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8148719 No.8148719 [Reply] [Original]

>Nihilism: nothing has a purpose, so why bother working hard
>Absurdism: even if nothing has a purpose, we must work hard
>Existentialism: we create our own purpose even if it doesn't exist intrinsically
Which one do you agree with and why?

>> No.8148742

Is that the pic of someones throat? Or....

>> No.8148754

your mums clit

>> No.8148760

>OP: I am a faggot, so I am a faggot

>> No.8148767


What the fuck is that?

>> No.8148771

what are some good nihilistic authors lit?

>> No.8148773

I was hoping you'd say hymen. Virgin fag.

>> No.8148775


>> No.8148777


>> No.8148813

Very wrong. Being antinatalist and misotheist does not specifically imply nihilism. There's nothing about his works that I've read that implies any aspect of nihilism. I don't think he would've been so devoted to writing his ideas nor would he pursue a romantic relationship in the way he did if he was a "true" nihilist.

>> No.8148833

You are a machine created to pass on genes. That is your purpose.

>> No.8148834

Ideally I believe in existentialism, but the reality of how I live my life is much closer to nihilism.

>> No.8148853
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>we create our own purpose even if we don't exist intrinsically
How do you call that?

>> No.8148870

STEMfags not recognising the harm biology (epistemes in general) has did to critical thinking is laughable.

>> No.8148871


>> No.8148887

But surely there's no tenet of nihilism that tells you to be lazy? I consider myself a nihilist, and while the most grand, overarching way to express this might be 'nothing has a purpose,' a better way to express how it comes into my daily life has more to do with perspectival moralism being an accepted part of the world. And, even if nothing matters, I want to make memories for myself, because they matter while I'm alive.

>> No.8149327

>STEMfags not recognising the harm biology (epistemes in general) has did to critical thinking is laughable.
Mind further explaining that idea?

>> No.8149408

Not him but the conclusion is retarded for various reasons.

>reproduction is just one aspect of the simplified definition of life
>it's literally reductionism
>Humes Law
>even within materialism, there are myriad theories that go beyond biodeterminism

Too lazy to write more down.
Point being that simply because previously strong concepts within philosophy have become questionable, this does not imply that nothing else is possible.
And just because some things might be true (that reproduction is fundamentally linked to life as we know it), this does not reduce "meaning" to these things. Or rather you disregard its meaning based on the same antiquated concepts which nihilism challenged. i.e.: There is a reason sex found its way in a shit ton of religions around the world and it would be stupid to discard that outright because "muh atheism".

>> No.8149423

Where's the option for 'OP doesn't understand what he's talking about'

>> No.8149442
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Chordae tendineae (heart strings).

>> No.8149456

haha gross

>> No.8149461

Nihilism destroys progress
Absurdism creates lucid progress
Existentialism creates egotistical progress

>> No.8149532
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we must work hard to create what must be in the absence of what was never present; Ourselves.

Not one idealism is true or false. For the sake of wisdom, all that is must be and is indeed.

>> No.8149540


It's actually beautiful you ninny

>> No.8149592

That's not what any of those mean. Nihilism (at least moral nihilism) would only claim that morality isn't real. That's not the same claim as have no purpose (since you can conceive of certain sorts of virtue ethics that can work within a nihilistic framework). Also nihilism wouldn't make any claims to whether or not to work hard. Neither is a necessary component of nihilism so which one is compelled to do would come from conclusions drawn after/outside of nihilism.

Absurdism is not that we must work hard but we must live in awareness of the Absurd, we must not deny it and we cannot negate it. Again working hard is not connected and either could be fashioned into it.

Your definition of existentialism is incompatible with Kierkegaard, Shestov, Marcel or any of the other religious existentialists I can think of. Existentialism =/= atheistic existentialism.

>> No.8149597

None. There is an intrinsic purpose.

>> No.8149604

than tell me what kind of thinking we need anon

>> No.8149801

Can anyone here actually define existentialism? I don't really seem to understand it. Absurdism and nihilism I get, existentialism is as I understand it a lot broader and more nebulous

>> No.8149828

It's like absurdism but instead of embracing the absurd, you escape it.

>> No.8149894
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>No quietism option.

>> No.8150229

Well considering that Nietzsche, Heidegger and Jasper could be said to be in accordance with embracing the Absurd (although not in the same terminology) I find this statement to be highly suspect. Also making such sweeping and broad statements about such an amorphis group of philosophers as the existentialist (especially considering almost none of them use or like the term and it's debatable who is and is not one) is also extremely suspect.

>> No.8150749

Who are the best authors for each? I know it's Camus and Kafka for Absurdism, but what about the other two?

>> No.8150887

Moral nihilism means the same thing as moral non-realism. It's a term so broad that there is no point bringing together writers who are it. It really is a useless term except to say that the person in question believes morality to be non-ontological. While moral realism is what 3/4 or 4/5 or moral philosophers agree with that still leaves thousands or tens of thousands of academic philosophers who are moral nihilists. You aren't going to get to anything useful trying to generalise such a huge percentage of philosophers.

Existentialism as a term describes a variety of philosophers with ideas so disparate it barely describes much at all. I mean what the fuck do Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Shestov, Marcel, Satre, Camus, Beauvoir, Heidegger and Jaspers et al have in common? Almost nothing but the vaguest sense of the individuals place in existence. It's an umbrella term used by convenience to link partially related figures rather than a strong description to unite people part of an ideology.

I seriously don't understand how you arrived at Kafka being an Absurdist. He might be, but I wouldn't see the sense in it more than the million other interpretations of his works people have. Camus is spot on though. He is the one who created Absurdism and it's only proponent.

>> No.8150894


>> No.8150905
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to be honest,

>> No.8152858

Objective morality exists, we are just too stupid to figure out what it is

>> No.8152890

not that anon, but maybe a 'playful' absurdism. If everything is/has no intrinsic purpose, those who can recognize it can bring anything purpose (either good or bad) as we see fit. See what happens if we play around, if it doesn't work out, don't take it personally because it didn't mean anything. I'm pretty sure there's a whole branch of thinking that says what I said but better.

>> No.8152895



>> No.8153038

darwinian teleology cannot save you

life did not emerge on purpose, it came from random chemical reactions in le primordial soup. species do not evolve on purpose and only act to survive as individuals in a natural order of things having arisen from a randomized initial/primordial state

>> No.8153084

you're clearly an Existentialist; stop lying to yourself.

>> No.8153112

not that anon, but the problem with the types of thinking listed is that they are too unflinching in their logic, and eventually lead in a circle in which they explain themselves away.
>if everything is X then nothing is X

>> No.8153118

Existentialism is for pussy-fags!

>> No.8153125


Aren't absurdism and existentialism just subsets of nihilism? The
>why bother working hard
part seems largely up to the individual themselves rather than an tenet of nihilism itself.

>> No.8153132


>> No.8153154

go fuck yourself on a spike.

>> No.8153390

absurdism except you create your own meaning and the self is above all else

>> No.8153741

Absurdism is predicated upon nihilism but existentialism is not. Not all existentialists are nihilists. There are Christian and Jewish existentialists. You cannot reconcile either religion with moral nihilism.

>> No.8153748


progress is inevitable, as the progress of collapse, wildfire

>> No.8154608

Its strange that even nietzsche agreed with existencialism. Nothing has meaning but we have a choice of creating meaning so we dont die out of depression.

>> No.8154621

Even freud agrees with that. On traumas when someone cant give meaning to a certain memory (there was a text on war traumas that he explained this.) The only solution for this kind of neurosis was to let the patient create a meaning to the memory, because the memory itself had no meaning at all. it was like a blank page and that was unbearable.

>> No.8155562

What actually is quietism?

>> No.8155675

I see it as not putting your faith in words.

Essentially, all problems are information problems, as only in a framework can problems arise. Words, ideas and concepts are something not that is outside of entropy, and the apprehension of them as being of a different nature than sensory perception is a misunderstandment of what verbal language is. So constructing something like "a philosophy to end philosophy" is complete folly, because all of the things that that would be based on are in constant decay and renewal; this makes problems a never ending dialectic, so the best stance is one which adresses this, and posits a framework that is to solve them particularly, as they arise, and not enclosing them by its methodology.

>> No.8155684

Isn't it similar to skepticism?

>> No.8155716

utilitarianism: The purpose is to reduce suffering. If reducing suffering does not affirm life then fuck you, that doesn't make us nihilists

>> No.8155761

How would you define skepticism? If we're going by there not being any certainties, that's not it exactly. If you ask me conception aren't true or untrue, since for something to be actually true it would require it to be 1) eternally true (and in an endless duration anything happens), 2) unconditionally true (and there are no unconditional things). So to say things are uncertain is in itself a certainty, that is, it's self-defeating.

>> No.8155775

Not being any certainties, yes.
Does quietism reject the idea of an absolute truth entirely, or rather, admits that its existence is unknowable?

>to say things are uncertain is in itself a certainty, that is, it's self-defeating
That reminds me of taoism in a way.

>> No.8155778

And meanwhile us hedonists are too busy drinking mojitos and having sex with women

who's the true winner here

>> No.8155798

>Absurdism is not that we must work hard but we must live in awareness of the Absurd, we must not deny it and we cannot negate it.


Absurdism is the application of Nihilism to itself.

Nihilism = Nothing matters, nothing has meaning, nothing has value. This is the only truth.

If you apply this to itself, then even Nihilism is meaningless. Ergo, then NOTHING is true and everything is Absurd and pointless.

The Absurdist is just a Nihilist who has found a way to continue living with this understanding, acknowledging everything is Absurd but continuing regardless - maybe even continuing into delusion, but remaining cognizant that it is Absurd nonetheless.

>> No.8155883
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See, if something is unknowable it's for all uses and purposes inexistent. The question of whether there's some absolute essence out there is kind of moot anyway, because for it to be absolute means it is always what is being perceived, so saying one thing is truer would be like saying a hand is less of a part of a body than an eye is. Absolutist statements only create a model on which to look for patterns on which to justify the model.

>> No.8156640

Who cares? Fucking nerd.

>> No.8156650

In my house sometimes the sister's toys turn on on their own and tvs turn off at late night.
But that's nothing.
Almost every midnight the phone alarm starts ringing. EVERY MIDNIGHT. It shows some strange numbers like 21:47 and it rings until I shut down. And this happens every midnight. And yes! I checked all phone settings, did factory reset and.. Nothing.. This still persist. However, one day it just magically stopped ringing.
BUT! Exactly 2 years after my father's death, it started all over again. The strange alarm with strange message in midnight. I don't know what's happening.

>> No.8156656

t. someone who started and stopped at Camus.

>> No.8156674

I do. Fuck off.