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8192438 No.8192438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize you're not actually intelligent, you're just a clever pseud who feigns interest in the high brow
>tfw those girls and STEM autists you laughed at in high school for being cogs in the machine and doing well on their SAT are probably living comfortably while you're getting evicted next week because you think retail is a capitalist death sentence

>> No.8192449
File: 284 KB, 960x720, Coop (relaxed).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wishing you luck, anon

>> No.8192451
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, Ugly_squidward_by_tomandjerry123456789-d6vj451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you get 3 hours of sleep because the mice are making loads of noise.

>> No.8192452

just attempt to rob a bank

either you'll succeed and fuck off to south east asia or read books in prison while living for free

>> No.8192453

Man we need to make a communistic township for us all.

>> No.8192455

that would be fucking terrible

>> No.8192461

>pride myself on only doing "acceptable" drugs like dude weed and alcohol
>look at people doing coke and heroin and crazy amounts of prescription drugs or psychedelics and think how their lives are going to fall apart
>they're all doing better than I am
t-thanks mom.

>> No.8192467

Why? Communism works amazing on a small scale. The problem with running it with countries is that it assumes government can run without being corrupt. Which they are inherently. But a town of less than a thousand would work just fine.

>> No.8192475

communism is pure evil.

>> No.8192478

Whilst that would be a good idea in any other case a communist society populated exclusively by people from 4chan would.
1. In all likelihood collapse within a year from the pure laziness.
2. In absolute certainly be extinct within a generation because it would be 99% male and 100% autism.

>> No.8192483

Shoo, bourgie, shoo.

>> No.8192485

>have been with only one beautiful lover my entire life
>intimate for a long period of time
>one day she develops a nasty coke habit
>she starts acting differently
>she cuts off all communication with me
>"she'll come back once the coke wrecks her and we'll be together once more."
>flash forward five years
>her modeling gig went to an acting gig and she's successful now, does interviews, has fans, etc.
>I'm literally on welfare and lapsed into mental illness and have to regularly visit wards

S-she'll come back, ha...cocaine is a bad drug...

>> No.8192492

Why? Because capitalism told you so?
You might be right on the first point, the second point I could care less about. If it lasted beyond a generation it would start to develop a government or some bullshit and get ruined anyway.

>> No.8192505

>You might be right on the first point, the second point I could care less about. If it lasted beyond a generation it would start to develop a government or some bullshit and get ruined anyway.
But that would be depressing as fuck.

Without any reproduction even assuming somehow the town managed to sustain itself eventually everyone would get old and start dying. It would be so depressing to live in a town where everyone is old but no one has a family, all your friends and co-workers are slowly dying of old age and then eventually some poor soul is going to be the only one left.

>> No.8192521

But we all set out and did what we wanted to do, the last guy alive would probably be famous. Plus our lives would probably be pretty cool of we got the town up and running. We all produced enough to take care of ourselves and became a large protracted family. I mean nothing is permeant.

>> No.8192532


>> No.8192542

>Why? Because capitalism told you so?
because logic dictates so. equal output that disregards unequal input is logically fallible

>> No.8192563

Small scale communistic societies only need enough output to sustain themselves.

>> No.8192582

>mother always makes a big deal about how brilliant I am and appears really happy whenever I do anything clever
>inevitably run up against something I can't do in school
>develop intense terror of failure because maybe I'm not so smart, and if I'm not so smart, mom won't love me anymore
>32 year old utter failure contemplating suicide

t... thanks for the encouragement, mom...

>> No.8192584
File: 2.43 MB, 1989x1109, hello, darkness, my old friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone actually famous or known?

>> No.8192591

>Communism works amazing on a small scale.
Not if everyone's a channer.
>I could care less

>> No.8192595

Post a pic of her.

>> No.8192604


>blaming your parents

It'd make sense if you were molested. Anything short of that, faggotry.

>> No.8192605

>try to analyze your life objectively
>haha im so stupid and my life sucks
>but at least I know it!
>realize you're stuck in that 120-IQ layer of detachment and irony that prevents you from ever truly changing or knowing yourself
feels kinda good desu

>> No.8192607
File: 126 KB, 959x573, loop da loop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw appear highly intelligent in your lit seminars and was the token crush amongst a lot of female lit students in first year; averaging firsts in all your assessments, financially well off

fast forward to now:
>tfw barely scraping by with a 2:1 because you have developed a serious word salad problem

>tfw asexual so taking a course with 80% girls is pointless but now they ostracise you because they think you're a misogynist for ignoring their advances and refusing to swallow their prescripted feminist agenda

>blew all my money on drugs so haven't eaten real food in the past 3 days

>tfw you haven't seen anyone who cares about you in almost a month

>tfw you're not even sure if anyone actually cares about you

>> No.8192612
File: 993 KB, 924x507, 1453310180891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.8192613

god you must be such a horrid cunt in real life

>> No.8192615

Yes, she's been in some things. Not huge, she's no A-lister, but she's a name. I can't share her, it'll endanger our relationship when she eventually comes back.

>> No.8192618
File: 267 KB, 1165x1192, Big daddy D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too much of a narcissist to kill myself, I'm sorry.