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File: 49 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8182980 No.8182980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know for a fact he'd be a frogposter today.

>> No.8183007

This is like, "Haha, Henry V would totally play Runescape"

>> No.8183009


>Convince a girl to marry you
>Drop her for lifelong (autistic) philosophical insight

Frogposters wouldn't even achieve step one.

>> No.8183019

he would

>> No.8183023

No, he's definitely more of a Wojak who would eventually turn into a failed trap and offer up his boipvcci to robots in order to finally feel validation and affection and then killing himself after suffering through a bunch of alienating hookups and years of self-harm + self-medicating if he lived today

>> No.8183024
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Wittgenstein was a tremendous shitposter:

>“Wittgenstein’s correspondence with Pattison consists almost entirely of ‘nonsense’. In nearly every letter he makes some use of the English adjective ‘bloody’, which, for some reason, he found inexhaustibly funny. He would often begin his letters ‘Dear Old Blood’ and end them ‘Yours bloodily’ or ‘Yours in bloodiness’. Pattisson would send him photographs cut out from magazines, which he called his ‘paintings’, and to which Wittgenstein would respond with exaggeratedly solemn appreciation: ‘I would have known it to be a Pattison immediately without the signature. There is that bloodiness in it which has never before been expressed by the brush.’ In reply, Wittgenstein would send ‘portraits’, photogrphs of distinguished looking middle-aged men, ripped out of newspaper advertisements for self-improvement courses. ‘My latest photo’, he announced, enclosing one such picture. ‘The previous one expressed fatherly kindness only; this one expresses triumph’.”

>"Throughout the correspondence there is a gentle ridicule of the language of the advertiser, the absurdity of the style being invoked simply by using it as though it were the normal way for two friends to write to each other. Sending Wittgenstein a (genuine) photograph of himself, Pattisson writes on the back: 'On the other side is pictured one of our 47/6 suits.' 'Somehow or the other, Wittgenstein writes at the end of one letter, 'one instinctively feels that Two Steeples No. 83 Quality Sock is a real man's sock. It's a sock of taste - dressy, fashionable, comfortable.'"

>> No.8183026

I know for a fact he wouldn't

>> No.8183034


He was just meming bloodily.

>> No.8183040
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He'd have been a tripfag on /lit/, for sure.

>> No.8183041

[s4s] material

>> No.8183055
File: 67 KB, 800x509, Praise Nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"My wife gave him some Swiss cheese and rye bread for lunch, which he greatly liked. Thereafter he more or less insisted on eating bread and cheese at all meals, largely ignoring the various dishes that my wife prepared. Wittgenstein declared that it did not much matter to him what he ate, so long as it always remained the same. When a dish that looked especially appetizing was brought to the table, I sometimes exclaimed "Hot Ziggety!" — a slang phrase that I learned as a boy in Kansas. Wittgenstein picked up this expression from me. It was inconceivably droll to hear him exclaim "Hot Ziggety!" when my wife put the bread and cheese before him." -Norman Malcolm, in Ludwig Wittgenstein : A Memoir (1966), p. 85

>> No.8183071


Definite autism.

>> No.8183090

>After serving in the Austrian Army during WW I, Ludwig Wittgenstein gave away his considerable fortune, always refused to wear a tie, furnished his rooms with simple deck chairs, played the clarinet, and wolfed down plates of cream doughnuts while watching his favorite John Wayne films.

This guy was a living meme.

>> No.8183094

I need a partner for Hero's Quest t b q h

>> No.8183095

Literally who?

>> No.8183109

Bloody good memes. Hot Ziggety!

>> No.8185164
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>> No.8185200

Is there anywhere I can read this correspondence?

>> No.8185304

he would actually be a wojak poster

>> No.8185421

I'd definitely read his Don Giovanni fanfiction.

>> No.8185457
File: 2.91 MB, 270x332, 1464036610752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sometimes exclaimed "Hot Ziggety!" — a slang phrase that I learned as a boy in Kansas.
>Wittgenstein picked up this expression from me. It was inconceivably droll to hear him exclaim "Hot Ziggety!" when my wife put the bread and cheese before him.
Holy shit

>> No.8185483
File: 83 KB, 553x369, tmp_26263-tumblr_l1i1qiqCzW1qzn0deo1_1280-145012933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot ziggety, bloody tea and cakes

>> No.8185519
File: 75 KB, 800x497, Ludwig_afloat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A typical Wittgenstein gag was drawing an arrow to the ‘W.C.1’ in a London address on a letter he was going to mail and writing, ‘This doesn’t mean ‘Lavatory.’

>> No.8185532
File: 38 KB, 413x395, 1452620701180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you getting these Witty quotes from my friend?

>> No.8185552

Not all me, but some of these are mentioned in Ray Monk's bio of him. Guy was a natural born shitposter.

>> No.8185556

How can one man's autism be so powerful?

>> No.8185586

Witty invented meme arrows. Holy shit.

>> No.8185611
File: 488 KB, 766x554, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This doesn't mean lavatory.

It's even a correct modern usage!

>> No.8185616

>"When I next met him [Wittgenstein] he informed me quite seriously that he had taken to walking only in straight-lines and turning only at right-angles. In his small apartment I sat in silent astonishment as he walked towards one side of the room, stopped suddenly to turn at a right-angle towards the kitchen and proceeded to enter that room. I had already noted his desire for objects to be organized in a strict and symmetrical manner, but this new development in my friend's personality caused my wife and I a great deal of concern"

Holy shit that book is goldmine

>> No.8185622

I did this when I was 13

Symptom of autism, I suppose

>> No.8185630
File: 5 KB, 194x260, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wittgenstein had a childlike fascination with flatulence and often became giddy when, seated around the table, one of the guests would suddenly break wind. While everyone else ignored the sound and made no effort to identify or embarrass the person who had made it, Ludwig sat bouncing his seat with a large grin across his face. "Was it you?" he would ask, nudging one of the guests once the meal had concluded. Disappointed by their reply, he would go around the room nudging each person in turn and asking quietly "was it you? was it you?" with a look on his face which suggested he was fit to burst with laughter"

Wow, so this is the """genius"""" you guys idolize, huh?

>> No.8185632
File: 20 KB, 403x395, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof that only autism produces the highest-tier shitposting

>> No.8185646

Literally a symptom of autism

>> No.8185670

>"Wittgenstein walked with Malcolm and his wife in a park. Ludwig suggested they become the sun, earth, and moon. Wife stood at the center as the sun, Norman walked around her as the earth, and Ludwig ran rapidly around Norman as the moon. He became breathless but totally enthusiastic."

>> No.8185679


Another one. Geniuses with fart fascination so far:


>> No.8185681

The ones at the start of the thread were great but now it's just sad.

>> No.8185685

someone meme this up with the "my feet hurt meme" with >tfw no cheese and bread and >hot ziggety et al.

>> No.8185702

double kek and back for more

>> No.8185730

It's closer to OCD at least on its own, but they can be very similar. I've never been massively convinced that he was particularly autistic above and beyond other philosophers, and the usual thrust of this argument is looking at his philosophy rather than his behaviours.

>> No.8185736

>but now it's just sad.
Sounds fun desu.

>> No.8185896
File: 38 KB, 318x454, 28282177[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He once said that a good and serious philosophical work could be written entirely with jokes

>> No.8185916
File: 131 KB, 400x346, 1466291115798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Hypersphere!

>> No.8186036

Agreed. Which one would you want to be? The earth for me I think.

>> No.8186054

I'd want to be the moon, sounds like it would be the most fun. Plus it's what the great master chose

>> No.8186312

We had some /pol/ writers in France:

>Chardonne and Paul Morand (two far-right French writers, both rich) wrote letters to each other almost every day, from 1953

>They have nothing but scorn for: women, the Jews, democracy, the communists, "fags", writers, academicians, literary critics, the English, "niggers", publishers, the bourgeoisie, the living, the dead, people, etc.

>according to them, Belgians are "a miscarriage of Victorian England"

>Morand on the Jews: "Hitler didn't make a good job. He didn't exterminate the Jews. He made them virulent. There were no Jews before him. Now they're numerous, well aware they're Jewish, and they will make it feel for centuries."

>Morand on the French Republic: "If the Republic were suitable for France, there wouldn't have been five of them."

>Morand on T. E. Lawrence: "An invert who, during the day, represents the English Empire still at its zenith… but at night becomes the bint of some big-tent Arab."

>Chardonne on his grandchildren: "I've never seen them. I am rebellious towards any sentiment of family; they all seem fake to me, all tainted by kinship."

>Morand: "Wherever Jews and fags get settled, it's a sign of advanced decomposition; maggots in stinking meat."

All translated hastily by me.

>> No.8186428

You have to be an adult to post here. Fuck off back to kindergarten.

>> No.8186504

All this stuff about Wittgenstein has totally shattered my image of him as this overly serious hardass, and I am so happy for it. Hot ziggety.