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8165510 No.8165510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get to know the real Islam? What are some quality works on it?

>> No.8165540

Read Quran and Hadith

>> No.8165553

>posting a counter signal meme's for fashy goys pic

>> No.8165560
File: 7 KB, 150x150, i almost laughed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Triggered, nu male?

>> No.8165570

The Quran desu

>> No.8165580

I'm triggered by your disgusting taste in meme pages

>> No.8165581


Dozens of branches read the Quran and reach different conclusions.

>> No.8165587

Reach your own conclusion, homo

>> No.8165589
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What makes it disgusting?
It's always poignant.

>> No.8165591

>all these liberal cuckolds getting triggered by the redpill

You are but mere insects; unable to grasp the Truth before your eyes.

>> No.8165597


But reading the Quran made me realize ISIS is right?
And apparantly that has nothing to do with Islam.

>> No.8165600
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>not being able to discern the immutable truth emanating from the holy text

>> No.8165604

It's alt-right retardation with ban-happy, egotistical mods

>> No.8165608
File: 28 KB, 400x400, fb33a400cf2f3448133644b630abdad9_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so join ISIS then.

>> No.8165615


And alt right is bad why?

>> No.8165623

because it's a meme ideology and isn't /lit/ related

>> No.8165624

>take class "The Enlightenment and its Critics"
>It's all Muslim apologist stuff
>read Qutb
>literally grasping at straws and going "#notallmuslims" while also saying victims of Muslim violence deserve it
>read tiny bit of Kant also
god that class disappointed me

>> No.8165625

A Protestant style interpretation of the Quran pretty much is all this jihad bullshit we see. Then again Protestants are fucking stupid and never mention the corporate sin committed by their church goers so maybe Isis should just chill the fuck out and cope with modernity if only to stop raping and murdering.

>> No.8165627
File: 199 KB, 1536x1152, o-GHENT-HEADSCARF-BAN-facebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"he hasn't joined ISIS yet!"

>> No.8165633

it's contradictory, completely illogical, and based on emotions

>> No.8165641

Alt-right is just a meme and good one

>> No.8165645


Well, Islam never had a clergy like the West or church so it was already protestant from the start.

>> No.8165646

t. fag in open relationship

>> No.8165650

thanks for that stellar argument senpai

>> No.8165654

Good point. Actually kinda hilarious that I would refer to it is Protestant given they have never deviated in the manner of the Catholics.

>> No.8165658


Actually it is leftism which is illogical, based on emotions and contradictory.


Here, have some studies which provides evidence for this.

"People higher in Neuroticism tend to be more economically liberal. What is intriguing about this relationship is that it is in the opposite direction of what past theories would predict. . . That is, neurotic people are more likely to support public policies that provide aid to the economically disadvantaged (public housing, foreign aid, immigration, etc)."

>> No.8165665

all of these posters are faggots

>> No.8165669

that doesn't disprove anything I said. It's not mutually exclusive

>> No.8165672


Also this one is glorious: "those higher in Social Desirability are also more likely to express socially liberal attitudes."

Yeah, you're such rebels.

>> No.8165676

>le logic and reason man posts a single study in an intellectual vacuum
Hate this meme

>> No.8165677



>> No.8165680

Ira Lapidus and Hugh Kennedy are really all you need.

this documentary is pretty good, but pretty un-PC

>> No.8165683

what are you even trying to say

>> No.8165685

>he thinks he's on the right side of history
>he doesn't realize that /pol/ are the real liberals

fuck yourself and then somehow die bro

>> No.8165690

That's three different people senpai. And I'm not doing this to be on the 'right side of history'

>> No.8165693
File: 101 KB, 800x800, a cup of proofs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ok you provided evidence, but I need more studies to be considered truthful according to my completely arbitrary standards ;) good luck pal ;)

>> No.8165702

>I'm not a conservative I'm a classical liberal!
>as if there's a difference

>> No.8165707

Breaking: Underdogs favor policies that favor underdogs.

>> No.8165709

>Understanding how to interpret research makes you a liberal
>Being particularly skeptical of the social sciences makes you a liberal

I wouldn't consider a single study that drew a conclusion that isn't entirely obvious sufficient in physics, so I certainly won't in this case. You're no better than stoners who fall for every pop-sci article referencing some bullshit study about muh weed.

>> No.8165718


typical muslim sermon

>> No.8165719

>not real islam because anti-liberal

The funny thing is that today the less one ascribes to liberalism, the less culturally authentic one is considered to be.

>> No.8165725


You were able to read that entire fucking study in the 5 minutes since it was posted?
I bet you didn't even bother reading the abstract, you millennial shithead.

>> No.8165730


Bit like what Zizek says.
We like the Other as far as he isn't too much of an Other.
If he is, he returns to his role as the devillish outsider, the Seth of the red lands.

>> No.8165735


good cos you're on the wrong side m8

>muslims openly burn literature daily
>muslims literally behead and drop gays off buildings daily
>muslims are literally taught to fucking hate you and your ancestors
>muslims destroy historical monuments that have stood for thousands of years in the name of some fucking retarded prophet

Muh progressives in the west call for members of the westboro baptist church to be killed for holding signs...
Meanwhile millions of Muslims believe gays should be killed and non believers punished.

You may as well convert, you dumb fuck.

>> No.8165738


At this point leftists are just enablers of Islam.
They've completely hollowed out all the principles they stood for in order to appease to muslims.
They're prepared to leave behind feminism if it means not being Islamophobic.

They indeed might as well convert, because at this point they're just acting as its scouts.

>> No.8165745
File: 334 KB, 1191x804, 2015-10-23 06.51.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrong side