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/lit/ - Literature

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820341 No.820341 [Reply] [Original]

Well I was going to wait till Saturday to post this but the books came today :)

To the anons who bought these for me - many thanks again; you're pretty awesome.

I posted my amazon wishlist in that thread on Saturday and some kind anons bought these books for me. I will buy someone a book on Saturday.

So I guess Saturday is now the day for posting wishlists and buying books for strangers :)

>> No.820360

I didn't post my wishlist, but seeing that post made my day. Enjoy the books OP!

>> No.820359

Any other anons received their books yet?

Also one of the anons who bought me books also ordered a HG Wells book for me which isn't out till April 2011, if you are reading this anon feel free to cancel that, or leave it and I'll receive it eventually. :)

>> No.820364

well check again on saturday - one of the buyers agreed to buy more books on saturday.

>> No.820371

I actually have 9 books in the mail right now, so I'd feel selfish if I did.
Hooray book binging.

>> No.820378

Congrats on the books, anon! Hope you enjoy reading them.
Someone bought a book for me as well and I am so excited about receiving it.

>> No.820401

Thanks. It was a nice surprise getting these - and also slightly surreal. Going to finish my current book and then make a start on these.

Also I get paid on Friday so I'll return the favour to someone on Saturday.

>> No.820402

>H.G. Wells book being released next year
What's all this now?

>> No.820412

no it's nothing new, just a collection of (all?) his short stories that I added to my wishlist but realised later that amazon had listed the item even though it isn't released for almost a year :(

>> No.820413

It's awesome you're going to return the favor. I'm flat broke but I can do art so I was thinking of offering to ink or paint custom bookmarks for people.

>> No.820420

My Work is Not Yet Done is amazing.

The last story in there will shred your brain.

>> No.820554

I'd be interested in custom bookmarks.
a friend recommended it and then someone on /lit/ did too - I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.820617

My DA is junkupshowup if you want to see generally what my art looks like. Most of that stuff is old but my work looks generally the same.

>> No.820646

I would create a wishlist, but there's no way I can repay the favor in the near future. The book I want at the moment is House of Leaves, because a friend of mine was so insistent that I read it... he had long discussions with me about it, explaining exactly how he felt about it, and what it did to him. He died two weeks ago, and I don't have the money for it right now.

>> No.820655

So you posted wish list multiple times and got multiple books?

>> No.820662

How did he die?

>> No.820669

his house was acting funny and he went into this weird hallway in it

>> No.820676

He had a heart condition that made his heart beat very quickly..and by quickly I mean it's gotten to 300 before. He was playing bass in his band for a graduation party (the day before his graduation, actually...), and had an attack. He's been to the hospital a few times before, and had been a month or so before this incident, so none of us were too worried. The hospital put him into a medically induced coma and paralyzed him after they reduced his core temperature to combat any damage. He suffered from brain damage, though, from swelling, and got a smoker's cold. While paralyzed, he couldn't cough up all the tar in his lungs, so it was a turning point in a bad way. They decided that he wouldn't make a meaningful recovery, due to brain swelling, so they took him off of life support, and he suffocated for 11 hours. He was 19.

>> No.820681

I like these threads

but seriously, I never need any more books.

>> No.820736


that made me sad :(

>> No.820925


>> No.820929

remOev_YUoR iLLgEaL clOeN_FO hTtP://TINYUrl.Com/3YTC6yx iMmEiDaTELy. px ololytq fpqg rih s h pe uatn ksc u bh

>> No.823417

bump - more anons will receive books today I'm sure.

>> No.823424

/lit/ - socialists

>> No.823682

Wow, anons, this is amazing. Hopefully, some kind person will hit on my list. Enjoy your books, you lucky folks!

>> No.824157


>> No.824169



>> No.825596


>> No.826609

kind bump

>> No.826622

I got my book in the mail today. Thanks kind Anon.

>> No.826629

what book was it?

>> No.826650


Dresden Files boxset.