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/lit/ - Literature

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8169326 No.8169326 [Reply] [Original]

Posr your stacks, /lit/.

>> No.8169338

kill yourself

>> No.8169342

This is a peaceful thread, have some manners!

>> No.8169355

go back to plebbit with your 'manners' and pathetic stack

>> No.8169366

What she did to you? Care to explain?

>> No.8169368

dropped in to this thread from the first page to tell you you're summer bye

>> No.8169630

Bump. I have no friends and want to see what anons are reading.

>> No.8169698
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>being a materialist
>killing trees
>spending money

>> No.8169704

>flimsy philosophical justifications for being a cheapskate

>> No.8169707
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These books should cure depression, right?

>> No.8169713
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No cleaning mode
I have the same shelf I had in high school mode

>> No.8169716
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>> No.8169734

Bro you aren't anything like Diogenes

>> No.8169746

But you are a faggot.

>> No.8169817

Your camera's also on shitty mode and your books are on pleb mode.

>> No.8169831

savage mode

>> No.8169935

>eating bread
>killing wheat

trees are farmed

>> No.8170038
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I just love Hackett, to be honest.

>> No.8170589
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Some recent purchases. Essais was a nice deal at $5.50.

>> No.8170616

How is that Augustine book?

>> No.8170674
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Everyone buys me books about people I express vague interest in

Also 2 copies of boardwalk empire

>> No.8170683


Do you even read? What the hell kind of shelf is that?

>> No.8170689

i do all of my reading digitally, that's just shit i've accrued over the years from birthdays, christmas, etc.

>> No.8170697

the more i linger around lit i begin to see why posts like these elicit negative reactions

nobody cares what you read and nobody is impressed.

>> No.8170703

>All The Light We Cannot See

I've been thinking of picking this up; rave reviews online and my local bookstore was parading it for a while. What do you think of it?

>> No.8170973
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What do you think, /lit/?

>> No.8171374



idk why but that's cracking me up anon. (the idea that your bookshelf is entirely consisting of gifts from friends & family)

>> No.8171485

God can help you with that.

>> No.8171486

Takes one to know one.

>> No.8171488

What is a stack?
I never really got this. I keep all my books on my bookshelf

>> No.8171526

Why every single bookshelf of this site always have a rigid cover
Here in italooo it's almost impossible to find a book with a rigid cover, the biggest book seller (Mondadori) NEVER, at least that i saw, sold a book with a nice rigid cover

>> No.8171527
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Kafka book conatins both "The Trial" and "The Castle"
English title of the Faulkner is "The Hamlet"
A yankee in king Arthur's court by Mark Twain
Two Women of China
Farewell, Gulsary! by Chinghiz Aitmatov
Ikarus in Pest

>> No.8171638
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My great-aunt is cleaning her shelves so she let me take some stuff.

>The Empire Strikes Back and Alien
Just for some giggles. Pulp, for some reason, is just silly when translated into Hungarian.

>A short story collection and a Hungarian YA novel

>Flaubert's Madame Bovary
>Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles
>Bellow's Herzog
>Parts 1 and 2 of a Boccaccio collection
>Gorky's The Mother and Ilya's Childhood(?)
>Émile Zola's Nana
>Louis Aragon's The belles of Basel
I haven't read anything from these as I don't really read anything pre-WW1 but I'm trying to change that.

Are/were Aragon and Bellow well known or influential? Never heard of them.

Not pictured are Maugham's Theatre, The Moon and Sixpence, Cakes and Ale and Ashenden, all together for less an a euro. Long live second-hand bookshops.

a kurva istenit

>> No.8171667

jelaous vagy petikém?

>> No.8171684

csak az Alízra, egyébként csak köszöntem

>> No.8171711

1400 volt újonnan.

>> No.8171853
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>> No.8171857

someone got memed

>> No.8171859

but the memes are so tasty, if I enjoy it who gives a shit?

>> No.8171869

me. i hope that you've read secondary sources on greece/rome before trying to read classical historians

>> No.8171880

Anything in particular that you recommend?

>> No.8171881


>bought herodotus and was super hyped

>attempt to read it and don't recognize any of the cities, people or jargon being tossed around

the guys not kidding, those histories are hard they don't really hold your hand.

>> No.8171894

Get the Landmark edition, people. How many times does it need to be said?

>> No.8172148
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Kill me

>> No.8172316
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>> No.8172323

did you like europe central?

>> No.8172442

I was under the impression this was a recent purchases thread. So I can't help you there, my friend

>> No.8172451

>thousands of dollars chair guy

why you got two V and two brothers karamazov? go on a buying spree and forget about it?

>> No.8172503

Ayyy I've got that dick too
except mine's hard

>> No.8173633


>> No.8173657

y tho
What's Desperate Characters like? I will do my best to end your agony if you answer me.

>> No.8174538


you must really like john hawkes

>> No.8174638

Can I get some money mate?

>> No.8174912
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Coming up next on the list.

>> No.8175929

tips on stacking books, mine are pretty prone to falling

>> No.8176773

Dude right on, there's some great stuff in there. A few words of advice

The jargon and the geography get very easy very fast. Start with Herodotus and reference the maps in the back whenever necessary. Lots of people love the Landmark editions for their accessibility, and there's certainly value in that, but part of the fun (and learning experience) of the Greeks is introducing you to some of the world's most significant geography, and also teaching you how to approach history (and geography in it). You'll soon realize how historical writing expands and contracts on different subjects, and will learn to better identify which subplots and geographical locations have far-reaching significance, and which (like VERY many in the Greeks) are never mentioned again--possibly for the rest of history. If you read Herodotus->Thucydides you will have an understanding of Eastern Mediterranean geography sufficient to rarely need maps. Reading Livy will do the same for Italy--as you move forward in Livy's books, this scope expands from central Italy to all Italy, to eventually including Spain, a bit of Gaul (France), northern Africa, and the rest of the Mediterranean.

You can get secondary sources for a more modern perspective, but, again, part of the fun is seeing ancient events through ancient eyes. Read the intros of the books you have now, and you'll get a workable context for understanding what's going on. Those intros will also introduce you to further primary sources, and will recommend relevant secondary sources.

Few other bits:

Definitely read Thucydides.

After Thucydides, seriously consider Xenophon's "Hellenika," aka "A history of my times" (as marketed by Penguin). He picks up immediately where T leaves off.

Machiavelli's Discourses are phenomenal, but before you read them, read (obviously) at least Livy's first 10 books, some political Plato (Statesman and Republic), and Polybius--a most criminally underrated historian. M draws on all these heavily. P's history can only be found in full from Loeb Classical Library (EXTREMELY valuable to be acquainted with this, as more popular publishers like Oxford will repackage historians without telling you beforehand, and only Loeb always publishes complete texts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loeb_Classical_Library)), but the Oxford edition serves as a good intro to him, offering 7 of his books in their entirety, while the Penguin edition covers more of his books, but most/all are abridged.

Good luck!

>> No.8178093
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My absolute faves in all the different editions

>> No.8178168

genuinely kek'd

>> No.8178178
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How did you know?

>> No.8178184

laughed at the copr

>> No.8178191

>I'm majoring in philosophy and want to post on /lit/ for attention and praise

>> No.8178200

that red moon book it utter shit btw.

>> No.8178210
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>it's because I don't waste it on physical books

>> No.8178241

That looks like it's about $10,000, which few people on /lit/ have spent on books. You overestimate how much books cost. I have ~1,200 books, for which I've only spent ~$3,000.

>> No.8178242
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>implying you're that rich

>> No.8178258

not everyone buys some paper shreds from 1950 and call them books bruh

>> No.8178261

trust me it's my money

>> No.8178270

How many of those have you honestly read? It doesn't look like you've read many.

>> No.8178273

Some great stuff in there pal.

>> No.8178277

I don't have any books as old as that, sans a few hardcovers.

Isn't this a thread for tbr stacks?

>> No.8178278

Buy a better camera

>> No.8178292

>Isn't this a thread for tbr stacks?

Damn, I'm pretty envious if that's a tbr stack. Some excellent works there.

>> No.8178320

yo dawg how's Neverwhere? I loved Stardust so do you recommend Neverwhere?

>> No.8178357

It's actually not bad. It takes a little bit to get going, kinda boring at first. It's pretty imaginative and has some nice imagery. It's pretty simplistic in it's writing style, nothing that's going to blow your mind, but it's a fun little read.

I'd say it's worth it.

>> No.8178395
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>stacking books

>> No.8178405

not everyone can afford hyperbaric chambers for their books bro

>> No.8178703
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The key to selling paper copies is specializing in the niche of paper writing imo

>> No.8179604

Actually I'm studying at a technical school to become an engineer, and I post here because despite the abundance of people who don't contribute anything (you) there are cool people who are nice and give good recommendations like


thanks for the quality post, I've been putting off diving into plato so this will give me a good excuse to start reading his work. I'm partially aware of Polybius but am less aware of his influence on Machiavelli so I'll be sure to read those books before discourses.

>> No.8179903
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>> No.8179992

have you ever taken a picture before in your life?

>> No.8180008

Check your photo-taking privilege shitlord

>> No.8180022
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Are you Russian?

>> No.8180057

i love how you waved the camera around to create the blur that symbolizes the blurred vision of addiction and simultaneously makes the photo a jest which is an unclear photo yet infinite jest can still be made out in all the chaos signifying the significance of the book in the statement you're trying to make

well done and godspeed, friend

>> No.8180087

>infinite jest and a swastika

>> No.8181172


>> No.8181362
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Read all but Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin

>> No.8181525 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1000x667, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually new to general reading, but I'm new to reading in english, so I'd be glad if someone could reccomend me something do read next

>> No.8181533
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I'm not actually new to general reading, but I'm new to reading in english, so I'd be glad if someone could recommend me something do read next

>> No.8181547
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>> No.8181555
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>> No.8181563
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>> No.8181575

If you've read all 54 of those books, holy shit, congratulations

>> No.8181655

>complete novels of balzac
into the trash it goes

>> No.8181669
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>> No.8181676

Meant to add :
Identity is good so far
and I didnt know Symposium was gay as fuck

>> No.8181803

Don't worry OP, summer will end someday.

>> No.8181804
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Donation stacks.

>> No.8181832

How is Queneau in translation?

>> No.8182809

I like the way you organize your shelf, anon

>> No.8183015
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It's hit or miss, but still impressive given the complexity of the task (see examples). Supposedly Queneau himself approved Wright's translation.

It's a great little book. I'm only donating it because I limit myself to a six-shelf bookcase, so I routinely have to purge.

>> No.8183098
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How am I doing? I usually read on my Kindle so most of these are gifts or bought when they were on sale.

>> No.8183112

oh man I hope this is bait
>Brian Greene
>Is that a goddamn abridged Miserables I sure hope it isn't

>> No.8183116
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Donate that hardback Cosmicomics to me

>> No.8183137

Like I said, a lot of these books were gifts or something for classes (Machiavelli, Anthem, Hobbit)

It is abridged kek I can't defend that. I was able to buy it for like $1.50 though so I picked it up.

My Lewis books are from childhood, Trump was a gift.

Fuck you, Orwell and Huxley were both gifts but everyone should read them.

>> No.8183217

half a yellow sun, the sellout, and all the feraantes are good
you can't even be bothered to take a semi clear picture op fuck off

tidy up

desperate characters sounds cool, w's mistress is good
on a franzen rec spree

all those newly bought dick measuring books with uncracked spines is giving me a rash
buy a bookshelf

>> No.8183234

don't donate lispector or walser :(

pagila should be burned

>Fuck you, Orwell and Huxley were both gifts but everyone should read them.

not everyone is still in high school

>> No.8183258

Am I supposed to get rid of books after I read them?

>> No.8183276

are you top or bottom
and eventually yeah you donate book you likely won't read again and don't want to lend out unless you have unlimited apce

>> No.8183716
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I just picked up reading, rate my trash

>> No.8183745

That's a big 1984. Most people seem to hate the looks of that blue Moby Dick book. I like it for the illustration on the first page. Start with Old Man and the Sea and throw Fahrenheit in the garbage.

>> No.8183768

Fahrenheit was disappointing
I'm reading Moby Dick currently, haven't read Inferno, haven't recently read CitR (and might not again), everything else I've already read
Fuck high school for making me hate reading. It's so fun

>> No.8183780

>Arizona mango tea
Do you like Yung Lean and Lil Ugly Mane too?

>> No.8183781

This, the Landmark edition had maps and annotations

There are also Landmark editions for Xenophon, Thucydides, and Arrian. If you're serious about learning Ancient Greek history, they're worth the investment.

>> No.8183787

No I like tasty beverages and it was a dollar

>> No.8183811

Could you list those books from the easier to read to the hardest? I'm >>8181533 and I really don't know where I should go from here

>> No.8183840

Old Man and the Sea
Fahrenheit 451
Catcher in the Rye
Lord of the Flies
Catch 22
A Clockwork Orange
Moby Dick
Inferno (only read first few pages)

>> No.8183847

Thank you, anon

>> No.8183858

Happy to help. If your first language is Slavic, A Clockwork Orange is probably the easiest, which is worth mentioning

>> No.8183940

Portuguese, I'm Brazilian

>> No.8184239
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Just started getting to reading thoughts? After I'm done with C&P and Stoner I want to read the Bros K

>> No.8184456
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Rate don't hate. Just bought most of these today.

>> No.8184458


>> No.8184540

Youre on a few Facebook groups arnt you

>> No.8184600

I don't really use Facebook, so nah m8 sorry to disappoint.

>> No.8184707
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Got The Stranger in the mail. Also had The Sound of Waves, but gave it to a friend after I finished it.

Still new to the board. Thanks for all the guides and suggestions, /lit/.

>> No.8184721
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Some of my collection

>> No.8184800

Great collection comrade, if you're not a Marxist something's up.
Also, know where I can get those copies of The German Ideology and Dialectical Logic?

>> No.8184811


Kek japanese dictionary

>i sense NEET weeaboo

>> No.8184823

>seeing the first page
And you're calling other people summer.

>> No.8184844

Ei, meu negro! Gostei de ver.

Editora 34 é pra quem pode, não pra quem quer.

>> No.8184849
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>> No.8184892

So you took a picture at your sister's room. Great bate, summerfriend.

>> No.8184899
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Hey I remember you. Doesn't your gf have a book of daily sex positions or something like that? How do convince someone to let me plow them? Fuck, it's been years. There are guys in federal prison who are getting more action than me. The last time was almost an accident anyway.

I know some student nurses that I really want to fugg

>> No.8184972
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>2 of the same edition of the brothers karamazov

>> No.8185750

This is worse than >>8178093

>> No.8185759


>> No.8185766

that's my room and those are my gfs books lool

>> No.8185772

wtf how do you remember that lol

>> No.8185779
File: 107 KB, 652x960, new books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got this stack at a second hand store for 5 bucks

>> No.8185781
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stacc of 1 :^)

>> No.8185782

this man hasn't read a single one of those books lel

>> No.8185785
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i can't imagine how crusty of cum those books must be

>> No.8186209

That's not a bad thing. :^)

>> No.8186229

bet this room smells like old people

>> No.8186244

We should start burning Farenheit. It's pathetic

>> No.8186250

8/10 I'd give you back your books if you let me borrow

>> No.8186584

what's wrong with translations of Ballsack? It isn't poetry or some sort of shitty post modernism. It sure can be translated pretty accurately with footnotes explaining puns if needed.

>> No.8186615
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Just moved to a new house, most of my books havent arrived yet.

>> No.8186628


>> No.8186633
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>our oriental heritage

>> No.8186646

Some of those were bought before i felt comfortable reading in english only.
Also, if the guy's writing in Spanish i will buy in portuguese cuz its the same shit.

>> No.8186652
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>> No.8186656

Fuck off, Point/Counterpoint is a masterpiece and BNW is the best dystopian novel there is.

>> No.8186663

I actually meant you don't usually read dostoevsky in translation if you consider yourself a patrician, not a pleb-normie

>> No.8186667
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Pillars of the Earth worth reading? Picked it up at a goodwill for a couple dollars only vaguely having heard of it

>> No.8186671

>fat white asian

fucking hwat

>> No.8186680
File: 2.75 MB, 3264x1836, 20160620_200506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only buy books I can't read in the library. Those huge book stacks are for the birds, just there to show off how oh-so-sophisticated someone is.

>> No.8186682

I dont care about these /mu/ memes, i aint learning russian before i finish learning german.

>> No.8186695

>library doesn't contain every work of Stephen King or Catcher in the Rye

>> No.8186698
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>he doesn't horde books in case SHTF and the net goes out
>he wants to live in the dark ages again
I need more shelves