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8186894 No.8186894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did this election debunk democracy?

>> No.8186900
File: 956 KB, 1000x360, 43y53u4y5ui3y45iu34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice book

>> No.8186910

it certainly debunked American democracy



>> No.8186918

/his/ is not for current events.

The texts being discussed are the candidates philosophical manifestos, namely "The Art Of The Deal" and "It Takes a Village".

>> No.8186921

After all this time I still refuse to believe that's the same person

>> No.8186935

This election is proving its vitality and responsiveness

>> No.8186944


someone like trump would never have a chance if the people didnt have a voice.

this country could never be effectively decucked if it weren't for its few remaining shreds of democracy.

>> No.8186946

its not

>> No.8186947


>> No.8186950

The issue is that the people DO have a voice

>> No.8186952

You do know Trump is going to lose by a wide margin. Or that what Trump is selling is very much not what you actually want.

>> No.8186957

maybe if you're an establishment libcuck it's an issue

>> No.8186960


This pic reminds me of the tagline for that horrible Alien versus Predator movie.

"whoever wins, we lose."

>> No.8186964

>Everyone who doesn't like Trump is an establishment libcuck

Do you realize you're only proving my point?

>> No.8186966

Trump was tat for a majority of his life until relatively recently. If you're too stupid to realize you're being conned at this point, you deserve the gullible misery life is going to throw at you.

>> No.8186970


>> No.8186972
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B-but whoever doesn't agree with me is a cuck! Surely that must count for something!

>> No.8186974

>Americans assuming an international literature board is their political stomping ground

>> No.8186976

>someone like trump would never have a chance if the people didnt have a voice.
Pretty sure a rich as fuck white guy stands a chance at anything he does.

This election is literally proof that democracy is code-word for bourgeois dictatorship.

>> No.8186977


They're fucking annoying.

>misusing the word "liberal"
>thinking they even understand what the Left is, much less have one in their country
>thinking they have a choice when in reality they can vote for one of two right wing parties

>> No.8186979

hush, ahmed

trump is the only person who cares about the working class. he's the only one willing to close our border, to stop islam, and to rejuvenate our floundering economy. trump is worth $8 billion and has an iq of 156. he knows what he's doing.

>> No.8186980

>Implying this isn't an important case study in democracy, a system that many of the great books support or confront

>> No.8186983
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>trump is the only person who cares about the working class
>and to rejuvenate our floundering economy
>trump is worth $8 billion and has an iq of 156

Even if this is all irony

>> No.8186985
File: 12 KB, 236x207, d7ef79163cd8d926b66ab5ff7238d475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working class

>> No.8186986

Donald Trump is going to make America great again.

>> No.8186989
File: 34 KB, 638x540, Smug_d22333_5762907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how Trump supporters hate when SJW landwhales screech about them being Nazis and bigots, only for the Trump supporters to learn absolutely nothing and call everyone who disagrees with them liberals and cucks.

>> No.8186994

Literally made me laugh.

>> No.8186995


Do you think the POTUS is some sort of absolute monarch? Even if he goes "close the border right now" it still has to go through Congress, and what do you know? Both parties fucking hate his guts.

His presidency would be dead in the water, he'd be unable to do shit.

>> No.8186996



>> No.8186998

It's pretty well established at this point that /pol/ and online trump supporters in general are the right-wing equivalent of tumblr

>> No.8186999



It's an anagram for SJW. I'm onto your tricks, you fag jew cuck SJW liberal leftist muslim nigger redditor!

>> No.8187001

i know.

some people in this thread are skeptical, most likely because of years of marxist brainwashing at university. it's especially bad in the humanities fields.

listen to yuri brezmenov. this is all part of the USSR's plan to subvert american culture and freedom.

>> No.8187002

Shut it down

>> No.8187004

>"Trump is a working class hero who is so smart and rich I bet his dick tastes like steak."

>> No.8187006

My brain.....Khrushchev ...he's in my brain....he...he wants me to support corn farming...

>> No.8187007

>Pretty sure a rich as fuck white guy stands a chance at anything he does.

You mean a rich orange guy.

>> No.8187009
File: 31 KB, 320x320, 1466405992441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still think it was the USSR that was doing the subverting when over 20 years ago the USSR fell because of useful idiots who bought western ideology
>People still aren't at all sceptical that a low ranking KGB man who defected is saying things totally in line with pre-existing McCarthyist paranoia and general anti-intellectualism

>> No.8187013

Trump will be akin to a philosopher king.

tbqh, we need a benevolent dictator right now to decuck the nation. Once we're back on track, we can revert to a VERY indirect democracy, ideally one where only land-owning white men have voting rights.

>> No.8187014
File: 36 KB, 330x444, QAUajU6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already begun

>> No.8187017

Yeah, pretty much.

Tumblr is slightly worse, I would say. As some Trump supporters make okay points. Although not without reading into Trump's words to a great extent.

>> No.8187023


that is not a democracy at all.

>> No.8187026

>Philosopher King

What has he said that's that profound? he's just parroting what some pundits he cherrypicked have been saying for decades.

>> No.8187027

So you see, you know, material force, I mean force here, ok, I'm gonna use a lot of force ok? So material force, and, ok, I mean force, right? So material force must be overthrown, by hard working every day Americans, they are so hard working, by material force, and I mean force, ok? But, hey, ok, theory, also becomes a material force, we have plenty of material and force, as soon as it has gripped the hardworking American public, ok?

>> No.8187035
File: 984 KB, 1166x849, tmp_23047-14632794857551385435618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosopher king

>> No.8187044

And I thought Tumblr faggots were fucking delusional.

>> No.8187047

It's time to ban Islam and deport all illegals.

>> No.8187048

/lit/ appears to be the last stronghold of leftist """""""""""""""thought"""""""""""""""

i'll get my boys over at /pol/ and r/thedonald to take care of that.

>> No.8187050

It debunked the two party system. Although that didn't really need debunking, I think.

>> No.8187056

We already have enough high school students from reddit, thank you very much

>> No.8187057

very true, but i would add anyone who isn't white as well.

unfortunately, because of cultural marxism, even someone as based as trump cant advocate for the deportation of oogaboogas. hopefully he will pave the way for a racial realist president, though.

>> No.8187061


not liking Trump doesn't make one a "leftist".

>> No.8187062

even someone as based as trump

>> No.8187064

Some containment board that was.

Also everyone who disagrees with you =/= leftist

Yes to the illegals. No to the based Islam.

>> No.8187065

Seriously. It's already been scientifically proven that blacks are the least intelligent race. I think it's OK for the East Asians to stay, though.

>> No.8187069

>based Islam.

fuck outta here

not even a trump supporter but come the fuck on.

>> No.8187070


>> No.8187073

Ok so place your bets on what's going to happen when Trump loses. Like, what happens to the high school students and community college students who spout off lord kek, who supported trump loyally all through the way in utter confidence he would win

What's going to happen when he doesn't

>> No.8187075

If this election has "debunked" anything it's the republic. Monarchies are superior in every way tbqh.

>> No.8187076

Who seeks the art of life must look within

>> No.8187078

it's already summer, you're pissing in the ocean m8

>> No.8187079

They'll probably be a little disappointed and complain about it on the internet for a bit, but then they'll stop caring

>> No.8187080


what if he does win?


>> No.8187081

The US republic is quite possibly the crudest "republic" in existence right now. Barely a step above one-party republics.