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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 167 KB, 600x598, Earthlings_WEBREADY_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8200904 No.8200904 [Reply] [Original]

Reddit is doing a "best books" thread..
Material for good laughs.

>> No.8200907
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>> No.8200923
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So this gets around a thousand upvotes on reddit.
Bloomin 'eck!

>> No.8200924
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>Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files. Wonderful modern fantasy that reads just like a comic book.


>> No.8200947
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>Patrick Rothfuss is a wordsmith. Reading anything by him is just a joy.

>> No.8201332
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golly we sure are smarter than them redditors arent we, fellow 4channers?

my taste and iq is clearly superior

>> No.8201339

Reading through these books, this is certainly not true. He find a nice turn once every hundred pages. You can also tell he spent much longer on the first book, he recycles descriptions constantly in the second book.

>> No.8201342

>bumping the two hour dead thread on it's way to page 10
reminder to kill yourself daily

>> No.8201352

Idiot scum

>> No.8201358

Yes, we are. Or at least I know I am. Trying to fool yourself that the fact you have good taste and high IQ doesn't make you feel good about yourself is just plain pretentious. Accept your vanity and your egoism and be free at last.

>> No.8201372


what book recommendations do you want on a non literary board? it obviously will be mostly genre fiction

ask /r/ for books, i wonder what they would suggest

>> No.8201382


Do you guys remember the lel when reddit got a hold of our top books list?

>The Bible is #1??? WTF??
>Only one book isn't written by a white male!
>No Discworld??? WTF?

Then they all came here to shit up our board!

>> No.8201469
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>Blood Meridian by Cormack McCarthy

>> No.8201476

ugh. Was waiting for this thread. It's got the 'serious' tag too.
>seriously spooked

>> No.8201483

same shit. Harry Potter, John Green, Dune, 1984, Into the Wild, etc.
/r/literature isn't that bad however. it provides what this board cannot

>> No.8201538

>Ctrl+f "confederacy"
>No results

Okay. A Confederacy of Dunces is honestly the end of /lit/

>> No.8201589


>> No.8202237

it's been here the whole time

>> No.8202281
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A few months ago I actually dug around to answer this exact question in a thread where anon wanted people to guess. Can't find it on warosu, but I think I got the same source

>> No.8202315
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>> No.8202329

Does anyone have the list this anon is talking about?

>> No.8202339
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> Second Place : 1984

>> No.8202361

I'm actually grateful of /lit/ for introducing me to good literature

>> No.8202379

Know what you mean. It seems awful here sometimes, but every time I try to re-visit reddit and I just gag.

>> No.8202409
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> Declaration of Independence

>> No.8202437

Why the fuck do you care so much about what leddit thinks? Let them have their shitty taste to themselves, don't bring that shit here.

The fact that you even browse reddit is enough reason for you to fucking kill yourself.

>> No.8202452
File: 146 KB, 1035x386, trpbooks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the red pill's taste in /lit/.

>> No.8202459

Jesus Christ it's all self-help books

>> No.8202466
File: 866 KB, 1600x1952, trpbooks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah mang, they got the nietzschester, can't you see they know philosophy

>> No.8202488


u realized 'red pill' has two different connotations considering the context of 4chan and the context of reddit right? I mean, both are equally pathetic echo chambers filled with angsty 20-something year old moral and social crusaders, don't get me wrong

but yea the Leddit version is about the dating game.

>> No.8202523
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Just google "reddit 4chan top books" They had several threads and one on imgur. I can't tell the difference between imgur and reddit desu. I'm disappointed I can't find that bible comment, maybe he (she??) deleted it, redditors can delete or edit posts any time they want.


Right here bud. I think this was one of the earlier, less good lists.


>the civil war c. 1925.

That's not when the Spanish Civil War took place shitlord. What an idiot.

>> No.8202568

life is too short to waste it burning with hatred for strangers

>> No.8203252

>self-help forum recommends self-help books
It's not surprising.

>> No.8203865
File: 44 KB, 776x602, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Bible
>Harry Potter
>Calvin and Hobbes
>Dr. Seuss
>The Declaration of Independence

>> No.8203878

He meant >>>/r/ not /r/books.

>> No.8203881
File: 16 KB, 382x385, 1466754340328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible is the most important single text in the Western canon. It's part of the foundation of modern society, along with the Greek and Roman texts. Everything is derived from either the Greeks and those that came after -- the Christians.

>> No.8203910

it doesn't matter

>> No.8204273

I think anon's point was that the spread of books is rather ridiculous

>> No.8204308


Read what Schopenhauer had to say about false modesty.

>> No.8204319

Why the fuck do they do that? They seem like a bunch of faggots trying to sing some folk-y song together.

>> No.8204345

>David hume is verbose and academic
As if we needed more confirmation that redpillers were illiterate

>> No.8204352


>> No.8204613

>The Bible is the most important single text in the Western canon.
>implying that is why it's on the list and not for "The Good Book" reasons

>> No.8204848

Let's all vote for mine kumf

>> No.8204864

>good laughs
I cringe more than I laugh, it's disgusting.