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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 664x127, Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 7.58.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8162943 No.8162943 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a retarded review thread.

Go to Amazon or wherever and find the dumbest reviews for whatever book you please.

Pic related: in reference to Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

>> No.8162958

Make one with a women next time, and say that it can only be women reviewers. then we can have a women hate thread

>> No.8162983
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Was gonna start one of these threads myself. Will post a few.

>> No.8162996
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>> No.8163004
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>> No.8163006

Jesus christ, what a terrible person

>> No.8163008

I swear to god, 'character development' is the biggest meme of all time.
Quite literally babby's first film critique.

>> No.8163034

This post makes Gene Wolfe seem like high literature.

>> No.8163040

gene wolfe definitely extends past genre fiction

>> No.8163041
File: 111 KB, 1724x420, Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 9.42.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only review on amazon.ca for John Hakwes' "Adventures in the Alaskan Skin Trade"

>> No.8163060
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Christ that made me angry and I haven't even read any Gene Wolfe

>> No.8163062

Hardly, and calling his prose flowery and beautiful is an obscene stretch.

>> No.8163065
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a grandma, on Taipei

>> No.8163076

People hardly develop in real life, why would anyone criticize a work for being realistic?

>> No.8163077

>not a good sign

>> No.8163082

Because they cannot into critical thinking.

>> No.8163083
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>> No.8163089
File: 129 KB, 638x353, Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 8.55.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This review triggered me.

>> No.8163102

>James Joyce couldn't write a more incomprehensible or rambling novel.

>> No.8163109

What the actual fuck? It's depressing to know that there are people out there that genuinely don't recognize beauty when they are exposed to it.

>> No.8163115


>> No.8163205

anyone have the Goodreads review where they ask for a "trigger-free" version of Metamorphoses? I saw it here last time but forgot to save it.

>> No.8163234

I like when people try to critique a book without even understanding it the smallest amount.

>> No.8163248
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>> No.8163268

That's not even a review, that's straight up a fucking book report, I recognize that shitty format that teachers teach, teachedly leaving with bumfucked paragraphs with no meaning.

>> No.8163354

lol wtf, I second this request

>> No.8163658
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>> No.8163732

Yep, I recognized that bullshit right away. why the fuck is it taught like that?

>> No.8163757

Real life as experienced by most people is boring as fuck.

>> No.8163786

Why must we have these threads. It's like how the Jews must always remind themselves of the Holocaust.

>> No.8163802

This one's very funny.

>> No.8163823


>> No.8163826

once saw a legitimate 1 star review of Suttree that basically said she didn't like the audiobook because it still wasn't making sense to her. don't remember where this was though :C

>> No.8163962

this cant be real can it?

>> No.8164048
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>> No.8164099
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>> No.8164106

>the M. Night Shamalyan of sonnets.

>> No.8164108

>Funspiracy against the Human Race.jpg

>> No.8164119

well i liked some parts of the book of the new sun and disliked others. especially he fails some of the insert stories, some are pretty, like that one which i quote below, but others are just so meh, like that one which is a mix of a borges' short story and the legend of minotaur or that one which is a mix of mowgli and the legend of romulus and remus

really, what indecipherable poetry she found there?

>Her hair was long, her limbs were white,
>And fair she was and free;
>And in the wind she went as light
>As leaf of linden-tree.

such indecipherable so wow; i bet if she read something like stevenson's "heather ale" she would be perplexed forever

at least she could feel sorry for his intended...

>It is said that as a man pushes his boat out over the shingle, the sound the bottom makes grating on the stones is my wife, my children, my children, my wife.

>> No.8165219

>He quotes Mark Twain
This triggers me more than it should

>> No.8165327
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>Stop fucking telling me to breed!
The other reviews are clearly from idiots but this shit legitimately makes me mad

>> No.8166775

I thought like, the entire point of sonnets was the twist. Like, I remember reading some french ones for fun and they had twists too.

>> No.8168493

There was a time when people who wrote a lot actually had something to say, you can argue that the internet is a bad development when it comes to things like this

>> No.8168508

yep. the "volta"


>> No.8168542

>"X" is a Y written/composed/reported by Z..."
>"[Protagonist] does such, but [Antagonist] reacts to it.
>There are many different characters [...]. However, ---
>This story has many themes. One of the main themes [...]

I am speechless, this is some sort of plague.

>> No.8168549

This is the wrong generation speaking, how may I help you?

>> No.8168602
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not a review of a book but someone talking about e-readers

>> No.8168654

>be in secondary high school (not an english country)
>enrolled into this school this very year
>have 2 hours to write a short essay that circled around the "600", a period we studied so using what we have done I can "conjecture" an educated opinion.
>nobody understood they had to work with what they knew to make up an opinion and instead talked about the period
>the Teacher had to correct the work on the basis of another kind of essay
Worth it.

>> No.8168692

>Mr. Math Expert
>doesn't understand Portrait

>> No.8168744
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>> No.8168748
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>> No.8168906

Do how does one write a good review? I'm curious, because I'd like to write good/lit/erary reviews on good reads to help out my fellow /lit/izens.

I don't know about you guys but I always read the reviews you guys post there (my good reads friend list is entirely from 4chan)

>> No.8168907

>Mark Twain said it right, "'Classic.' A book which people praise and don't (read that as "shouldn't") read."
>don't (read that as "shouldn't")

I didn't expect anything in this thread to make me mad, but this did

>> No.8169028

that plague is the american method of teaching literature.

>> No.8169107


I didn't have any good literature teachers in both south america and europe, so I guess that's a pandemia at this point.

>> No.8169165
File: 37 KB, 1040x460, zarathustra review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8169213
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>> No.8169340

So funny.

>> No.8169373

Check out Orphans of Chaos on Goodreads.
It's almost seems like a feminist book club organized to destroy its reputation or something.
First 10 reviews are angry feminists ranting and it's beautiful.
I haven't read it, but this makes it so fucking appealing.