrealistic for a special agent so here is a redesign of her in figure hiding combat fatigues because I am progressive. Does anyone else think that Hulk and Iron Man would make a good couple? TEE HEE I LOVE GAYS BECAUSE I AM SO TOTALLY NOT HOMOPHOBIC EVEN THOUGH I TREAT GAYS AS AN AMUSING NOVELTY Rocket Racoon for president!"

>> No.8206163

>He's against abortion

>> No.8206165

Have you seen what outlawing abortion did in Romania?

Yes, horror.

>> No.8206166

Evola wasn't a Christian or nationalist. How about you actually read him?

>> No.8206169

Abortion itself is horrible in principle though. What happened in Romania?

>> No.8206191

Try leaving a baby alone for a week in the middle of a forest and tell me how well it gets on.

>> No.8206202

>current year
>still believing slippery slope is a fallacy

>> No.8206220

Prepare for the amount of ayy lmao spooked and cultural and moral relativist sophistry which hasn't seen the light of day since Socrates railed against them.

As far as OP goes:
If you believe that books can corrupt you must believe that there are books that hold truths. You must have a judgment on what makes books morally good and what books do not. How do you come to this assumption on good versus evil? How is that which your friend seems to connect with morally corrupt?

If you can debunk that then I will agree with you, if you merely disagree with him because it does not conform to your ideas and worldview you must realize how far into the abyss you have stared.

>> No.8206226
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The hero we need.

>> No.8206229
File: 27 KB, 640x498, 15541518903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapping for when OP or some other lefty decides to shitpost another time, thanks lad.

>> No.8206258

The large consensus of Europeans gives a 'shit about the traditions and customs of Western Europe' no matter how excessively our generation wants to pride themselfs on attacking the foundations of Europe.

If we can both agree that the traditions and customs of Western Europe can be traced back to a time all the way to Ancient Greece, and, at least, up until the France Revolution, we can say that there are several traditions and customs we hold dear in the West which tend to be absent in other continents and cultures.

In this I refer to Solon's laws, Roman law, and ofcourse Le droite de l'homme et du citoyen which constitutionalized our dearly held beliefs, customs and traditions we upheld through generations

Now if foreign forces invade and disrupt our constitutions, wouldn't you say they go against our traditions and customs? I can already feel your mind ticking as I say this, as you prepare to turn the argument against me for putting restrictions on liberty so natural to Europeans.

However, there must be a point where Christian herd like mentality disintegrates from being a pathological nicety to something that destroys the very foundations of that which it prides itself upon, namely liberty and tolerance. What will man do when turning the other cheek turns to an end of liberty, equality and fraternity? What will it take before we confront evil, instead of wallowing in masochism and pity to those who have opaqued hopes for a bright future.

>> No.8206263
File: 2.98 MB, 2740x1760, Sebastiaan_Vrancx_(1573-1647)_-_De_plundering_van_Wommelgem_(1625-1630)_-_Düsseldorf_Museum_Kunstpalast_15-08-2012_15-08-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How dangerous are some books?

Gutenberg started a fuckton of wars/revolutions because suddenly all these peasants can get their own Bibles and hey guess what: Jesus didn't actually say you were supposed to obey your master no matter what.

>> No.8206266

Killing a mass of cells isn't horrible. It created an entire generation of poor, malnourished, unloved, drug addicted street kids because all the moms that would have had abortions couldn't do it. It was a MASSIVE social failure, and the effects are still felt today.

Just Wikipedia abortion Romania.

Not an argument.

>> No.8206274

Sure, the judgment is based on a range of science, psychology, history, sociology, ecology, etc. When you analyze views you need a sense to which it improves or harms human floruishing and reduces suffering. Ideas that hold up things like racial purity are scientifically illiterate, and often lead to racist behavior towards peoppe simply based on skin color. It's madness.

Or being a Christian, and then not wanting to help others who are from different faiths or regions. That is not the message of Christ. Give of what you are asked, love others, even your enemies is the way of Christ. And thus you also anaylze the position based on logic.

Evola seems to have that effect on some people. It's quite possible that I would agree with some of his criticisms of modern society, but the answer is not right wing Christian racial purity. That's just neo-Nazism, the weakest and most morally bankrupt way of thought.

>> No.8206348

This was a pleasure to read.

Well wrote anon.

>> No.8206381


Holy samefagging hamburgers batman!

>> No.8206425

you're just restating your original point which still remains an equivocation fallacy. try actually responding to what i posted

>> No.8206431

>>>8206348 (You)
>>>8206229 (You)
>>>8206226 (You)
>>>8205101 (You)
>Holy samefagging hamburgers batman!

Try again.

>> No.8206454

It's not so much books as much as it is easily influenced retards.

>> No.8206618

Then don't try. Just discuss things outside if or on the cusp of those ideals. It's not like all things in life revolve around religious and socioeconomic views.
Or else humor him and let him talk about it more without so much aggressive judgment. It's easier to explain things when you don't feel like you're being scrutinized but simply having conversation. Agree to disagree often, but civilly. Have an adult relationship, is what I'm saying.

>> No.8206749

Spot on.

I'll add that these bourgeois-bohemians, who speak so condescending about the proletariat, are exactly the kind of people who either don't have to deal with the effects of globalism, and massive, uncontrolled immigration, or are so culturally nihilistic as to not care.

After the brexit vote, it has been noted with impudence that the enlightened, educated, and youthful voted overwhelming to remain in the EU, implying that those who voted to leave are dumb. This is repeated with nearly every type of social issue, which are usually matters of morality and personal belief -- not intelligence. Personal reflection is apparently not allowed on these topics, either sick with the progressive dogma, or be labeled a dummy. It's unacceptable

>> No.8206754

>right wing Christian nationalist
He didn't read Evola and you didn't either.

>> No.8206799
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>I'll add that these bourgeois-bohemians, who speak so condescending about the proletariat, are exactly the kind of people who either don't have to deal with the effects of globalism, and massive, uncontrolled immigration, or are so culturally nihilistic as to not care.

You're very wrong. Who you're describing generally highly directly benefit from globalization in terms of employment and culture.
The first world "working class" also benefit from sucking the labour out of third worlders as well but in a more abstract round-about way, you can get them to support protectionism until they start feeling the effects of inflation and their cheap electronics stop being cheap and their welfare transfers coming from the profits of financial capital get cut back on.
The truth is all first worlders benefit (directly or indirectly) to much from exploiting immigrants and third world slave labour to ever go back to protectionism and have to actually be directly exploited 14 hours in a factory.

>> No.8206897

Yes, I do this most of the time. But when someone who once seemed wise, becomes a racist, and your life has been devoted to anti-racism, it is not something you take in a calm demeanor if you have meaningful attachments to black people and your friend.

It's is a stark reminded of the changing forces, the failure of reason, and the rise of ignorance. Now I can talk to him calmly, but when it first happened, and the realization of what has darkened his mind was a fresh, it was jarring.

That is the truth, the entire system is still built on exploitation. But the great irony of modernity is that we pretend things are fair and meritocratic, and all the violence is simply exported to the other.

>> No.8206900

Did you know that it's possible to be racist without hating black people or blacks as individuals?

>> No.8206984

If you mean unconscious racism inculcated by a system in which you have sympathetic nervous system arousal around blacks, then yes, most white people are racist.

If you mean that in the typical right wing way, within the nonsense of scientific racism or racial realism, then obviously not, that's the domain of pure idiocy and ignorance. In which case, fuck right back to /pol/ and stay contained.

>> No.8207424

This post is inconsistent

>> No.8207472
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He's obviosuly sick of liberal society and yearns for something more meanigful that materialistic cosmopolite shithole we have created for ourselves.

The question should perhaps be, how dangerous is modern society?

>> No.8207565


>> No.8207573

>fascist = racist

But anon. What about spiritual notions of nationality?

What if I'm a rabid American nationalist who thinks all Americans--black, white, Hispanic, etc.--should be exalted?

>> No.8207610

I can agree that modern society is in many ways both existentially empty, and psychologically harmful and physically exploitatie of human beings.

And yet, the answer is not right wing extremsism. We can create a society with open and democratic education(see Dewey) with all our needs being meet and having low working hours, with sustainable systems, and a culture built around shared values (love, wisdom, going to space, w.e we see as beneficial to our humanity). One where nature is not being destroyed, where profits are not put over people, etc.

Rhats possible. That has always been what socialists have fought for, but you don't have to be a socialist to see the benefit of all of that. What we should be doijg is building institutions that sustain that kind of culture (see Finland).

Most of these ideas are either already working somewhere, or being partially applied.

Is that beneficisl to the world, or does that build a society of us vs them? Looks to me like America has enough nationalism, being described by many other people and nations as the single greatest threat to peace. We can't stop invading and warring, and nationalism is the backbone of that.

>> No.8207615

Of course it builds a society of us vs. them. That's sort of intrinsic to fascism. My point is that racism doesn't fundamentally need to be a component of the fascistic "us." I just chose America as an example.

>> No.8207629

It's a moot point, it has always been a part of fascism. It's the low hanging fruit, it's useful to do.

But yea, in our theoretical playtime, it's doesn't have to be a part of it, and we've arrived at an irrelevant point.

Neither is good, they often come together, and even if they don't they are individually bankrupt ideologies.

>> No.8207631

>We can't stop invading and warring, and nationalism is the backbone of that.
Contemporary nationalism in America has a rather prominent isolationist bent. I don't think there were ever that many people, who felt patriotic or not, who were keen on the wars the military industrial complex kept throwing them into. See the Iraq War protests.

>> No.8207644

Nothing compared to the Vietnam protests and yet the majority of Americans either supported our militarism or didn't give a shit.

Ever seen shpport our troops? People are till crazy about our military, and don't give two shits that we invade, murder, and destroy. Us vs them mentality.

Fear is the driver, create fear, create the other, and they will eat up all that shit about military. You don't spend half the budget on weapons as a non nationalistic country.

God bless America. Make America Great again. America is the greatest nation on earth. Wake up kid, this is a very nationalistic country.

>> No.8207651

>in our theoretical playtime

No need to be dismissive, anon. It's just that acting as though racism and fascism are synonymous shows a misunderstanding about its ideological roots and development.

>individually bankrupt ideologies

I'd argue that fascism isn't as ideologically bankrupt as a lot of people think. There are cohesive, internally consistent Romantic principles at play that a lot of people don't take into consideration.

Unless your meaning is MORALLY bankrupt, in which case, that's a different story. And also one that I think most fascists would probably ignore and/or not object to, seeing how the ideology itself fetishizes death and violence.

>> No.8207654
File: 493 KB, 539x512, 1466898360055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books are very dangerous indeed. Your friend is right though, abortion is murder, immigration is invasion, sex before marriage is a sign of little hope. People learn to vote for these things but they don't know how bad they are. They have been raised in a culture of mental castration, their minds are satisfied with a mediocre state of thought.

I would guess people are lazy to reply to posts, to solve problems, to have proper families, to fight for what is right, but this won't last. The weak will be removed by God's nature, and only the bravest will remain. Our lives are actually horrible, we degenerated as a people, we feed ourselves with lies. Now I ask, how dangerous are lies? Books without them are harmless, even though they contain the hard truth. But lies, fiction, escapism is indeed very dangerous. Lefty books and lefty brainwashing is as harmful as AIDS and Cancer to an organism. The dysgenics people are experiencing is the door for the fall of civilization, it won't be funny as in the movie Idiocracy.

Culture is the highest priority of a people, we can't have many cultures, we can't have democracy if it means retards get to analyze the past as good as apes do. This New Age bullshit, this multi-religion paradox people bring in today is a mess. The amount of music people listen to is embarrassing. Who could figure, that a generation with as much access to information as ours would be intellectually impaired and at some would start banning books.

>> No.8207666

>You don't spend half the budget on weapons as a non nationalistic country.
Why not? If I were running America, I would spend a massive amount on defence too, given America's place in the world. These decisions aren't motivated as much by public opinion, though obviously giving it a patriotic visage as PR would help ease taxpayer angst about it.

>Wake up kid, this is a very nationalistic country.
Are you being faux-edgy as a joke or is this real. I'm Australian anyway, you nerd, we grew up mocking your flagwaving militarism. I think that's an unfair assessment though, probably fueled more by "rebellious" liberal comedy than an accurate representation of the conservative American psyche - at least, given my experience talking to Americans.

>> No.8207683

Fair points. He actually mentioned nihilism at the start ofbthe conversation, so it was all the more jarring when he said he had become a Christian, which is completely opposite of that. Except he felt the need to mention Christ bringing the sword, rather than loving your neighbor.

Violence, unless used for actual protection, cannot be beautiful. It's not just morally bankrupt, it's ugly. But I can see how it seems beautiful to hin, to fighy some kind of historical fight as the whites are being oppressed. But that kind of falsehood is just demented. It's insanity, stemming from cowardice.

It I'd a pleasure to make your aquantance Lord Edgerton.

>> No.8207692

Why not? Because we have massive inequality, poverty, and domestic problems. That money could be spent actually building this country.

Do you have an argument? I'm an American, this place is nationalistic. People like Trump do not become presidential contenders otherwise.

>> No.8207706

>calling a book toxic and negative is the same as implying that it should be banned

No it's not, dumbfuck. No one is thinking or suggesting that any books, no matter how shitty, should be banned.

>> No.8207720

Your facts are plainly wrong. Stop reading /pol/. Mexican immigrants in the US are absolutely less likely to commit violent crimes then the average american.

>> No.8207731
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>"you're wrong! back to /pol/"
>ha ha guess I win another debate!

>> No.8207751

You can't reason with these people.

I know you are afraid, and being wrong is scary, by you can change, and you will one day be a better person. But until that day comes, fuck right back to /pol/, unless you're ready to think, then look at crime statistics in the US which includes Mexican immigrants. The other anon is right, they are far less likely to commit crime.

And do you know why? Because A. they are too busy working their added off and B. the stakes for breaking the law are too damn high (deportation is a nightmare).

>> No.8207759

If books aren't dangerous, then why the hell am I reading them?

>> No.8207760
File: 39 KB, 321x322, 1461738380065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nation is nationalistic. Fucking wow?

Nice claim, source?

Jesus Christ. So this is the power of liberalism...

>> No.8207765

hardcovers hurt when you throw them at people

>> No.8207773

I agree with pretty much everything you've said, but just for my own discussion's sake (because the aestheticization of politics is super interesting and fun to think about), I have a question about something.

>violence, unless used for actual protection, cannot be beautiful

Maybe not "beautiful," but affecting? I mean, think of how we view the sort of decisive, terrifying "direct action" of the Blackshirts and the SS. Even now, it inspires morbid fascination, fear, and even obsession. The fascists sought (among other things) to produce resonant images through careful manufacturing, which included violence, and I think they succeeded. Our unease regarding their actions should be testament enough to this.

Don DeLillo actually said something interesting about this sort of thing, when he lamented that the advent of terrorism has essentially made writers obsolete. Since any moron can take a gun and, in the span of 30 seconds, make an indelible, permanent psychic mark--possibly on the whole world. Seriously, death is basically the most marrow-piercing thing you can be confronted with. If you're willing to invoke that for the sake of image, what does that say about the whole endeavor as art?

And fascists really were extremely image conscious. It's nothing if not an aesthetic political ideology. So, maybe violence can't be beautiful, but wouldn't you agree that it can be aesthetically stirring? And, in that regard, effective?

>> No.8207778


You might as well have just posted a smug anime face because you have no argument. An illegal immigrant is inherently a criminal. I have nothing against legal immigrants but even then the facts show Hispanics, legal or not, are statistically more likely to commit crimes. Until you back up your claims with evidence this is not an intelligent discussion.

>> No.8207781

Everything is a slippery slope.

You're a pseud.

>> No.8207791

Reminds me of the effect A Clockwork Orange had on me. Kubrick seems to have taken queues from the aesthetics of fascism, as well as the bing bam boom kaleidoscope of 60s pop culture, to create his visceral depiction of violence. It sears itself into your brain, not only by being disturbing, but attractive. Giving Alex and his gang those clear white, black-hatted uniforms mimicked the effect of uniformed brownshirts, giving them an air of dignity and grace instead of the ragtag look of common criminals.

I know A Clockwork Orange is entry-level, teenage shit that's been analysed to death but I thought it might add something to the conversation. Help to contextualise the effect you're talking about, the aestheticization of violence.

>> No.8207792

Your friend just seems like a naive simple-minded guy who is easily indoctrinated with whatever he comes across. I like some of what I've read of Evola but that doesn't mean I'm going to adopt all of the trappings of a typical anti-liberalist

>> No.8207795

/lit/ going full /pol/ today. And yestersday. And the day before. It's like there isn't already a containment board for this shit.

>> No.8207801

I wish /pol/ would stop coming to /lit/ because they think they're smart and it's where they belong, and subsequently shit up this board with their faggotry that isn't even about books

>> No.8207807

some books are so dangerous that it might even be ethical to kill those who read them

>> No.8207810

Stop crying, not anyone else's fault that you can't argue your opinions well.

>> No.8207826

I think marvel movies are corruptive for their infantilizing quality. I would rather everyone read Evola than watch the next Capeshit.

>> No.8207855

I know right, they all admit they have an impact, but few seem to realize it can be harmful.

Nation does not mean nationalism, do some research.


Here's your citation, and from the WSJ to prevent you from whining about liberal media.

Not for me man, once you've become intimately familiar with suffering, and can truly empathize with other people (even non human people ) to calorie either aesthetically or otherwise the unecessary destruction of that life and its entirety, nothing is more wrong and sinister.

Throuhkit history we could always kill, and violence has been upheld as ways to maintain society, etc, but to sa it's affecting beyond the fact that of course pain and death affects people, it just seems meaningless if not evil to me.

Writers arent obsolete, all because Nazis "looked cool" and inspire fear. In fact, that's why fascists can't stand being kaughed at, they NEED to feel as if they were of a certain kind (serious, cool, respected) and that is precisely why we must never do that, never demean ourselves to think they are cool, respectable.

They are wirthy of two things, ridicule while they speak, and once they become violent and aggress against peace and life, fought as they have been before.

And that is the sad reality of unreason, nationalism, and fascism. Reasonable people do not want violence, but the unreason of fascism gives rise to it and then reasonable people have no choice but to fighy back.

But before that happens, ridicule the fools, laugh at their fetishization of uniform, defomrity of art, and their weakness and need for a strong leader. Laugh, play music, and but be ready.

>> No.8207868

Lol, you're funny, I loled for real!

He used to be very intelligent and mentally capable.

I see. Interesting.

Your point is irrelevant, it's a tautology.

For your evidence.

Agreed, if only they wrote a code, where any user who spent X amount of time on /pol/ would simply be redirected back to /pol/. If only....

>> No.8207879
File: 15 KB, 350x249, ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unga bunga! hoo hoo! hah hah! muh watering hole is safe space, liberal opinions only!

>> No.8207881

>Nation does not mean nationalism, do some research.
What? What "research" can I do to lead me to your bizarro conclusion that nationalism is not an inherent property of a nation? In some form or another, the existence of the nation as an entity requires some level of dedication to the values, laws and so on of that nation. I imagine you hold the constitution, or the bill of rights, or the idea of "America" in some kind of esteem, regardless of your political preference, as a citizen of that nation.

holy shit
>Here's your citation, and from the WSJ to prevent you from whining about liberal media.
I bet you haven't even read this, because it's behind a FUCKING PAYWALL. Well done you faggot, just throw in a citation no one's going to read (after 10 minutes of googling, no doubt), make a claim to authority and dust your hands off. A job well done. How can you live with your own sophistry?

>> No.8207942


It wasn't behind a paywall for me but even so the statistic it cites is from the Immigration Policy Center, a thinktank whose expressed goal is "advocacy against enforcement practices for existing immigration laws that they view as being in violation of human rights and constitutional laws". No chance of bias there!

Even then, their point that it's not the wetbacks but rather their anchor baby spawn who rape and murder is null. Why not pull the problem from the root? Why not stem the flow of "native born" Mexicans?

>> No.8207965
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Finally, an excuse to post this image.

>> No.8207980
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>sex better marriage.

>> No.8208018
File: 46 KB, 567x567, the-holy-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a pretty cogent, interesting question OP, and I find it repellant how all these anons seem to be triggered merely by introducing a concept which might seem foreign to them. Closed mindedness and an inability to imagine other people's thoughts is a sign of gross unintelligence (regardless of agreement or disagreement).

Books can surely be dangerous; pic related.

>> No.8208055

nice try OP

>> No.8208095

>literally ignoring facts because they hurt your feelings


>> No.8208116

He broke the conditioning you take for granted. He took the red pill. Why haven't you?

More seriously, you sound like a fag. Your friend just found a higher cause and purpose. What's yours? Defending the status quo?

>> No.8208140


>> No.8208143

Based on the title of that article alone (I can't read the whole thing) I already know it's horse shit.

I can guess two things from it:

a. it conflates illegal immigration and legal immigration

b. it compares immigrant crime rates to overall crime rates in america, which are skewed by astronomical black crime rates

The one amazing thing about right wing beliefs is their predictive value. Once you embrace them you feel like a psychic. "theyre really trying that again???!" The leftist is shocked at each new development because they're afraid to project or make generalizations.

>who could have possibly seen orlando/paris/san bernadino/paris/new york/cologne/london/fort hood/take your pic coming? shocking!

>> No.8208159

>a. it conflates illegal immigration and legal immigration

already wrong, but what can you expect from people who think they can refute things based on their title? lol

>> No.8208273

Building a better and more just world without resorting to fear and cowardice, like many people are prone to do when they are faced with ambiguity.

I don't need strong leaders to guide me. Humanism, art, science, philosophy, and helping human beings thrive, Ioving my family, and protecting the disenfranchised is enough for me.

Not everyone is a coward.

You give them evidence they are wrong, and they will hide behind every bias they have.

Duning-Kruger in full effect with these /pol/tards.

>> No.8208305

>Building a better and more just world
>Humanism, helping human beings thrive, protecting the disenfranchised is enough for me.

Why should anyone else care about these things?

Protip: you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.8208320

Because they are good.

I'm pretty smart.

>> No.8208326
File: 141 KB, 600x436, 1465912303315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Said evidence was conducted by and published by an unscientific thinktank with the stated goal of dismantling immigration enforcement. It's has as much veracity as General Electric publishing a study on which company's light bulbs last the longest. You don't really think this is unbiased research do you?

Even then there's ample evidence, published by the FBI, that one generation later, when these immigrants magically cease being immigrants, their children are more prone to criminality by virtue of genetics.

and no, you're not a brave, courageous warrior when it's obvious if anyone's alienated it's your friend and if anyone's a conformist it's you.

>> No.8208349

>Because they are good.

In your opinion.

>> No.8208357


You literally don't know what your talking about. Other think tanks that are even against immigration admit as much.

>virtue if genetics

No, suffering has no opinion, flourishing neither. The only thing that is imperfect is finding exactly what social arrangements reduces the former and increases the latter.

>> No.8208358

Yes, it is your opinion.

>> No.8208362

Sure, and also the truth. Some opinions are true. The ones backed by reason.

>> No.8208363

Unfortunately you're not the moral arbiter of reality, nor do you apparently subscribe to any metaphysical theory that says such a being exists, so you have to justify your opinions as opinions. You're quite bland, just another utilitarian consequentialist. Not saying you're necessarily wrong, but I don't know why you have such a stick up your own arse about it.

>> No.8208369

You're not nearly intelligent as you think you are if you're incapable of understanding this very basic point.

>Building a better and more just world
>Humanism, helping human beings thrive, protecting the disenfranchised is enough for me.

are all values that you hold. They are your personal value judgments. Not everybody values these things, and ironically the people you wish to protect with your naive undergrad moralizing are the least likely to share these values with you and treat you in kind.

TLDR you're an idealistic scrub

>> No.8208374


But you persist in a red herring argument whilst ignoring that hispanics are more likely to commit crime and here we are going in circles, that's not reason.

>> No.8208380
File: 16 KB, 183x232, Sweating Merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP's face when

>> No.8208382

haha le epic reddit ! ! !

>> No.8208392

Do you want to live in a world where knowledge is arbitrarily banned and criminalized and only state-sanctioned reading material is prescribed and available?

Or would you rather that people are free to read whatever the fuck they want and make their own potentially shitty decisions, and you're also free to drop those people as friends if you no longer relate to them in any way?

>> No.8208405

>abortion is murder

70-80% of zygotes are naturally aborted. you're essentially saying that all women are murderers by default.

>immigration is invasion
the act of one or a few individuals uprooting themselves and moving to better opportunity isn't inherently hostile, but I tend to agree that large-scale immigration is historically akin to invasion and very bad for native populations, sure.

>sex before marriage is a sign of little hope
this is your own subjective, emotional opinion. this belief in of itself also suggests that you view women as property.

>Culture is the highest priority of a people.. as long as it's MY culture.

>> No.8208410

>And he used to be a pretty intelligent ... guy
> Now he's against immigration, abortion, sex better marriage.

if the former is ever actually true, the latter will always become true in time.

>> No.8208415

their children are much more likely to commit crime so in the medium-term increasing mexican immigration will definitely increase crime.

>> No.8208437

You're a mass of cells.

>> No.8208616

>gives people article they can't even read
>brags about his enlightenment (only he has true knowledge of the article!)
>joins other poster in sniffing their own farts

also my 2nd point stands lol

>> No.8208643

lol moralfags

>> No.8208692

Books aren't dangerous, idiots are dangerous. Your friend will forget about Evola if and when he gets a good job and/ or girlfriend. Sadly, that may not happen soon if he's bitching about multiculturalism to a friend.

He sounds like a contemporary Don Quixote. Hope he doesn't chase windmills.

>> No.8208762

Everything in this post is pretty windmilly, if you catch my spooky drift

>> No.8208774

absolutely btfo kek

>> No.8208791

>ITT liberal faggots who don't agree with opposing ideals deem people that follow them as stupid and dangerous

The only people I've ever run into who vehemently attacked others based on their beliefs have been all cultural marxist liberals. They are a cancerous group who wish to stem free thinking and free speech. They are nothing more than zealots of a stagnate authoritative religion that is spewed in college classrooms.

This board reeks of their stink. Which is no surprise seeing as you all are talent-less hacks desperately attempting to emulate your creative writing professors in your dreadful prose and plot structures.

Long live freedom. Long live freedom of speech. Long live the white race.

>> No.8208795

>be presented with facts
>kick and pout and scream and say that /pol/tards need to go back to their containment board
>think you've won the argument

Leftists are the worst.

>> No.8208804

scientifically objective cold hard farts

>> No.8208805

why are you attacking leftists based on their beliefs?

>> No.8208806


>all of this emotional projecting

Cool soapbox moment, spergtron.

Calm down now.

>> No.8208810

A confirmation bias prevents people from suddenly changing their opinion when confronted with a conflicting idea. Actually, being confronted with a conflicting idea will make someone cling more closely to their beliefs. (The film God's Not Dead sure as hell didn't convert any atheists, just as Dawkin's The God Delusion sure as hell hasn't converted any Christians). It sounds like your buddy changed his mind THEN started reading books that supported his new beliefs, not vice versa. Reading something will not instantaneously convert you, it's a long process and you have to want to believe it in order for it to affect you.

>> No.8208812
File: 25 KB, 184x184, 1429777015587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-stop saying things!
>c-calm down it was just a m-meme

Leftists are truly the worst.

>> No.8208814

and i'll BUST
even da niggas dat CAME WIT US

>> No.8208818

>all of this emotional projecting

You libfags really can't argue worth a shit.

>> No.8208821

are you ok?

>> No.8208822


>> No.8208824


>> No.8208827

>scientifically objective cold hard farts

>> No.8208828


>slippery slope is a fallacy
>the dominant political ideology of our times, SJW/progressivism, literally conceives of itself as a slope

>> No.8208830

calm down homo

>> No.8208831

>So called evil fascist scum give out reasons for their beliefs
>Are berated and attacked by children who think insults are a form of argument

I thought you kids are in college?

>> No.8208832

nice equivocation fallacy faggot

>> No.8208833

Why do /pol/ redditors never know who they are quoting?

>> No.8208834


They are.
Hence their stupidity.

>> No.8208837
File: 260 KB, 467x506, 1333410019198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot with internal struggles with his own homosexuality throws out the first insult in an attempt to force others to shut up

>> No.8208839

>Are berated and attacked by children who think insults are a form of argument

The irony.

>> No.8208840

i meant homo sapiens, fellow human

but seriously the caps don't make you look calm

>> No.8208844

There's nothing ironic about it. The supporters of the right has proven time and time again that they can have a conversation backed up by facts while the imps of the left struggle even to write a paragraph without dropping at least a half a dozen buzzwords and sideways insults without weight.

>> No.8208845

And still here you are acting like insults are a form of argument. Do you really have no self-awareness?

>> No.8208846

wow fucking speciesist how dare you refer to him as a human. Apologize now or I'll report you to the hatespeech magistrate

>this can happen in a leftist controlled society

>> No.8208847


>good goyim, everything is a fallacy, there's no slope, long-term goals arrived at by a succession of intermediate steps are logically inconsistent goyim

>> No.8208848


>> No.8208850

You should go sit down and get off the internet for a while. Maybe go and practice grasping at straws some more.

>> No.8208854

happens in right-wing societies too

>> No.8208857
File: 13 KB, 233x222, australians fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8208858

>be on a /lit/ board
>can't read

>> No.8208859

You rekt yourself, we both know it, but you're the only one who things you're doing an adequate job at damage control.

>> No.8208861

Reading is for retarded niggers

>> No.8208863

I think you are lost

>> No.8208865

What makes that post any different from the rest of the thread?

>> No.8208866

>Dawkin's The God Delusion sure as hell hasn't converted any Christians
I'm sure it has. Most likely younger people already itching to establish their own identity, though.

>> No.8208867

If a nationalistic right wing society bloomed in the united states the first amendment would be honored.

If a cultural marxist left wing society seized control of the united states the first amendment would be dismantled and edited and used as a tool to hunt down those who speak against the state.

>> No.8208868

nice, gonna copy that one to use on some hapless rightard

>> No.8208870

i wouldn't read your story

>> No.8208871
File: 18 KB, 452x363, 1341860211827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You rekt yourself, we both know it
You can believe whatever you will. But still doesn't change those crime statistics or IQ scores.


>> No.8208873

That's because you're mad.

Don't worry a million /pol/acks would.

>> No.8208874

Good for them. What does that have to do with me?

>> No.8208875

>literally disregarding facts because they don't correlate with your personal ideas and feelings.

How can we even discuss political issues when there is such a large portion of the people ignoring basic facts?

What I also don't understand is the argument that people from the right act out of fear. How is this a wrong thing? For example, Islamophobia refers to the phobia of Islam which in turn usually translates to a pathological fear of X that is actually baseless. But if you look at the events unfolding around in our world today how can you tell me that fear of Islam actually has no root in reality and is merely a phobia in your mind? The amount of mental gymnastics and doublethink from people from the left just astonishes me. What will it take before fear is manifested to a point where you will act on it? Or is turning the other cheek your final resolution to all that is evil?

>> No.8208876

Why can't bookfags just fuck out of 4chan already? How are we supposed to wage our sacred war against the forces of Satan if those decieved by Judaism have their tents in our camp? All anti-redpill boards should be removed from 4chan for the sake of humanity's future.

>> No.8208877

mad about what? i don't care about spam on /lit/

>> No.8208878


>> No.8208879

>leftist steals intellectual property because he is too inferior to be able create something with his own talents


>> No.8208880


>he thinks I'm a leftist.

Because anyone who'd take issue with your laughable spectrum antics must be a filthy liberal! There can be no other explanation!

You two are literal memepeople.

>> No.8208881


>> No.8208882

>as he reads "spam" on /lit/

>> No.8208884
File: 9 KB, 300x275, 1446978504060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the left's tolerance of SJWs and their resuscitation of the 60s "kill whitey" platform.

We were well on our way to a post-racial society and then the Democrats and San Francisco set us back 50+ years because no problems = no paycheck for diversity consultant parasites.

If anyone is attacked as a collective long enough, they'll respond as a collective. That's just common sense. I can't help but think this is probably some divide-and-conquer plutocrat Illuminati ploy. "White privilege" wasn't suddenly brought back into public discourse ~3 years ago for no reason.

>> No.8208886
File: 17 KB, 889x594, 1465678981507-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftists ITT

>> No.8208887

>I'm so fedora that I've transcended the political spectrum.

You're clearly a leftist dunce.

>> No.8208888

wow i can't believe how original you are! you won the argument -- i can't compete with your refusal to insult the opponent and complete reliance on statistics and logical argumentation

>> No.8208890

Please reply faster so that the thread will hit bump limit and die

>> No.8208891

what's your point? i said i don't care about spam as in it doesn't make me mad, which is what you should have been able to conclude from the first sentence

>> No.8208893
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>> No.8208894
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Go scream and pout about your pretend utopia somewhere else pinko.

>> No.8208896

>i don't have the intellectual capacity to conceive of any reality outside a simplistic dichotomy of distinct opposites

>> No.8208899

Wait you believe the left relies on statistics and logical argument?

>> No.8208900

already got quads m8888. you lost

>> No.8208901

Why is it that this thread looks like Shrek's swamp? Does nobody have any clue as to the nature of their quotations

>> No.8208904

Since this thread is super active and I'm too lazy to make a thread, can you fucks tell me why you idolize Lolita so much? I haven't even read the book, but I can already tell that the book is about DUDE LOVE HAS NO BOUNDARIES LMAO.

>> No.8208905
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>I have transcended the earthy bounds of the childlike game you call "politics". Up here with my reptilian brethren we simply call it chess.

Shut up kid. Go jerk off Chomsky or somethin.

>> No.8208906

Now, this, THIS, is shitposting.

>> No.8208907

i believe that some rightists think they rely on statistics and logical argument all the while insulting the left for using insults

i'm not arguing from the position of a leftist because i'm not a leftist. i'm arguing against self-defeating rhetoric. i would do the same if a leftist said something so blatantly contradictory

>> No.8208908


Tell me more about your hatred of "fedoras" you emotional regressive, lol.

>> No.8208909

read the opening sentence and you will know why

>> No.8208910

Because leftists are also pedoscum.

And this shitty board is rife with those pinko slimeballs.

>> No.8208911

>dichotomy politics are the default position

you bet. how will you embarrass yourself next?

>> No.8208912

>you emotional regressive

Mother of god is /lit/ a liberal arts school?

>> No.8208914

I am hungry.

>> No.8208916

>i believe that some rightists think they rely on statistics and logical argument all the while insulting the left for using insults


That isn't contradictory it is pointing out the obvious. The right still uses facts and logic while the left flounders about slinging shit. Nothing wrong with calling shit flingers what they are.

>> No.8208917


Mother of god can't you see how badly you embody Horseshoe Theory alongside all the SJWs that you hate?

You've become the object of your disdain you clueless simple simon. Keep peddlin' them identity politics, boy.

>> No.8208918

I am also thirsty.

>> No.8208919

I looked in the /pol/ archive and I can't find where the backup call occured. Do you have additional meeting grounds for such recruitment?

>> No.8208920

>gods of new age political philosophy try to "school" someone without providing a logical argument or facts
>instead they sling shit
>think that they aren't sjws

>> No.8208922

>The right still uses facts and logic while the left flounders about slinging shit.

no, the right slings shit about using facts and logic but that's the extent of it. the right doesn't use facts and logic any more than the left.

>> No.8208924

/pol/acks read more than any other group of people on 4chan.

>> No.8208926

Ok I read it. My mind isn't blown or anything. Care to explain?

>> No.8208927

>the right doesn't use facts and logic any more than the left.

Now that is a load of horseshit.

>> No.8208931


The SJW are memepeople who have emotionally invested their identities into their political narrative and will now rabidly defend said narrative because an attack on it is subconsciously felt to be an attack on their person. They are memepeople.

The alt-right are memepeople who have emotionally invested their identities into their political narrative and will now rabidly defend said narrative because an attack on it is subconsciously felt to be an attack on their person. They are memepeople.

>> No.8208932

Try not being autistic.

>> No.8208933

'transcending' political dichotomy logically follows the preposition that political dichotomy is a default position that humans occupy, does it not? i'm trying to suggest that you should actually substantiate your claims with some sort of evidence. i didn't think it would be that hard for you to make sense of it

>> No.8208934

where are your facts that say otherwise? oh that's right it's all empty rhetoric

>> No.8208935

Haven't you seen the Matrix? You're either red-pill or you're blue-pill, that's the way it's meant to be

>> No.8208936
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>'transcending' political dichotomy logically follows the preposition that political dichotomy is a default position that humans occupy, does it not?

I think talking to a real sjw would be more fruitful than conversing with you two morons.

You got the mememan and the politicalfedora master.


>> No.8208938

Damn, you're right! At last I truly see. #allloveislegal

>> No.8208941

Where are your facts?

Oh right it was all just an unfounded opinion dictated by an assblasted pretend writer on the internet.

>> No.8208942

>i got btfo

yeah i know. maybe next time

>> No.8208945

You know if you keep saying it maybe one day it will be true!

>> No.8208948

This fellow interpreted Lolita as a political text. Why do autists even try to read literature? It seems they would be happier reading textbooks

>> No.8208949

It's a complete non-sequitur. What does the Marvel fandom have to do with whether books/ideas are dangerous? Being greatly annoyed by someone is not the same as being threatened by them.

>> No.8208950

if you really can't see how your argument applies to the right saying, without facts, that they depend on facts more than argument, then i don't know what to tell you.

>> No.8208951


>I think talking to a real sjw would be more fruitful

Sorry I'm not giving you any spectrum to be able to bounce yours off of.

Try /pol/. That site is lousy with young spectrumlords like yourself who want to vent out their private frustrations in life through the guise of "politics".

>> No.8208952
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>get baited
>say that he btfo the baiter

>> No.8208954

"maybe next time"? sure, you should hope for your own sake that it does come true

>> No.8208955

That was more or less the point I was trying to make, but maybe I didn't express it well. A book like The God Delusion can turn you on to atheism, just as God's Not Dead could turn you on to Christianity, but only if you already connected with those ideas. If you're a steadfast atheist, hearing someone tell you your beliefs are wrong will not convert you and vice versa.

>> No.8208959

Goodbye fedora fag. Let us know when you finish your opus which births the new political philosophy.

Fucking marx wannabe.

>> No.8208963

>lol show me an info graph which supports an argument between me and you of a juxtaposed argument!

>> No.8208967

In reality, you can be a republican or a democrat, everything else is just one of the two under an assumed name.

>> No.8208968


sure. you can have the last word if you want

>> No.8208971

Whatever you say pinko.

>> No.8208972


>still just as emotional

Literal autism. Bye, lol.

>> No.8208973
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jesus you're mad

take a chill pill mememan

>> No.8208977

>retard that parades a political fedora without proving that he has transcended the political spectrum thinks someone else has autism

I bet you like sonic too.

>> No.8208980

no, the original argument didn't involve me. someone claimed some shit and didn't have anything to back it up while doing the same things they were accusing the opposition of doing. the argument needed 'statistics' before i got involved to demonstrate how contradictory the argument was

but if you still want to avoid admitting it was a bad argument then it doesn't mean anything to me. don't try to drag it out any longer than this though since you know what i was getting at

>> No.8208981


>says goodbye
>still compelled to post

Leave already you triggered dork.

Don't say "goodbye" if you know that you can't contain your unbelievable levels of autism. Why do that to yourself?

>> No.8208983

Do you understand how badly your case of down syndrome is? Did the doctors tell you as a child or did your parents sit you down and let you know that you are a lot more special than the other kids in school.

>> No.8208984

As a fellow right-winger I think you should leave Sonic out of this. I like Sonic. It's not a political position.

>> No.8208985


>> No.8208986

You said you were leaving you autistic fart huffer.

>> No.8208988

all that text for 'ur retarded'. is that your idea of a workout?

>> No.8208989

I thought it was funny.

Shitty comeback familia.

>> No.8208991

Are you ESL or ETL?

>> No.8208992


>this continued emotion

Don't say goodbye if you know that your spectrum affords you zero control over your emotions. I didn't make you say that. You chose to.

>> No.8208993

And you read every word of it.

>is that your idea of a workout?
No my real workout is flipping your mum over and dredging that fat ass down to poundtown.

>> No.8208994

fucki shut the fuck up you fucking reatd cuck0old fagfot

>> No.8208996

>mr fedoratism loses control of his emotions and spergs on the nearest poster

>> No.8208997


now kiss

>> No.8208998



And yet here you are.

Getting even more emotional than you were before.

>> No.8209002

The selection bias is unreal

For real though nowadays the counterculture is being 'anti-SJW', and within my social group those valiant freethinkers do exactly what you describe

>> No.8209004

For someone who claims to control his emotions you seem to be very upset that poster is still here in this thread

>the guy you're quoting isn't even him



>> No.8209006

>Unfunny arrogant young males think they're wittier than another group of unfunny arrogant young males: the thread

>> No.8209008

I am going to write my term paper on this thread

>> No.8209009

Let us know when those anti sjw freethinkers go to school to become indoctrinated with right leaning narratives.

>> No.8209010

>facts have liberal bias :(

>> No.8209011


This is what happens to young emotional dips when you decide to calmly chase (You)s on them but give them nothing to go with in turn.

They completely implode.

>> No.8209012



>> No.8209013

>feelings are the same as facts

Fixed that for you


>> No.8209014

I don't believe for a second that the guy using caps is in control of his emotions.

>> No.8209017
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>> No.8209018

That's because you can't fathom that he is making a joke at your expense.

>> No.8209019

>they're teaching feelings in college. trust me, i've never been to college

>> No.8209022

Nice evidence you have there. Mind posting a source friend?

If not I'm sorry to say this but I'm gonna have to trash your opinion.

>> No.8209023

Not my expense; I'm not the guy he's replying to. But it is possible to make jokes out of frustration.

>> No.8209024

Apparently you've never been to college.

>> No.8209026

not an american one

>> No.8209027

Yeah and it is possible that all liberals want to kill all white males in a giant thresher. You guys make such good arguments sometimes.

>> No.8209031

In most western nations colleges are completely fucked. It isn't just the united states.

>> No.8209033

Post 300 GET

>> No.8209035
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>> No.8209036

no it's just the states

>> No.8209037

Reading books in a shack next to the outhouse isn't college Mohammad.

>> No.8209038

>[value] [value] [value] [value] think they're [value] than another group of [value] [value] [value] [value]: the thread

wow it's almost like someone said something about this, can't remember who it was though

>> No.8209039
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>he thinks western europe's educational system isn't completely invaded by cultural marxists

>> No.8209040

i seriously don't understand how you could post that and think it is at all funny. you're literally just repeating memes like some /b/tard in his first month on 4chan


>> No.8209041

ur a big guy

>> No.8209042

nice post man

>> No.8209043

sorry Mohammad didn't mean to get your bathroom twisted up. Please don't bomb an embassy or starbucks or somethin.

>> No.8209045
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>> No.8209046


>> No.8209047

bump limit

>> No.8209050

It's over

The Right clearly won this battle.

The left whined too much and tried claiming they weren't mad but they were.

Maybe next time some anarchists will show up.

>> No.8209051

Glad you guys really enjoyed this thread. I'll be sure to make a similar one tomorrow.

>> No.8209052

anarchists did show up but some rightist shat himself at the idea there was something other than left - right

>> No.8209055

Americucks everyone

>> No.8209056

Maybe next time the left can use facts to back up their rhetoric.

Hell, pigs might fly too!

>> No.8209058

If that guy was an anarchist then it isn't a surprise that only edgelords and autists fall prey to that failed political philosophy,

>> No.8209059

Yeah those rightists were real scared of those fedoralords and limp wristed globalists.

>> No.8209060


>> No.8209061

Better than a dirty shitskin pretending to be european


>> No.8209063

well read the thread. he literally ended by saying "i-i-i was just t-t-trolling guys"

>> No.8209065

He made fun of you the entire time and the best you could come up with was "lel ur emotional!"

Truly pathetic.

>> No.8209066

you're looking at the wrong conversation

>> No.8209067

Self-containment? How polite!

>> No.8209069

Now that the shit-flinging has subsided, in all honesty the self-identifying rightists are really dumb. They offered absolutely nothing in this thread, not even the slightest hint of originality. It was embarrassing to see.

>> No.8209074

Then there's the other guy saying the the right is just the same as the left while conceding that the right does use facts rather than feelings.

But has the audacity to say that the right is being hypocritical because they laugh at the left for only being able to spit out insults to mask their lack of a structured argument.

When it comes to politics /lit/ might be the most autistically useless board. Everyone here thinks they are some armchair philosopher. They all think they are interesting. They are superior. But you all fucking suck.

Even your writing sucks. Those poetry threads are dogshit. Don't even get me started on the critique threads.

Then there's the zine threads. Holy hell the horror.

But the worst thing was when you guys actually put together a book and instead of making it a collection of the best poetry and short stories from here you all sperged out and memed it.

Fucking terrible board. No talent hacks everywhere who think they are all kafka reborn.

>> No.8209076

any facts to back that up?

>> No.8209078

>Then there's the other guy saying the the right is just the same as the left while conceding that the right does use facts rather than feelings.
>But has the audacity to say that the right is being hypocritical because they laugh at the left for only being able to spit out insults to mask their lack of a structured argument.

your reading comprehension needs work

>> No.8209080

So why be here at all? Why do other boards choose /lit/ as a toilet when /b/ still exists?

>> No.8209081


>> No.8209085

I can link to individual posts but it's a waste of time.

>> No.8209087

/lit/ isn't a toilet because people from other boards come here to take a dump. This place is a toilet because of the resident posters don't seem to mind that everything they post is utter dogshit.

>> No.8209089

not an argument

>> No.8209090

No you apparently need a lesson on logic. Laughing at someone out of pity is different than slinging shit in desperation.

You leftists and your tiny poisoned brains. I pity thee.

>> No.8209091

Seems to be a perfectly good stance on why your board blows.

>> No.8209092

/lit/'s taste in literature is as bad as /pol/'s taste in politics.

>> No.8209093

lol nerb

>> No.8209100

>You leftists


>Laughing at someone out of pity is different than slinging shit in desperation.

this is so boring. you're not even trying to hide your bias. anyone can just reverse your posts and it would still remain 'true'. you fucking suck

>> No.8209101

Iif you don't debate me immediately then I'll fly to your house and make a mess of your pots and pans. Topic of debate: my giant cock

>> No.8209103

At least we both aren't as bad as /mu/.

/lit/ is too stupid to get anything done while /pol/ has infected the mainstream narratives of the west.

That's the difference.

>> No.8209106

>you fucking suck

Another leftist slinging shit. What a surprise. What a sad little rodent.

>> No.8209107

>/pol/ has infected the mainstream narratives of the west.

what? /pol/ didn't invent conservatism or the right wing

>> No.8209108

lol mexigan
build a wall u niger

>> No.8209110



>> No.8209114

/new/ and /pol/ was a huge influence in bringing back nationalism to the west.

/lit/ is a big influence on how not to write

>> No.8209115


>> No.8209118

>/new/ and /pol/ was a huge influence in bringing back nationalism to the west.

just like how /v/ made lana del rey popular because they kept posting her song 'video games'? no evidence, but many teenagers with an over-inflated sense of self importance

>> No.8209125

Actually /v/ and /pol/ were big influences on exposing gamer gate.

Or are you too fucking stupid to understand that these boards do hold influence in the real world?

I mean you might be seeing as you're most likely a resident posted of a /lit/ board that can't write.

>> No.8209138

gamer gate is only influential in the video game community which is primarily made up of internet forums. it's not a big achievement to use a forum to change the culture in forums. that is not even close to being the same as influencing a rise of nationalism in the west, especially considering nationalism isn't a foreign idea (nor was it dormant) in the west

maybe if you spend so much time on 4chan you start to believe meme magic is real, but the influence of this image board is inconsequential

>I mean you might be seeing as you're most likely a resident posted of a /lit/ board that can't write.

running out of things to say? maybe you can think of a /pol/ meme that is relevant to this conversation, since you spend so much time repeating them

>> No.8209145

Gamergate revealed the lengths of corruption in journalism and effected the mainstream narrative.

And the rise of nationalism in the west was birthed right here on 4chan in /new/ and nationalists have persisted on the internet and filtering their narratives and propaganda through every facet available to them for the last six years.

Large groups of people working towards the same goal hold influence. But I'm sure you'll say that's wrong because it's just 4chan right?


Also that /lit/ can't write bit really stung you deep and low didn't it?

Maybe if you hacks produced something worthwhile you wouldn't be spit on.

>> No.8209146

>(nor was it dormant) in the west
Alright dude you lost. You're just arguing just to argue.

>> No.8209152

gamergate was pretty much everywhere dude. Also /pol/ has put out some propaganda that filtered into the mainstream world.

>> No.8209155

>Gamergate revealed the lengths of corruption in journalism

no that has been an issue in journalism possibly since its beginning. /v/ and /pol/ didn't invent the idea of ethics in journalism. they simply applied it to video game journalism

>And the rise of nationalism in the west was birthed right here on 4chan in /new/

you mean during the enlightenment in the 18th century

>But I'm sure you'll say that's wrong because it's just 4chan right?

i could argue it's just a reaction of people being told what to do by the left i.e. SJWs, feminists, etc. and in saying that i would have to say that tumblr was more influential. but i doubt that is true. in either case you should think about taking a break from 4chan and seeing how little it matters in the average person's life

>Also that /lit/ can't write bit really stung you deep and low didn't it?

no i don't really have anything to do with /lit/

how old are you?

>> No.8209158

the 'us or the terrorists' mentality of the bush administration was wholly nationalist and had nothing to do with 4chan

want to know how much influence 4chan has? look at ron paul

>> No.8209161

'pretty much' -- rather disingenuous. it wasn't anywhere because it blew the journalism world wide open. it became a news story because reddit and 4chan kept harassing women

>> No.8209170

>look at trump

fixed that for you

>> No.8209180

it's mostly older people who support trump though, not the 4chan demographic

>> No.8209314

>by virtue of genetics.

>> No.8209348

Chivalrous books weren't dangerous in the same way as evolas

>> No.8209467
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>niggers gonna nig

>> No.8209512

You can either disagree with what I said, ask clarifying questions, or put forth yor own ideas. Ad hominem is for children.

Actually, research shows that poor people are the most ethical, the most likely to feel compassion, and be charitable.

Also, all because others don't share those values doesn't mean they aren't true.

I'm pretty smart.

No, the problem is your simple analysis. When you actually factor in biased police arrests, you find for example that white people often commit the same if not more drug crimes but get arrested for it far less often. And that police will target black kids specifically, use illegal tactics against them, etc. Then you for getting realize that when you treat one group as criminalized, they often respond in kind regardless of racial background.

If you actually want to understand the causes of aggression, you should do research into it, rather tan ascribing truth to your racist bigotry. Look at more factors than just a person's skin color.

Do you even know how stupid that sounds. You're talking about massively complex social issues, and you being a moronic scientific say, well, it must be the color of their eyes! When in fact there is a multitude of research from psychology, biology, history, sociology, all painting a much mre nuanced and complex picture of what's happening.

But I don't expex /pol/tards to get that, with their limited talking points and lack of college education and scientific training.

False dichotomy.

Also a person. You can't differentiate between someone who is brain dead, fully alive, a fetus or a leaf?

He works as an English teacher.

>cultural Marxist
/pol/tards detected.

>> No.8209523

Great questions.

First, all you have to tell me is why you fear Islam and not our police or toddlers.

Because you're more likely to be killed by a cop or a toddler with a gun in America than Islam.
If you fully understand this point, the thing you will fully fear is climate change, cars, cigarettes, and capitalists.

Phobia is IRRATIONAL, because it completely misunderstands what is threatening and what isn't.

How old are you? Where do you get these ideas? I'm just curious.

>> No.8209530

He's right though, you're an idiot. As stupid as an astrologer talking about you'll be X Y Z because the stars aligned a certain way.

You think you understands biology, but you've never studied the subject.


>> No.8209746

>brain dead, fully alive, a fetus
>fully alive

Those are all masses of cells. When does one mass of cells start being a person?