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File: 359 KB, 1162x850, 8SvPJZN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8165617 No.8165617 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get to know the real Judaism? What are some quality works on it?

>> No.8165631


I like "Back To /pol/ : A Restrospective", by Dutch author Ghett DeFucc.

>> No.8165655

>t. leftist cuck who is so ass shattered about facing a contraditory claim than the ones he was taught by his marxist professors who brainwashed him to hate the white race and masculinity which makes him crave a hugbox of similar opinions because he's such a nu-male emasculated cuckold who worships the vaginal Jew and want to see black men mount and breed with his normie girlfriend

>> No.8165664

Did you leave any memes out? I don't think you called him an sjw so you might want to add that in.

>> No.8165667

What the fuck

>> No.8165668


>he thinks /pol/ isn't always right

>> No.8165675

Take the redpill already, sheep

>> No.8165700

The alt right is a good way to get cucked

>> No.8165706


>> No.8165717


>> No.8165720

The Tanakh and the Torah are all you need, right?

>> No.8165728

If there's any real Jewish conspiracy it's getting retards actually believing in shit like this. It makes them very easy to manipulate.

>> No.8165741

Maimonides desu

Every time I see "take the ***pill" I know I am dealing with an idiot.

>> No.8165743

the torah is part of the tanakh, dummy

>> No.8165753

Mein Kampf.

>> No.8165760


>> No.8165768

>he thinks all of the great men of any period in history weren't red-pilled
>he thinks there isn't a blatant pulling of the strings going on behind the scenes that influences everything you or anyone else does
>he thinks it's a coincidence that everywhere you look there is some form of self-guilt inducing media
>he think's it's a coincidence that all of those jewish people managed to get lucky and become CEO's and owners of all the biggest companies in the world
>he thinks it's fair that people of different races should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want because muh slavery and oppression
>he thinks its a coincidence that the first ever pornographic movie was funded by a jewish man
>he thinks that all of the ''degeneracy'' in any medium wasn't funded by someone of the jewish faith
>he'd rather live the ''ignorance is bliss'' way

I don't blame you buddy, but let us not pretend...

>> No.8165819

I don't think you heard me. I said the alt right is a good way to become a cuckold

>> No.8165950

oh boy

>> No.8166223
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>> No.8166227

>great men of history

We need a Freud pepe for oedipal daddy-worship on a scale this big...

>> No.8166232

Michael A. Hoffman - Judaism Discovered

>> No.8166236

A Culture of Critique - Prof. Kevin MacDonald

>> No.8166237


>> No.8166242

Eugene M. Jones - The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

>> No.8166251

>seen shilling for a trash hack feminist poet in another thread
so progressive

>> No.8166255

you articulated what i've been thinking for years... bravo

>> No.8166259

Welcome to life 2.0, everything they taught you in school was right and good, turns out...they were trying to sell you something you didn't need.....

>> No.8166286

IQ by political ideology

alt-right/fascism (hitler, based milo) - 150+
right-libertarianism (stefan molyneux, ayn rand) - 125 - 150
establishment conservative (jeb bush) - 100-125
left-libertarian (orwell, chomsky) - 75 - 100
social democrat (sanders) - 50 - 75
state socialist (castro, lenin) - below 50

>> No.8166327

>current year
>thinking this wasn't exactly what happened

continue being a pleb, i don't mind, really.
everyone on the right of the political spectrum are retarded, right?
All those dumb retards like Knut Hamsun, you know... the author... mailed his Nobel prize to Goebbels... ring any bells? Yeah, they were all so stupid right? You're way smarter than they were, I bet. You must be, cos anyone with a different opinion than muh progressive rhetoric is stupid, right? they're bad aren't they? You know, cos in school they taught us that you have to be good or bad and everyone who doesn't agree with the status quo is like, automatically a bad guy and like, so stupid...

>> No.8166338
File: 44 KB, 459x1000, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's pulling the strings....who's the man behind the mirror...pull the curtain back and see for yourself....

>> No.8166344
File: 165 KB, 255x286, Legion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jews™

>> No.8166351
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 4bCD0jQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's to say insane people, are actually insane?

>> No.8166367
File: 176 KB, 561x369, Shekels intensify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My psychiatrist Dr. Mortimer Blattsteinberg.

>> No.8166370
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1365, 1453406888959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the time this was built people in the middle east and most parts of Africa still lived in huts made of mud

It feels good being on the winning team... Knowing that my ancestors were great warriors, philosophers and ultimately the architects of everything you know and love, in this current year, right now.

>> No.8166378
File: 28 KB, 317x328, JV-rniD1-Hf0cKvgMFOO6MWntvK1-A4Zl5x9d6tM1e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mankind spent the majority of the 20th century believing in lies.....

>> No.8166397

How Can I See Through The Veil?

>> No.8166401
File: 9 KB, 343x147, Israeli Detainees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the 21st century ain't looking too good neither

>> No.8166404 [DELETED] 

>>At the time this was built people in the middle east and most parts of Africa still lived in huts made of mud

and they live in huts to this very day, unless they were lucky enough to have been brought to this civilized culture, in which case they live in spacious home's funded by the white man's tax dollar.

>> No.8166411

We're the only ones who know.....not like these learned academics....who actually have citable work....

>> No.8166416

>>At the time this was built people in the middle east and most parts of Africa still lived in huts made of mud

and they live in huts to this very day, unless they were lucky enough to have been brought to this civilized culture, in which case they live in modern homes funded by the white man's tax dollar.

>> No.8166417

If it were up to the alt-right we would be no better than Somalia.

>> No.8166423
File: 2.73 MB, 2944x3316, Israel 9:11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prof. cohen oughtta give you an A!

>> No.8166428

oh no....history...it's changed forever.....

>> No.8166432

Alex Jones was right........we shoud have listened to Alex Jones.....no...

>> No.8166445
File: 1.57 MB, 1939x2246, Israelis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166447

It was an inside job........................fuck dude.....

>> No.8166450

Top Joke Partner
>he doesn't know that some of the smartest men to have ever fucking lived were what is considered ''right-wing'' now

>he doesn't know that the great men you read about from thousands of years ago would have without a fucking doubt been considered ''right-wing'' if they were alive today

Meanwhile, millennials who are addicted to Facebook and Twitter believe they know more than these people and are the ''smart'' ones because their favorite celebrity told them so...

Keep crying, be angered... That's the first step.
You're annoyed because you just started to grasp that maybe you don't know everything.

"Man may bleed to death through the truth that he recognizes" and all of that.

>> No.8166462
File: 624 KB, 1760x4464, Dancing Israelis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*israeli job

>> No.8166467

my brain ..... MINDFUCKED

Do you have more redpill pics? Maybe some flat earth theory, moon landing being fake, or crisis actors? Much appreciated, keep spreading the word, brother.

deus vult

>> No.8166472
File: 993 KB, 1698x1805, FEMEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well since you asked

>> No.8166480

>Meanwhile, millennials who are addicted to Facebook and Twitter believe they know more than these people and are the ''smart'' ones because their favorite celebrity told them so...

nobody understands but us....us truly enlightened thinkers......basking in the euphoria of the size of our mind brains....

oh fuck.............

ohh FUCK!!!!!!!! How do we tell the people everything that's actually proven and academic...is a lie.....shit dude...................the red pill........fuck

>> No.8166484

holy shit ... i never saw what was right before my eyes

>> No.8166485
File: 457 KB, 1085x851, New World Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goys will be goys i guess

>> No.8166491
File: 1.48 MB, 800x4896, Jeffrey Epstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166493

oh my god...holy shit...why didn't we listen...no...fuck...damn it....shit...oh no...fuck..

>> No.8166494
File: 2.48 MB, 4937x4966, Greatest Ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166495

WHAT THE FUCK??!?! I can't believe this information has been withheld from us ... we are truly duped

We're going to have to redpill the brainwashed sheeple

>> No.8166496


Why are you trying to make it seem as if you have to be a crazed conspiracy theorist if someone elses opinion differs from your own?

You have no argument and are offended by facts... It is not crazy to know you will one day ''wake up'' and regret the time you spent not accepting ''the truth.''

Also, I'm not the one posting those info graphics, btw.


Just ignore the shills. Stop posting retarded info graphics.

>> No.8166499

All this time ... all these wars ... and it was our greatest ally who controlled us ... we are but pawns in their game

>> No.8166509

>Why are you trying to make it seem as if you have to be a crazed conspiracy theorist if someone elses opinion differs from your own?

When a majority of your political ideology revolves around denying academic rigor and conspiracy theory, you don't deserve attention of any sort. Could even be right, there's no way to know because you're a conspiracy theorist and its easier to deny you out right due to the very universal nature of it being unsubstantiated bullshit.

You work on academic terms or you aren't actually politically learned, nor should be acknowledged as such.

>> No.8166510
File: 1.37 MB, 1350x3570, Special Relationship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166513

Did you ever consider ... that this esteemed academia and rigour ... are JEWISH inventions??

>> No.8166515
File: 203 KB, 672x462, >Iraq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all a joke maaaaaaannnnnnn, nothing matters just get over it lol

>> No.8166516

oh.....no...it can't be......fuck.........how can anything be true!