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/lit/ - Literature

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8202116 No.8202116 [Reply] [Original]

>don't like reading philosophy anymore because I'm realizing none of my genius theories and ideas are original
>if I keep reading I can't take credit for these things I came up with on my own anymore
wat do?

>> No.8202146

Face your own insignificance. What you think may not be original but chances are the geniuses we remember developed/explained them better so reading them will give you a better understanding of yourself.

>> No.8202148

you apply them to real-life examples. that's essentially all that academics do

>> No.8202157


the only reason why you "came up" with so many "genius theories" all by yourself it's because you are submerged into them with the whole modern culture which is based upon them, reading philosophy books you just find it out

>> No.8202163


>> No.8202226
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This is embarrassing even for a tripfag

>> No.8202336
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Why not stand on the shoulders of giants?
I say take it all in.

>> No.8202396 [SPOILER] 
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just wait till you discover the most genius theory of all

>> No.8202403

Don't worry, anon-kun, you can't even prove that anyone else exists. They're all your own ideas, as far as you need to be concerned.

>> No.8202405 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8202451

>Thus far philosophers have only interpreted the world -- the point is to change it.
Even Napoleon was simply following in the footsteps of Alexander and Caesar.

>> No.8202878

Are you readin anything written after the 18th century?

>> No.8202975

This. Newton didn't reach the level of significance by being stuck in a box. Plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize!

>> No.8202978

Read up to modern times so that you can have an original idea