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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 161x226, cabin10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8167855 No.8167855 [Reply] [Original]

Who Are Some Well-Known Writers Who Spent A Period Of Their Lives Living Alone Without A Job In Order To Focus On Their Art ?


>> No.8167867

Why Are You Deliberately Writing Like A Fagbook Cunt?

>> No.8167883


Stop shillin' yourself Norge-ven.

I was going to bring premium rum to your cabin, but you only want visits from young vulnerable women in your remote molestation cabin.

>> No.8167894

It's not really remote. It's near enough to Haugesund for me to walk if I wish to do so over an hour or so.

>> No.8167899

why do you have such a huge need for attention? din jævla homse

>> No.8167933

Would you ask Knausgård the same thing?

>> No.8167940


The difference is talent. I'll see past your narcissism once you create something worthwhile.

>> No.8167947

This thread is worthwhile, is it not? My existence is worthwhile.

>> No.8167953

me desu

>> No.8167959

this thread is not worth anything

>> No.8167986

Me :^)

>> No.8168007

Knausgard Isn't Shitposting About A Book That He Hasn't Written Yet, And Probably Will Never Write Because OP Is Going To Blame Not Being Able To Be A NEET On His Failure, And Not His Total Lack Of Talent

Geez, that's exhausting to type like that. Why do people do it?

>> No.8168054

mommy told you so? fuck off pseud.

>> No.8168060

You're not them. Get a job.

>> No.8168062

So did you move into the cabin? Keep us updated about your novel.

>> No.8168137

Did anyone actually name themselves dickinson?

>> No.8168173

literally came to reply this

fucking snowflakes

>> No.8168197

No, moving in August.

>> No.8168200

Your dad

>> No.8168243

fuck off you overgrown ugly ass Tyrion Lannister cunt. you make the midget look good.

>> No.8168301


>> No.8168367

I would ask him that actually because he's a talentless attention whore hack who's just pimped out by the publishing industry.

Fuck Knausgaard and every faggot who beats off to his shitty books.

>> No.8168460
File: 169 KB, 2848x2391, zizek 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop making these threads

>> No.8168490


Odds are 3:1 that you're the 6-part memoir guy.

>> No.8168552

Lovecraft. It should be noted he died in poverty.

>> No.8168569
File: 16 KB, 301x413, cabin11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know that derpy le feel when you're writing a novel and you realize you need to delete a long passage you've written?

Photo related: my face when I feel that derpy le feel

>> No.8168573

OP here. Thanks for the reply. A great suggestion!

Lovecraft died in financial poverty but his work surely benefited from his avoidance of a full-time job. Could somebody working a 9-5 job write like Lovecraft? I don't think so!

>> No.8168613

Zolá. But he didn't do it because he wanted.

>> No.8168626

Can you trip so I can filter you please ?

>> No.8168728

fuck off back to tumblr you fucking pseud

god damn, what happened to /lit/?

>> No.8169207


>> No.8169370

holy shit i have never hated anyone as much as i hate you, you ugly autistic pseud-clown

>> No.8169550

Who's this cum demon?

>> No.8171445


>> No.8171453
File: 993 KB, 200x150, butthenIdealtwithit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is glorious

but he should fuck off and actually go write

although we all know he'll spend most of the time just masturbating to traps and the come back and complain about how he's wasted his life a year later

>> No.8172371
File: 11 KB, 180x252, Hp-lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


H.P. Lovecraft, but he didn't shun society completely. He had many pen pals and undertook many excursions into rural New England to explore its ruins and historical archives.

>> No.8172412

Ted Kaczynski