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File: 67 KB, 671x614, sadfrog retard 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8175120 No.8175120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Dadrock lyrics are referenced in the text

What do authors mean when they do this?

>> No.8175124

what's dad rock?

>> No.8175135

if you have to ask you probably listen to it, fag

>> No.8175136


>> No.8175143

Led Zepplin, The Beatles, The Who, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, The Animals, Thin Lizzy

>> No.8175145

oh so good music

>> No.8175146
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>oh so good music

>> No.8175151

I don't get it

>> No.8175155
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>> No.8175156

go to bed, dad

>> No.8175157

Rock music that boomers listen to and therefore is unhip.

>> No.8175171

lmao classic rock kicks ass. music these days is shit. go listen to some death grips(thought this was a prank) or what ever kids listen to these days. meme rap or what have you.

>> No.8175181

lol do you have to squint to see the captcha

>> No.8175182

son I haven't listened to new music since 2004

>> No.8175183

you just like dont get it ugh


>> No.8175199

don't worry you guys are just going through a phase. you should be over it around the age of 25, at the latest.

>> No.8175206

music from all eras has merit

>> No.8175220

as if

>> No.8175223
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>appreciating vaporwave now more than ever

>> No.8175226

Y'know Fantano loves Patti Smith, Dylan and Cash, right?

>> No.8175227

wtf is microwave

>> No.8175235
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>> No.8175239
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>> No.8175242

stfu dad, you don't understand me YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND ME

>> No.8175251

ummmmm literally this

>> No.8175277

just sounds like 80s synth pop to me. except worse.

>> No.8175290
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>> No.8175297

this is a joke right? you putting me on

>> No.8175298

>hating on dadrock
you boys are the hippest of the hip

>> No.8175306
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>> No.8175330

I think you're mentally retarded for listening to this bullshit, breh.

>> No.8175365
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>> No.8175377

Ok nevermind this is actually bretty good boyo. Good job.

>> No.8175381
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>tfw the best dadrock lyricist isn't even a rock artist

>> No.8175383
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that's chillwave, not vaporwave. get your memecore straight, breh.

here's some of my favorite vaporwave releases:


>> No.8175387

leave us alone blank banshee

>> No.8175388
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>> No.8175394

See the reason people are mocking you is that you assume the only music that exists now is the stuff on the top 40 charts. This is untrue. There's more music being produced now than ever, and chances are you would like some of it even more than classic rock, but you instead bury your head in the sand and assume it's all shit just to act superior to the young uns. You probably assume all new music sounds like Skrillex or some shit.

>> No.8175399

man i miss when vaporwave was a visual art called pop art and was actually relevant and good

>> No.8175407

Not that anon and I agree with your overall point but the charts have legitimately gone to shit compared to what they once were. Strawberry Fields Forever and Like A Rolling Stone both almost made it to number one, I can't imagine anything like either of those songs in terms of inventiveness and emotion reaching the near top of the charts again, at least not for the foreseeable future. If someone was just looking at the surface level of classic rock and the surface level of modern music, it'd be easy to see why they'd pick the former over the latter.

>> No.8175414

ayo hol up imma let u finish but beyonce had one of the greatest videos of all time

>> No.8175417


the charts have always been shit my friend

but in any case dad rock isn't the only pre-2010 music

>> No.8175433

What text in particular are you referring to? The only instance of this I can recall of is in Hallberg's "City on Fire"

>> No.8175445

>Not listening to GOAT rapper


>> No.8175447

every time i see a twiggy post I imagine a fat neckbeard weeb in a dress, singing along to this and doing the dance:

i'm not saying it's a good or bad thing; it's just what happens whenever i see these posts.

>> No.8175455


>> No.8175541
File: 218 KB, 325x1440, 1e711983-c4f6-4362-800d-efd23dc874ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a meme reference to a phase children sometimes go through entering adolescence, where they discard music from their current era and worship that of the past decades exclusively.

Making fun of it is part of the whole /ironic/ and "cringe" internet humor movements that peaked about 2 years ago. The bands listed still hold up, it's just sometimes they're associated with it all, well really just on 4chan now anyways.

Pic related is the epitome

>> No.8175916

>not listening exclusively to underground punk from your country

get out kids

>> No.8175924

Legit though bands like the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, the Who would not be so revered today had they not been jerked to oblivion by their awful awful fans

>> No.8175943
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>Academics and renown writers talking about The Beatles as if they were high art

>> No.8175954

Music evolves, it's like saying the modernists were shit because we've got postmodernism, or whatrever kitchscy bullshit coming out nowadays.

Learn to appreciate everything. The dadrock meme is nothing but testament to /mu/'s tryhard faggotry and an indicator of not only their outward pretentiousness, but also their Holden Caulfield-tier immaturity

>> No.8175998
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>> No.8176053

>Learn to appreciate everything.
Hi John Green.

>> No.8176076


Perhaps the author is old enough those bands had a high impact on their life?


Is it bad if I'm in my mid-30's and think some of these are good? I don't feel that old.

>> No.8176150

>Is it bad if I [...] think some of these are good?

>> No.8176187

all hail the music defener

>> No.8176196

Post a readable version

>> No.8176320

lol who cares if people mock. it's only gay teenagers and early 20 somethings that listen to a generations current music. their too young to even have a meaningful opinion on what's good anyways.

>> No.8176414
File: 996 KB, 300x439, taytaygif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever notice that they type of kids who use the phrase "dad rock" are usually the type of people who probably never met their fathers?

>inb4 u listen to dad rock XDDD

Nah pic related for me all day senpai

>> No.8176430

I don't like the music.
I am indifferent to the term,
But I hate the pretentious fags from /mu/

>> No.8176439


My taste is better than your taste

>> No.8176445

There is such a low barrier of entry to music. Any idiot can latch onto what is seen as cutting edge.

It's one of the easiest things to be pretentious about, just barley above anime.

>> No.8176457

>this whole thread
Jesus fuck there's more to music than rock, pop, and p4k-core
This is the equivalent of people arguing about books when all they read is bestselling paperbacks from wallmart.

>> No.8176466

I use it because it properly describes the aesthetic of people who think music died in the late 90s
I know my dad very well but he doesn't care for much music except for Elvis

>> No.8176471

I'm just saying that the kids who I've heard drop the phrase in real life have the whole nu male/psuedo hipster aesthetic going