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8159959 No.8159959 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder you don't have what it takes

>> No.8159981

none of them slept in until 3pm. weird.

>> No.8159993


Who cares what other people do

>> No.8159996

I want that Victor Hugo schedule.

>3 AM to 10 AM: Sleep
>10 AM to 11 AM: Eat, check things, shower
>11 AM to 1 PM: Read
>1 PM to 3 PM: Eat, Internet
>3 PM to 4:30 PM: Read
>4:30 PM to 5 PM: Have tea, prep for writing
>5 PM to 6:30 PM: "Write"
>6:30 PM to 7:30 PM: Exercise, shower
>7:30 PM to 10 PM: Movie or TV, eat (at home or out with someone)
>10 PM to 3 AM: Play video games, do Internet things, maybe have a few drinks by myself

I'd like to go out more but I am an adult NEET with non-NEET friends.

>> No.8160013

>Victor Hugo only worked for two hours a day

Maybe I do, actually.

>> No.8160024

>other work

>> No.8160029

so much sleep

>> No.8160042

I, for one, believe that these schedules are accurate.

>> No.8160045

It's about consistency and not just some one-shot superhuman effort. I get hopped up on aderall and write twenty something pages a day, sure, and one some days I need no chemicals to churn out a good dozen or so, but on the scale of a year it is pointless.

I believe that most people on this board are able to write three thousand pages in their lifetime, but unconnected.

>> No.8160053

taken straight from their journals mate

>> No.8160054

>either don't sleep at all, or sleep 11 hours a day because of medication

I can't really see this working for me.

>> No.8160056

How do all these old fucks only sleep for <8 hours? If I sleep for only 8 i feel like shit, and still feel pretty bad unless I get ~9.5

>> No.8160057

How many words per page is that?

I once wrote 600k on one subject, during a particularly active 6-month period.

>> No.8160070

~350. Unfortunately, I only take meds and write like that when it's for uni - I feel dishonest doing that in spare time for my leisure.

But the fact that my paper on bargaining theory is 15k words (done in four days) while a short story I've been writing for a month is 8k.

>> No.8160072

>old fucks

>> No.8160152

You sound sick. I function all the time on ~6 hours with 8-9 on weekends. Sometimes it dips down to ~4.

>> No.8160160

>Balzac doesn't eat or leave the house
Living the dream.

>> No.8160175

How can anyone achieve this without being independently wealthy?

>> No.8160230

I left bed at 6:30 today, coming 27 hours short of my personal record for staying in bed while not ill.

>> No.8160247

>very fast Sigmund Freud walking at incredible high speed

>> No.8160269

>implying any of this is possible now

Most of us wagecuck for 8-10 hours leaving us too exhausted to do much else during our free time that requires physical or mental effort.

>> No.8160278
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>Tfw will never go on super fast walks with Freud

>> No.8160290

>not treating reading as work

>> No.8160293 [DELETED] 

you're either/or:

>> No.8160442

are you stupid?

>> No.8160694
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>With daily dose of benzedrine for concentration

I finally see what separates the laymen from the greats.

>> No.8160701

OP sounds like a know-nothing, and a faggot besides.

Different people have different routines, different rhythms and different methods.

>> No.8160708

>tfw you will never play backgammon with emma

>> No.8160711

I'm on that Mozart shit except I don't work every day

>> No.8160713
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Oh, and instead of "courting Constanze" it's "Stalk ex on social media and send her threatening emails"

>> No.8160727

you're not funny. dude

>> No.8160730
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I wasn't joking though?

>> No.8160738

I spend 5-7 hours reading a day, still only 100 pages a day though. I'll outread them one day.

>> No.8160803

None of them had a dayjob. Thanks for reminding us that working class can never be writers.
>mfw when never in his life did Descartes wake up before eleven
>mfw I can never life off family allowances to devote time to leisure activities

>> No.8160805

Mozart and Kant had day jobs.

>> No.8160806

are you retawdid?

>> No.8160809

Faulkner and DeLillo did

>> No.8160810


I've probably gone through more books then you in the last few months bub.

>> No.8160817

Related to the field in which they became proficient. Something on the likes of Bukowski would be more interesting, were it not for the fact that he was a terrible writer liked only by stupid people thabks to his stupidly accesible level of writing and the low-brow content of his shittings.

>> No.8160819

How many since January, u fag? Let's measure cocks.

>> No.8160820

If you can't get work at all related to your passion, you're probably not very talented in the first place.

>> No.8160823

Kafka worked.
He did have a shit life though.

>> No.8160825


no thnx, i won't do cock, I do 100 pages a day on average and hardly ever miss it, so just think bout that, cuz u might read lots of tiny books to look bigger then the rest of us.

I read some big books though m8 from time to time.

>> No.8160846

Hah, you can't throw down the gauntlet, insulting my honor and then try to hide nigga, drop the fucking list. Don't you dare talk about tiny things m8

>> No.8160876


This is literally me. And this is me when I use coffee as a crutch, which is maybe the reason why

>> No.8160921
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>walked around Vienna's Ringstrasse at TERRIFIC SPEED

>> No.8160931


those routines made them great because they build them on their own for themselves.

>> No.8160934


thats all you need. thank me later.

>> No.8160952


>> No.8160982

Same. I must sleep 10 hours minimum

But at the same time, i bike around 300k a week.

>> No.8160987

> the most strenuous exercise is calisthenics

>> No.8161434

Surprised that they managed to sleep for so long (except Freud, but then again he had a cocaine habit). I guess they didn't have to deal with wagecuckery

>> No.8161785
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Tfw you will never be gaskun huddled over a small heater of a snow covered fuel shack making the finishing touches on a space opera spanning 4K pages that started a decade ago

>> No.8161809
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>Tfw you will never be Darwin
>Tfw you will never start your days with brisk morning walks across the grounds of your country house
>Tfw you will never spend your afternoons reading newspapers and napping contentedly
>Tfw you will never spend the intermittances between work with your loving wife, reading and playing games
>Tfw you will never leisurely put together a book that will change the course of human thought from the peace and comfort of your secluded home
>Tfw you will never live the life of a gentleman scholar, having traveled the world and marveled at all its complexities, and come home to a life of learning and meditation
>Tfw you will never know comfort of this degree

Lit I don't think I can take it much longer.

>> No.8161829

read darwin's diary when he was on the Beagle it's comfier than comfy

>> No.8161857

Jesus fucking Christ just kill me now.

>you will never explore the world and marvel at amazing tropical sights and creatures, and then retire into comfortable routine and the arms of your beautiful wife and loyal dog

>> No.8161860

We have to wait till retirement.

Then we too can be old fucks who sleep 5 hours a day and have nothing but free time.

>> No.8161888


The key is to live an aesthetic life. The personal aesthetic. The key is being able to say that you've done these things, because you live by an imaginal ideal. That's really all it is.
If I wanted to be a druid, I'd spend most of my time outside in the woods, observing animals, listening to the bird songs and attempting to learn their melodies, read books on botany and such, then retire to my home and indulge in a vegan diet.

Aesthetic. There's room for variation as per personality and disposition, but the aesthetic determines what kind of person you are.

Relentlessly pursue your aesthetic ideal /lit/, and revel in the act of becoming.

>> No.8161905

>That Kant schedule
How can one man be so based?

Older people require less sleep than younger people.

>> No.8161951

I just don't understand, /lit/.

Sitting down to write feels like a chore, even though I can get caught up and spend a while doing it.

Do I just lack the God-given drive that propels people to brilliance?

>> No.8161993

Yup. Go collect pokemons.

>> No.8161998
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>comparing Maya Angelou and Sigmind Freud to any of the geniuses on that list

>> No.8162019
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>jerk off for so long that I only get to bed at 2:30AM
>have to be up at 7
>hammer snooze button three times
>late for work
>skip shower
>work for 5 hours
>leave sick early because boss is out
>head home
>riding bus
>decide this is it, today I'm going to work on my project
>have sudden flash of inspiration, write down a bunch of notes of how to structure a key chapter
>I've got the whole day ahead of me, I'll grab a coffee and smash through it
>I won't even turn on my compuer
>get home
>buy case of cream soda
>drink 8 cream sodas while watching Youtube clips of Bee Movie
>currently masturbating while eating a reheated burger
>paused masturbating to check what's going on at /lit/
>now writing this worthless fucking post
>dick is still out
>there's catchup on my titty
>no idea what happened to those notes
>I'm going to get another cream soda as soon as I finish typing this

>> No.8162024

Any books for this?

>> No.8162037

Freud was a genius phoneposter kun.

>> No.8162054

Kant was the most based on the chart. Only thing I disagree with is 1 meal per day.

Does anyone have that pic of kant hegel and descartes with sunglasses on? My HD got wiped and search just comes up with terrible sizes.

>> No.8162286

>average of 12 hours of work and 6 hours of sleep
why is this hard again? This is what most people do

>> No.8162292

It's a routine, when you start sleeping less your body eventually gets used to it even though it is unhealthy in the long run

>> No.8162299

>Related to the field in which they became proficient.
Which doesn't make it a day job....why? Just because a job doesn't suck and furthers your career doesn't make it not a job.

>> No.8162307

Depends on the job. Jobs that require intensive critical thinking tend to drain a worker in a shorter period of time than, say, a factory assembly position.

>> No.8162313


This is basically made up shit.

>> No.8162346

true, but if you love your line of work it is more bearable

>> No.8163641

underrated post

>> No.8163646

reevaluate your life

>> No.8163687
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i have the best of them all routines

>> No.8163692


They all had good money so they didn't need to work that much to make ends meet.

If you want that kind of routine, get rich

>> No.8163699

I only work 6 hours a day and I still have a hard time doing everything I want to do. Writing seems like it would really consume your life if you had talent, money, and ambition

>> No.8163724

I like you. You're my friend now.

>> No.8164009


good posts

>> No.8164016


Pretty good life desu

>> No.8164017 [DELETED] 

Asimov was an associate professor while he published his early works. He only quit after he could fund his living expenses with his earnings from writing.

When I was younger I assumed all writers were like that, but then I learned most writers lived much easier lives.

>> No.8164030


I'm a me me boy and do nothing with my life. But i will definitely become the next big thing in literature.

>> No.8164128

>tfw competitive and manage to outpace Freud
>tfw no more super fast walk invites

>> No.8164221


This is a quality post, thank you.

>> No.8164236

Your life is literally the plot of Office Space.

>> No.8164530

>plan on going to bed early to get my 7-8 hours of sleep
>end up sleeping only 4 hours
>drink a moderately large amount of coffee the next morning

>hyped AS FUCK the entire day, almost manic, productive, able to do my exercising with ease, communicate with others more easily and successfully

God bless that magical potion t b h

>> No.8164576

4-6 hours of writing a day is manageable if you're a NEET. Though you should be ok with at least two of those hours being wasted on staring off into space after every couple of sentences and taking months to finish one thing even if you have a fairly consistent schedule and output.

>> No.8164583

Why would you want to be that fag?

>> No.8165894

>2/5 stars
>Confidence is fine but in this case
>By Dietrich Liebert on June 12, 2016
>Verified Purchase
>Book written for 12 year olds. Repetitive, over the top, predictable, and the hero wins all (even the holographic girl (?)) - except where intelligence is necessary. How can you come up with the idea of an IPO and then not read the details? Confidence is fine but in this case, it is stupidity. At the end I only read every second page, just to finish it. I believe that one should show respect for the effort to write a book but not every time it is worthwhile to spend the time reading it.

Sounds about right.

>> No.8166261
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>Bee Movie

at least....

>> No.8166503

>terrific speed

>> No.8166662

>all those tools making themselves into more efficient desiring/producing machines for the service of capital and natalism under the guise of "creativity"


>> No.8166680


>reads deleuze and guattari once
u don't know what you're talking about my dude

>> No.8166694

except I do

>> No.8166704


I hear this a lot and it seems silly...I have a day job and still have time to write.

>Get up at 7am, shower and breakfast and shit
>Leave for work at 8
>get back from work at 6
>Cook, clean, shower and shit until 8
>shitpost and slide boards until 9
>Can do whatever else from 9 until I go to sleep, usually around midnight

I mean I guess I don't have kids or other responsibilities to take care of which I'm fortunate for, but I do have significant time to be creative. If I cut back on the shitposting and time wasting I could scroung another hour out during the week, and none of this even takes into account the weekend, where I can do whatever I want so long as I get the laundry done.

>> No.8166710

>struggling so much with reading that you count it as 'work'

>> No.8166715


I so, so want every detail of this post to be true. You're a renovated Ignatius J. Reilly. I am convinced that anything you do happen to write will be a major, representative work of the era.

>> No.8167559

>Milton spent 4 hours a day pacing back and forth in his garden
The absolute madman.

>> No.8167587
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