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File: 25 KB, 510x415, poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8160334 No.8160334 [Reply] [Original]

My friend wrote this poem for the victims of the Orlando shooting and shared it on Facebook. What do you guys think?

>> No.8160338


never post here again

>> No.8160340


>> No.8160348

>poem for the victims of the Orlando shooting
i don't particularly like poems about some topical event, not inspired by, but directly about, the event will pass and be forgotten and the poem will usually be forgotten even faster. also it frankly usually feels fake too

as for the poem, he overdoes alliteration way too much and the whole poem reads as if he, by lyon sprague de camp's method, picked random words from the dictionary and put them into his poem, only caring that they would begin with the letter which he currently needs

>> No.8160350

If it's great why shouldn't I post here again? I just want some genuine opinions. He's always been known as the smart guy in my crew. I want to know what some people who have actually read poetry have to say.

>> No.8160351

i wish i was the 51st after reading that

>> No.8160353

>i don't particularly like poems about some topical event
well fuck off then because that has always been a legitimate cause for poetry

>> No.8160354


Writing in lines doesn't make something poetry--rhythm, rhyme, and imagery do.

>> No.8160357
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>> No.8160365

It's very, very bad, and he should honestly feel ashamed that he thought this was acceptable--that's my genuine opinion. Here's another one: he's not smart.

>> No.8160366


>> No.8160369

Holy Moses! Take a look!
Flesh decayed in every nook!
Some rare bits of brain lie here,
Mortal loads of beef and beer.

>> No.8160372

Liberal alliteration litters the leaflet, leaving little leeway for looseness; and lo, it lurches and lumbers, luxuriates in letters alone—losing, alas, the languid lightness of language.

>> No.8160374

yeah, so what? i said that i personally don't liek them, it's my opinion

also, how many of those are good? say, housman describes the gold jubilee of queen victoria in the beginning of his shropshire lad, but it's a poem inspired by it, not directly about it. do you know any poem directly about it (and it was a major topical event) which is still read today?

>FROM Clee to heaven the beacon burns,
>The shires have seen it plain,
>From north and south the sign returns
>And beacons burn again.

>Look left, look right, the hills are bright,
>The dales are light between,
>Because ’tis fifty years to-night
>That God has saved the Queen.

>Now, when the flame they watch not towers
>About the soil they trod,
>Lads, we ’ll remember friends of ours
>Who shared the work with God.

or take that poem about the bridge of tay disaster which is remembered only because it was written in an amusingly bad way merely for its style...

>> No.8160379

Who would not sing for Lycidas?

>> No.8160380

I like it.

>> No.8160381

solid reference

>> No.8160386

i feel like wiseau's the room is the modern day irene iddesleigh

>> No.8160390

how did visiting westminster abbey inspired her to write it? -_-

a personal elegy is a bit different imo

>> No.8160393

Not the nymphs that's for sure.

>> No.8160395

Why must the tragedy of the victims and the suffering of their loved ones be augmented by an atrocious piece of "poetry"? Have you no mercy? Have those people not been hurt enough? Whose side is your "friend" on anyway?

>> No.8160396

It's garbage.

>> No.8160397

Excellent bait but having produced this piece of writing is still shameful, ironic or not

>> No.8160400
File: 24 KB, 588x604, IMG_247163049577958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't poetry, this is just embarrassing.
Your friend is an untalented faggot, he should have made a meme or something more suited to his intellect.

>> No.8160404

That is a mystery only the muse knows the answer to

>> No.8160405

where did you find this? the toilet website? lol

>> No.8160411

>do you know any poem directly about it

What is this "directly"? Housman wrote a poem on the occasion, which is consciously involved in the occasion while it looks beyond it. That is what every topical poem aspires to be. It is not a matter of being apart-but-"inspired by" rather than "about"—this is an unfortunate and not very useful dichotomy. If we divest occasional poems of their occasions, we will not experience them pure, but rather we will find them bloodless; as we cannot really love Lycidas unless we think it is an elegy for a friend and not merely an excuse (or "inspiration") for art. Art must serve the elegy; and occasional poetry must serve the occasion, because art and poetry are not purposes in themselves.

Anyway, if you want a great poem more "directly about" an occasion in that crude sense of yours, you might remember Dryden's "Annus Mirabilis".

>> No.8160412

it's not very good but they won't be able to read it anyway


>> No.8160414

>never kneeling to negative Neanderthals
shit like this makes me want to bury myself in the backyard and just wait to die.

>> No.8160415

>how many of those are good?

put the goalposts back

>> No.8160419

It's bad but oddly not nearly as bad as I was expecting. The alliteration, although childish, does provide at least some semblance of substance. And the last line is, at least, sonically pleasing.

>> No.8160423

has no one actually read the first letter of each line yet? each line being alliterative on a different letter should have clued you in. how often do you people read?

that being said it's still not good

>> No.8160426

it's racist to neanderthals btw
not only his ancestors killed them all, he also mocks them

>> No.8160438

I feel like this would be difficult to write, so it satisfies a very plebian scale of what good art is. I think the alliteration is a little harder to make up than most people think, however the end result is a pretty fucking awful gimmick, so all that effort has definitely been wasted.

Not to mention lots of it resists sense:
>Everyone envelopes [sic] each other's embrace
How do you envelop an embrace?
>Emanating equally enamored epithets
Equal to what? Whose epithets are these? The Neanderthals'?
>Never-ending nuances intentionally nurtured
This is an emotional vacuum. It means nothing given what comes before or what comes after.

Then any semblance of syntax breaks down, which might be appreciated from some perspective, but is just really aggravating because the sentiment is still extremely simple: be nice. All this cobbled mess revolves around that idea. There's no reason for the syntax to melt away. The whole poem has been gesturing at understanding and harmony. Why dissolve?

There's some interesting lines here that might serve well as lead-ins to explications, but of course that never happens because the whole poem is as arbitrarily slapped together as can be and it doesn't seem as though the author has thought past each line as an individual unit. What's really not doing it any favors is its alliteration gimmick. It's lazy and exposes itself as such. It's really a nightmare to read and there's no sense of prosody, tone, or even understandable concepts. This is obviously someone who thinks they emotions too big for words who yet insists on presenting themselves as a writer.


>> No.8160444

There was only one victim though?

>> No.8160445


everyone noticed

you are the pnly one pleb enough to bring it up

>> No.8160446


I doubt from what you have shown that he is actually very smart or if he is very smart then he is very naive and a poetaster of some rank.

1. Read it out loud to yourself
You will find it is terrible to the ear with his V for Vendetta alliteration stands out terribly so.

2. Escaping the extreme exacerbated enigma
Same point as the previous that one just stands out as particularly bad.

3. What he said
Nothing but platitudes and nothingness
Here in plain language with no attempt at poetics.

>Leveling out the lack of illustriousness
>Overt the obvious objectionable opines
>Vulnerability verifiable vexes veneration
>Everyone envelopes each others embrace

Making even the lack of achievement
and showing the obviously bad opinions
vulnerability proves to annoy reverence
Everyone hugs redundantly

What? This is a very mixed message. VVVV I can't really place with the other three lines. What does that even mean? We are weak and therefore irreverent? I think he is using overt as a verb here(its not) like he might mean

when everything comes up shit don't show our asinine comments as in our weakness we show a lack of respect so lets hug.

>Optimism opens our way to omnipotence
>Never kneeling to negative neanderthals
>Emanating equally negative epithets

If we have hope we wont be beaten by Neanderthals or their other bad names and acquire god like powers along the way.

>Amidst animosity and alienation
>Never-ending nuances intentionally nurtured
>Openly attempting to obliterate our oneness
>Thwarting their thoughtlessness with truth
>Honoring heart left hurt and helpless
>Escaping the the extreme exacerbated enigma
>Revealing reverence through reveling remembrance

Amidst hatred and indifference
Our differences which we make
Openly trying to destroy our oneness
Thwarting their idiocy with truth
Honoring those left hurt and helpless
Escaping the over blown mystery
Showing respect through cheerful memories

The first three lines are a long way to show the simple platitude
>can't we all get along

What's the mystery? Why we can't get along?

>> No.8160453


opinion discarded. end your life

>> No.8160454

pnd your life pleb

>> No.8160457


>enamored epithets

I don't think these loving names are for the Negative Neanderthals. So re reading it it makes less sense.

No it shows and terribly. It's as if he chose his acrostic and ham-fistedly alliterated his way to the end

>> No.8160459


did you become angry?

>> No.8160461

you put down your stephen king novel for this?

>> No.8160463

>how often do you people read?

The question is how often you read such gems that you know exactly where to look for the application of sophisticated literary devices?

>> No.8160466

Pnly fpr a secpnd, pleb

>> No.8160467

shut up

like i said, the alliteration was too much a coincidence

>> No.8160468

This is utter shit.

>> No.8160469

stop it or i'll report you

>> No.8160471

ypp mpd?

>> No.8160474

Orlndofag as person from Orlando or a faggot from Orlando?

>> No.8160475

someone should write the shittiest poem and dedicate it to orlando for the likes

>> No.8160478


>> No.8160482

>the alliteration was too much a coincidence
You don't say. My, that's some close reading. You must be well versed in the art of the Facebook poem.

>> No.8160487

OPs friend already did

>> No.8160493

i think it's funny there is absolutely no indication of anyone realising the point of the alliteration until i pointed it out, now people are in damage control for not having seen it first by being mad about it (You)

>> No.8160498

I hate gays, I'll mess em'
Closet to casket, I'll find them
And then they will learn their lesson
Adam and Steve, meet my Smith and Wesson

>> No.8160513

Why don't you come find out bb? ;^)

>> No.8160522

It's quite shit, but who cares really.

>> No.8160525

>I feel like this would be difficult to write

are you kidding? if it was written as, say, sestina, it would be hard to write, but simple alliteration with acrostic using words which badly fit each other?

>> No.8160533

Difficult to write simply because it makes so little sense. You would have to have pulled something to be satisfied with the end product.

>> No.8160534

it's great, how about telling him to write about how he wants to his ass to be opened by 5 diameter by faggots, maybe they'll also show your sympathy the shooting?

>> No.8160544
File: 48 KB, 500x375, its-time-to-stop-posting[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nice read
10/10 would cringe again
>get banned

>> No.8160548

it's really amateur. the writer needs to read a lot more poetry.

>> No.8160551

People running everywhere
Under tables, under chairs
Loving living, loathing leaving
Silence rings cross the gay bar
Explosions abound! Allahu Ackbar
-now read this poem backwards-

>> No.8160552

There's no evidence that the writer has read ANY poetry

>> No.8160561

-sdrawkcab meop siht daer won-
rabkcA uhallA !dnuoba snoisolpxE
rab yag eht ssorc sgnir ecneliS
gnivael gnihtaol ,gnivil gnivoL
sriahc rednu ,selbat rednU
erehwyreve gninnur elpoeP

For lazy anons

>> No.8160563

it's proto-hebraised arabic or some shit. Interfaith Naysh yall

>> No.8160565

If the red slayer think he slays,
Or if the slain think he is slain,
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again.

>> No.8160567


>> No.8160571

OP's friend got slaughtered

>> No.8160589
File: 31 KB, 792x372, badwoolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



also pic related, i chuckled

>> No.8160596
File: 34 KB, 550x550, Wew_lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8161034


10/10 reply.

>> No.8161111

Charge of the Light Brigade.

>> No.8161135

What is ozymandias

>> No.8161162

what is... your point?

>> No.8161214


what is it about people that they can't let a tragedy be without flapping about it like vultures.
This piece of shit is using this tragedy to prove to everyone how smart and artsy he is (at which he failed utterly)

fucking ugly

>> No.8161238 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 500x333, gassy15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingly shitposter: end your life;
Is not this topic an unjust
Larceny of the mind? Facebook
Likes do not make a poem's worth.
Ugly alliterates cannot
Reveal the sublime; he is no
Shakespeare, no Gass, nor Pound nor
Ever should he try creating.
Long shotgun deep within your mouth,
Forego this world and kill urself.

>> No.8161245

>Kingly shitposter: end your life;
>Is not this topic an unjust
>Larceny of the mind? Facebook
>Likes do not make a poem's worth.
>Ugly alliterates cannot
>Reveal the sublime; he is no
>Shakespeare, no Gass, nor Pound nor
>Ever should he try creating.
>Long shotgun deep within your mouth,
>Forego this world and kill urself.

>> No.8161251
File: 177 KB, 237x317, 1457785739631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8161253


>> No.8161290

This is dogshit

>> No.8161308

Dear god OP please tell me you made a fake account and wrote that for the purpose of bait.

>> No.8161313

>Love One Another

>> No.8161336

Nigga, there's been another shooting in Orlando. Where have you been?

>> No.8161345

Perhaps he is implying that the only victim was the holy warrior, the Jihadist shot dead by Imperialist infidels before completing his tidying up of that den of perverts. It's a sort of joke, you see.

>> No.8161349

Utter shit. Is he some limp wrist'd numale?

That prose, Jesus.

>> No.8161350

this isn't good it looks like someone picked up a thesaurus and tried to write a poem using a list of word they think sound intelligent. nothing wrong with overdoing with large vocabulary but only when its done properly.

>> No.8161361

Assless chaps on hearty chaps
Our night was to end quite horrid
Our haven in Pulse now surrounded by paps
And the bullets were hard and torrid

A gay night in Orlando, by Carl Cuckenheimer

>> No.8161367
File: 10 KB, 220x393, 220px-Friedrich_Carl_Andreas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8161382
File: 57 KB, 512x288, 1465839442060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what I was going to say.

Op you should've shared it on >>>/lgbt/

>> No.8161383

In a panopticon of post-modern perversion
Fifty fags failed at bullet aversion

>> No.8161469

>like a hot summer sidewalk

>> No.8161553

I won't lie, this was actually pretty good

>> No.8161559


>> No.8161565

This is the worst poem I've read all week. Congratulations and fuck you.

>> No.8161948
