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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 240x312, DSCN34537834902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
817583 No.817583 [Reply] [Original]

hi /lit/

i forgot to refill my adderall this week and i couldn't concentrate on writing today for more than 3 hours. then i did 14 minutes of pilates before giving up and laying on my bed feeling "disgusted" and "bored" in a slightly ironic way. i eventually fell asleep and now i'm awake again.

i'm listening to atari teenage riot and feeling "blank"

what did you do today, /lit/?

>> No.817590

I did everything that you didn't do.

>> No.817602

Wrote all day.

>> No.817605

worked at my day job. :(

>> No.817609

I wish I could get adderall.
I took it for a year and got straight A's.

>> No.817610

Read some news articles, posted on Stormfront, went to Costco, came home, had a nap, got up and decided to come here.

>> No.817623


>> No.817625

fuck off tao

>> No.817633


14 minutes is not a short amount

i usually put on This American Life and do what most people would do in 14 minutes over the course of an hour

after i woke up i ate chocolate and pecans and half a vitamin tab and then took out a "door mirror" and put it on the floor. i got doggy-style on top of the morror and admired my torso and hips and legs (which are pretty feminine) and jacked off onto the mirror. i save it so i can lick it off next time i jack off.

then i made coffee with NPR and then read the novel "Hunger" by knut hamsun and then my mom took me from the apartment to the home cause i dont have a car. when i got home i went on 4chan and i will stay here for about 5 hours before going back to the apartment. then ill take 20mg ambien and watch videos on a laptop high on ambien and then go to sleep.

>> No.817645

hey tao- I stole your new book from an AA store - got 3 pages in, realized it was shit and ripped it up and threw it away?
How does that make you feel?

Tell your twitter friends about what I did :)

>> No.817687
File: 10 KB, 128x128, reaction_johngegenhuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to sleep late, got into work late. Cruised relevant /tg/ /lit/ /x/ /wg/ /fit/ and /gif/ during meeting, posted some anarchist editorial and finally worked on some graphics for the paymasters. Little more work, a lot more surfing and I go home and get baked. Power on the Mac and post to /lit/ after seeing a semi-psychotic Emo kid clutching a book.

Pic related, my face.


>> No.817745


>> No.817762

lol tao just tweeted to here
hope he'll delete the tweet like last time

>> No.817775
File: 75 KB, 803x690, die_tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks tao

>> No.817777

I read bear parade for a few hours and then got upset when I realized they don't accept unsolicited submissions. I got kind of disheartened that you tweet about 4chan.

>> No.817782

the fact that tao lin reads this site is pretty pathetic in and of itself

>> No.817788

who the hell is this faggot and why does /lit/ know about him?

>> No.817790

dont delete it like last time tao, no matter how much the words here hurt you

how many books have you read tao?

>> No.817801

he's an idiot who thinks he's a writer. he self promotes by posting on the internet. hipsters seem to like him.

sage him always.
poor guy seems not to be selling any books lately.

>> No.817828

I just read his twitter posts.

What a douche.

>> No.817835

you guys seriously think this is "tao lin" posting, and not some wannabe-hipster (emphasis on wannabe, like the guy who goes to r9k and posts a thread sincerely saying "i want to be a hipster, how do i become one?") who read one of his books and is trying to write/think like him, and got a photo of him from one of his websites and posted it pretending to be him?

are /lit/ complete internet beginners who don't know what the word "troll" is?

>> No.817841

hehe i support this

>> No.817846

fuck off tao

>> No.817850

err... just check his official twitter account?

>> No.817851

wow its really him LOL

hey tao what do noah cicero's underwear stains taste like

>> No.817854

Is this what modern American writers are like? Good job Vidal is still alive.

>> No.817863

these are all correct responses - note the sage

>> No.817865

david foster wallace killed himself cause he realized his meta-mumble musings on TV were pathetically outdated and he had to make way for internet commentators like the great tao lin

>> No.817872

lots of newfags here from tao's tweet

DFW could actually write. Tao can't.

>> No.817973
File: 18 KB, 300x150, ballve-taolin-splsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did you do today, /lit/?

-woke up
-ate some "raweos"
-drank kombucha
-bid on some organic socks via ebay
-went to the library "to work on some things"
-raped a puppy and became a freegan


>> No.817996 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 211x212, 1274566955969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-raped a puppy and became a freegan


>> No.817999

repost of a repost of a repost

>> No.818003

thats the point you fucking dipshit

>> No.818013

I bet Tao Lin has an anime waifu.

I bet Dave Eggers reads 4chan, too. But Dave probably doesn't have an anime waifu. I don't know.

>> No.818014

nah man nah

>> No.818028

He has 3,083 followers on twitter. Guess we'll have 3,083 more hipsters on /lit/ then, eh? Dohohohohoho

>> No.818040
File: 28 KB, 337x330, Artist_newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this reaaaaly Tao Lin?

I don't believe it

>> No.818042

hi Tao-

I loved Shoplifting. I am planning to buy Richard Yates. I was very close to buying one of your hamsters.

You are like the damaged peanut-less M&M in a bag of peanut M&Ms: messed up, sometimes unloved, but still tasty none-the-less.

>> No.818049
File: 90 KB, 320x436, RichardYates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.818059

hi mordie

i love you too

email me yr address and i'll ship you all my leftover hamsters x4

>> No.818082

oh look... a fedora

you must be trying to connect with your target audience

>> No.818098

that's not a fedora.
it's a vagina.

>> No.818105

die tao, die.

>> No.818142

is it true what I hear about Tao and Popeye's

>> No.818143

trolled you all

>> No.818180

why dont u just get cocaine? no one buying your shitti books so you cant afford it?

ethical compunctions? psychiatry : adderall :: stucatta : methamphetamine

>> No.818201

no wonder you write in such a clipped, bullshit tone. And unnaturally focused on unworthy ideas. You're fucking high on adderall the whole time.

What a phony.

>> No.818210

I have to sell stuff on ebay just to get by dude, it's not funny. Look http://myworld.ebay.com/almondpumpkin/

>> No.818225

i will buy your book if you make that the actual cover art.

>> No.818425

gchat, depressed, vague, 'insert adjective', felt, touch, organic salad and/or smoothie...fuck you, tao lin is genius.

>> No.818428

that is the cover

>> No.819393

bump for tao lin and deleted tweet

>> No.819407

Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy

>> No.819410
File: 313 KB, 1000x753, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Admiration_(1897).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, Tao Lin

>> No.819414

Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy
Tao Lin is a cool and funny guy

>> No.819418


>> No.819435 [DELETED] 

ReMOeV YUoR_iLLGeAL ClOEn_FO_htTp://TinYUrl.COm/3YkphF3_immeiDaTely
. p ikxkhmeaeusnf du b vdmze ajh k unculdwue ucmiowc

>> No.819483
File: 35 KB, 628x800, hmmm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Got up and headed into town.
-Learned about self-assertion from an American woman because I'm long-term unemployed and need to fulfill mutual obligations under social security laws.
-Hung out with a fellow unemployed who also was learning about self-assertion. his lady friend has a cute friend.
-Had a beer over a newspaper.
-Rented a few DVDs.
-Bought a few op-shop books.
-Did a bit of fixing on my house.
-drank wine.
-browsed 4chan.

>> No.819582

Are any of you people trashing Tao writers or wannabe writers? Because if so it's going to be funny 5-10 years from now when you're begging to suck his cock for a blurb for your shitty micro-press book that won't even sell 50 copies in its lifetime.

Tao is an established name author with a cult following, something that 99% of published writers never obtain. Once you actually try to get somewhere in the publishing world and realize how incredibly difficult it is to achieve even an ounce of success, and come to realize your talent is actually not worthy even to that of the lowest hack writers, you will then be envious Tao Lin. You might even be open-minded enough to read some of his work and actually recognize why he's so highly praised and widely read.

If you are just a reader then you can hate on him all you want. That's your right as a consumer. But if you are interested in becoming a writer you are in for one hell of a massive wake up call. If you have a ton of talent, a fresh voice, brilliant marketing sense, and you are really really really fucking lucky then someday you *might* actually be successful enough to be made fun of on /lit/ as a hipster troll author like Tao Lin.

>> No.819599


REmOeV_Yuor_ILLGEAL_clOEN_FO htTP://tInYuRL.CoM/3YKpHF3_imMEIDATELy. olstggz plxq gmr p uecjpzlqy vi t u

>> No.819902

What did he tweet?

>> No.819963
File: 21 KB, 479x398, leave-britney-alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Leave Tao Lin alone!

>> No.820203

I lol'd

>> No.820227


>> No.820253

Tao Lin isn't a bad writer, but this attention whoring is pathetic.

>> No.820301

I think this is a fake. I don't think there ever were any tweets. It's dumb to think that a writer of any caliber would bother coming here to post about their day for no reason.

>> No.820322
File: 42 KB, 715x230, taolinlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some googling.

WTF, he actually did post

>> No.820323

exactly - he's a shit writer and an attention whore. I posted the post asking him to tweet and took the resulting screenshot >>817775

See resulting tao fans who came and posted.

He always deletes the tweets linking here probably cos he can't face the truth.

>> No.820331


he's a talentless piece of shit.

>> No.820340

he is a genius

i would paypal him birthday money for being a genius

like a rich A-Z-N uncle on yr b-day

>> No.820344

Okay, I am impressed

Tao has my respect, even if I don't read his work

>> No.820375

Even though he did tweet, I still think this is a fake. All the tweet says is "lol" with a link. Writers are notorious vanity-searchers. He could have found the fake, thought it was funny, and tweeted it. Then took it down once people started trashing him here.

The post is just too sarcastic to be real.

>> No.820381

Then how do you explain he found the thread? Googling his name? Searching for "Tao Lin" would have found this thread on one of the pages further back, not the first result.

>> No.820382

you still don't get it. tao posts here.

>> No.820390
File: 1.20 MB, 2483x1869, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Admiration_(1897).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.820393

le ne !!NfjlKga5icU is a socket-puppet of Tao Lin.

>> No.820394
File: 18 KB, 500x375, eizjfyMDso0i47me4js6SU8Xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think tao is still reading this thread

>> No.820395

>Searching for "Tao Lin" would have found this thread on one of the pages further back, not the first result.

Not if he sorted his search by "most recent first". I know writers. They vanity search several times a day. Nobody has a bigger ego than a writer. If somebody is talking about their work somewhere online, they have to know about it.

>> No.820400


I hope not, as he is a piece of shit.

>> No.820404

couldn't care less. he'll post here again sooner or later.

>> No.820408

You mean he does this all the time? He posts about his day on this board for no reason all the time?

>> No.820417

Saging a Bad Lin thread.

>> No.820419

in the past week he has posted 2 or 3 times. he posts around twice a month for the past 5 or 6 months. this tweet linking/deleting thing happened before too.

He posts on other internet boards too. poor guy is struggling for cash I think. he even has to sell shit on ebay to his hipstercunt fans just to make ends meet.

>> No.820422

correct attitude.

I heard he has AIDS :(

>> No.820428 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 329x451, poe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /lit/

i forgot to refill my alcohol cabinet this week and i couldn't concentrate on writing today for more than 3 hours. then i did 14 minutes of having sex with my cousin before giving up and laying on my bed feeling disgusted and bored in a slightly gothic way. i eventually fell asleep and now i'm awake again.

i'm listening to a frédéric chopin nocturne and feeling "dreary"

what did you do today, /lit/?

>> No.820432
File: 98 KB, 329x451, poe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /lit/

i forgot to refill my alcohol cabinet this week and i couldn't concentrate on writing today for more than 3 hours. then i did 14 minutes of having sex with my cousin before giving up and laying on my bed feeling disgusted and bored in a slightly gothic way. i eventually fell asleep and now i'm awake again.

i'm listening to a frédéric chopin nocturne and feeling "dreary"

what did you do today, /lit/?

>> No.820439


>> No.820475


>> No.820477

Woke up, was still crossfaded. Mom yelling at my sister for getting crossfaded. Mom goes away. I go throw up all over the entire bathroom. Listened to music.

Dats about it

>> No.820517

I'll bamp this for the love of Tao

>> No.820556


>> No.820731

i "like" tao lin. he makes me "laugh" in a genuine but embarrassing way.

>> No.820745

that's a bit narcissistic of you Tao...

>> No.820772


Hey Tao. Doesn't it make you sad when you come to this board where we're discussing real authors and real literature and realise you will never achieve that kind of recognition outside of vacuous hipsters who will forget about you as soon as something else becomes "cool"?

>> No.822145


soooo legit

>> No.822156

Wait is this actually him?

Hey Tao, want to send me a free copy so I can judge you too?

>> No.822165

Fuck, Tao, stop bumping your goddamn threads no one gives a shit about you.

>> No.822168
File: 20 KB, 415x329, artist_content2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well actually

>> No.822169

The more you hate me the more money I make.

>> No.822174


And then /lit/ was Tao Lin.

>> No.822189
File: 44 KB, 453x604, are_you_a_wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tao of Lin

>> No.822196
File: 11 KB, 469x309, akuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chairman Tao

>> No.822204

Tao Lin, on the off chance that you are reading this, I want you to know that I don't like you and I will never purchase one of your books. I will never mention your name to anyone, and I hope that you die in obscurity.

Also, I'm saging this thread.

>> No.822216

I find the dude defending Tao Lin with all his vigor kind of annoying

But Tao Lin is pretty damn funny, as a phenomenon. I don't care about him as a writer; only as something to be experienced... his presence, his existence, his behavior on the internet and his reputation and the phenomenon surrounding Tao Lin, these are more important to me than his actual writing.

>> No.822217
File: 42 KB, 1218x1056, babby_double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao breaker

>> No.822221


>> No.822240
File: 70 KB, 750x563, 1272673648557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao mad?

>> No.822786
File: 69 KB, 577x385, 16awkn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]