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/lit/ - Literature

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8202254 No.8202254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What type of books does your girlfriend read, /lit/?

>> No.8202256 [DELETED] 

Nestor Makhno

>> No.8202262

My fiancé is mostly into edgy po-mo these days

She's been dipping her toes into modernism though and displayed an interest in Knut Hamsun and Kafka

>> No.8202299

My waifu doesn't read.

>> No.8202306
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I wonder if she reads?

>> No.8202310

Jw, did you meet your fiancé at University?

>> No.8202313

Contemporary philosophy of mind and politics/religion for non fic, and international lit when she's not reading something from the canon she feels obligated to

at least that's what I think she would, if girls liked me and I knew what it was like to have that kind of connection with another human

>> No.8202323

Serial sci-fi (lots of Star Wars novels) and whatever's based on video games or popular on reddit at the moment. The Martian a while ago, before that I think it was some book by a Cracked author.

No luck trying to inspire interest in anything I like. But I gave up trying about half a decade ago.

>> No.8202325
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>> No.8202326

what positive qualities does she have to make up for her anti-intellectualism?

>> No.8202333

Kindness and generosity to a fault, exceedingly great at cooking plus knowledge in things other than the arts (works as a sysadmin, restores cars, gunsmithing, etc.). Also some qualities that are maybe only positives to me, like being the person always picked on when in a larger group, being very messy in habit, almost always in a manic state.

>> No.8202337

Whole lotta plays

>> No.8202345

i still need to find a 3d waifu but so far tinder has given me zero luck

>> No.8202375
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Anne Rice.

>> No.8202453


From the top of my head, she loves Shakespeare, Plato, Eliot. She's well read.

>> No.8202471

First week of classes my first year

>> No.8202477


>> No.8202496
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She's my ex now.

;_; I was so in love

>> No.8202573



George or TS?

>> No.8202588

She doesn't.
She's a soulless STEM_fag.

>> No.8202676 [DELETED] 

She reads whatever she can get her hands on in more languages than I can count. Almost like a sponge, absorbing works in their totality, she doesn't forget a word. She's read all the books on Bloom's list, almost every books on every /lit/ chart, and all of this without trying or seeking to achieve a thing.

Also, she isn't my girlfriend and would never consider dating me and doesn't actually exist..

>> No.8202694


>> No.8202697

There's a meme in society of some kind of entrepreneurial post-capitalist industrial-scientific "productivity" thing, and they are expressing the meme because they are demi-conscious memebuoys floating on a slurry sea of currents you can only see if you zoom out
It's exhausting even trying to give an answer to this question. You need to like phenomenologically bracket every single word and write a book explaining that they aren't even people. They aren't even conscious. They aren't even having "opinions". STEM people are like robots with human skin stretched over them. To say "they are dismissive of the humanities" is implicitly to admit I think there's a "they". STEM people don't even fucking exist. They are a statistical gaseous nebula of random particles wafting across continents and periodically expressing junk they picked up along the way. Why would you even talk to them?
Talking to a STEMfag is literally like being some kind of Buddha, ascending reality, then coming back down and talking to bees who were dudes in past lives. I'm sure these bee niggas can be saved or whatever, but let's just wait until they're back in human form. Don't walk around going "BEES, STOP BUZZING, PUT DOWN THAT POLLEN, LISTEN TO ME ABOUT HOW EVERY CONCEPTUAL CATEGORY YOU HAVE FOR EVEN THINKING OF THINGS WAS SHAPED FOR YOU BY AN UNCONSCIOUS SLUDGE OF MEMETIC POLYALLOY THAT FLOWS IN PREDICTABLE CURRENTS FROM YEAR TO YEAR THROUGH THE HIVE IN WHICH YOU WERE CONCEIVED"

>> No.8202715

nice pasta

>> No.8202729

this all rings true to me desu

>> No.8202747

T.S. Eliot.

Shut up

>> No.8202752

The fiddle. When she plays it I cum in my pants.

>> No.8202754

harry potter and pynchon.

>> No.8202765

i got her to start a reading challenge this year, so that's positive. 1984 most recently, besides that a couple of dutch books, Congo by David van Reybrouck (recommend, btw).

>> No.8202865

A Song of Ice and Fire

… at a rate of about 18 months/volume. fml.

>> No.8202867

>(works as a sysadmin, gunsmithing, etc.
Are you dating a redditor?

>> No.8202868

Sartre, Kant, Angela Carter, Pynchon, Atwood

she reads more than be desu

also she got an ass like nobody's business

>> No.8202870

TFW I'm nobody's girlfriend.

>> No.8202876
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What's that like? Is it as bad as no gf? I wish I knew a girl who read. Or a qt boy too for that matter.

My ex had a copy of "Like Water for Elephants" that she never finished.

>> No.8202898

She reads philosophy mostly, Kierkegaard, Spinoza, Cioran are a few she likes. Fantasy, too, and I've been giving her a few of my books - Medina Reyes, Ballard, Wolfe. Trying to get her into reading English books in the original language.

>> No.8202899

must be nice not to have crippling anxiety

nigga i dont even have a *friend*

>> No.8202912

No gf, and nothing on the horizon even.

>> No.8202914


>> No.8202922

normies gtfo

>> No.8202928

lolita atm, were both reading it.

>> No.8202930


>> No.8202933


It's lonely.

>> No.8202984

Mostly light stuff. She's read a ton of classics but can't be bothered by anythin kind of cerebral stuff, which is mostly what I'm into.
Can't blame her, with her life I'd be too tired to read serious stuff too

>> No.8202986

Wow my grammar was a mess, apologies.
I'd also add that she can't read for prose alone, which is what made me finish a lot of novels

>> No.8203034

I wish I could read for prose alone. It's like watching slice of life anime I just can't do it.

>> No.8203075

My main is reading Lolita atm.
Side girl couldn't read a mustard packet.

>> No.8203083


>> No.8203087

Seeing as my first post mentioned reading whatever's popular on reddit at the moment, that seemed obvious.

We actually met on 4chan though. Long before reddit existed.

>> No.8203089

How do you meet someone on an anonymous site? What boards does/did she go to? Do you realize that you have the chance to murder a redditor?

>> No.8203101


>being this chad

my god, why even read if the end result is becoming this

>> No.8203111

/k/ and /o/, bit of /m/ and /toy/.

There have been meetup threads around since 4chan began, nearly. We met on one of /a/'s, but neither of us go there anymore.

And there are plenty of better opportunities to do that to people I haven't pledged lifelong loyalty to, anon.

>> No.8203118

>lifelong loyalty
You'd just fall a fraction of a second short.

>> No.8203127

Only with suicide tacked on. Anyway, having guns doesn't mean I'm willing to kill anyone, anon.

>> No.8203134

YA novels, she's pretty tasteless

>> No.8203135

Pride and Prejudice
The Odyssey
Les Miserables

>> No.8203137

This year she's finished house of leaves along with rereading a tale of two cities. Probably going to do the same when I'm done with my current book

>> No.8203139

>Only with suicide tacked on.
Are you dumb or something?

>> No.8203143

Planning to kill someone doesn't show loyalty, so no, I wouldn't be being loyal up unto their death.

>> No.8203158

How would a suicide change that?

>> No.8203172

Well, they die

>> No.8203174

The only way a planned murder could be loyal is if you were going together with a murder-suicide, or mutual suicide, imo. There'd have to be a reason for it too though, like escaping some insurmountable situation or a degenerative disease or world's collapse.

>> No.8203182

Do you just get bored?

>> No.8203193
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Garbage, but she is a PhD level stemlord so I guess its alright.

>> No.8203196

>she is a PhD level stemlord so I guess its alright

>> No.8203199

STEM types always read garbage in my experience.

>> No.8203203

Of course but how does that make things better? PhD level stemlord is a bad thing.

>> No.8203208

Her intellectual pursuits lie in journals and fieldwork. Everyone has something different.

>> No.8203216
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Daily reminder that you need to rise your girlfriend and adjust her to your needs. Women have no particular interests in anything which doesn't translate directly to rise of their value at the sexual market. That's not necessarily a wrong thing to have a girl who reads by itself but it should be a red flag for you.

>> No.8203219
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I don't know, but I can't wait to find out.

>> No.8203223

I really wish this were as easily possible with men.

>> No.8203228

Her intellectual work consists of judging poop from sewers on a scale from 1 to 10. Everyone has something different.

>> No.8203229

Kill yourself.

>> No.8203231

still Alice
marley and me
chicken soup for the teenage soul
50 shades of grey
looking for Alaska

you know. the usual female stuff.

>> No.8203232

>50 shades of grey
is she at least kinky?

>> No.8203234

>50 shades of grey
Are you rich in money or cultural capital?

>> No.8203239

All of the girls I've loved have read atrocious YA garbage and flash-in-the-pan activist stuff like The Tears of my Niggly Grandma by Taj-Mahalsi Cocks

It's just whatever the fuck the Internet tells them to read

Having a girlfriend is a lot like having a child that you fuck but don't really like aside from that, honestly. It's like having a son who turned out to be a gay, and he wants to start a punk band based on Wicca. It's like.. I guess you're still my son, but I'm not trying to save you anymore. Just suck my cock at least once a day and I won't beat you when I'm drunk.

>> No.8203243

words of wisdom

>> No.8203248

lmao that guy in your picture is such a fag

>> No.8203273

My girlfriend is 10 times more lit than I am

>> No.8203287

Jane Austen and Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.8203365

Get out and bring her in

>> No.8203380
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>> No.8203390

Donna Tartt, Joe Lansdale, also Scandinavian thrillers and mystery novels in general. and whatever I manage to recommend once in a while. I'm mainly a classics + /sffg/ guy, but she isn't into the latter.

She absolutely loved Stoner, thank you for helping me score points /lit/.

>> No.8203398

>It's just whatever the fuck the Internet tells them to read

sounds like /lit/

>> No.8203400

>thank you for helping me score points /lit/.

>> No.8203546

why do girls hate sf that much?

>> No.8203551

Because they're not nerd virgins.

>> No.8203560
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Eduardo Galeano, Freud (she's studying psychoanalysis), Foucault

>> No.8203570

>she's studying psychoanalysis

>> No.8203593


She doesn't exactly hate it, she was a big Tolkien nerd back in high school and then just kind of grew out of it I guess. Recently tho I made her try I, Robot and she liked it, so there's hope.

>> No.8203663

Grew out of what? Of fucking ideas in their pure form?

>> No.8203680

French 20th century lit, anthropology stuff, linguistics, she's also very concerned (probably more than me) on getting familiar with the canon

she recently started reading some pop sci and theory of state shit, which makes me kinda worried she's going full pleb

>> No.8203693
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I know that feel man. 19 year old, kiss-less virgin. Oh well, I have books and games and movies and anime to keep me company

>> No.8203805

She just rereads Ulysses again and again and again. I try to tell her that it's madness but she just stares at me wirh her beautiful Alexis Bledel eyes and shouts "I never fucking asked to be your fantasy! This sexual slavery". Then she starts crying and I buttfuck her.

>> No.8203813

biographies and period drama bullshit like Anthony Trollope, Henry James, Elizabeth Gaskell etc etc.