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8151249 No.8151249 [Reply] [Original]

>he says 'scientism' unironically

>> No.8151333
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>he doesn't realize that we live in an age of autism

>> No.8151336

I've literally never seen or heard anyone use the word scientism, here or otherwise.

>> No.8151343
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The mentality is definitely strong here though. Lots of people on /lit buy the STEM/Humanities dichotomy.

>> No.8151361

It should not be a dichotomy but pop science is on the offensive, constantly picking battles that require the humanities to be a part of the conversation, neglecting to admit at all that their field is stepping into territories where the two fields should meet, and pretending they've won when they inevitably get their shit slapped because they are playing academic games while down a player.

The humanities as we know them don't have those pretensions.

>> No.8151363


Positively scientismic TCdrone

>> No.8151373
File: 2.93 MB, 1716x1710, Muh science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do use 'scientism' unironically, because STEM enthusiasts always shit on the Humanities; or make stupid claims to the effect of philosophy/etc being no longer relevant. I rarely see the opposite, outside of /lit/ anyway.

Make no mistake, there are PARTS of the 'Humanities' I'd love to do away with; 'Gender Studies' and all that shit.

In my world, Science involves the pursuit of knowledge, whilst the Humanities entail the pursuit of wisdom. Both compliment one another, and arguably cannot live without one another.

'Scientism', on the other hand, is the millennial approach you see on "I Fucking Love Science"-esque Facebook pages, and 'Pop Scientists'. Disgusting.

I had a mocking spurdo reaction pic, but I opted to extend the olive branch with this instead.

>> No.8151379


Nietzsche/Wittgenstein also lead the charge when it came to fighting back against 'Scientism', for anybody wondering.

>> No.8151468

isn't "scientism" a different word for positivism

>> No.8151483
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By the way, what would be the complementary group of the "I Fucking Love Science/Science explains fucking errything" crowd be on the Humanities side ? People buying into Occultism, or would it extend to Religious people ?

>> No.8151488

"spiritual" people. buying into the prestige and glamorous image of it all

>> No.8151496

I don't think they exist in immediately tangible groups, but I'd think anybody in the humanities who becomes a little too absorbed in their field qualifies.

Maybe MFA students.

>> No.8151498


dude like i have much respect for heisenberg (how could i not, he's done serious academic work for physics), but plato's forms have exactly nothing to do with quantum physics

>> No.8151507
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Spiritual people just haven't thought about it, they are in that group by default. What I mean is people subscribing to the idea that a specific faith is more likely than another faith. Usually called the "leap of faith".

>> No.8151511

you'll see what I mean when you run into the billionth rank smelling bimbo with a henna who insists on telling you about her "journey"

>> No.8151534

I think you have an extraordinary misreading of this. There is no dichotomy, but that's not the point. The resistance is against a single thought process.

>> No.8151538

>implying it's not a leap of faith with believing in only reason/logic/science
>implying we don't all make the wager and the coin falls on God or vanity
>inb4 agnostic or indifferent people don't make the wager. death turns maybe into no

>> No.8151539


>plato's forms have exactly nothing to do with quantum physics

Gonna have some hearty keks in years to come, when you guys are proven wrong.

>> No.8151547

the real problem is normies who think anything thats in a "study" is proven fact

>> No.8151549

Read your Cassirer.

>> No.8151551
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By saying "buying the dichotomy" I implied there is no dichotomy.

>> No.8151556

what exactly happened between then and now

>> No.8151557
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I did not imply anything of that.

>> No.8151562

Scientism is one of the root causes of the absurd sense of undeserved arrogance that has permeated through modern society.

>> No.8151564
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1) More people were becoming aware of scientific world-views
2) Saw science as competition, caused a traditionalist reaction
3) Science people didn't like the reaction, which caused Dawkins

>> No.8151566

Religion was the root cause for Scientism to come into existence

>> No.8151569
File: 38 KB, 853x600, Science ain't free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8151572

i misread you please forgive me

I also just finished reading Pascal's Pensees and he has infected me with reducing everything to dualities

>> No.8151574

It's also the cause of science itself.

>> No.8151575
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There are reasons other than science to burn churches.

>> No.8151585
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Sounds like Pascal. The wager was also typical, it HAD to be either Atheism or Christianity. Not maybe atheism and 5million other faiths, like any other philosopher would have seen.

>> No.8151602
File: 264 KB, 940x658, arthur_and_friedrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy is the cause of both Science and Religion.

>> No.8151605

read within the context of the Pensees it makes much more sense and pretty much any objection I had for it slithered away

>> No.8151612

dude munchausen trilemma lmao

>> No.8151617
File: 8 KB, 300x244, zapffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A specific brand of Christianity is the only option to Atheism ? Is there proof or did you just like the book ?

>> No.8151662

read the book nigga I ain't your encyclopedia

>> No.8151668
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Nice triples.

>> No.8151682
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But I don't wanna. Anyway, which reference system should I use to determine whether he is right ? And what reference system should I use to determine truth at all ?

>> No.8151751

the one found within the book and not on wikipedia. Jesus, if you want to determine whether or not the author is right the least you could do is read what he fucking wrote.