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File: 35 KB, 637x384, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8202376 No.8202376[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay goodbye!

>> No.8202381
File: 5 KB, 142x126, halal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faisal Islam

>> No.8202390
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What an ungraceful exit.

>> No.8202395

Like an ISIS bukkake or something?

>> No.8202397




>> No.8202402

t. political memester

>> No.8202408

t. libcuck

you can move to syria if you still want ahmed to rape your wife

>> No.8202414

Now you just have to cope with a worthless Pound of which you need a thousand to buy a sandwich :^)

>> No.8202416

economy will bounce back cuck

small price for freedom

>> No.8202417
File: 666 KB, 750x1024, pound 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least our Pound wasn't a Nazi

>> No.8202419

Of course it will bounce back.


>> No.8202421

Consequentialists should be gassed. Brexit is a great victory for human decency.

>> No.8202422
File: 114 KB, 615x391, brexit great success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8202425

i love that bloody ole chap

>> No.8202427

Bounce back to what exactly? You think the current economy in UK, and Europe as a whole, is growing? Wait another year for China to severely under-perform and the entire global framework caving in because of it. UK got out before it got real bad.

>> No.8202428

That """""""small""""""" price being massive unemployment, loss of faith in the currency, even more political extremism, and your entire neighbourhood becoming a shantytown to rival the Hoovervilles. Isn't that right.

You're in the 30's now, bitch.

>> No.8202429

you can literally only speak through memes its disheartening

do you wonder why people don't take your political movement seriously

>> No.8202431

Fuck that deus ex machina use'in ass bitch.

>> No.8202432
File: 149 KB, 595x574, muh cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because the alt-right is a meme

>> No.8202434


>we tanked our economy because the economy definitely would have tanked this badly anyway!!!!
>at least we get to make our own laws about electric tea kettles and balloons!!!!

god the damage control is unreal

>> No.8202435

But all of those things were already happening.

A short term drop in currency and stocks is completely predictable, there is now massive economic uncertainty. You actually think this is going to be permanent?

>> No.8202438

Shocking, the right wing plays off nativist sentiments to get whiteys scared about not being whiteys, shooting everyone in the foot

>> No.8202441

>all of these were already happening, let's make it happen even more :DDDD
>we're all going to die anyway, let's pour gin into our arseholes so we can get fuggin hammered :DDDDDD

>> No.8202445
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>> No.8202447


forecasts show it will hurt britain for next couple of decades

>already happening

if you were flying a plane and running low on gas you'd just take a nose dive and kill everyone?

>> No.8202449
File: 10 KB, 295x378, 1455565052546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rofl u mad /b/ro? u just got PWNED LOL xD!!!
Nice argument.

>> No.8202450

I can't tell if your being ironic or not.

Either way, I approve, keeps labour out.

>> No.8202455

>if you were flying a plane and running low on gas you'd just take a nose dive and kill everyone?
would be good for a laff

>> No.8202456

>forecasts show it will hurt britain for next couple of decades

Forecasts also showed globalization increasing the average worker's real wages and any displaced workers to rapidly find jobs. Neither happened.

>if you were flying a plane and running low on gas you'd just take a nose dive and kill everyone?
Jumping into the freezing ocean to get to shore, more like.

>> No.8202458


Reminder /pol/ pretty much used Meme Magic to make Brexit happened.

>Prayed for rain and it did in London
>Prayed for Brexit and it happened

>> No.8202460

How did /pol/ manage to out /x/ /x/?

>> No.8202463


Fuck knows, weirdest part was how the rain was just localized solely to London and surrounding areas.

>A bit of rain managed to turn the tide in our favour
Don't forget to praise Kek

>> No.8202469

>Forecasts also showed globalization increasing the average worker's real wages

That actually did happen though. Goods are so much cheaper because of globalization. Look at Walmart

Real wages skyrocketed

>> No.8202480


In Canada everything except "Clothing and Footwear" are more expensive. Our money buys 72% of what it did in 2002.

>> No.8202485

but clothing and footwear is probably the most globalized industry

>Our money buys 72% of what it did in 2002.

there was a recession

leaving the eu just seems like giving up too much for too little. you can make better trade deals, but the jobs arent coming back.

>> No.8202489
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>> No.8202495
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I sure hope you're happy, Brexit

>> No.8202499
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>> No.8202502

/pol/ has always been more /x/ than /x/.

>> No.8202506

people are voicing serious concerns about britain's economy and all you can do is cherrypick dumbasses.

maybe you can use some meme magic to save the pound?

>> No.8202508

>pound is already at 31 year low
>Dollar is getting higher because of it.
gg Britain thanks

>> No.8202509

Thanks /pol/ it's always nice to have political shitposting threads among all this stuffy literature crap

>> No.8202511

>Scotland leaves
>North Ireland leaves, finally uniting Ireland
>UK reduced to the shitty ghetto of Britain with five hundred and sixty pounds to the nearest dollar

The future is bright

>> No.8202512

funny how all you have to do is say 'racist' and the left will immediately suck neoliberal dick

>> No.8202514



>> No.8202517

You had people who voiced similar concerns in the IRA, and you killed them. Too little too late you hypocritical limey bitches.

>> No.8202519
File: 109 KB, 1200x682, 1466743168536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-yeah!!! everyone who opposes brexist is just concerned about racism!!!

>> No.8202524

well seeing as the economy determines quality of life it should definitely be a top priority

>> No.8202525

>falling for the economism meme
modern """"""leftists"""""" everyone

>> No.8202526

The Pound is going down because investors are selling. Nations are already help to practical gunpoint by bankers and merchants, telling them "no" at some point is going to hurt, but it has to be done if you don't want the entire planet to become nothing but a sandbox for them.

>> No.8202529
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You're a fool

>> No.8202534

can you explain how this has actually depleted Britain's economic capacity?

>> No.8202536

>The Pound is going down because investors are selling. Nations are already help to practical gunpoint by bankers and merchants, telling them "no" at some point is going to hurt, but it has to be done if you don't want the entire planet to become nothing but a sandbox for them.

Hahahahaha you think this is going to defeat global capitalism?? This is nothing to them! They've got you had and you fucking rely on them for everything.

Now you don't even have them! You're fucked! And it won't put a dent in them besides put a dent in yourself.

>> No.8202537

How about you just watch the news bud.

>> No.8202538

>economy is the sole determinant of something as nebulous as "quality of life"

Does the thin veneer of your college leftism ever actually come into contact with all of the instincts you've had constructed for you by neocon thinktanks? Or does the former just orbit around the latter like some kind of concentric Ptolemaic sphere?

>> No.8202542

could you please answer the question?

>> No.8202543


>> No.8202549

The neocons are right about the economy, and the economy is evil. That doesn't mean the world isn't ruled by that evil. It is. Fighting against it is either slow and gradual or violent.

What you chose to do was try a mix between sudden and gradual and you've fucked yourself because of it.

This isn't much to do with ideology than strategy. This was just a dumb move on the part of Britain, you're gonna regret this.

>> No.8202551

I'm right wing but I'm getting a left wing education

>> No.8202552

The fucking Sterling Pound is at an all time low for over 3 decades rn.


are you serious

Are you not joking rn?

>> No.8202554


this sperg is getting ramped up for another thread of spectrum antics i see

inb4 20 walls of text

>> No.8202555

Yes, I think national sovereignty is innately opposed to globalism.

I think socialism is nothing but capitalism pushed to its ultimate conclusion, and considering Marx's theories, that makes sense.

>> No.8202557

Sovereignty or death.

>> No.8202561


>the economy is evil. That doesn't mean the world isn't ruled by that evil.

The mental gymnastics on display here. Yikes

>> No.8202562

yet Britain is still a highly educated, skilled and developed economy

>> No.8202563

>Yes, I think national sovereignty is innately opposed to globalism.

One nation won't do jack shit. There are an entire line right next to you, and they have battle scars. You aren't fighting anything. The real people fighting are in militarily important regions where oil is located.

Then you chose boring middle class revolutionary death. Hey, when you finally get poor enough, maybe you can actually hypocritically take on the mantle of the fucking IRA you bastards slaughtered

>> No.8202564

do you really not understand why the currency tanking is bad for the economy?

>> No.8202567

ok...? that doesnt make them impervious to recessions....

>> No.8202570

So was the Ukraine. So was Yugoslavia. But again, they don't have the empty middle class environment you Brits had.

You're playing pretend revolutionary thinking shooting yourself in the foot can finally get mommy to pay attention to you.

Scotland is going to leave now, Northern Ireland is going to leave, uniting Ireland. Fuck knows, maybe Scotland and Ireland will eventually unite. You're just going to be isolated little shit chunk of island.

I just think that's funny.

>> No.8202571

I'm asking in which way Britain's economic capacity has been diminished
not but it doesn't mean they'll be cast into the dark ages again
Britain still has strong institutions, it can take a temporary recession

this is far worse for the EU than is is for the UK

>> No.8202572

>One nation won't do jack shit
It's an extremely important nation, and if it overcomes the economic issues, it could lead other nations to leaving the EU and that buzzard Merkel

>You aren't fighting anything. The real people fighting are in militarily important regions where oil is located.
Yep, PKK, Houthis, Russia, SAA, all fighting the good fight.

>> No.8202574
File: 141 KB, 1020x746, Britishness intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good day, lads.

>> No.8202575

The stay-ers are the saltiest people I've ever seen, damn. I am sure that the leavers would not be even close to this vindictive if they lost.

>> No.8202578

probably because deep down they'd be glad they didnt ruin the economy

>> No.8202579


>> No.8202581

>It's an extremely important nation
Compared to the multiples of European Nations from Germany to Sweden to France, to Italy
You get the idea. It's one nation people and corporations and companies can easily leave.

>Yep, PKK, Houthis, Russia, SAA, all fighting the good fight.

No they're not. They're fighting for their own economic interests to take significant parts of the pie.

They don't give a fuck about you either. You are seriously naive to the way the world works.

>> No.8202582
File: 163 KB, 1462x1462, CAN'T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the brakes on this meme magic train DO NOT exist, next stop is the inauguration of trump, the dissolution of the eu, and the replacement of the cultural marxism and its leftist narrative with a newfound civil nationalism in ALL western nations
globalists BTFO
kikes BTFO
islam and rapefugees BTFO
leftists BTFO
/lit/ BTFO

>> No.8202583

Agreed, my fellow alt-righter! These bremainers behavior is truly deplorable! Gentlemen such as ourselves would never behave in such a manner.

>> No.8202586

The UK's economy will be fine, the idea that they need the EU for their economy to function is ridiculous, does Switzerland need the EU? I'm not saying they are the same import-and-export wise, but this idea that the economy needs to the EU to function is laughable. If the economy tanks, it is because of investors, not because of irreparable damage to production and export capacity.

>> No.8202587


It's also only 4% cheaper. Wow those great savings were sure worth dispossessing our own workers!

Look buddy, whatever the reason was, real wages did the exact opposite of "skyrocket." I don't know, maybe in China and Bangladesh they did but not in my country.

>> No.8202590
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>You're just going to be isolated little shit chunk of island.
>I just think that's funny.

Only you don't think it's funny. You are literally imploding from passive aggressive rage right now.

>> No.8202592
File: 19 KB, 260x200, 1445038002986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bloody 'ell mate, I only asked for a PINCH of salt.

>> No.8202593

I'm not even British I'm just saying. I wouldn't have voted stay or leave. I'm leaning leave actually.

I just think the choice itself is ridiculous and not a way to actually fight. A more strategic way is probably less obvious.

Besides I naturally loathe Britain for what it did to Ireland in the 80's, when they pull shit like this, when these same politicians said earlier what they said about people like the IRA. It just all rings shallow.

>> No.8202597

I'm not an alt-righter. This thing passed by a democratic vote, are you going to apply this to everyone who voted for it?

>> No.8202599

>I'm asking in which way Britain's economic capacity has been diminished

if your currency is worth less, you have less economic potential... are you retarded?

>> No.8202602
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>Besides I naturally loathe Britain for what it did to Ireland in the 80's

>> No.8202603

We're talking about a plebiscite, not politicians.

>> No.8202605

I'm not though. I'm not even in the Isles, or the UK. In fact, the fall of the Sterling Pound is giving rise to the US Dollar in the market, it's raising higher than it has since 1979.

I should be thanking you. Thank you Britain. .

>> No.8202607

ITT: bootyblasted libcucks

i dont give a shit about how fucked the economy is. we have freedom. you cant put a price on that.

>> No.8202608

holy shit this tripfag attention whore tranny STILL hasn't killed himself? just cuz you chopped off your dick and balls doesn't mean everyone else has CHOO CHOO

>> No.8202610

You say that now, but almost all of your investments and companies, even some corporations.

They're all fleeing to Ireland because it's still EU. I'm laughing so hard.

>> No.8202612
File: 8 KB, 244x238, is this untermensch serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'd think a /lit/ board would be familiar with a certain quotation:

>"A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing." - Oscar Wilde


>Things that aren't happening

>> No.8202614
File: 83 KB, 778x590, detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont give a shit about how fucked the economy is.

>> No.8202615

Britain: Europe's Little Detroit?

>> No.8202617

>ITT people acting like they know shit

>> No.8202618


>I'm not though.
>I should be thanking you. Thank you Britain. .

Literally imploding from passive aggressive rage.

Anyone reading this can see it.

You think you're killin it in every thread you spectrumspam in but all you do is sperg out and refuse to admit that you are sperging out. You will probably do this again in some other thread later on too.

>> No.8202620

I'm talking about capacity

>> No.8202622

My bank account is now more than your bank account :>

>> No.8202624

People were once willing to die for their nation's sovereignty, now they are seen as fools for even sacrificing their pocketbooks for the same cause.

>> No.8202625


See you next thread, sperglet.

>> No.8202626

what a bad dream desu

>> No.8202627

you seem awfully buttblasted for not even living in the UK, what's the matter cunt scared that in a few years your kind will deported to third world shitholes for treason?

>> No.8202630

>H-hey, your historic capital is 70% abandoned by natives of your country.. b-but your spending power will decrease if you make any move away from unconstrained immigration!




>> No.8202631

>People were once willing to die for their nation's sovereignty, now they are seen as fools for even sacrificing their pocketbooks for the same cause.

Yeah, they were called the IRA. They were actually revolutionaries, not middle class Grandmotherly hicks with dementia. You killed them.

>> No.8202632

Things were pretty ok before EU, I think they will be pretty ok after EU as well.

>> No.8202633

Mocking the Brits whenever they royally fuck up is a national American pass time.

>> No.8202634

You know what's really funny? Areas high in Muslim populations voted for leave. The commonwealth which we will rely on now is full of them too.

>> No.8202638

it's because people inside doesn't want more people to get in. I've a mexican aunt who wanted that wall because a mexican took her job.

>> No.8202641


>pass time

>> No.8202642
File: 132 KB, 580x386, nickland3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /exit/ here

>> No.8202645

>I've a mexican aunt who wanted that wall because a mexican took her job.
Wow you're a real latino lmfao

>> No.8202646

Not really talking to you, here's the reply.

>> No.8202647

One British Pound is now 1.36 US Dollars :)

>> No.8202648

Hey now brosisbro, Ingurrrlund is the new USA. We're the first to leave that horribly oppressive European Union, and now we can get back to having an empire again :^)

I told everyone the English are fucking autistic. Believe it.

>> No.8202650

Based Ahmed

>> No.8202653

>and now we can get back to having an empire again :^)
The british military is full of sticks. Wtf are you going to do, I don't think you can even afford nukes anymore honey, let me take those off your hands for a nice price. Right, of course sweetie, it'll help improve your economy, all that money, I know, I know shhhhh

>> No.8202654

Islamic right wing coalition soon brother

>> No.8202655

That's good for Britain if they strive for an export economy.

>> No.8202656

Someone please fill me in on what's happened?

>> No.8202657

The actual /pol/ thread with the same OP image has more literature-related posts than this thread


>> No.8202660

Britain voted to leave the EU
the neoliberals and their pets are upset

>> No.8202661

>the Muslims are the ones who vote for you more than anyone

Britain: Europe's Little Detroit :)

>> No.8202665

I think it's because Islam in this country is strongly associated with petit bourgeois. Corner shops and all that. And the leave rhetoric has been that leave is better for them. And no doubt they can more easily get in their daughter's rich cousin for marriage or something. Or get their hard working nephew over to expand the business. (Or both.)

I just find it funny that a lot of people will have voted based on racism and they're now more likely to end up with even more middle class Indians and Pakistanis. Especially as their doctors, delightful in a way.

>> No.8202667

Good job we still have a strong steel industry! And all those British owned car companies! British Home Stores can really shine again!

>> No.8202668

Shiites only plz

>> No.8202671

Best start getting competitive.

If Trump wins, America will go off import economy as well (though obviously not as drastically).

>> No.8202673

Britain may have left, but Trump is probably not going to be president. At this point he's trailing potential voters next to Clinton.

For /pol/ meme magic fucks, basically going in, if you know and understand what polling is, they predicted this would be close in England. It's predicted using polling magic of course, that Trump is going to lose as it stands right now.

>> No.8202675

It's going to be very hard times if it even goes that way. Remember that the tory party in power right now were the ones in the EU vetoing stopping import of Chinese steel and that then led to stamping on the failing steel industry.

>> No.8202679


How mad are you leftists now, hu?

>t-t-this will be bad for your economy..

Talking like a cheap ass capitalist now?
If anything, most of you guys their predictions have been consistently wrong over the past decades. So I'm just gonna wait and see and not let fear lead me in my decisions. Coming from a faction which hates "phobia", it's rather entertaining to see you always inducing it.

>> No.8202680
File: 240 KB, 828x1403, 1445637608681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Britain may have left, but Trump is probably not going to be president.

Screencapped for posterity.

Get ready to eat your words, princess.

>> No.8202683

We'll see, plenty of time left, the numbers can change quite drastically in a matter of months.

>> No.8202684

Polling Magicians: EU Leaving Going To Be Close
Polling Magicians: Clinton leads Trump by over 5 points

OOoOoOoOoOo SpoOoOoOoOoOky MaAaAgic

>> No.8202705

Kek this tranny is buttblasted he can't use the women's bathroom. Don't worry, when Trump is elected, you'll be put on the sex offender's list too.

>> No.8202712


It has taken Switzerland 8 centuries to accumulate the wealth it has.

Switzerland is still a participant in the EU single market. Considering most of its income comes from manufactory exports and the EU purchases nearly half of those exports I would say that yes, Switzerland does in fact need the EU.

Germany is Great Britains largest trading partner after the United States, followed by--surprise!--more EU member states sans Switzerland, G.B. probably needs the EU a good deal more than they seem to think they do.

>> No.8202718

why do you think leaving the EU would suddenly prevent the UK from trading with the EU?
that being said, they're not actually leaving for 2 more years, expect more referendums in that time

>> No.8202719

more pleb simpering from the hubris imp.

>> No.8202724

Kek will betray you. Kek loves me. You've been warned, get out.

>> No.8202726


Trump cannot dictate trade policy. He cannot control tariff rates. He can't do anything he's promised to do. He makes up imaginary presidential powers on the fly because he thinks sound cool and people like you actually fucking believe him.

>> No.8202728

>If the economy tanks, it is because of investors
I'm telling you right now, the pound dropping is down because investors are leaving en masse. It is to do with speculation for sure, but it is within a larger mechanism to hedge on whether companies feel they need to sell up and move or stop trading in GBP entirely.

>> No.8202731

>why do you think leaving the EU would suddenly prevent the UK from trading with the EU?

I didn't claim anything of the sort. Constant headache claimed Great Britain doesn't need the EU, but EU countries make up the majority of G.B.'s trading partners meaning that G.B., in fact, does need the EU.

>> No.8202732

>plebbing this hard
enjoy your false god, imp. it suits you. i do hope that sone day you realize your resistance of the Lord is a farce. Though the morning star holds dominion over the earth, the kingdom of heaven is His.

>> No.8202739
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>> No.8202743
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امسح هذه

>> No.8202745


>> No.8202749

bourgeois faggots literally shaking!

>> No.8202753

that man dress and pants combo the skateboard man and the dude to his right are wearing seems incredibly comfy

>> No.8202755

god damn it stop writing upside down

>> No.8202759

>pound already recovering
much ado about nothing

>> No.8202762
File: 105 KB, 512x512, 1466753799601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.8202766


>Implying that was a bad thing

>> No.8202768

It's all fairy dust. Banks that threatened they were leaving London if United Kingdom left the European Union are now quickly saying “no, we were kidding, don't worry”. Finance is surely pleased with the situation, they won't have to follow any more many European restrictive laws, while the government will probably vote so Britain will be even more of a tax heaven. Fearing to be disconnected from the outside? Just wait treaties are negotiated. The United Kingdom will acquire a Swiss-like status soon.

>> No.8202776

>people thinking anything will happen

It's a referendum, negotiations to leave have yet to even start. It should be obvious that the government would double back on the brexit if it has a chance to.

>> No.8202810

That'll be fun. They'd have fucked up the pound for nothing.

>> No.8202817

Cameron just resigned and a Brexit supporter will be PM

>> No.8202824

lmao holy shit Britain's Prime Minister just resigned

>> No.8202825

A truly sad day for the UK. Good luck to those of you who live there.

>> No.8202826

That won't exactly put him into a better position to negotiate

>> No.8202828

Nobody cares about your opinion, you filthy tranny attention-whore, stop fucking posting.

>> No.8202829

I live in some latin american shithole
How will this break my shit?

>> No.8202844
File: 72 KB, 639x350, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Britannia: 1
The Continent: 0

Greatest thing since Agincourt desu

>> No.8202857

>the internationale
>unites the human race

>> No.8202859

>polluted our art
>posted on faroe joyce worship board

>> No.8202863 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 396x290, 1466761620568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean right side left.

>> No.8202874
File: 60 KB, 468x604, 1464801595162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been reading salty comments from libs all morning. Can't stop smiling.

>> No.8202875

I feel sorry for the Scots. Hopefully they leave the UK and join back up with the EU.

>> No.8202882

well he seems like a nice chap

>> No.8202883


Good night left side

>> No.8202885

you don't seem to be very intelligent

>> No.8202889
File: 605 KB, 720x540, 1466759678740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only important thing is bringing about the collapse of the world and inducing a race war. Everything else is secondary.

>> No.8202891

I hope for an even better resolution: they remain in Europe and England, Wales and N Ireland have to leave the UK. Then just England and Wales.

>> No.8202893

Calm down Manson, you had your chance at helter skelter before.

>> No.8202895

Not literature.

Mods: Lock this thread.

>> No.8202896

That would be even better, I agree. What do you think would become of Northern Ireland, though?

>> No.8202900

No no no.
Give Cornwall and Devon to Wales, Northumbria and Cumbria to Scotland, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire to Norway, and the -folks to Denmark, then England and only England can leave.

>> No.8202901

>helter skelter
Such a beautiful term

>> No.8202904

Feels bad for the Engbongs, but finally FREE Scotland and FREE Wales.

>> No.8202906

I doubt very much they'll reform with the Republic as a single nation. HOWEVER if they don't jump on the "we voted for the EU" bandwagon fairly quickly, England pissing about with border controls is going to make everyone very upset and severely fuck up the peace process.

In other words, they need to think about getting out straight away. I think there's good support atm, and they have a good chance if for example Sinn Fein put aside reunification. People are hearing the leave England argument but I doubt the join Ireland argument would work so well.

If they can get past that then I think they'll do alright on their own in the EU.

>> No.8202907

>us welsh being left alone with the English
Please no.

>> No.8202909

I really really like your thinking. I kinda want Scotdon to become a thing too.

>> No.8202910

Isn't NI extremely poor and propped up by the England?

>> No.8202916

You can always destroy the Severn bridge.

I like the idea of guys like Farage using that US independence style rhetoric to talk about UK leaving the EU, and then when they visit Wales they're all like "THE ENGLISH ARE COMING THE ENGLISH ARE COMING"

>> No.8202920


They wouldn't. It would fuck them royally in customs though. EU means no customs, out of EU and the same happens that happened when all their auto industry collapsed. Big firms are fucked when exporting to EU, with their prices way up. Their agriculture is already lacking where it comes to import/export balance with strong pound, now put custom fees on that and you are in freefall. Imported prices rise, export is too expensive in Europe and fails to compete. Then foreign investors skip Britain since it's no longer a feasible entry into EU market. No more jobs, high prices, devaluation of pound, popular politics still blaming all on Europe winning elections, chaos, madness, it will be glorious.

>> No.8202925

NI do very well in a handful of areas. Their secondary education is very good (at least on paper). And trade wise they're in a highly strategic position. Them being poor to my mind removes barriers to leaving, what have they got to lose? Especially if the other choice is a heavy border with the Republic again and still being poor.

They haven't got the oil or the Arts or the industry of Scotland, and they can't develop in quite the same way as the Republic but I think they can do well. Even if it's just by having easier trade without being under the thumb of England.

We'll see anyway. Also keeping the pound used to be such a sticking point, but now...

>> No.8202943

What will sniffman say about this?

>> No.8202944

When I get to the bottom
I go back to the top of the slide.

>> No.8202945

Why is /pol/ shitting themselves when it's 2 years before the 'happening'?