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[ERROR] No.8147333 [Reply] [Original]

I want to talk about Star Wars novels.
I'm learning some languages right now and want to get reading practice in by reading some schlock. I hear reading stuff you've already read in your native tongue is best, and I've read most of these books. Is this a good idea? Tell me your favorite Star Wars novel and there's a chance I'll read it in German.

>> No.8148260

The empire wins in all the german versions.

>> No.8148267


>> No.8148815
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>> No.8148839
File: 27 KB, 263x440, CloakofDeception_PB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the prequel setting was really comfy

>> No.8148868

I don't read Star Wars novels but I've heard that something called the "Thrawn Trilogy" is supposed to be the best.

>> No.8148897

tales from jabba's palace

>> No.8149158

Top tier:
Tales of... books

these are the most experimental written works in the universe that focus on building up stories of random characters pictured in the movies. Segmented and short, these books would also be ideal for your intended exercise.

High tier:
Darth Bane trilogy
Darth Plagueis

In the novels, sith are typically more interesting than Jedi since authors are forced to think up more convincing reasons for the sith to be baby murdering hitlerites. The Bane story is basically the best the universe has to offer IMO, and the first half of it also has a comic.

Okay I guess tier:
Pre-TPM books

Books without movie main characters in them are almost uniformly better than those that focus on movie characters. Using movie characters triggers a lot more artistic constraints that suffocate most work with them, the sole exception being SOTE.

Dogshit tier:
post-ROTJ books
Books concurrent with CW/OT timeline

MC books are designed for normie retards who are just dabbling in the universe, they are almost all bad. The MC storyline gets REALLY horrible about 20ABY when the space orc/tyrannid army invades.

>> No.8149204

I think those are comic books

>> No.8149600
File: 69 KB, 350x600, TalesBounty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking about this book today; read it when at age 12. The Boba Fett and IG-88 stories are especially good from what I remember.

>> No.8149622

ghost of the jedi lol

>> No.8149623
File: 331 KB, 1600x927, 227_talesEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These (along the Mos Eisley one) are pretty great. They were my favorites as a nerdy little dork in the 90s.

They're short story collections, so they also might be ideal for reading in another language.

>> No.8149628

Novels later adapted into comic books.

>> No.8149631

The Tales comic book series was pretty great too.

>> No.8149650

Did you laminate those yourself or were they published like that? I've got the mass paperback of BH. Someday I'll go down to my local comic shop and buy the other two. Lucky that I've got one nearby since comic and card sales are not what they used to be. I was thinking earlier today that the Boba Fett stories influenced my moral sense more than my Catholic schooling did. I still remember that Boba doesn't rape slave Leia when she's offered to him; and then he only accepts a bounty offer when he thinks he can do justice or at least catch a scumbag. And Boba is a lone wolf who doesn't need anyone even though he occasionally goes around with Dengar for the sake of the hunt. The story made me feel confident about standing up to peer pressure and everything in middle school. Fett didn't do drugs and gave reasons for it - staying clear minded and able to fight. In high school I got fit and motivated by an ideal I picked up from a fantasy book. LOL, Kevin J. Anderson influenced me too much.

>> No.8149664

*Daniel Keys Moran influenced me

>> No.8149698

death troopers

>> No.8149701

>Did you laminate those yourself or were they published like that?
I just googled that pic, mine were just paperbacks. Probably don't even still have them.

>> No.8150046

I remember these. Can't remember which is better between Mos Eisley Cantina and Jabba's Palace. I remember both having some really good creepy stories. I don't remember Bounty Hunters being anything special.

>> No.8150707
File: 47 KB, 328x474, 51F8H1E1HDL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I've settled on the X-wing series for now. Pic related. All the directional stuff in the space battles will probably get annoying to read not in my native language, but whatever.

For some reason the names of some books are drastically different in German. For example, "Dark Force Rising" is called "Die dunkle Seite der Macht, and all the "Tales" anthologies have really weird, specific names. Jabba's is "Palast der dunklen Sonnen" and the Bounty Hunters' is "Kopfgeld auf Han Solo," which I actually really like. Interesting stuff.

>> No.8150923


none shall pass

>> No.8150964

Also a good choice