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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 460x259, J4X8BsWDr3sgjRUIxR36DmoW9jChMBwdnhCzptOB04vKJrGBDBWZkxX9ItLC8NZo_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8197570 No.8197570 [Reply] [Original]

>my name is Clifford Le Sergeant
>take sip of coffee
>swirl glass of wine in hand in front of camera
>I just read this book
>better than food
>contemplatively stare into the distance in silence
>dude sex lmao
>majored in film

Does /lit/ really like this pretentious fuck?

>> No.8197572


Also, to showcase:


>> No.8197576

I like that he got himself steralised.

>> No.8197583


Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.

>> No.8197586

He is a pretentious cunt, but he gives good, non-scholarly reviews.
Also he's a qt

>> No.8197589

top kuk

>> No.8197594

He is definitely the most pretentious person i have ever seen.
His Submission review was just too much.

>> No.8197595

>surprised /lit/ likes pretentious book reviews
He's what /lit/ wishes it was.

The vid from when his dad died was especially cringe tho

>> No.8197599

>The vid from when his dad died was especially cringe tho


>> No.8197611

>person loses a loved one
>"so le cringe xD"

You seem to be lost, this is neither /b/ nor the comments on a Leafy video.

>> No.8197613
File: 59 KB, 850x400, debord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who, during the grieving process, unironically think "let me turn on my webcam real quick this would make a great video"

>> No.8197615

The cringe part is that this narcissistic WOMAN had to turn his father's death into a public masturbatory spectacle you daft cunt

>> No.8197617


Are you implying people couldn't make inappropriate cringy content based around the death of a loved one? If anything that would be even worse.

>> No.8197622



>> No.8197640

Ah yes, I forgot that every poet who has ever written an elegy, every person who has ever spoken at a funeral, is a "narcissistic WOMAN".

I knew this place had delusions of grandeur, but the fact that you think you have the right to tell another human being how to react to his father's death is astounding. It honestly makes me sick.

>> No.8197662


Hey there Clifford, when can we expect you to use your film degree again to make a black and white pseudo-artistic book review for Youtube?

>> No.8197682

He literally made money off of playing his guitar for strangers, making the death of his father a public spectacle.

It isn't cringe because his father died and he decided to talk about it. It was cringe that he decided to randomly play the guitar.
I liked the video until the moment it turned opportunistic.

>> No.8197761

How does playing the guitar preclude him from being genuine? And are you implying that any writer who addresses personal aspects of his life is prostituting himself if he publishes his writing?

I don't care for his channel, but if your problem is with his pretense, why attack the one genuine thing he's done?

>> No.8197763


>> No.8197767

>I don't care for his channel, but if your problem is with his pretense, why attack the one genuine thing he's done?
Not that lad but turning on your camera with the intent to burst into threats in front of an audience isn't very genuine.

>> No.8197768

couldn't find the edit button i think my account is broken

>> No.8197782

Because it wasn't genuine. Look at the video. He made it about himself and he obviously payed great attention to how he appeared. Everything about it was deliberate.

I don't buy it and most others don't either.
At the very least the dude was pretentious for so long, that he forgot how to be a genuine person.

>> No.8197842
File: 95 KB, 799x761, Gallo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy is theeeeeeee ultimate pseud.

I watched several of his videos to make sure it wasn't just me being too quick to judge, but no... Jesus fucking Christ.
In one of the videos he starts splashing wine about and acting like how you see you in movies, you know... when their acting like they're drunk.
In another, he threw a bottle of rum behind him and it smashed on the floor... he then pretended to have the ''i don't give a fuck'' attitude like something out of The Rum Diary (which, ironically, was the book or film he was reviewing) it was the most bizarre thing i've ever watched.

This guy is literally the ultimate archetype of the ''wannabe writer le edge artist tortured soul'' meme that seemingly plagues most of those under thirty. (I'm under thirty, btw)

Get this guy outta here, man!

>> No.8197849


My mistake, whatever... you know what I meant

>> No.8197864



why are you getting this emotional over book review videos on youtube

>> No.8197873

Because I want to.

>> No.8197874

How is that autism, dude? It took 2 minutes to write. Fuck yourself.

>> No.8197879

love the affected vocal fry and the stilted cadence (where you can tell he's picking out the PERFECT word to use)

really lets me know that he's like into it but not really, like he could take it or leave it, like he's not in it for the youtube fame, just the love of literature and spreading his wisdom with the world

>> No.8197885


>How is that autism, dude?


it's literally "booktube" bullshit and you are getting emotional over it

could you please stop being a sperged out pleb for like one second

>> No.8197891

Im kinda repelled from his videos by just how much he fancies himself. For fucks sake, he wears jean jackets, leather jackets, fingerless gloves, etc. in his videos, drinks wine, coffee, and styles his hair so its all... ... ... gay n shit.

>> No.8197895

No one was getting emotional, I was just stating my opinion. You sound like you're getting emotional though.
Why speak at all? Why even have a mouth or a brain? Why not just be a sap?

Kys, my man.

>> No.8197896


>fingerless gloves

yeah this is pretty sus tho

>> No.8197899

>using the word ''sus'' in any context

you're worse than him, you fucking moron

>> No.8197900

I wish I was as cool as Cliff.

>> No.8197920

I wonder what he does for work. He's definitely in the money, living in LA in some posh apartment, traveling all over the world, buying a shit load of lit. Just curious.

>> No.8197932

1. Inherited wealth
2. Some meme-media job that he probably genuinely enjoys because he's a fucking pleb
3. Rent boy

>> No.8197939
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1459162557069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>estrogen antics


see pic lol

>> No.8197941

We both know you wish you could pull those things off.

>> No.8197944

>3. Rent boy
lel, he provides sex for free

>> No.8197955

trustfund kiddo

>> No.8197957

>he talks in african-american slang
>he's trying to mock others
Nah, mate.

He's a try hard either way. He's being a ''tortured soul artist'' while conscious of it. There is literally nothing worse for your ''art'' (whatever that may be) than that.
The guy will never produce any work of value. I am certain of that.

>> No.8197960

CLDF Reporting in:

I like the guy. He can seem pedantic at times, and his style can appear a little too contrived, but I think he's cool. He's at a point where people send him scripts to read for something like a dollar per page. It is impressive, in my regard, to have made such an impact making book reviews, that people will pay him to read it.

He's the one living the /lit/erary life, reading, traveling, creating, while we pretend to read.

>> No.8197963

it could be worse

he could claim he reads books in 10 minutes

>> No.8197964

>The guy will never produce any work of value. I am certain of that.
Yes, because no notable artist ever was pretentious and/or a narcissist.

>> No.8197968

I don't think he does, hence my calling him out on it. I think it looks super tryhard and GAY. Is that whats cool, fingerless gloves? I don't want any part of that shit desu.

>> No.8197972

Idiotic pseud broke ass chump change motherfucker

>> No.8197975

>a little too contrived
>a little

>I think he's cool
well, that's good for you and stuff but there are adult males who think cartoons are cool.

>that people will pay him to read it
people pay to see one direction and bieber. what is your point? it means nothing

>> No.8197978

lol this guy is a faggot holy fuck. someone post my bloodmeridian review. I speak to you in the only language you understand. memes.

>> No.8197979

I never said that. I'm saying this guy won't.
The others could get away with being the way they were BECAUSE of their work. Not the other way around.

>> No.8197981

Say what you will about Clifford Lee Sargent but he is probably the best booktuber out there. The rest are literal faggots and grils who read absolute shit.

>> No.8197987

Who cares? Who needs a fucking booktuber anyway?
Jesus christ the future is bleak for all of humanity

>> No.8197988

hey you take that back. abookutopia is a saint and she just got published. zenith is getting great reviews from her fans on goodreads.

>> No.8197992

>insulting this many waifus at once
I hope you're behind seven proxies and a healthy triple layer of irony.

>> No.8197994

jesus christ, you are a pleb

i bet you tip cam girls too don't you?

>> No.8197995

Your jelly is palpable.

>> No.8198000

Until they produced that work, they were already like that.

>> No.8198002

being the best booktuber is like being the best hotdog competitive eater

>> No.8198003


>he talks in african-american slang
>he's trying to mock others

it was a blatant shitpost spergtits why are you trying to analyze it at face value

there is no way you can be this spectrum fuck off lol i refuse to believe it

>> No.8198006

I tipped your mom's vagina with the tip of my dick going slightly into her vagina. then she tipped right off the edge of the bed and smashed her face on the Floor and I laughed.

>> No.8198011

would you suck on me, please?

>> No.8198015

Are you the best at anything at all?

>> No.8198016

I know but... *

>> No.8198020

at fucking your dear mother :^)

>> No.8198021

Sure. Get them kneesocks and qt underwear going and remember to wax properly.

>> No.8198022

>Does /lit/ really like this pretentious fuck?

I fucking hope not

>> No.8198027

No, but for real.
Or are you telling us that a booktuber and a competitive hotdog eater have accomplished more in life than you?

>> No.8198035

Do you think people would be willing to pay you for your literary insight?

>> No.8198037

>Also he's a qt
He objectively isn't. He has negative canthal tilt.

>> No.8198038

>le autism
not an argument dumb cunt

no they weren't.
you think William Blake or Milton swanned about having portraits painted of themselves, trying to impress girls by wearing finger less gloves and leather jackets and pretending to be edgy for the sheer aesthetic of it?

Kill yourself, you're too dumb to breed. They shouldn't allow everyone to learn to read, I swear.

>> No.8198040

not him but he is pretty good at fucking your mum. it is a talent and most don't have the stomach for it.

>> No.8198044

>not never watching another booktuber in loyal memory of katie

>> No.8198052

He is the Bradley Cooper of Booktubing.

>> No.8198053

Nice appeal to authority you dumb cunt

Who wants people to pay for my ''insight''?
It's likely him just spouting a bunch of pseud shit like any other critic.

''John Milton, mate... I know you just wrote that really long poem and stuff but I'm kind of into books about alcoholism and sex beaches in Havana at the moment, sorry''

>> No.8198055
File: 547 KB, 3330x2657, Hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad
>over facts

>> No.8198060

Objectively, a competitive hotdog eater has accomplished much more than 99.9% of /lit/

>> No.8198061

Yeah, I'd expect that from anyone willing to dig six feet under for some action.

>> No.8198062

why do people do this? it's like they get triggered by language with swear words in and automatically assume the writer ''le mad hehee''
fucking hang yourself

>> No.8198075

>I insult people without reason, I swear!
>Especially when they disagree with me!
>I'm not mad! Stop saying I'm mad!

>> No.8198076


>not an argument dumb cunt

it is when you are literally taking shitposts at face value you goofy spergmax

>> No.8198083



lol you are literally raging at multiple anon right now


why do you need to lie like this? you are anonymous it doesn't matter

>> No.8198089


>> No.8198096

t. Redditors

>> No.8198099

c'mon man, credit where credit is due. he's not gacy levels yet, but do you know anyone free and alive with those skills and dedication? that's like dissing Bowie for not being the Beatles.

>> No.8198103

>trying this hard to "fit in"
>on an anonymous Mongolian shadow puppeteering board
How old were you again?

>> No.8198106


haha of all the ways you could've saved face then this is what you choose?

you should stop

>> No.8198112

I love you.

>> No.8198114

This guy is so autistic it hurts.

>> No.8198115
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, Vince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Carl the ____
I'll sleep easy knowing you'll amount to nothing, bro

>> No.8198117

congrats to clifford le seragent for finishing first in the retard olympics

>> No.8198118

That's true, Chuck.
But let's just wait and see what Anon brings to the table next season. I'm guessing we can expect more dedication, or should I say, lonesome desperation, once winter rolled around.
Perhaps Anon will also have gained insight from his Lolita meme, upping his potential grave robbery to additional crib robbery.

A bright future indeed.

>> No.8198120

>talks about trying hard to fit it
>steals someone elses ''mongolian shadow puppeteering board'' line instead of making up his own like the meme originally intended because he's a literal retard
top pleb, why are you here again?

>> No.8198132


hahaha now he is trying passive aggressive jabs and trying to get serious

you realize how badly this is advertising your frustration right now right? do you not even see it?

i am not even joking you should honestly take a break from 4chan you are way too emotional rn

>> No.8198134

>he doesn't realize he is raging at multiple anons
>after they told him
>he has to tell himself stories about absolute strangers to feel secure enough to sleep properly

I think we all know who is actually the one who feels unsure of himself, don't we, Anon?

>> No.8198143

>you didn't meme right
>"top pleb"
>why are you even here?
>not the one trying to fit in

>> No.8198179

I don't know, Don, we can't count on the ground being frozen solid at these latitudes with the summer we've been having. Anon might just get lucky and experience one of those cold dry winters where ground water isn't a problem, and could easily have both a mother and baby suit tailored by next spring, if he could just get his dick out of the material quicker between formaldehyde coats. We'll really have to wait and see how both Anon and Mother Nature play this before settling any of the pressing questions here, Don; let's go to weather and see if Bret has anything to add to our speculations on summer.

>> No.8198184

This is the worst thread I've seen on /lit/. By far.

>> No.8198201


I'm proud of my creation.

>> No.8198213

Thanks Chuck.
Well there is no doubt about Anon being absolutely summer. We all know that. However we HAVE been getting reports in that he may be investing in Japanese body pillows, so we may not ever see or hear from him again. We tried to get a comment from him on this. Here was his response:

Back to you, Chuck

>> No.8198307
File: 530 KB, 1800x678, cover_coloring2_copy_ss_by_breathing2004-d83qmwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked. Marc Arimini shits bigger than this nerd. Arimini's analysis is genuinely groundbreaking stuff on a subject you can't really find much worthwhile on anywhere else.

Cliffy Lee just takes entry-level /lit/ stuff and gives you nothing of substance, just 'yeah i read this book it's pretty cool. like, favourite, subscribe.'

>> No.8198320
File: 500 KB, 215x219, 1382745946616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy is theeeeeeee ultimate pseud.
>In another, he threw a bottle of rum behind him and it smashed on the floor... he then pretended to have the ''i don't give a fuck'' attitude


>> No.8198444
File: 283 KB, 1170x1186, Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 10.21.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a huge crush on him and so does everyone else who commented

>> No.8198458
File: 12 KB, 500x259, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "bottle of rum" was a tiny empty sample and he reacted completely normally, just because he didn't sperg out over a tiny glass bottle breaking doesn't mean he was putting on airs

>> No.8198461

i don't understand the t. joke can someone explain the t. joke
does it just mean the same as "signed: ___"

>> No.8198468

Nah, some people can get away with it. He did it purely because he was on camera and wanted to come across like Hunter Thompson to his fucking pleb subscribers.

No he didn't. All of his videos contain the same shtick. It's fucking contrived beyond belief. Earlier you admitted to having a crush on the guy, so you're obviously biased. I have no reason to dislike the guy... I'm just saying it how it is.
If he stopped all of the gimmicky bullshit and stopped pretending that he's fucking Lucas Corso from the movie ''The Ninth Gate'' then yeah, he'd be alright. Until then...

Lmao, what?

>> No.8198469

like t. faggots means the same as signed: faggots

>> No.8198471

>Ugh. Can you not?

>> No.8198475

>negative canthal tilt

Not really an inherently ugly trait. Lots of attractive people with negative canthal tilt. Are his elbows also too pointy? That's not to say I think he's a qt. You've simply failed to identify what really makes him unattractive.

>> No.8198480

So does the booktuber, apparently.

>> No.8198481

>Nah, some people can get away with it. He did it purely because he was on camera and wanted to come across like Hunter Thompson to his fucking pleb subscribers.
i don't like the guy so don't take this the wrong way but - maybe it was a joke

he is a pseud though, even his name is a fucking meme

>> No.8198487
File: 50 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n4ircnlum31r9dtz3o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bonjour monsieur...au revoir!......look at these graves. these are incredible
tfw will never go on sunny walks with husbando~~ through parisian cemeteries
leave him alone
yes he did, he just said "god damn it. i don't care. a glass just shattered. damn it. oh well."
how should he have reacted

>> No.8198497

It is the general way in which he carries himself
Giving the game away too easily
He is a poser, posing for the posers
Carry on as you are, senpeeeeee
If he is your cup of tea, who am I to tell thee?
He comes across to me, as to you this speech

>> No.8198498
File: 152 KB, 978x136, Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 2.03.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't tell which one of us is drunk

>> No.8198502

this guy is the best
like Bradley coopers less attractive cousins but more likable

>> No.8198505

Pretty much, just the Finnish way to write it.

>> No.8198510
File: 106 KB, 1438x867, Gallo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got drunk once and have never been sober since.
That's another mans quote but not another mans life.

>> No.8198511


le vincent gallo face, le blowjob man

>> No.8198520


His reviews are basic as fuck. He usually doesn't really mention any stylistic aspects and just rambles on about the story of the book in an everything but coherent manner. There are tons of literary critics with in depth analysis (written) out there, don't waste your time with him.

>> No.8198523

>10+ minute video about why physical books are better than ereaders
>browbeat the viewer the whole time with anecdotal evidence about "muh tactility"
>in the last 20 seconds, casually mention he's never tried using an ereader
The entire video is him going off against hypocrisy and then he invalidates his own opinions with the same. Am I being rused?

>> No.8198529

Do your research, my boy.
Gallo is without a doubt a genius in his own right. Blowjob scene aside... His other projects are solid. Also, he has been blackballed from Hollywood for too being red-pilled, some fifteen years ago... The blowjob scene is just part of the ''legend'' he created for himself. I don't particularly like him but it is interesting to see someone try create myth and mystery, in a world where two minute videos are considered ''long and boring''

>> No.8198561
File: 15 KB, 714x66, I AM SO PROUD THAT US WHITE PEOPLE INVENTED READING AND WRITING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i need to pay to get you to talk down to me for my opinions

>> No.8198567
File: 119 KB, 700x682, Feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it for free
You should be thanking me

Also, I unironically agree with that picture.

>> No.8198568


>> No.8198571

This is probably the only correct answer.

Ignorance is bliss. There are some things you just don't need to know.

>> No.8198577
File: 9 KB, 260x52, It's just letters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invented writing
berate me for my white guilt senpai

>> No.8198590
File: 316 KB, 768x1892, 1466654571774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you hating on /lit/'s collective husbando so hard?

>> No.8198591

>he means those folks that look exactly like tanned white people
>same features
>same skull shape
>in some cases same hair and eye color

you've been memed into white guilt, senpai son

also: all the greatest of anything are white desu

>> No.8198594

kill yourself, i'm serious

>> No.8198596


>> No.8198631

I think it's kind of funny how I posted my youtube video here and eventually got about 300 views to it but my video game videos get almost none.

I think I am seriously going to switch to booktubing. It's more enjoyable than going out of my way and playing video games just to get ten views.

>> No.8198641
File: 128 KB, 777x691, Sink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing video games
How old are you?

>Recording yourself playing video games
Literally what? This isn't 2009, you're not going to become a YouTube sensation. (I'm not even sure why anyone would want to?)

Please don't post here again.

>> No.8198651


I did it at first to fuck around with the whole shitty let's play thing and mainly did it for /v/. Now I play video games because I have lost control of my life and the only one I really enjoy is Euro Truck Simulator 2 and other relaxing simulation stuff.

Honestly? Probably going to delete a good amount of games when I wake up tomorrow because I am simply tired of them. They just don't really do it for me anymore and I would rather spend the rest of my time reading.

>> No.8198657

>>playing video games
>How old are you?
look a pretentious!

>> No.8198684

how do you know he's sterilized

>> No.8198698

If you like them then, whatever... Whatever it takes
Not at all. I played video games as a child. I grew out of them around age 14. I just genuinely can't understand how people over the age of 16-17 could possibly spend a significant amount of time playing video games? It's fucking repetitive and just uninteresting. Although, I probably spent at least 10 hours a week on the internet shit posting/watching pop culture shit that I regret ever clicking etc...

>> No.8198719

>45 minutes video about a book
>not reading the book in 45 minutes

How many lamborghinis in your garage again?

>> No.8198909

It's not his emotional reaction to his father's death that irks people, it's the forced sad video he decided to made, then sat down for, then uploaded to youtube for everyone to see. It's not an earnest expression of emotion, but a calculated grovelling for views.

>> No.8198970
File: 88 KB, 453x650, GalloYellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it, you like Gallo but rag on this guy? Gallo is as big of a pseudo as they get. Don't get me wrong, this food faggot is still awful.

>> No.8198990


Don't expect a real response to this, m8.
You will get a side-step or a meme spin.

>> No.8199029

Gallo isn't though, is he?
He was a successful artist in the 80's, started a band with Jean-Michel Basquiat, is a decent actor, one of the best directors alive no question, esoteric knowledge of music and recording equipment that only maybe a handful of people on the planet know, red-pilled and not afraid to literally name the Jew and whoever else (he's done this several times and has since been blacklisted from Hollywood)... the list goes on

People think Gallo is a pseud because of that one ''blowjob'' scene... Nah, my friend. Watch Buffalo 66, there are tons of incredible moments both visually and sonically but just as an example as you're probably a pleb when it comes to films: that suicide scene at the end where the camera moves in slow motion and pans around... that was shot pre The Matrix.

>> No.8199056
File: 36 KB, 460x288, denis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>one of the best directors alive no question



>> No.8199060

Vincent? Are you the new Chamcham? Pls stop, this is embarressing

>"It is true that I am fat, but one day I will be thin, and he will still be the director of The Brown Bunny."
-Roger Ebert

>> No.8199064

Okay pseudo was the wrong word to describe him. He does have a wide set of talents unlike betterthanfood, but I would not call him a great artist.

Also is that shot in Buffalo 66 Gallo's? Lance Accord was the cinematographer and Accord has proven that he is very talented.

>> No.8199071
File: 135 KB, 1024x682, Gonçalo Tocha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like buffalo 66 personally but it isn't nearly as good as this guy is making it out to be. neither is gallo "the director" when it comes down to it.

>> No.8199078

He is. Name a better director alive right now. I don't even want to cite articles and shit because I hate to be ''that guy'' who relies on critics and reviews and whatever... You start sounding like a Kanye West fan.
Watch his films, listen to his music... The guy knows what the fuck he is doing.

Gallo wished cancer on Ebert and he actually ended up having cancer... Also, Roger Ebert stated since that Gallo is an incredible director.

The cinematography in the film is all Gallo. Everything in the movie is Gallo. There was an interview floating around a couple of years back in which Gallo states that Accord basically demanded that title to further his career...

t. A pleb who doesn't know what he's talking about that probably likes Tarantino and Spielberg films

>> No.8199087

Vince, bubby. This is not helping anyone

>> No.8199095
File: 35 KB, 240x285, Hans-Jürgen Syberberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>t. A pleb who doesn't know what he's talking about that probably likes Tarantino and Spielberg films

lol my taste could lap yours and then some. don't even try to play that card.

gallo isn't that good. try to cope you pleb.

>> No.8199103

>my taste could lap yours
I highly doubt it, you fucking pleb. In fact... I wish I could bet money on it

I'll leave you to watch Transformers 2 in peace now, mate.

>> No.8199111
File: 22 KB, 500x335, wiseman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He is. Name a better director alive right now.

you can't be serious. come on. there is no way.

herzog's 'fata morgana' is greater than everything he has directed combined.

>> No.8199117

Well my original post stated ONE of the best directors alive, which he is. Arguing that someone is the best is just stupid, ain't it? To be honest, I don't think he is the best but after a certain point it becomes personal preference anyway. He is undoubtedly ONE of the greatest directors alive right now, though... and you can't really disagree with that.

>> No.8199121


Claims sex and death are the only worthwhile themes. Insufferable, atavistic, base. Despise him.

>> No.8199130

Uhh... that's probably considered a compliment, bro.

>> No.8199134
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>He is undoubtedly ONE of the greatest directors alive right now, though... and you can't really disagree with that.

lol yes i absolutely can. and i have a soft spot for buffalo 66 - don't get me wrong, i'm not some massive hater of everything he has done - you are just lauding him way too highly imo. fanboy if you want though.

>> No.8199140

Then you're stupid and/or just disagreeing for the sake of argument.

>> No.8199149

>you're probably a pleb when it comes to film

>> No.8199319

lol what a tosspot

>> No.8199366
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gotta have downtime in your leisure account first bro

>> No.8199759

god no pls. it hurts.

>> No.8200106


I would let him fuck my pussy whilst he is whispering Houellebecq in my ear.

>> No.8200151

What's so bad about Transformers 2?

>> No.8200241

Why the fuck even bother he's fake. Everyone on YouTube is fake.

>> No.8200253

>I would let him fuck my boipussy whilst he is whispering Houellebecq in my ear.
Corrected it for you.

>> No.8200284

calm down keemstar

>> No.8200343


>Implying i'm not a transgender with a gorgeous pussy modelled by a surgeon after a six-year old.

>> No.8200359

>I would let him fuck my inverted penis whilst he is whispering Houellebecq in my ear.
Have it your way.

>> No.8200422


You are just jealous I let rich businessman fuck my perfectly constructed human fleshlight for 5-10K a night.

>> No.8200687

>Ignorance is bliss.

Nice meme

>> No.8200704

looks like /lit/ has found their Anthony Fantano

>> No.8200775

I'm being lazy as fuck. The only review I've watched of his was for Samuel Beckett's "trilogy." He compares Beckett to a specific (very obscure) avant-grade guitarist, which isn't all that insightful at all (the same can be said of any two artists in different mediums who do work in the same movement; "Lautreamont is the literary equivalent Dali." It doesn't mean shit. Not only is it meaningless, but it's lifted straight from an older article. If you're actually interested, just watch the video and find out the guitarist's name. Google + Samuel Beckett and it'll be one of the first two results.

I don't think the guy is an idiot, but he's no more insightful than your average English Major at a mediocre school. But even that modest amount of intelligence is ruined by his fraudulence. I could just watched the video at the point. Oh well.

>> No.8200826

It comes up within the first minute and half of the video. Derek Bailey is the guitarist. There were a few results. Some just saying they looked alike. Here's the link you were probably thinking of:


Takes him less than two minutes to steal.

>> No.8202191

If you don't like his reviews, you can just use his videos as a reading recommendation list.

Sort of like a patrician Oprah.

>> No.8202263

Better living directors than Gallo? Hirokazu Koreeda, Chang-Dong Lee, Joachim Trier, Wong Kar-wai, Lav Diaz, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Cristian Mungiu, Asghar Farhadi, Michael Haneke, Andrey Zvyagintsev, Alexander Sokurov, Werner Herzog, Abbas Kiarostami, Martin Scorsese, Mike Leigh, Fatih Akin, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Hou Hsiao-hsien, Wim Wenders, Paul Thomas Anderson, Pedro Almodóvar, and that's just scratching the surface. Gallo made one or two decent films.

>> No.8202758

if someone online can't come up with anything besides 'kill yourself' then they have nothing to express but their emotion, no ideas, thoughts, arguments, just a grunt of anger that tells you won.

>> No.8203198

I mainly use him to get a feel for what books I might want to read.
He never does any major spoilers and still manages to get across what the book is about. Because he is so theatrical.

>> No.8203779

I'm astounded by how butt blasted /lit/ is at one booktuber.
He makes nice videos, recommends some good books, and all any of you can do is talk about how much smarter than him you are. Are you really that insecure?

I bet talking about books with him would be really fun.

>> No.8204132

Everyone who thinks they're so much better than him should just start their own booktube series. There's a dearth of content in this niche, why don't you make some videos?

>> No.8204150

More fun than with the fucks here at least.

>"Hey Anon, have you read Ulyssus?"
>*shrinks* "N-no... i'm so sorry."
>"Oh man, I really think you would enjoy it. Tell you what, I'll lend you my copy and when you return it, we'll talk about it."
>"Th-thanks Clifford"
>"Call me Cliff. And anytime. ;)"

>> No.8205254
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he threw it in the trash lmao

>> No.8205280

It's preferable to the YA-gushing and tumblr-feminism that makes up most of booktube.

>> No.8205315

absolutely fucking awful jesus christ

where's the goddamn literature here guys