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/lit/ - Literature

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8193760 No.8193760 [Reply] [Original]

Is Nietzsche a good read to help inspire you to do something great with your life?

>> No.8193768


philosophy isn't self-help for 'i'm so smurt' people. it's a field of inquiry.

>> No.8193767

Yes, go do something life threatening, its the only way to live.

>> No.8193787

no, his ideas are likely to act as a poison, alienating you from others while given you a false sense of worth.

but do read him. though only if you're truly curious so you can read him away by exploring others ideas.

>> No.8193859

I don't know but he's hilarious so read him anyway.

>> No.8193878

analytic virgin detected. go comb neuroscience journals so you can meet your meet your counterargument quota in some sterile pointless sub-sub-sub field of "inquiry"

>> No.8193888

Man, /lit/ has dropped 10 IQ points in the last month alone. How unfortunate.

>> No.8193895

You haven't read Nietzsche, have you? He's absolutely an inspirational philosopher. Like the Greeks, he thought philosophy could be used to help people live better. It wasn't merely a field of inquiry for Nietzsche. Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra or The Gay Science if you don't believe me...

>> No.8193905

he hasn't read either of them. he will say Nietzsche isn't really philosophy. Then it will become analytic vs continental. 200 replies omitted.

>> No.8193910

philosophy is not chicken soup for the soul: undergraduate edition, you pea-brained whore.

>implying im analytic

i've never read any analytic philosophy besides early witty and russell

>> No.8193915

only the eternal return changes your life since it means that as soon as you accept dukkha over and over as in a samsara, as soon as you stop despising life, as soon as you stop being a nihilist, your existence changes in accessing a different perspective on existence. the eternal return is a surrender, an abdication of your self before your sufferings and joys stemming form your failure to fulfil your wish to live in hedonism, in avidity towards pleasures and aversion towards pains. once you abdicate, you destroy (mundane) hedonism.

>> No.8193920

>i've never read any analytic philosophy besides early witty and russell
gee, you're so insecure about who reads philosophy and why that you had me fooled.

>> No.8193926

>Like the Greeks, he thought philosophy could be used to help people live better.

ah yes, i forgot how easily applicable to life the Theaetetus was. no one really bought that, it was just an excuse for socrates to go around asking questions.

>> No.8193930

>gee, you're so insecure about who reads philosophy

how am i insecure? i was just answering op's question. go on, explain your reasoning, you seem like a perceptive chap.

>> No.8193940

Do you not consider Epicurus a philosopher? Or the Stoics? Is that not philosophy to you?

>> No.8193945
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>> No.8193953

>Do you not consider Epicurus a philosopher? Or the Stoics?

not good ones, no.

>> No.8193972

That wasn't the question, man. I don't like a lot of philosophers and not because of that I'd discard them as philosophers. What I think is most silly about your "argument" is that you clearly haven't read or understand some of the greeks or Nietzsche himself, both parties main subject is life itself an how to live it, you can dismiss they output and all but I don't think you can say they don't fit the question OP had.

>> No.8193977

>That wasn't the question, man

ok, how about just 'no'.

>What I think is most silly about your "argument" is that you clearly haven't read or understand some of the greeks or Nietzsche himself

which greek do i not understand?

it's entirely possible i misread nietzsche and he's just being a motivational speaker for german idiots, but i'd prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt.

>both parties main subject is life itself an how to live it

for a cherry-picked set of greek philosophers, sure.

>> No.8194014
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Yes, absolutely. He is kinda hard to apply in real life though.

On a side note, I´d totally love a Superman comic, where he actually is the Übermensch.

>> No.8194063

What you so casually dismiss as motivational speaking and self-help is all part of a large branch of philosophy most commonly known as "ethics". The reason philosophy has grown so stale is because of people like you, who seem to think it should be a self-contained discipline that creates little semantical puzzles to solve. Quotidian concerns have no place in this brand of philosophy. It's all about abstractions.

>> No.8194496
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Really makes you think.

>> No.8194523
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>I´d totally love a Superman comic, where he actually is the Übermensch.

Does anybody like Nietzsche's prose? I read through some Zarathutra yesterday, first time after a long ass time, and man I was astonished.

>> No.8195260

how do I start reading Nietzsche?

>> No.8195273

you put your eyes in direction to the letters
the tl;dr is do whatever you want, as everyone should