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/lit/ - Literature

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8145152 No.8145152 [Reply] [Original]

Are you currently writing anything, /lit/?

>> No.8145178

Yes. A memebook inspired by Finnegans Wake. I'm about 65% through the first draft.

>> No.8145188

Just daily journal entries. I'd like to write short stories but I never have any ideas

>> No.8145198


a world where male children start to be taught from a young age to be flexible so they can suck their own Dicks. eventually an entire self dicksucking generation is born and they realize they no longer need women to be happy. so slowly women start going extinct and the men start creating more men with test tube babies. the book would follow 2 characters. both male. one character would be a normal guy living everyday life in a womanless world. the other male would be with the last vestige of women. the women have created there own hidden village deep inside the woods where they breed more women. male babies are only kept strictly to be used as studs. meanwhile the women live in fear of the killing squads sent out to eradicate them. eventually the death squad raids the village. killing all the women and freeing our one protagonist. he is then forced to live among men in a city he knows nothing about. the only thing he ever knew was fucking women and he can't even suck his own dick. tragic really.

>> No.8145199


>> No.8145207

Writing an essay on "decline of man"-style myths and progressivism.

>> No.8145221

Interesting. What are some of the points you cover?

>> No.8145235

Are you possessed by the ghost of Elliot "Supreme Gentleman" Rodger?

>> No.8145243

I randomly started writing a short story the other day and I've finished about a third of it.

I ship sinks in the ocean and two surviving shipmates row to a small island a couple miles away, one injured with a large gash. There's no food beyond the emergency supplies and they quickly starve and the injured one becomes badly infected.

The healthly one uses a hatchet to kill his feverish shipmate, half with the intention of a mercy-kill and half with the intention of killing him before the infection ruins his flesh beyond possible sustenance, but after killing his only companion he can no longer bring himself to eat him, so he buries him on the island.

The following day he grabs two stones with the intention of walking into the sea and drowning himself, but in doing so sees a rescue ship coming for him. He is rescued and tells the sailors he was alone on the island.

>> No.8145270


Elliot Rodger fucking shot at me.

>> No.8145287

yes. a module about behaviour driven development for a university course.

>> No.8145641

Some terribly written shallow fetishy crap.

>> No.8145652

cool. did you yell and call him a faggot after he missed you

>> No.8145657

a dissertation for my PhD in philosophy

kill me

>> No.8145768

Working on a couple of short stories. One is about two cousins chatting at a party, sexual tension is high. The other is about a guy moving into a new house and his next door neighbour has OCD. Another is about a guy who is camping in Hall's Gap, he sees the ex-girlfriend of one of his high school mates. When they were like 17 she had an abortion. She's with a new BF now and pregnant again. She and the protagonist chat a bit

Basically all my short stories are about lower class 'bogan' Australians

>> No.8145799

When I was a child I wanted to be an academic. It's sad when you come to realise that you never had the necessary qualities.

>> No.8145804

the necessary absence of qualities

modern academics are bitter losers who do nothing of value

>> No.8145820

Finally started rewriting the first chapter of my novel. For a fist draft, it came out rather well. The first sentences goes, in Spanish (quotations marks included):

"De nuevo me ven a los ojos los ojos de la noche, y no me devuelven la mirada".

I ain't translating that shit.

>> No.8145865

Josh cohen writing witz 2.0?

>> No.8145928

Just random bits of writing that don't really pertain to anything at all. Unfortunately I haven't felt inspired to write a real "story" (with beginning, middle, end) for a while.

>> No.8145960

I'm attempting to write a book of poetry but really, I haven't lived or read enough to make anything worthwhile.

>> No.8146016

Nah. I'm not him and this is written more like a normal book.

It's inspired by the information overload and muddled mythology in the wake, but still written in plain English.

>> No.8146021


No, I threw myself to the sidewalk and sprained my wrist. I went to therapy for PTSD for months afterwards though.

>> No.8146039

I'm writing about a woman by the sea with an elegant step who drags a fucked up dreambending reality with her.

Also a few essays, one about HB2 theorizing on the trope of the Man in the Woman's Bathroom and one about a 1970s experiment to detect a neutral pion.

>> No.8146080

Writing scifi tryhard bullshit where there's a bunch of people orbiting a planet in relatively advanced space stations (think the Enterprise but stationary) when the planet undergoes mass extinction and is uninhabitable. Turns out 99% of space program people were men. Oops. An allegedly mad biologist decides that they need more women, and since the only resource they have in abundance is men... you see where this is going. Then interpersonal drama, dead wives, genetic engineering debates, gender identity, murder mystery shit starts happening.

It tries to be funny but it's just a first draft so meh

>> No.8146196

So do you have a panic attack or some shit every time he's mentioned here?

>> No.8146206


>> No.8146210


I usually just eat some Xanax when I see his name pop up.

>> No.8146224

i've written about half a million words on a website that's buried somewhere in the wayback machine.. been published a few times.. but i don't write any more. i don't see any point.

>> No.8146225

So you basically said the abyss line.
Muy original

>> No.8146325

My diary tßh

>> No.8146338

NO, just shitposting on /litl and /pol/ and casually day dreaming about being an artist. It's too late now i think. I am 32 now. Fuck everything.

>> No.8146339

kys, grampa

>> No.8146341


>> No.8146345


>> No.8146350


>> No.8146363

i don't believe you

>> No.8146386

Yeah. It's a crudely drawn picture book about draculas but I can't draw so I have burned enough paper to open a hole in the ozone layer.

>> No.8146395

Yes. It's a short story about two isolated Nazi soldiers in a bunker in the weeks following Hitler's death. One of them is gay for the other one.

>> No.8146481

Outlining stuff for a fantasy adventure novel I want to write.

Mostly normal guy gets wrapped up in a build-the-best-champion contest being held by a group of minor gods. I want to shoot for a really whimsical kind of setting but I'm having trouble coming up with a proper map and cultures. Also want to try and avoid the standard fantasy races of elves, dwarfs, and orcs (although I plan for them to show up in one particular circumstance) so coming up with proper races has been difficult too. Have a set of mostly fleshed-out fae and the beginnings of different cultures elsewhere, but not enough for me to be confident yet.

Been on writing hiatus for a while since I went off to college and I've gotten rusty. Need to get back on the wagon. Cutting my teeth again by writing shitty fanfiction because I find 'what-if' situations interesting. Mostly I'm dropping champion concepts from my novel-in-planning into established IPs and seeing how horribly they fuck up the balance of power. Also one story where a hyperviolent, traumatized hobo from a post-apoc setting gets dropped into the current MLP show because the thought amused me.

>> No.8147083

I'm writing a screenplay about the Modernists in Paris.

I'm hoping it can tread the line between accessible and literary, it's pretty knockabout but informed as well

>> No.8147093

I am currently writing a draft about a lab cockroach who turn into a human.

>> No.8147109

Yes. It's a story that is loosely based on my life experiences, just not as loosely as I am comfortable admitting.

In my twenties I was slim and androgynous. I made for a good-looking twink, but I have the worst social anxiety. I would chat with guys on dating websites, arrange to meet with them, and then not turn up and block them because anxiety. I remained a kissless virgin.
One night I was dressed as Tifa with huge balloon tits under a tight shirt for a costume party (yes, I am that sad). I looked flawless, but typical me backs away into a dark corner and just lets the party rage on without me.
Suddenly, two neckbeards dressed (poorly) as Sonic and Pikachu approach me and start talking to me about videogames. They pitched tents when they realised I understood what they were talking about.

Anyway, long story short, I used to only be able to fuck kissless virgin neckbeards and would seduce them as a waifu trap. The bulk of the story is in that they knew I was a guy and fucked me anyway, and that I never used protection because they were virgins.

>> No.8147127

Outlining stuff for a science fiction/ fantasy novel I want to write

Mostly on how a East European adolescent gets wrapped up in grand conspiracies by different countries while trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. I want to shoot for a Alternate Universe from ours as a way to explain the setting and for later but I'm having trouble on how far I should go for the backstory. Also want to try and avoid the standard urban fantasy cliches and avoid supernatural races of vampires, werewolf, and etc (although I plan for them to show later in my series) so for the first novel and possible second novel is just the guy trying to survive while being manipulated. Not sure if any publisher want my series,

>> No.8147138

Yeah. I am.

>> No.8147617

Is it kafkaesque?

>> No.8147654

[Spoiler]this post :^)

>> No.8147671

That sounds like a miserable existence.

>> No.8147679

an essay about Schindler's List
the critical discourse around the film is so disgusting, literally just jews arguing over how much the film does to advance their cause

>> No.8147684

Surely that will be an enlightening essay skirting all the pitfalls of tired internet bro cliches, I am looking forward to reading it
this is the kind of essay I've been waiting for for years!

>> No.8147687

it's for class my man I'm just answering the question

>> No.8147719

my philosophical Leitfaden,
including goals and reminders of how to act socially

>> No.8147923

I'm writing my MA thesis on some kind of weird fucking hermeneutics of historical/sociological explication and I can't even figure out if it's a real thing anymore

At this point I am genuinely worried I'm going to spend 37 straight hours writing it on some cocktail of entheogens, pick it up and go THIS IS IT.. THIS IS MY MAGNUM OPUS!! and then when actually I turn it in to my advisers it will just be 250 straight pages of unhinged burnout rambling

>> No.8148451

Book about a guy who isn't asleep anymore and how he feels about it.

Fimnegan's Awake.

>> No.8148471

Yes, and at this moment I am hating it. I am revising it for (draft #1) of the final draft. I'm at chapter 3/15, but it's so hard right now. Sometimes I just hate it. I absolutely loathe it.

>> No.8148477

Just got done with a long-ass short story and am starting to send it out to places

>> No.8148732

Urban fantasy.

I have written a back blurb summary I think I can use, even though my book involves my heroine more as a protagonist.

I had a nice chat about submitting manuscripts for a novel. The guy was a book printer worker and he tried to e encouraging about my urban fantasy novel.

>> No.8148762

Obsoleetlee Haarmam

>> No.8149050

Just hit 70,000 words on my the first draft of my novel. There's plot issues everywhere, including a massive one in the first act, but I'm just going to power through to the end and then fix it with a second draft/rewrite.

>> No.8149084

What happens in it though?

>> No.8149095

I'm writing a list of names while thinking of their faces. It's a nice exercise.

>> No.8149104

another writing/editing tactic you could employ is to read it before you add to it, making changes where needed and leaving notes for yourself for future reference when editing. Reading your work before adding to it helps immerse yourself into that headspace and keep a clear picture of your story

>> No.8149107

Story about group of "artists" who gain notoriety by publicly performing acts of grotesque danger often coming close to death. Delillo is my north star for reference of how it might be.

>> No.8149140

Yes, life in a sex cult. Some of it involves reading material published by them. 30 pages down so far.

>> No.8149217

in process of editing a novel about a highschooler who's into that whole fauxcynicism thing. How other people suck so much. Throughout the story she learns to improve and becomes more selfaware

I don't expect it to ever get published because the protagonist is YA and my novel doesn't pat teenagers on the head and treat them like special snowflakes.

>> No.8149238

You again. If you ever get it published I'll pirate it.

>> No.8149270

i wrote a poem about a girl

>> No.8149355


Yeah, that's basically what I'm doing. My draft is peppered with little comments in parentheses.

It's one reason I'm not too worried about the plot issues, as the characters still seem to be emerging pretty well in the writing. I think I need to hit the ending in order to figure out exactly what the beginning needs to be.

>> No.8149439

Something trying to be Joyce and another something trying to be Pynchon

Earlier this year I wrote a couple TV pilots and a feature screenplay which I'm still touching up, and I'm working on the first act of another screenplay.

>> No.8149449

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.8149506

Pls post one day

>> No.8149562

get out

>> No.8149575

I've been really into flash fiction recently. I try to write pieces in 420 characters or less. Had some interesting results I think

>> No.8149576

Races are bad for characters. It create stereotypes you're bound to either go along with or subvert.

>> No.8149590

No. I've got plenty of ideas but lack the patience to sit and write them down.

I have written in the past, and plenty, but my concentration's all over the place at the moment. I need to reexamine my medication.

>> No.8149596

If you're just doing the bog standard elves and dwarves yea

>> No.8150470


>> No.8150474

I'm writing a really shitty sci-fi novel right now

>> No.8150475

Rick and Morty?

>> No.8150477


>> No.8150479

gay desu

>> No.8150485

post excerpt

>> No.8150494

I write a lot in my journal, mostly about things pertaining to my poor mental health.

>> No.8150499

Sent a short story off to a lit mag the other day. About a boy obsessed with maps who tries to chart a creek running through a reserve behind his house. His most prized possession is his atlas. But he has a breakdown when he discovers the atlas is old and outdated and Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.8150511

it's enough to say "cynical", it is accepted by the people that care that it is enough to still differentiate between that and actual cynics and their values

t. diogenes dicksucker

>> No.8150514


>> No.8150576

You think you'll get away with this because there are few crossposters from /a/ don't you?

>> No.8150583

I didn't think there would be a single crossposter from /a/ on /lit/

>> No.8151351

Now I'm curious as to what anime this is. The concept seems interesting.

>> No.8151425

A young adult book, im having fun writing it

>> No.8151439

I usually start writing when I've accumulated enough experiences to write, experiences that could add to the work, or couldn't I'll later excise. I'm not in a position right now where I think it'd be appropriate to jump into things, though, I do have a solid novel that I plan on writing eventually. I'm working on adding to the outline, but I don't consider it writing. This will probably take years to eventually structure into a cohesive thing, it's better to keep in mind a constant work in progress. At least for me.

>> No.8151441

post post post ironic masterpiece

>> No.8151447

an essay titled <a case for stereotypes>

original, i know

>> No.8152599
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>> No.8152705
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How do I learn to write? Is pic related any good?

>> No.8152726

I have a book of about 100 poems. It's slightly better than I thought it would be. But, needs to be edited and sorted.

>> No.8152749

It's been done. See: Hypersphere by Anonymous.

>> No.8152754

Wow you're a fucking pussy

>> No.8153088

would read, tell me of my people senpai

>> No.8153094
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a novel, some short stories. also prototyping out a few video games.

>> No.8153151

That was autistic garbage that no one liked though.

>inb4 precisely

>> No.8153163

Not really.

I wrote two books, been trying to sell the first one with no success at all. Second book is a sequel to the first, so if i can't sell the first then the second one obviously won't sell. I have enough ideas for a third book in the series, but no point even in writing it at this point.

I have enough ideas for another book, totally unrelated, but i'm not in love with the idea. I keep telling myself that maybe i shouldn't be in love with a book in order to write it, so maybe i'll be objective in writing it. Or, if nothing else, it would be good practice to write something I'm not totally stoked about. Still, I've only written a version of the first chapter that I'm not crazy about, and haven't done anything more than that for months.

>> No.8153164



>> No.8153210

Writing some scifi book which draws a lot on Nick Land for inspiration. If I ever hit a block I just read some Stanislaw Lem, he always seems to have an idea or two.

>> No.8153398

I've been writing an autobiography since I was 13, I am 18 now
I have to put it on hold for the next few years due to military service, but I will keep it updated when I can.

>> No.8153734

I've been there. I wrote this one book that I was crazy about but I knew no one would touch it because it wasn't mainstream at all and I have no reputation as a writer. I saw it coming so I wasn't that bummed out or anything, but the failure left me depleted to the point where it took a year of false starts before I was really able to get any serious amount of work done on my next one.

>> No.8154033

I got very bored and blah blah blah excuses. But I know it's not very good and I would just appreciate some pointers and where I went wrong and if I should keep writing or not.

>> No.8154115

I look forward to seeing this on literotica

>> No.8154148

So if someone typed Elliot rodger like twenty times in one post would you eat xanax twenty times?

>> No.8154162


Wew lad.

>> No.8154183

It's not brilliant. But then nobody's writing is at first. Writing is a skill that, like any other, requires practice. I'm not going to tell you to keep at it, but nor am I going to tell you to stop. If you enjoyed doing it then the answer is simple.

If you're serious about improving the best course of action you can take involves reading more. Read broadly and analytically. Read that which you wouldn't normally read. And study. Study what you're reading, but, also, study the language you're reading in. I'd highly recommend familiarising yourself with poetry if you haven't already.

>> No.8154233

believe in urself and u can achieve anything :-)

>> No.8154345

How do I get better at writing? I'm talking about essays specifically. I've downloaded a bunch of apps to improve my grammar and punctuation but the actual text still reads as if written by a teenager. Are there any books that could help or is it a case of improving through writing more and more?


>> No.8154362

Read lots of essays critically, figure out the difference between them and yours.

>> No.8154391

does the type of essay matter or could I just read any essay?

>> No.8154403

Working on a story set in a future Detroit. Old Detroit got nuked in a war and a new city was built on top of it to keep out the radiation. A bunch of people live illegally underneath the New Detroit in the ruins of the old city and commit crimes and shit. Don't know whether or not the idea is any good, seems a bit banal but I think I could make something cool out of it. The main character is a cop that's assigned to the under-city department which is an underfunded career dead-end and he tries everything to get out of his position.

>> No.8154408

I don't think you understand how radiation works.

>> No.8154428

lol yeah I know, just trying to find an excuse for why someone would just build a city on top another city for no reason.

>> No.8154589

An italoamerican teacher leads a nuclear bomb drill in a 50's school classroom. The drill seems useless and absurd to her since she knows it wouldn't really help in case of an actual nuclear attack (the drill only consists on telling the kids to duck and cover under their desks and providing them with some helmets). Also, she is uncapable to feel actual fear about communism or a nuclear attack. She proceeds to lead the drill as a routinary, bitter task that means nothing to her. After she gives the boys dem helmets, they all cover under their desks and the teacher does the same. The teacher starts feeling anxious cuz joke's on her, now she's alone with the drill which means nothing to her, cannot even entertain herself with the leading role. She starts sweating and shit and prays a catholic prayer, hoping the drill to end. Then she has allucinations of nuclear shit mixed with catholic stuff, has an epiphany and dies from a heart attack.

>> No.8156151

I have some good ideas and drafts going, but one thing I am stuck on is whether or not I should stick to factual places and history or go bold and try to recreate the world with different names and alternate history line. Shit is a rough decision, anyone have experience in this?

>> No.8156266

I have several ideas
problem is i can't focus enough to finish one idea before i start working on another one

I actually have improved, and decided to combine most ideas into one extensive fictional universe, but now it feels like i have to come up with so much before i can finish the novel

I've written the prologue, but it turned out so much shorter than it seemed in my head
I also know roughly what the story will be about, but, i dunno, i just feel weird about it

>> No.8156318

I'm writing several screenplays. None of them are good.

>> No.8156492

I'm currently in the mental process of writing about 7 video games, mostly in my head, but I've written down the outlines at least. I will never produce them because I'm technically incompetent and poor.

>> No.8156668

Si lo ven a los ojos, como es que no le devuelven la mirada? Es mierda desu senpai.

>> No.8156900
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>> No.8156909
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>Nice Dubs


Collective Consciousness and Thoughtwaves

The Thoughtwave is an ancient concept although it sounds ultra-modernist and perhaps a bit “New Age-y”. All the same, they are real and potent factors in the history of the human species. These are literally waves of conceptual energy arising from singular individuals or influential groups, responsible for inspiration, creation and motivation. They travel in waves and act as the waves of the ocean, whence the ancient masters derived the concept: Thoughtwaves roll in, break and recede. They also return.

It is possible for them to be generated in such a way and to gather energy by various means so that a “thought-tsunami” can be generated, sweeping all opposition aside and dominating for as long as an age. This is among the most basic and powerful of the arts of manipulation by mystical and unconscious mechanisms, and so it is a fitting place to start the education of the uninitiated and to enhance the knowledge of those who are initiates, seekers, walkers, adepts and even masters.

>> No.8156916

Not even samefagging im a different guy and that was the most autistic thing I've ever seen

>> No.8156918

Currently writing a short story
>First paragraph below

As grand pianos stand, and they often do, the one that stood in the center of my living room, adorned with pictures of me as a child, decorated with my many accolades, and decorative plates and chalices, was first-class. The room around it followed suit: elegant pictures of fruitful valleys trampled by thundering storms painted by long-dead men hung on the walls, which were covered end to end with small, winged men who stood on golden canoes and surfed rampant waters, their eyes mad with greed for a land that they would never reach. The furniture was equally fanciful, each piece coming from some billion-dollar foreign company that overpriced its products because it knew that we could, and would, pay the price. So each time I sat at that piano and opened my sheet music to begin my lessons, each time I lay on that sleek, leather couch to relax, each time I passed through the elegance on my way to the kitchen, I was forced to see that organized, meticulous beauty, so tediously put together it brought my stomach to its knees. The older I got, the less intricate and beautiful the room seemed to me, so I went elsewhere for excitement.

>> No.8156926
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It is possible in the Hermetic secrets to have great power


>> No.8156930
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Why do you care about thoughtwaves? Because these are the prime movers of your society – the prime movers of every society...

The people responsible for thoughtwave design, construction and implementation are...

The trend and the thoughtwave are related...

>> No.8156949
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Another commonality is the role of positive emotions, such as love and appreciation, in generating coherence both in the heart field and in social fields

As individuals within a group increase psychophysiological coherence, psychosocial attunement may be increased, thereby increasing the coherence of social relations

>> No.8156961
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...Heart coherence and social coherence may also act to mutually reinforce each other...

.. a heart-felt storytelling can create changes ...

... by sensemaking, intuitive apperception, and pure reason matter “becomes increasingly active, multi-faceted, and profound.” ...

... call this ‘Heart-of-Care’...

The innate intellectual quality, which perceives spiritual archetypal idea was called ‘pure reason’ by the Greeks, ‘heart-mind’ by the Hindus, and ‘intelligence of heart’ by the Egyptians

>> No.8156969
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citta-bhavana (the development or cultivation of the heart/mind)

In short, energetic communication via the heart field facilitates development of an expanded consciousness in relation to our social world

Furthermore, when an individual is generating a coherent heart rhythm, synchronization between that person’s brain waves and another person’s heartbeat is more likely to occur

Human beings have evolved to convey meaningful information through storytelling. It is this natural process of oration we harness to conduct deep exploratory insight

>> No.8156976
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It can be seen that the question of the existence of narrative in music is neither obvious nor straightforward


>> No.8156983
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...The student’s concentration on sacred geometry was a discipline to assist in seeing...

Couldn't believe my eyes ?


>> No.8156990

Just my suicide note to be honest famalam

>> No.8156994
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Yes. I'm writing an intrusion fantasy, but trying to put a unique twist on it. A few twists, actually.

Sal, a 20-odd college student, is a bit concerned when a giant hellish portal appears in his room. He's absolutely certain that he's going to die when this portal drops a 7-foot-long dragon right in front of him.

Weirdly enough, however, the dragon doesn't try to kill Sal. In fact, the dragon is fucking terrified of him, and immediately begins begging that he just "get it over with." After they both calm down, the dragon, Syralth, explains why he initially had that reaction. Long ago, humans used dark magic to control the minds of all dragons, using their slave army to control his homeland with an iron fist. For fifty generations dragons were held in this horrible bondage, until the noble elves saved all of them by banishing the humans to Earth, the frozen hell.

Unfortunately, the friendship between Elves and dragons has recently deteriorated. This is mostly because the dragons stopped paying the Elves the tribute they demanded for their service, which sort of started a war. Even worse, the dragons tried to end the war by using the mind control spell on the Elven high council, a bit of trickery that failed immediately when the spell turned out to only work on dragons. As a result of this crime, the elves have decided to banish the dragons to Earth as well. Syralth was the test case. Two weeks after banishing him, they're going to banish his entire race, flooding the Earth with ten million terrified dragons who are likely to attack humans on sight.

Sal and Syralth have to scramble to come up with some way to avert disaster.

Does it sound terrible?

Writing this has made me realize how bad I am at summaries, Jesus Christ.

>> No.8157012


>portals to other worlds where dragons are


>> No.8157044

Cool, thanks. 10/10 critique

>> No.8157055
File: 7 KB, 300x159, Connected With Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Emotion schemas develop through social interactions throughout a person’s life. This schema is relatively new

Researchers believed it was an important additive because emotions play important roles in human social interactions

Experiments conducted have found remarkable evidence that the heart’s electromagnetic field can transmit information between people. We have been able to measure an exchange of heart energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart

In short, energetic communication via the heart field facilitates development of an expanded consciousness in relation to our social world

..."postmodern culture of relativism, irony, and pastiche" is over...

...replaced by a post-ideological condition that stresses engagement, affect, and storytelling...

...metamodernism as a "structure of feeling"...

...Plato's metaxy, which denotes a movement between opposite poles as well as beyond them...

>> No.8157062
File: 21 KB, 1000x261, Write on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are the main ingredients of a narrative?

>The secret ingredient is love

In states of psychophysiological coherence, there is increased synchronization

When you activate archetypes of the collective unconsciousness,
You often produce synchronicities

Symbolic interactionism is a sociological perspective

"Humans act toward things on the basis of the meanings they ascribe to those things."

A story field is:
a particularly powerful field of influence
generated by a story or,
more often, by a coherent battery
of mutually-reinforcing stories

"creative cognition,” is an intra-psychic approach to studying how individuals retrieve and recombine knowledge in new ways

>> No.8157070

A series of essays about a guy whose job it is to travel to exotic alien worlds and chart them out to determine where to put advertisements and shitty tourist attractions, like if lewis and clark were sleazy marketing directors

A short story where a guy stows away on a train that is traveling through what is basically the Twilight Zone

A young adult novel (ha) about a half-alien girl going to a mostly human high school and being alternately outcast and fetishized by awful classmates

And a video game script about an air-headed harpy and an archaeologist lady that carries an oar exploring weird ruins that sometimes make you hallucinate.

Any of these not-terrible enough to finish?

>> No.8157072

The half alien one seems funny and neat. Neva been dun befo

>> No.8157073
File: 149 KB, 1280x1024, Discourse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...discourse narratology analyzes the stylistic choices that determine the form or realization of a narrative text (or performance, in the case of films and plays)

Also of interest are the pragmatic features that contextualize text or performance within the social and cultural framework of a narrative act...

Words occupy a semiotic space. Words are symbols that refer not to things, but to our ideas about things

>> No.8157074

I'd probably buy the first one if it was decently written.

>> No.8157076

Did Deepak Chopra have a fucking stroke?

>> No.8157079

oh my god stop stop stop pleeeeease stop

>> No.8157090
File: 61 KB, 353x592, Make Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



...The mystical concept...

...according to Joseph Campbell, new myths must be created...

...Frank McConnell, author of Storytelling and Mythmaking ...

...film is another "mythmaking" art...

... "Film and literature matter as much as they do because they are versions of mythmaking."...

Human creativity plays an important role in activity theory, that "human beings... are essentially creative beings

The nature of new generation is also influenced by the nature of the new media

>> No.8157092
File: 9 KB, 200x147, avant garde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't you enjoy the avant garde and new media ?

>> No.8157095 [DELETED] 


.. mattering and storytelling are in an intra-active relationship...

...Storytelling is not just a sensemaking or linguistic account, it is also about mattering...

... Storytelling is the teleological movement that arises from timespacemattering that is not strictly reducible to sensemaking consciousness...
...“Matrix Energetics… a huge morphic field that allows you, with minimal effort, to step into a unified field of consciousness….and amplify each other’s desirable momentum and abilities, in service of the collective good” ...

>> No.8157101
File: 49 KB, 476x596, Enlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.. mattering and storytelling are in an intra-active relationship...

...Storytelling is not just a sensemaking or linguistic account, it is also about mattering...

... Storytelling is the teleological movement that arises from timespacemattering that is not strictly reducible to sensemaking consciousness...

...“Matrix Energetics… a huge morphic field that allows you, with minimal effort, to step into a unified field of consciousness….and amplify each other’s desirable momentum and abilities, in service of the collective good” ...

>> No.8157110

Look, avant garde is fine, but the thread is "are you currently writing anything?" not "shit up the thread with your entire writing project." I dunno if you're the same dude posting all this, but did you ever hear of pastebin?

>> No.8157115
File: 40 KB, 372x588, Chloë Grace Moretz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coherence in linguistics is what makes a text semantically meaningful

The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field...

DNA and the genome have now been identified as active "laser-like" environments. DNA can be considered as a liquid crystal gel-like state that acts on the incoming light in the manner of a solitonic lattice

>> No.8157118

Find some scholarly databases such as JSTOR. Go ahead and read some classic short stories, then read essays on them by actual scholars with clout. You'll start to see what they do and how they do it. Also, hit up a writing center at a local university with some of your essays and ask them to tutor you.

I tutor at my University Writing Center and believe that's the best route for someone not pursuing education in writing or someone who is plain awful at it all.

>> No.8157122
File: 737 KB, 1920x1200, akousmatikoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't these things 'currently' written ?

Making waves ?

>> No.8157129

Yeah, it's a silly premise on the surface, but I'm trying my best to take it in an interesting direction.

It's genre fiction, but it's at least trying to be good genre fiction. That has to count for something, right?

>> No.8157132
File: 23 KB, 270x302, Can you see the love go far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


linguistic expression can be seen as a form of geometric projection

Intersubjectivity is considered crucial...
...even metaphysical levels

One principle of activity theory is that many activities have multiple motivation (‘polymotivation’)

These moments are not flukes, or momentary delusion, or insanity. These moments of opening or awakening to a higher awareness, are in fact normal, healthy and profoundly desirable experiences and are in many ways the most important events of a conscious life

I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering, encompassing love - Emma Watson

>> No.8157138
File: 74 KB, 441x439, Chloë&#039;s Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...begin a new stage of growth, splendor and fulfillment of our awesome untapped and perhaps even undreamed of potential

The name Chloe is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Chloe is: Green shoot. Fresh blooming. Famous bearers: The title Chloe was borne by Demeter, Greek goddess of agriculture

>> No.8157139

>what is the meaning of 'current'? i'm so smart, see how i turned your words around, i'm so fucking clever

Alright, Shyamalan, being intelligent and being esoteric are not the same thing. If you're gonna post a wall of text, put it somewhere else and link it, dipshit. It's not a matter of how good your made-up words are, it's just thread etiquette at this point.

>> No.8157141
File: 21 KB, 331x225, Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental

>> No.8157144

>interesting direction
>counts for something

JK man. Follow your dreams. Study two-character interactions, figure out how different the dragons and humans are. You're gonna have to sell this to people on character chemistry so make that your focus. You can world-build till the cows come home but if your protagonists are stupid no one's gonna care

>> No.8157145
File: 207 KB, 1200x1553, eloquently downplayed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made-up words

Which words are made-up ?

Or do you lack the etiquette ?

>being intelligent and being esoteric

You CAN be both

>> No.8157150
File: 34 KB, 256x528, Illumination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Language is an esoteric science first and foremost

>> No.8157161

jesus fucking christ dude. It's like the Poe's Law of hipster bullshit. I'm giving up trying to contain you. I leave you with one piece of advice. For the third and final time:


>> No.8157165
File: 63 KB, 640x964, Deeply Beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Try to look deeper into something...

..There are some recent researches which put the emphasis on the youth, the future of the society who is at the forefront of new media environment...

...According to the media ecology theory, analyzing today's generational identity through the lens of media technologies themselves can be more productive than focusing on media content....

>> No.8157174
File: 29 KB, 290x595, vision of love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I leave your thread...

Look at the beauty of what was posted, in the order it was, and the pictures it related too...

>> No.8157200

a play without characters
anybody can do anything

>> No.8157201

Most of the stereotypes that I've even come up with are bound to their respective cultures, but that problem would remain even if I made them all human so I'm not terribly worried about it. I share a lot of values with my dad, but that doesn't mean I'm a carbon copy of him. The same goes for any fictional character.

There's some stuff that has to do with physiology, of course, but even that is only going to color a person's attitude so much. It's not like every 5'0" dude has a Napoleon complex, not every short fantasy race is a bunch of vaguely upset manlets that live in a mountain.

>> No.8157203

shut the fuck up HELL

>> No.8157206

Sorry to be abrasive, man. It's just that you've taken up a full 15% of the thread at this point. Go ahead and write your thing, just don't post it in that way. There are better ways. Easier ways.

>> No.8157216

I ain't even posted in the thread for like three days. What are you yelling at me for?

>> No.8157235

Pretty much all I've focused on so far is the characters. The worldbuilding stuff hasn't really taken up a lot of my time after I came up with the initial idea. I've always liked writing characters more than anything.

The material I have thus far is, in my opinion, at its strongest when it's Sal and Syralth talking. So hopefully I can carry the story on the backs of their personalities.

>> No.8157237

i think he tried to link to either the dude pasting all the new age shit and chloe grace moretz pictures, or me, the guy arguing with that guy.

In order to keep from derailing further, yes, I'm writing something, it's a high fantasy novel where a ruling class of wizards suppress technology to keep themselves in power. It sucks dick.

>> No.8157241

Writing notes to my Dickens.

>> No.8157404

thank you. Which scholars do you recommend?

>> No.8157408

Just started something today.
The live of a boy who was sold as a slave by his family and all the problems he faces trying to survive in the harsh world of the upper born as he does whatever is necessary to entertain them

>> No.8157411

nothing but I had a I had a concept idea about immortals that can only be killed by what killed them the first time.is it a shit idea or have you seen it anywhere else?

>> No.8157417


>> No.8157436

the recognitions 2

>> No.8157952

A deep story about a meme lover and how his friends leave one by one, alone he decides to go into the meme world he always wanted and starts making videos and comics full of dank memes until he kills himself.

>> No.8158001
File: 11 KB, 252x221, 1376397229239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see all the gaysex Drawings your Furry fanbase will put on deviantart before my eyes. God, the Horror

>> No.8158037

tbqh senpai, the time of dragons has come and gone. I like that you did put a twist on it, with the dragon being scurred and all, but for the love of god get creative and make up a new creature. Or use any other creature but a dragon. Unless you plan to make this a tee hee light comedy.

>> No.8158046

tbqh senpai, the time of dragons has come and gone. I like that you did put a twist on it, with the dragon being scurred and all, but for the love of god get creative and make up a new creature. Or use any other creature but a dragon. Unless you plan to make this a tee hee light comedy.

>> No.8158069

Trying my hand at Poetry, who the fuck thought poetry was a good idea?

>> No.8158392


You apparently

>> No.8158401

Its a comedy. I'm using dragons specifically to create more conflict in the story—most humans are familiar with the creatures from stories, and would naturally be wary of them.

I try not to think about it.

>> No.8158621

and cowmuu thought he knew anything about absurdity

>> No.8158623

top kek

>> No.8158675

sounds like a caricature of litfic

>> No.8158714
File: 1017 KB, 665x663, 1463998384362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write something
>never actually edit or rewrite it

>> No.8158992

I'm writing a story in first person for the first time in a while, inspired by Kafka's Country Doctor short story. It's effectively me reading an extract of Camus's life with a series of ghastly British strangers watching my every moment, demanding I keep reading and a senile American lady claiming a gang of Armenians in expensive Italian suits raped her. I don't want it to just be some meaningless drivel, and I think I'll put some famous figure into the dream by the end, in a kind of surreal but still lucid dialogue and debate that Hesse had in Steppenwolf with Mozart and Goethe the end. Although I need to thresh out what the debate should revolved over other than basic philosophical and moral confusion. I think at the end Sartre and Kierkegaard might fight, and Sartre should win with some kind of dirty trick that fools the poor dutchman.

I'm still working on it. My commute helps.

>> No.8159024

It had a proper climax though, which is more than most autists manage.

>> No.8159053

I genuinely can't tell if you're purposefully being an asshole or not.

>> No.8159098


>> No.8160594
File: 1.04 MB, 380x220, win.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This actually has potential as this guy said

>> No.8160602

>funniest post, the post

>> No.8160736

flooding or other natural disaster would probably be better that makes the land totally inhabitable