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File: 105 KB, 717x960, steel-reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8188670 No.8188670 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking and reading tonight /lit/?

Pic related and One Hundred Years of Solitude for me

I just wanna console Ursula

>> No.8188708
File: 122 KB, 170x402, bushmills-home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight out the bottle

reading Dale Pendell's "Pharmako/Gnosis"

here, have an excerpt:

>would it not be wonderful
>to rise together
>through the wrath, through the jou
>of angry fire, all that is dross
>burning away. Would it not be wonderful
>to enter the Watery Place

>Sacrifice is Soma - the primal poison, the churning of the lingam in the Milky Way - the elixir created by the alliance of gods and demons.

>> No.8188730

>40 of steel reserve
>drinking it out of a glass

I'm reading Low Life by Luc Sante and drinking pineapple kombucha.

>> No.8188760

about to rummage through my parents' liquor cabinet to find something to sip on. drinking because i don't feel like reading, or doing anything else, really.

will probably just watch debates / interviews on youtube for the rest of the night

>> No.8188762


Why would you (not *you*) start a passage with a phrase that's synonymic of a 60s pop song?

>> No.8188786

diet pop and Marina Tsvetaeva's bride of ice

i wish i was drinking for real but dem gainz

>> No.8188799


Don't worry in a few years gainz stagnate and you stop caring so you start drinking all the time instead

>> No.8188829

Just finished off a bottle of George Dickel Tennessee Whisky. Chunky side chick has some mid-shelf bourbon I'm considering picking up a $1 coke at McDonald's and going to her place to drink sit outside and look at the strawberry moon. Probably get some pussy too. Not sure if it's the lit life but it's mine and it's A-ok.

>> No.8188840

can't wait

>> No.8188846

sounds bloody fucking awful desu

As for myself, drinking Canadian Club out of my coffee mug and reading the opening chapters of Studs Lonigan by James T. Farrell

>> No.8188851

white russians because i watched the big lebowski

>> No.8188860

#waterboyz desu

trying to get my booze dependency and tolerance down lads, taking a two week break

>> No.8188880


Are you (yes *you*) saying would it not be wonderful is too similar to Wouldnt It Be Nice, as in the Beach Boys song?

It's not - fuck you

>> No.8188927


As soon as I read the first line I started internally singing the song. the only difference is a contraction and the intensity of the emotive word

sorry senpai its too similar

>> No.8188935

could go for a 40 but i am legitimately terrible when i drink so, not tonight bois

>> No.8188945
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is cheap strong beer the literary choice of beverage?

>> No.8188952

no, liquor is

>> No.8188956

Lagunitas IPA and Ulysses (I know).

>> No.8188957

cheap liquor tho

it's about the economics since it's all one willful act of poisoning anyway

>> No.8188967
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Pic related it's the Hegelian solution to your problems.

>> No.8188972

this shit is why i can't drink to excess m8 i just don't have the constitution for heavy drinking like that

>> No.8188984

no, expensive weak wine is

>> No.8188988

Probably better like that, less chance of alcoholism sneaking up on you.

>> No.8189000
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>not cheap strong wine

get hep daddy-o

>> No.8189005

>tfw i'll probably never have two forties in one sitting again

>> No.8189006
File: 2.06 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dipping into my old friend Willy G while sipping some Dark Truth stout.

>> No.8189027


whatever can get you drunk for minimal $$ is a lit beverage

>> No.8189032

i chuckled
also trips.

>> No.8189036


as a guy who often has 6+ 40s on any given night, don't feel too bitter about it

>> No.8189047

>six (6)
But where does all that piss go?

>> No.8189055

back in the bottle

>> No.8189058

40s really are the ideal piss receptacle, been there

>> No.8189120

Speaking of which, Old Grandad and Isaiah for me. There are better bourbons but not better $14 bourbons.

>> No.8189258


OGD is THE cheap boubon, even better if you can get the bottled in bond stuff. Good taste bro.

>> No.8189294

>The Recognitions
>Not paired with Aquavit or Cognac

>> No.8189310

Why would anyone drink that many 40s? It just seems like a huge waste of time. You'd be pissing more than you'd be drinking.

>> No.8189313

I was thinking at that point I'd probably rather switch to the liquor but damned if 40s aren't the perfect bevvy. Just too many carbs

>> No.8189327

Sportwhey protein shake with frozen raspberries. There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Sportwhey.

>> No.8189340


Oh forgot to mention I'm reading "Battles in the Desert" by Jose Pacheco

>> No.8189447


Have you dudes not heard of Evan Williams? Or are you both not in the US?

>> No.8189451


Yea I just didn't include "the equivalent of" in that post cause I couldn't determine the best position to put that phrase in.


but yea, i usually drink wine instead of beer cause once you learn you're an alchy you realize that liquor is gonna do you too much trouble and beer isn't enough. wine is the solid middle ground

>> No.8189510
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The High Window, haven't been drunk in awhile, remember why I liked it so much. Probably won't be drunk again for some time, who knows, I downloaded 27 Bill Evans' albums today and listened to one of his live albums recorded in france with a friend, it was nice. I dont know what I'm doing and I never have, being alive and conscious of being conscious is weird, I hope we all sleep well tonight, thanks for existing.

>> No.8189775
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Pic related (Sake) and reading Butcher's Crossing

>> No.8190529
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Just keep working at it you'll be an alchy someday
And no you don't want to be an alcoholic it sucks, not being able to drink in the morning because you're shaking but not being able to stop shaking because you can't drink sucks

>> No.8191301


Texas here Evan Williams is a pretty good value too

>> No.8191302

I've been drinking like ancient romans used to do for a few days now and it's pretty alright. I buy boxes of wine and set them on my desk with a big pitcher of water, diluting the wine to various ratios and just drinking all day long.

It's a good system.

>> No.8191356

8/10 would read the rest of the book if this was on the first page.

>> No.8191361

You're drinking like my 50 year old aunt who hits on me over Thanksgiving dinner, is it white zinfandel or something less bitchy ?

>> No.8191366


Tuborg of danish kings, a small glas of rum and Growth of the Soil.

>> No.8191374

Drinking Russian standard vodka the luksosova is finished my girl should be home soon to go get some beer too but I'm reading Chindi by McDevitt some of the modern sci-fi I can enjoy most gets too cringe now a days, any recommendations?

>> No.8191516

I always loose my wallet or phone when I drink Steel Reserve

I'm normally a Cuervo man, but Mead is pretty good too. Makes you horny as hell though.

>> No.8191527

I had the same reaction, lol

Though I have done that once before, just because I only had one 40 left over and an aquaintance stopped by to say hi on his 21st bday.
It was actually pretty enjoyable, it was really flat from being half empty for two days though so that might have had something to do with it.

>> No.8191531

It's some blended red box wine

>> No.8191558

Working on somethijg called the 40 Oz diaries so been drinking 40s for like a month straight

>> No.8191562

Aunt Linda ?

>> No.8191570


This is how I drink whiskey, the way Churchill used to do it. He did it with soda, I do it with water.

>> No.8191584

Not what you think as soda

>> No.8191587

so like sprite?

>> No.8191600

Soda water, like carbonated water

>> No.8191607

This dub gets it, it wasn't soda like coke or whatever it was just like a fizzy branch he drank like he meant it, many of Churchills speeches weren't actually him speaking. He literally had someone to talk for him when he was to drunk, listen to We will never surrender and that was really Churchill speaking. He was the greatest over functioning alcoholic in all of political history.

>> No.8191609

according to the satyricon they drank their wine warm as well

>> No.8191612

but you said not the soda I was thinking of

>> No.8191621

just found out an old friend off'ed himself

reading Ulysses and drinking coffee

>> No.8191626

what a horrific way to die

>> No.8191635
File: 169 KB, 522x559, sad-meme-funny-minion-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8191656

no, it's not. And also that's not the beginning of the passage- it just happened to be where my eyes caught and so that's where I started copying.

You're a cunt, and you're dumb.

>> No.8191903

Aunt Linda I don't know how you found out about 4chan probably from Chris I know he's weird but it's weird. You have a husband and my girlfriend found you super creepy even though you're a hot redhead milf but come on. Lay off the wine and go to Bill, he's your husband and hasn't been laid since he came for the day with me and we set him him up with some crazy chick who ate way to many xanax

>> No.8191907

Soda water faggot

>> No.8191918

water..because drinking alcohol and reading is fucking stupid.

>> No.8191938

i love how you fucking retards think the guy who said soda didn't know what that was

>> No.8191976

maybe love was too strong of a word???

>> No.8192055

Some fags here are really presumptuous that way. There was a post a while back by someone saying that higher end Irish whiskey was as good as single malt Scotch and some autist assumed the poster thought they were the same thing.

>> No.8192064

>not being able to drink in the morning because you're shaking
how are hard you shaking that you can't get the bottle to your mouth bruv, like harlem shaking?

>> No.8192069

Could be a seizure

>> No.8192072

>calling fizzy tipple soda

>> No.8192075

Nothing and the Quran, it's Ramadan desu senpai

>> No.8192082

Terrible how?

>> No.8192084
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, jameson-black-barrel-select-reserve-irish-whiskey-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a good mix of value and quality I like to go with pic related.

As for me, On the Edge by Chirbes with Tito's Vodka and Cranberry Juice

>> No.8192096
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It'd not just your hands it's all tour muscles, in your mouth throat everything it used to not be too bad and I got sick and got much worse now it's getting better again.
Essentially yes it's a mini seizure for practical explanation, not enough GABA interaction and what not, now I just set my alarm for a half hour before I need to wake up and pop a klonopin and when I wake up the shakes are barely noticeable I don't think people should stop drinking don't get me wrong but drinking in way excess which yes I do and have done is not fun and not coool.... people sometimes brag about drinking a lot and for real when you get to the point where it's hard to swallow your first gulp of beer it's not fun anymore, though agree noonish I'm good to go and having a variety of fun

>> No.8192101

Because America that's why

>> No.8192107

i've never been so bad that I couldn't get liquor down my throat desu, just some tremors and twitches and sweats and hallucinations back when i really pushed it.

now i'm an old pussy weekend warrior. feels good.

>> No.8192114

Dude no, Jameson is never for quality it's for dousch bags on st pattys and friends to yell I'm Irish while drinking, Canadian club tastes literally almost identical, try to discern the difference sometime

>> No.8192138

When I was younger I had a seizure disorder so it hits me much harder I'm sure because of the same systems in the brain ya know, that's why I'm still on klonopin, I'm 27used to be on phenobarbital until my doctor figured out how much i drank lol he works close with my psychologist there's some things that happen that doctors are cool with people drinking from ha got a great girlfriend though been with her 2 years and she's the reason I only have half my liver spilled

>> No.8192142

I've never had the reserve, but I agree about standard Jameson being frat boy garbage.

>> No.8192148

>there's some things that happen that doctors are cool with people drinking from
You mean because their lives are so shitty or because it's medically relevant?

I have a mental patient friend whose doctor tolerates his mild alcoholism because it seems to work better for him than being sober. Less suicidal.

>> No.8192217
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The reserve is quite different, I dislike regular jameson too. it is extremely smooth and sippable, and makes for a really good sour base.

However I would prefer either pic related or lagavulin 16 if I were going to be drinking scotch or whiskey neat.

>> No.8192225


What kind of whiskey should I buy if I just want to put it in my coffee so I'm not sober at work?

>> No.8192235
File: 118 KB, 493x469, 234523443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 of beer
>poured into a wine glass
didn't know this was a working class board

>> No.8192236

I like Knob Creek as a mixer, especially if you are doing something with cinnamon

>> No.8192250

Something cheap like old crow or jim beam. Anything better than that would be a wasted if you weren't drinking it neat.

>> No.8192251

>wine glass

>> No.8192260

Yeah I was a child port star basically, I get royalty checks though at least and yeah the shrink is sorta just like yeah its cool if you drink just don't mix meds to much but on paper it says ya know doctor always instructs never to mix alcohol with medication. I set it up so he can't get blamed ever for anything I've been clean from heroine though for two and a half years so hey that's good

>> No.8192262

>wine glass

vote leave btw lads

>> No.8192268
File: 147 KB, 1080x1350, 1466296416250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off that's not a wine glass, and a wine glass isn't a single type of glass it would be cooler though if it were poured into a champagne flute though, if I'm guzzling beer like a 40 I'll pour it into a liter or half liter Glass mug

>> No.8192271
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I should really be reading Outlaws of the Marsh, but I'm balls deep in Robin Hobb's Royal Assassin.

>> No.8192303


Thanks lads.
I'll take these into consideration but is there anything you would recommend that's a little better than jimmy b but not as expensive as knob creek.

>> No.8192313

My man.... haven't seen that since last time I was in Poland, well and one bottle in my cupboard soooooo good straight down the hatch

>> No.8192316


Jack Daniels, George Dickel, maybe Buffalo Trace

>> No.8192317


It is insanely easy to drink.

>> No.8192330

just because you put beer-words on it doesn't make it not a wine glass. i've never seen a fucking beer goblet with such a high stem before. poor form

>> No.8192331

Personally I think Jim beam black is better then know creek any day but depending on where you live bulleit, bookers(must try), widow Jane and single barrel 4 roses . Old forester used to be my goto cheap stuff but the cost has gone up and it's quality has seemed to go down, heavens hill though is a good standby . I mostly drink vodka but that's for the alcohol when it comes to whiskey it's either bourbon or peaty scotches. I home brew my own beer though and perfected my cream ale which my next batch I'm going to shoot for only 2 percent alcohol for small beer and have a pretty steady stout as well, those are always in circulation and on tap at my place in corny kegs

>> No.8192335

I know I love you man, takes me back to the motherland where are you from ?

>> No.8192346
File: 600 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20140926_141859_169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's either a wine glass or a beer glass ? Who fucking cares it keeps liquid in it, this is an old candle thing and holds 3 shots, still smells like cinnamon though .....

>> No.8192388


Anglo, but my mothers is from Belgrade, left with me and my sister when everything went to shit. We visit the grandparents every year, great food, great drink, beautiful city, and those Serb girls? Wew lad.

>> No.8192396

Old grandad, Jack Daniels, Bushmills, Powers

>> No.8192406

ezra brooks

>> No.8192412

Full serb ? I'm from Lublin originally but I live in the states, Ohio I wish I could get a bottle here that picture reminded me of my grandmother's fridge lol do many,bottles on top and the fridge was uneven as hell and she'd yell if you opened the door to fast instead of just putting the bottles somewhere else.....we really are stubborn ass

>> No.8192415
File: 412 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking fermented feminist tears + absinthe in a cocktail and reading DOGBOYS: A Farce in Two Acts.

>> No.8192427

Beer and Way of Kings

>> No.8192431

Tears won't ferment by any definition

>> No.8192442

fem tears have lots of makeup, food particles, and bits of coagulated semen in them.

>> No.8192448


Tumblrina tears are about 35% sugar and 55% fat.

>> No.8192463

Drinking water but my favorite beer atm is Hopadillo.

Haven't been reading lately. I've been pretty depressed/anxious and just haven't been able to do anything. It's been a source of distress for me because I'm an English major and a supposed 'writer.'

Nice. I've been drinking mostly IPAs lately and it actually kinda sucks when I switch to something lighter. Always feels like I'm drinking piss water.

>> No.8192469


Mum is Serb, dad is Anglo. Beady eyes, short legs, hair everywhere. How he bagged my mother I'll never know.

And a fridge full of slivovitz sounds like a good way to do things. I'll sup a shot to your health. Na zdrowie!

>> No.8192474

Just got home from work, about to make a gin and tonic and work on a book outline

>> No.8192504

Who here can't handle their alcohol and dislikes the taste of it anyway?

>> No.8192510

children aged 13 and under

also, literal autistic people

>> No.8192520

My mother is pure polish Ashkenazi and my father German they're both decent looking but the way they came together I want to actually write about. My mother came here to the states for school and met my father when he was sleeping under a bush from a party lol they went to Poland for a bit got married there and had me I chilled there and came to the states. Love at first sight my mother told me but my dad was unconscious lol so it goes. They have amazing stories, she was raised extremely conservatively and didn't know much English but is very sharp and got a full ride to state education and my dad was from a tiny hick town and was a farm boy of a brick layer who turned our to nail math like a boss and got a wrestling scholarship they both came from weird backgrounds. When I call my grandmother still she says marry a polish girl, a jew, or a German man or I'll kill them and set you up (possibly not sarcasm)

>> No.8192523

People who are under aged

>> No.8192527

If I married an Italian woman as well my grandmother would definitely seek and destroy, she hates Italians like no other, and Albanians but who doesn't ?

>> No.8192564

I'm 22... I'll drink wine with my friends occasionally because it's the only thing I've tried the doesn't taste absolutely awful but I get very drunk exceedingly fast.

Is alcohol acquired taste or am I doomed forever?

>> No.8192597

You're 22 and don't drink ? I'll ignore that and just say if you enjoy the effects of alcohol yes you'll acquire the taste just like me and coffee when I discovered the effects. Well and beer too but that was more just bad parenting lol if you haven't learned to enjoy it by now it's probably just not for you don't force yourself into it.

>> No.8192599

>Yeah I was a child port star basically
a what?

>> No.8192600

Bunch of whisky whiskey and bourbon guys here, assuming you've all read your share of Hemingway too?

>> No.8192610

>robin hobb

best escapism

>> No.8192614

I meant porn star, to put it simply I get a check in the mail for restitution everyone someone gets caught with child pornography of me ..... apparently I was the Jenna Haze of the kiddy porn world at one point.

>> No.8192632
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jesus christ anon

>> No.8192645

I've written a lot in journals and shit about it but not sure I want to ever go further then that, I have the perfect lifestyle for most 4channers I mean I never have to work and surf on my royalties just glad I was such a cute kid or else I'd be flipping burgers it's hard to have relationships that last longer then 6 months most girls find when explained to why I get this money tend to run away and it's super hard to explain to people how I have money

>> No.8192649

how much money do you get?

>> No.8192670

4 years ago was my peak 180k now I'm at 80k ish smaller amounts but more people

>> No.8192702

This is both darkly-hilarious (in the way you describe it with such candor and casualness) but also incredibly depressing in that you probably cope with the dark reality by making light of the situation.

>> No.8192712


>> No.8192713

How do you guys drink and read at the same time? Whenever I do it my reading comprehension plummets as soon as I get even buzzed, especially if the book is difficult at all

>> No.8192738

if you want to be good at something while drunk you have to already do it well sober

>> No.8192749

you should write an autobiography or something mate

>> No.8192809


Or you could keep getting drunk. How else are you going to get better?

>> No.8192851

1. practice reading sober until you are good at reading
2. read while drunk

if you are still bad at reading while drinking then repeat

>> No.8192985

2 cans of Steel Reserve 211 and In The Heart of the Heart of the Country while also writing one of the last three sections of my own book.

>> No.8193223


California here. Evan Williams is better but 16 or 17 at the local shop. Throw in taxes and that's like 20% more.

>> No.8193253

This one bar has a can of PBR+a shot of Evan Williams for 5 bucks I think. I've never seen it in any liquor store somehow. To be fair, I've never really looked that hard for it though If I'm drinking cheap shit, I don't mind just getting a 375ml bottle of Old Crow or some shit.

>> No.8193273

evan williams is cheap but it's fucking dogshit. you are much better off drinking even cheaper clear spirits than that.

>> No.8193285

got a bottle of rebel yell like 45mins ago. this shit is harsh as fuck even in a highball with coke.

>> No.8193293

Mescaline. Alcohol is bitch tier for babies with no coping abilities. Enjoy your brain damage

>> No.8193296

Thanks lol and yeah that's how I deal with it I mean I'm depressed as fuck but not even about the shit that happened I was one of those kids on the news that was found basically easiest way to explain the situation. But yeah I have an extremely dark sense of humour only like a couple close friends really know what happened to me most people think it was "car accident that killed his mother black black don't ask about it" I keep people out through a couple walls and that's the one I use for trauma to tell people and they don't ask questions. But for real like I wish I could have a twitter hit counter or something at least lol when I talked to the fbi dudes when I turned 18 I had them cracking up asking them since I'm 18 now and all can I take ownership of all the stuff you have of me and sell it ? Cuz I mean it's victimless at that point lol but yeah they appreciated that actually those guys jobs must suck so hard, but the weirdest thing was I knew everyone of them at least that mattered had seen me naked and getting tucked lol technically they are making money from your guys taxes for watching kiddy porn and I'm getting the royalties probably from some of 4chan lol I call it the rhombus of life

>> No.8193302


where do you get yours from? dropped acid before was pretty fun always wanted to try peyote.

>> No.8193308

Eating actual mesc is a pain because the sheer quantities of horrible tasting plant matter, but you can get pure extract (maybe synth?) on the darknet.

>> No.8193319


>> No.8193325

make your own thread queers

>> No.8193340

It's just really bland for a bourbon. Inoffensive is the word I'd use.

>> No.8193341


dont you EVER reply to me like that again bitch boy. i'll make you wish you never even logged onto the internet im not even playing tonight.

>> No.8193349

Yeah. Eating enough san pedro to get high is difficult. It tastes like ass.

>> No.8193351


uhh literally or figuratively? because i eat ass fairly often.

>> No.8193353

Thats why you reduce it to a tar ball and swallow it

>> No.8193356

Evan Williams is anything but bland. It's sharp in a harsh way and completely offensive. If all your drinks are had in shots like you're at some stupid frat party then sure it might seem passable but at that point why even buy "aged" liquor?

Shots are for under aged kids drinking unaged spirits. Evan Williams is for idiots that don't know better.

>> No.8193357

Figuratively. Literally it tastes worse.

Didn't know you could do that.

>> No.8193374
File: 618 KB, 1440x900, Back-to-the-Future-Title-Card[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frig off retard

>> No.8193377

Calm down spergo. I've never bought an entire bottle of the shit, it's just something that's cheap at bars. The cheapest thing I'll buy a bottle of at the liquor store is Old Crow, which is actually offensive but cheap enough for me to not give a fuck.

>> No.8193396
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>at bars
thanks for the tip homeboy.
*high fives*

see you at the beta-phi mixer bro

>> No.8193407

Was a pretty bad alcoholic but been sober for about 6 months now.....god how I miss my $11 vodka that came in a plastic bottle.

>> No.8193636

Good job man its hard, I've tried to quit but knew I couldn't do it, any store I'd go to I'd be like fuck2 it and just buy some booze it's sort of ingrained in me though and doesn't cause problems for the most part lol

>> No.8193667

tuesday night. you still drinkn lit bros?

>> No.8193680

I can't shut the fuck up, for one, but I also get depressed which is really bad when I also can't happen to shut the fuck up

And my tolerance is very weak so it all happens quickly, too

>> No.8193695

That sucks. I'd never drink if it didn't make me feel better than I do when I'm sober. Drinking always makes me more chipper.

>> No.8193697

More of a weed guy, I like social drinking tho. Just can't drink at my desk more than like once a week

>> No.8193706


If alcohol didn't make me feel like such a normie I'd never touch the stuff.

>> No.8193771

>tfw the first ten drinks normalise you but after that it's a sudden swift straight into rust cohle territory
>tfw you can't stop once you start

>> No.8193793

I have stupid and/or crazy ideas when I get completely shitfaced, but I'm always amused rather than depressed or existentially horrified by them.

>> No.8193848

Drinking some cheap shit knockoff Baileys and about to listen to an audiobook of Stendhal because it's too hot to read

>> No.8193873


I usually only remember the first seven drinks.
After that I'm supposed to be a riot until i go past ten then I usually end up starting dumb fights and fucking ugly girls.

>> No.8193885

Do you actually black out? I've never blacked out from drinking before.

>> No.8193903


I always tell myself around the sixth beer that I should start pacing myself and next thing you know I'm waking up butt naked next to an ugly broad in who knows what shit part of town,

>> No.8193911

Drinking some Mike's Hard Lemonade and reading The Return of the Native.

>> No.8193912


that actually sounds pretty darn good right about now. buzzed and lonely as fuck.

>> No.8193918

Huh. I've always assumed it was just a meme because it's never happened to me.

>> No.8193928


It's easy peasy lads.
All it takes is downing them like you just got to the only oasis in the desert.
If I took my sweet time and sipped away at my beer and had glasses of water in between beers I could probably go all night but fuck that I want to end myself.

>> No.8193960

I tend to stop either right before (most of the time) or right after puking, which is probably what's holding me back.

>> No.8193980

practice makes perfect

>> No.8193985



This desu.
Nothing washes away the taste of vomit better than another sixer.

>> No.8195869
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Nothing. Tonight I'm abusing my anxiety pills to get high. Tomorrow I'll get drunk on cheap red wine. Dry.

>> No.8196797

I tend to black out before I ever puke. Sometimes I black out before others really notice I'm drunk.

That's why I stopped drinking so much, it's really emotionally taxing to try to act neutral while subtly finding out if you misbehaved the night before. It's like your an alzheimer patient who doesn't want to be found out.

>> No.8196828
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Drinking this and about to hit dat "The Postmodern Condition" by Lyotard.

>> No.8196836


That's one of the most pretentious looking cans of beer I've seen


I get this feeling all the time. And I'm about to have it tomorrow :^(

>> No.8196844

The flatlands
Gordon's gin and cranberry juice and cans of polish lager

>> No.8196854


Fuck, I hate that. I drank too much too fast one night, the last thing I remember is taking a swallow of rum, then I'm lying face up on the floor of some strange room. There was a girl I hardly knew sitting in a chair and watching me. I asked her if we "Did anything" and she just smiled contemptuously at me and said no. I stumbled home as fast as I could.

My friends told me that I had been following her around like a lost puppy demanding that we "Go to her room." Eventually she sighed and lead me there where I promptly lay down on the carpet and fell asleep. Everyone had a good laugh at my expense but forgave me because the girl had been irritating them lately and they enjoyed watching me pester her.

Screw alcohol, I'm never having more than five drinks again in my life. I remember waking up at 5:00am behind the couch in a dormitory lounge with no shoes. I had to call my friend the degenerate Arab to bring me a pair of sandals. He came over in one of those jalabiyyah things and rescued me. Thank fuck he was still awake.

>> No.8196874

>Fuck, I hate that. I drank too much too fast one night, the last thing I remember is taking a swallow of rum, then I'm lying face up on the floor of some strange room.


i know that feel bro

>> No.8196889

you called someone so your little feetsy weetsy didn't have to get rough walking on the mean old ground.

no wonder you quit drinking ya huge pussy

>> No.8196909


That's rough senpai.
I'm just dreading the day that I wake up in jail on a DUI beef.

>> No.8197034

I've only puked from drinking 4 times 5 if you include eating to much. I pass out before I puke, I've been drinking for years since I was 16 and been an alcoholic since like 23 I'm 28 now

>> No.8197070

OP here, back with some chardonnay and some Hemingway short stories

Man I remember when I could put down a handle of 80 proof and not puke. Once I hit like 22 and developed dat IBS it happens if I drink more than a fifth's worth

>> No.8197071

I've been that drunk once and got into a similarly embarrassing/clingy situation with a girl, but in my case I didn't black out and remembered the entire thing, which mostly involved me puking all over the place and whimpering like a bitch while she aggressively herded me around and made sure I got home despite being almost as drunk herself.

Shit sucks. But I was fine until we got on a train and it started moving, so I can at least pretend it was "motion sickness" or some bullshit.

>> No.8197111


>arab brings shoes to decadent western friend who has thrown his own away after drinking until insanity
>arab is degenerate

>> No.8197225

>Screw alcohol, I'm never having more than five drinks again in my life.
I say that every time and then a few weeks later you forget and you wake up in a ditch somewhere holding a garden gnome.

>> No.8197336

What the hell are you like 100 lbs ? I drank a whole bottle of wine my first time really drinking when I was 12 and was fine, I was fucked up but DaMN I wish I had your tolerance again lol. First time my dad caught me drinking a bottle his whiskey before that we went drink for drink on a liter to teach me a lesson, now I'm an alcoholic lol worst hangover in my life and I tell the story to people and it's always funny but damn that probably could have killed me

>> No.8197464

You lost your reading comprehension in the process, there's nothing indicating in that post how much drinks he had.

>> No.8197487

>I'm never having more then five drinks in my life again
Sorry must have read that wrong

>> No.8197520

That doesn't mean that he blacks when he touches his sixth drink, just that having more than five puts him on the track towards things going wrong.

With some people that happens at the first sip, that's why so many alcoholics refrain from drinking completely rather than moderating their drinking.

>> No.8197530

penicillin cocktail w/ monkey shoulder and laphroaig 10, passion according to gh by clarice lispector

i like to overindulge

>> No.8197540
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I think you've had to much to drink

>> No.8197553

I wish bruv, I've been dry for half a month.

>> No.8197559

Maybe try drinking I think you being dry has affected your reading comprehension

>> No.8197566

Drinking some kind of dry Italian red I made from a kit from Amazon ($40/6gal not bad lol).

Not sure yet what I'm going to read. Just read Dubliners, so looking for something new to start.

Also smoking Hearth & Home Fusilier's Ration from a new corn cob pipe. Very nice smoke.

>> No.8198139
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Not him but you mad gay for trying to shill your beach boy obsession on lit

>> No.8198200
File: 28 KB, 300x300, walgreens-isopropyl-alcohol-first-aid-an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink the best stuff

>> No.8198221


i fucking hate summer 4chan

>> No.8198341
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>> No.8199309
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>Don't let me distract you from getting drunk alone and admiring Beach Boys lyrics on an anonymous anime board.

>> No.8199690

A Pabst pint, it's morning so beer and reading Being and Nothingness

>> No.8200647
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Yes, there I am; drunk.

>> No.8200706

If you're in Ohio join the party, I'm the Jenna haze who posted aboveanyone in Northeast Ohio let me know got a place to crash and lots of booze every weekend lol and a library to borrow shit from. If you like guys or girls there's usually a good pick

>> No.8200720

I would love to, but I'm in Germany.


>> No.8200725

Russian standard neat and white noise by donaldo delillo

>> No.8200727


>> No.8200752

Drinking Cider

not reading, not when the bloody freedom of the UK is at stake

>> No.8200777

I seriously hope that /lit/ isn't so idiotic they want to chuck away all the social progress the EU has made due to their idiotic /pol/tard beliefs.

>> No.8200789

Don't blame ya chap

>> No.8200794

I used to live in Munich for like 3 years actually cheers too chap

>> No.8200800

You live in a Muslim country, lad. That's what happens when you secularize your country with total progressivism.

>> No.8200819

I'm drinking Erdinger and reading Lake of the Long Sun. It's not as complex as Wolfe's other works, but it's rather slow in pace.

>> No.8200822

I'm in the south lad

No muzzies or northerners down here

>> No.8200828
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It's bretty good.

>> No.8200834

Gordon's Gin reading khayyam, love from Turkey.

>> No.8200864

Wow you're behind on like 80 to 100 years of history depending on your views, how's that feel?

>> No.8200871 [DELETED] 

Anything I have that has alcohol in it without discrimination.

>> No.8200873
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>all the social progress the EU has made

>> No.8200875

This thread is comfy as hell.

I think /lit/ benefits from one of these threads around for general banter, probably makes the other threads more on point.

>> No.8200939

Are you literally retarded ?