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/lit/ - Literature

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8205691 No.8205691 [Reply] [Original]

Im going to start reading Fyodor's books and I was wondering if there's any problem if I start by his most critically acclaimed work "The Brothers Karamazov". Speaking in a sense that I'd like to know if there's any book that I should start by or it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.8205692

it doesn't matter that much if you are already accostumed reading long books.

In my opinion BK it's his best work

>> No.8205695

thanks m8

>> No.8205698

Notes from Underground or Crime and Punishment are the general starting points, but it doesn't really matter.

The Brothers K is special in that the religious themes are the most pronounced in it by far.

>> No.8205703

that's a theme that really interests me so I guess I'll be def. reading Karamazov

>> No.8205712

Are you Christian, or just curious?

I'm Orthodox

>> No.8205766

I think that Crime and Punishment would make for a better starting point. Yet, start wherever you like, but make sure to read Demons.

>> No.8206087

It doesn't matter where you start. My first Dostoevsky was the Karamazov brothers as well.

Be sure to read the avsey translation

>> No.8206692

I liked The Idiot and White Nights.

>> No.8206720

>my opinion

literally everybody's opinion

>> No.8206727

The Idiot is my favorite from Dostoyevsky. Be sure to read it even I you decide to read The Brothers Karamazov first.

>> No.8206735

Read Notes from Underground first. It's short and you could cruise through it in 2 hours.

>> No.8206874

I'm just about to start it, got it today. What am I in for?

>> No.8206880

/r9k/: the book

>> No.8206882

It's different from his other novels.
It's like Russian Catcher in the Rye for 20-somethings with psychological themes

>> No.8206960

But he actually talks to a girl, though.

>> No.8206964

He goes to a party and ree's about how much he hates them for being successful and the spergs out towards a whore

>> No.8206997
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>Dostoevsky thread
>"I'm Orthodox Christian"

well i'll be

>> No.8207007

That would be My Twisted World, not Notes from Underground.

>> No.8207046

/r9k/ would never virtually force themselves into a party they were unwelcome at, and make a public scene there.

His relation with the whore is nothing like them either, they wouldn't make a prostitute fall in love through literary persuasion, and then reject her out of shame of themselves.

It's like you didn't even read Part I. If you take a look at the average threads on /r9k/, they're nothing like the thoughts of the Underground Man. He certainly doesn't gripe about not having a girlfriend.

The Underground Man embraces being a loser out of rebellion toward practicality, reason and utilitarianism. His being a loser is an affirmation of freedom, /r9k/ are losers due to *lack* of freedom.

>> No.8207367
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Tfw I read the p and v translation and thought the prose was awkward

Did I fuck up bros?

>> No.8209210

I liked it