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8145786 No.8145786 [Reply] [Original]

Trippy edition. What's some good reality-bending or psychedelic SFF? Dick is the obvious one, of course, but there must be others.

Selected: http://i.imgur.com/3v2oXAY.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg/
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg/
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/ / http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg/

Previously: >>8136890

>> No.8145812

>What's some good reality-bending or psychedelic SFF?
Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials

>> No.8145813

26 days until The Great Ordeal

>> No.8145833
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>White Sand out on the 29th
>Zero Time Dilemma out on the 29th

>> No.8145841

When you guys talk about Rothfuss, are you literally just talking about two books in an unfinished trilogy started in 2007?

This is the guy who has so much hype?

>> No.8145847

>This is the guy who has so much hype?
We're reacting to the hype from the fantasy community at large. Most of us hate him

>> No.8145852

most people here seem to hate him

>> No.8145856

the not so great ordeal morelike

>> No.8145864
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Everyone in these threads with taste hates Rothfuss

>> No.8146046

>Has loads of fans for some reason
>Does nothing but shit on them constantly

What's going on here

>> No.8146134
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>> No.8146138

The Vandermeers, M. John Harrison, maybe Caitlin Kiernan. CM is the big one though.

>> No.8146147
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>> No.8146154
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>> No.8146169


Bitch it got delayed

>> No.8146171
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Meh, I can appreciate his work for what it is and enjoy it. His writing certainly isn't perfect, but it certainly isn't bad. I think it's caught a lot of attention because he can tell a fun action/adventure kinda story, not because he's necessarily a good writer by any means.

>> No.8146174

Someone who works at overlook leak the ebook of The Great Ordeal already.

>> No.8146185

>shits on his fans
What do you mean? He seems like a nice enough guy, though he certainly sounds a bit pretentious most of the time.

>> No.8146239
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Recommend me a comfy fantasy story. No cynicism allowed.

>> No.8146247

The Hobbit

>> No.8146252

>I think it's caught a lot of attention because he can tell a fun action/adventure kinda story, not because he's necessarily a good writer by any means.
It caught a lot of attention because it's a basic fantasy adventure wish-fulfillment thing that was able to disguise it's weird self-congratulatory tone as depth for the most part.
As an straight adventure type story it would suck major dick, but Rothfuss crams in just enough made up platitudes, and pretentious highfalutin jerking off of the protagonist to convince readers it has some sort of literary merit.

>> No.8146268

Are there any good books about mecha?

>> No.8146269
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>going to college
>walking from bus stop to college
>shit's cold, autumn hasn't been this cold since at least 3 years ago
>suddenly see a ball of hair at about 2 feet from where i was going
>lean to see what it is
>"huh, looks like a baby mouse"
>touch it, it moves
>grab it as carefully as i can, cold doesn't let me have sensibility on my fingertips, so i don't know how hard am i grabbing it
>realize i don't know what to do with it, i can't really take it with me
>put it in the front lawn of the house i was in front of, i don't know what can it do there, but at least it won't die stomped
>hours later, realize that i could've put it in my pocket and carry it to somewhere in my college where it won't die out of cold, like it probably did

Is there any sci-fi where the protag or a side character tries to do good, but doesn't fix shit?

>> No.8146311


It's super comfy

>> No.8146394

Egan, maybe? Permutation City and Quarantine felt trippy to me.

>> No.8146498

you're being a great ordeal

>> No.8146613

Post his goodreads bio. That's where the real comedy gold is

>> No.8146670

>The earth has believed her own myth. Time to open her up and take a look inside"

>> No.8146903

looking for
~shortish (< 500 pages) mindfucky sci-fi pls help

>> No.8146907


>> No.8146916
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Looks perfect anon, have this sweet Shrike picture I found


>> No.8146936
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One thing, as a waggler, that bothers me. Is the lack of disturbance towards the treaty of Versailles in novels. Seriously, it's like nobody considers it. Especially given how little of a choice the germanic people had in having their empire crushed and their unwillingness. It's disheartening fall-of-Constantinople horror shit. It was demeaning, dehumanizing, it fucked up our national identity and perhaps even the world forever. It broke Großgermania in microfractures. It was just, awful through and through.

But I don't like how it isn't explored, a demeaning and dehumanizing slitting of the throat of a century-old legacy is a concept I don't that's ever been handeled well or properly. Maybe it's me, it's a deep seated shame of not defeating the Entente, that men's desires for victory in the past, or just their mindless liberalism in the present, override our own rationality to see that the Allies winning WWI would've made the world a better place, making you feel like you don't see in them what they see in you.

I don't know what I'm saying. I just wish the 2nd reich wasn't constantly written as "Oh yeah WWI was a pretty morally grey conflict but democracy won and so the good guys did XD", and not facing the willy waggling disturbing bullshit dealt with is. Or how we're forced into believing that a world where democracy is so pervasive is more desirable than an alternate world where bloody dictators never rose to power and extinguished the fires of hundreds of millions of souls, and for some people, and for many people, these horrors will become a relic of the past. I just wish we won lads

>> No.8146952


>> No.8146958
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>“Burial is barbaric,” Herbert muttered aloud. “Remnant of the primitive origins of our culture.”
>“Yes, sir,” his secretary agreed, at her typewriter.

>> No.8146960


>> No.8146964

i don't get it

>> No.8146965

>Society that has advanced past interring of the dead to more advanced, if efficient methods of corpse disposal
>typewriters are still a thing

Just your average retrofuturism going on. I like it.

>> No.8146969


>> No.8146995

I want to read some more Lovecraft, but I've read a lot of the more famous ones and they're all very much the same.

My favourite is the Dunwich Horror. I've read Call of Cthulhu, Colour Out of Space, Statement of Randolph Carter, Doom that Came to Sarnath, Cats of Ulthar, Nameless City. I think I also read Mountains of Madness and Shadow Over Innsmouth, though it was ages ago so I'd be happy to reread if there was a recommendation.

Can you recommend a good Lovecraft story that's not the same as every other story?

>> No.8147025

All of his stories are the same, sorry.

>> No.8147032

>Can you recommend a good Lovecraft story that's not the same as every other story?
Dream-Quest, Polaris, House in the Mist and The Tree? They're not really the same tho.

>> No.8147042

The Outsider.

>> No.8147044

>What's some good reality-bending or psychedelic SFF?
Try The Book of All Hours by Hal Duncan.

>> No.8147049

Felix Gilman is another one worth reading.

>> No.8147050

The Last Unicorn
The Princess Bride

>> No.8147051

First Law trilogy

>> No.8147060


Straya cunt

>> No.8147066


>> No.8147068

Das Kapital

>> No.8147071


I'll try some of these, thanks.

>> No.8147078

My bad

>> No.8147098

Are we ever going to fix the recommendation charts?

>> No.8147107

Just ignore them.

>> No.8147108

Like the Pregnant Housewife Tumblrina I can't do that, it triggers me.

>> No.8147112

Read Clark Ashton Smith.

>> No.8147114

Are there any SFF novels where the setting is culturally like modern earth, and technologically like modern earth or at least near future, but takes place on a wholly imagined world? The only example of something like this I can think of is Pokemon.

>> No.8147116

I'm only reading Lovecraft because I have a huge anthology of his works and I finished my book last night and I'm not getting my next book until tomorrow.

That said, money is also a factor. I hate reading off a screen so I actually have to buy the books.

>> No.8147120

I get you. All CAS's stuff is online on eldritchdark. I had to print it out before reading.

>> No.8147123

It doesn't help modern fantasy readers associate length with quality, I wouldn't be surprised if "The Name of the Wind" received literally zero proofing or editing, it certainly didn't receiving any copy-editing, they're entire pages of unnecessary text that are in a completely different style from the rest of the book.

>> No.8147125

It's 10c a page at Officeworks or 11c a page at uni (18c for doublesided though, so really 9c) so it's really just cheaper to buy the book.

>> No.8147184

You've listed all his best stuff in my opinion. Try Rats in the Walls though, a personal favourite.

>> No.8147196

I don't have proper internet, I can't do it atm

>> No.8147221 [DELETED] 
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>A vidya based on science-fiction is more refreshing to fantasy genre than the genre's most popular contemporary authors

What went wrong lads

>> No.8147247
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>Something where I can't read the list of characters and divvy them into good guys and bad guys. Something where I don't fear the hero dying, but falling. Something where the villain might be convinced otherwise, instead of being killed. Something where "good" and "evil" are functions of time, knowledge and interest; where you aren't good because you're from this country, or of this blood, or in this company, or fate's own, but because you make good decisions. I'm not that interested in personified good vs. evil, or grimdark evil vs. bastard either.

>Progress isn't evil, nature isn't gentle and good, the golden age isn't in the past, the ancients weren't wiser or stronger than us, the prophecies are not true, there is no guiding hand and the wise old sage has unfortunate blind spots re foreigners; the Dark Lord is defensible, and the young courageous heir of the kingdom set on fighting the Black God is an immature racist martinet.

>Make something new the fantastical element --- say a medieval-ish world with gender equality, or gays, or transsexuals. Take the people that we can assume have always been there, and give them a part. And maybe wings and green skin too.

>Take the old assumptions of fantasy and shake them up. They come from medieval literature, written by religious men who liked songs dedicated to hereditary tyrants, where Good God's partisans were destined to perfectly prevail and the evil hordes and their families would all perish in a fire. Meanwhile, outside the palace there was an undescribed historical cesspit of oppression, disease and ignorance. Don't take the old aesthetics, the old ideals, but think things again; don't write "all orcs are evil brutes" without thinking what that sounds like in the real world, today --- you could say that of plenty of nations and continents decades ago, but now we know that's an awful lie, and easily a very unfortunate fantasy to explore. (Being a race fantasist isn't bad like being a "race realist" is, but if you're careless the distance gets short.)

>Write a medieval democracy, and don't have the monarchist slur that it can't work because commoners are subhuman morons.

>Write lady knights (social justice warriors?), and don't have the muttering of gender muscle averages to muddle your individuals.

>Write weird love, strange marriages, societies informed by today's dreams and wishes, instead of ancient fears. Write something which scares and distresses you.

Is this attitude what is killing fantasy?

Is this pregnancy anonette?

>> No.8147251

Apparently he actually wrote the entire trilogy years ago and all he's doing now is autismally rewriting over and over again. He's probably also lazy as hell.

>> No.8147254

Iron Dragon's Daughter, the dragons are basically mechs. Hell the horses are mechs too.

>> No.8147257
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>Iron Dragon's Daughter

>> No.8147262
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Trying to write a robot character.

Is using "we're so advanced we're trying to emulate humanity" a poor excuse for writing a robot like a human? (And therefore, make him a lot easier to write)

Would you believe a hyper-advanced machine intelligence merely wants to imitate its creators, to such a degree it will crack puns, laugh, and get "robot-drunk" off organic oils? Too much?

>> No.8147263
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>> No.8147264

This is a troll chart. Like usual, newfriends, you can ignore it safely.

>> No.8147266

If the robots have something akin to feelings then I could understand them wanting to be like humans

>> No.8147268

I'm confused, all of that has been done a thousand times over and it fucking sucks, a better question would've been how to write a novel with theses concepts that doesn't suck.

>> No.8147270


Is the painted man an okay series, though? I've seen it sitting on the shelf of a store I know for a while and the premise sounds rapting enough.

>> No.8147272

I wish mootwo would reinstate the auto ban when you post about redshit.

>> No.8147274

>This is a troll chart
fuck off retard

>> No.8147276

Most of the people who are into are that progressive shit only believe it because they have been told that it's morally right (right side of history etc). They are usually historically and philosophically illiterate, so they fail to explore the consequences of their "utopia" in any meaningful way, and so you end up with shitty message fiction.

>> No.8147277
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Is there any place I can reliably find definitions for some of the words in The Book of the New Sun. I'm just over 150 pages into the Shadow of the Torturer and there are quite a few words I don't understand and can't find good definitions on with some preliminary searching.

>> No.8147279

That's because they're made up. Read the afterword, it doesn't spoil anything.

>> No.8147281

The series is The Demon Cycle and The Painted Man (original title is The Warded Man, no idea why it was changed) is the first of 4 books.

The Warded Man
The Desert Spear
The Daylight War
The Skull Throne

>> No.8147284

They aren't made up.
Lexicon Urthus covers a lot of the language I believe.

>> No.8147287

I know it's a series, I was just using the name of the first book for convenience's sake.

Nevertheless, is the series good?

>> No.8147289

Are they also literacy illiterate? I refuse to believe you can be a fantasy writer and not be well-read.

>> No.8147290

Not read it yet, it is on my to read list after I get through the ASoFaI books.

>> No.8147292

They are though, and he literally admits it in the afterword. He takes similar 'real' words and makes new ones that resemble those.

>> No.8147299

Which is different than making up words in what's meant by it.
He also doesn't even modify a lot of the words at all.

>> No.8147300
File: 61 KB, 800x600, GRI APPROVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the dinosaur anon, I'm not the dragon shill.

I'm enjoying it so far.
I thought it would be a goodie two shoes book, but it has cussing, people using drugs, threats of rape, innuendos of rape, women talking about their hemorrhoids acting up so they are afraid of getting buggered again, genital mutilation, losing your virginity, suicide. All the good stuff.


>> No.8147301

Rothfuss has a goodreads. He's never read a classic in his life, and God it shows.

>> No.8147302

They are literally literarily illiterate. Probably haven't even read the Bible or Homer.

>> No.8147304

>but it has cussing, people using drugs, threats of rape, innuendos of rape, women talking about their hemorrhoids acting up so they are afraid of getting buggered again, genital mutilation, losing your virginity, suicide

Does it have any artistic merit outside of that or is it just another ASoIaF?

>> No.8147305

I had heard that most of the words were lifted from different languages, but nothing was completely made up. I don't really have the funds to spend on a dictionary to use whilst reading this book. Should I stop reading it and wait, or press on through and everything will be okay?

>> No.8147308

He doesn't read, I don't know wtf he is doing in the General in the first place.

>> No.8147310

I mean you can get everything from the context.

>> No.8147315

That's true. I feel I'm not getting the whole picture though.

>> No.8147316

Why does Rothfuss rate everything 1 or 5 stars?

>> No.8147317

That's not because of a couple of words.

>> No.8147319

It's meant to be illusive, but it comes together later on.

>> No.8147321

not him but,

>Does it have any artistic merit outside of that
>is it just another ASoIaF
Not even close. It may be called "Iron dragons daughter" but it is not in any way standard fantasy or anything you would imagine under that name.

>> No.8147323

I don't remember. I only remember being amazed at the absolute lack of any classics.

>> No.8147324

It's there for a purpose, I'm just condensing.
About halfway through and enjoying it, would recommend.

>> No.8147325

I heard people say it goes to shit in the latter half / ending so wait on that rec.

>> No.8147327
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>> No.8147331

I would vote, but all answers are retarded.

>> No.8147332

>Implying it's the genre that matters, not the quality of constituent books

>> No.8147335

Why would you post this, literally first day here

at least it's not as bad as the /pol/posting

>> No.8147340
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Dunno, polposting is at least ironically entertaining

>> No.8147345

Kek I remember that post.

>> No.8147355

That's obviously /co/ senpai

>> No.8147362
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It's leftypol probably, or some next level rerard roleplay

>> No.8147366

>tumblrites don't jump to the defence of pedophiles, psychopaths and all sorts of genetically unfortunate peoples while they have an irrational hatred for people that disagree with them


The only thing that's for certain is that this bait is shit and vitiates the hard work of other dear shitposters

>> No.8147370

Tried the first book, didn't make it past 100 pages. Didn't do anything for me.

>> No.8147380

Any books similar to Berserk?

>> No.8147411
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This is the cancer which is the bane of dreams and phantasms. Gramscianism is a scourge, a poison for the mind. Born in the puss filled rotten belly of industry and ignorant middle to upper class urbanism it is reminiscent of the evils of myth, it distorts and twists to makes a mockery of beauty and goodness. It cannot create anything on its own but only lay waste to that which already is. Orcs should stay away from the genre, it is clearly not for them.

It's too late now I guess because fantasy is just as pozzed as what they wish for.

>> No.8147413

The Witcher series?

>> No.8147414

Any Sci-Fi that deals with the undead? Zombies, ghosts, vampires, etc. I'd prefer something that straddles the line between the scientific and the spiritual.

>> No.8147421

Similar to Berserk in what way? Protagonist similar to Guts, similar tone/atmosphere, similar attitude towards magic and the occult?

>> No.8147423
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>women talking about their hemorrhoids acting up so they are afraid of getting buggered again
I just got a new fetish.

>> No.8147428

Science fiction can never be spiritual, it's antithetical to the genre.

>> No.8147429

Mistborn must be added to this list.

>> No.8147438

Mistborn must be added to that list.

>> No.8147440

>pregnancy anonette
She embodies the entirety of plebbit and dumblr.

>> No.8147441

Mistborn must be added to that list.

>> No.8147449

>Zombies, ghosts, vampires
None of these are sci-fi, they're literally fantasy

>> No.8147456

Not that anon, but I think zombies teeter on the line between the two. 2bh I would argue that the fantasy analogue for zombie is "undead". It's more about semantics than anything else but still.

>> No.8147459

Colin Wilson, who wrote the famous philosophical treatise The Outsider about the role of the outsider in literature , also wrote The Space Vampires, about energy eating space beings

>> No.8147460

Yeah no on second thoughts you're right.

>> No.8147461

I'd call Dead Space Sci-Fi and it deals with Undead-like things in a way that straddles the scientific and the spiritual. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about.

>> No.8147466

Frankenstein is science fiction.

>> No.8147470

Well people never talked about it before I started reading. It was just the shill telling everyone to read without explaining why. I asked if it was GRI APPROVED and he said yeah.

Maybe you're mixing up books.

>> No.8147472

Frankenstein's monster is either a ghost, zombie or vampire as much as the Holy Roman Empire is any of its ostensible characteristics.

>> No.8147475

There's nothing spiritual in Dead Space. I never said you can't have zombies, most of the modern stories featuring the undead use a virus or some other excuse for them.

>> No.8147477

I'd still call him undead.

>> No.8147478

You think that simile is clever but it's just tired as hell since 1757.

And why wouldn't Frankenstein be a zombie? The "science" that brings him to life is quasi-magical.

>> No.8147480

He's pretty much the literal definition of zombie only he is brought back by electricity instead of voodoo.

>> No.8147483

The Strain as seen here >>8147263
Enjoy sleeping.

>> No.8147484

The method of his creation was detailed in a quasi-scientific manner so it's Sci-Fi, soft as it may be.

>is quasi-magical.

You can apply this to a ton of acclaimed sci-fi classics, the Foundation coming to mind. The book tries to root its premise in theoretical science so it's Sci-Fi.

So Sci-Fi then.

>> No.8147489

>So Sci-Fi then.
Yes. A science fiction story about a zombie.

>> No.8147493

Their totally is though. A weird future cult plays a major role in the story. I know it's bullshit, but characters are believers, right?

>> No.8147495

Is Georgie boy black? Look at his nose shape.

>> No.8147497

I've no idea why you responded to me or what your point is. I said to finish the book before saying "would recommend" since it can turn to shit towards the ending.

>> No.8147498
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My bad, I lost focus on what we were arguing about. Yes, he can classify as a zombie.

>> No.8147501


>> No.8147506

This looks cool.

>> No.8147510

That still doesn't give the story any spiritual elements. Having ridiculous mock scientology in your story is purely materialist as long as you don't engage actual spiritual matters.

>> No.8147513

Why? What's your reasoning behind this?

I already have Way of Kings. If other readers are anything like me, after I read a series and enjoyed it immensely, I look up the author's other works.

If people read the blurb and like it, read the book and like it, they will look for his other works.(unless they are lazy entitled faggets who like to be spoonfed)

>> No.8147515

You could've just said Mistborn is shit.

>> No.8147523

Because it's a list of shit books and Mistborn is shit.

>> No.8147524

You said "people say it turns shit close to the ending half", how the fuck is that if people don't discuss the fucking book?

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.8147525

Your criteria is way more strict than mine, then. The way I see it is if there are religious or spiritual characters who interpret scientific things as magical or miraculous because of their worldview, then that is a spiritual element to the story.

>> No.8147526
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Probably just from all those niggers his mom fucked before getting preggers with Martin senior.

>> No.8147527

Why are you even here?

>> No.8147528

Tell me that when you have the nightmares

>> No.8147530

Because I like good SFF books.

>> No.8147532

Whatever dickhead.

>> No.8147537

What's wrong?

>> No.8147545 [SPOILER] 
File: 703 KB, 2437x1047, 1465570629830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List some of these good books please.

>> No.8147547

What are your favourites?

>> No.8147548

Mistborn is a finished series. And some of the books on that list are complete garbage.

>> No.8147553

are there any fantasy books that are from the point of view of an orc?

>> No.8147555

do they have to be good?

>> No.8147556

Grunts by Mary Gentle

>> No.8147564

I'm trying to recommend to as large an audience as possible. And some of those books are going to be replaced after I finish black sword, red knight, roadside picnic, iron dragon daughter and and a few others.

What are some of the garbage books?(let me guess any written by women?)

>> No.8147568

All books written by women are garbage by default.

>> No.8147576

How much rape do you want?

>> No.8147585

I would love to make a pic for the woman author hating anon, but I can't think what to make.

Describe some things I can throw together guys.

>> No.8147598

I've recently finished Mistborn and now I'm wondering if there are more fantasy books with a girl protagonist?
Preferably something with better prose since Sanderson is a bit too workmanlike.

>> No.8147609

Are there any good sites for news on non-pozzed fantasy and science fiction?

>> No.8147610

Sure, my favourites include:
>Dying Earth
>A Canticle for Lebowitz

>> No.8147614

Enough with the little girls already, pedo-anon.

>> No.8147618
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>> No.8147620

Yeah, loads.

>> No.8147631

Care to name any?

>> No.8147637 [SPOILER] 
File: 198 KB, 500x700, 1465572360697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book will blow him away to be sure

>> No.8147649

The Silmarillion

>> No.8147653

the iron dragons daughter.

>> No.8147666

There once upon a time was a girl
Her quest she began with a swirl
Many were her trials but no matter
As a girl her plot armour would not shatter
Small was her peril and her foe tame
By the end of her journey she met her bane
A pedo which stood lusting for her form
An anon who wouldn't accept the norm
Quickly he descended from his hiding spot and violated her form

>> No.8147673

Iron Dragons Daughter

>> No.8147683

Maybe Elric.

>> No.8147704

Vox Day's blog.

>> No.8147731

Last stanza sucks
Get rekt'd

>> No.8147740

>Mind bending
Ted Chiang
A Voyage to Arcturus

>> No.8147757

There was this russian book about the LotR's war, but seen from the orcs's perspective, don't know what it's called, tho.

>> No.8147759
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gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8147763

2bh I'm 80 pages in and I find the prose hard to follow - Presumably because English isn't my first language. That, or I've rotten my brains with shit commercialized literature.

Which is it /sffg/?

>> No.8147766

The latter most likely. Dick isn't hard to read.

>> No.8147767

>what is google

>> No.8147772
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I only recommended it, i'm not particularly interested in reading it.

>> No.8147773

I read commercial garbage and enjoyed and followed UBIK. >>8147263

>> No.8147774

>Dick isn't hard

>> No.8147780

>welcome to my life
Fuck ED

>> No.8147790

Shut up, Satan.

>> No.8147804
File: 1.90 MB, 900x5476, Its_your_own_fault_really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a spin on the wheel, anon?

>> No.8147806


Boys, I need suggestions. I've been reading some classics lately, like Brothers Karamazov and Les Miserables. All well and good, but now I'm craving some good old fantasy.

I've read lots of fantasy, and definitely most of the /lit/ suggestions. I really like the Joe Abercrombie stuff, and Sanderson's recent books have been great. What is trending currently? I need some legit suggestions. I currently live in Japan and don't have many English bookstores close; I'll have to order online, but have no idea what to get!

>> No.8147808

Wheel of pozzing. I hope your neghole is ready, anon.

>> No.8147809

The Iron Dragon's Daughter

>> No.8147810

Lions of Al Rassan & The Buried Giant

>> No.8147815

I've been disappointed every time I read something off this list, apparently the only women that read Fantasy are butch dykes that absolutely loath anything even remotely cute or feminine.

>> No.8147820

The list is a meme friend, wasn't that obvious?

>> No.8147824

Why the fuck does every appliance require coins to function in this story? Is this some snarky social commentary on how things used to function at the time of the book being written?

>> No.8147825

No... Am I retarded like Double Digits Anon?

>> No.8147826

lads I'm looking for a book I heard about a while back

all I remember is the twist at the end is something like, the protag and the other characters were artificially created mini people living in a world created by scientists who were observing them

>> No.8147827

Who do you think have the spare time to write fantasy? The lonely whale who hates men since she gets rejected by them or the cute homemaker?

>> No.8147829


>> No.8147832

Well it's clear from the autism devoted to superficial plot elements and there are almost no titles of quality to lend credibility to it so...

>> No.8147839

Female power fantasy is popular. I don't recall reading any cutesy female protags, that sounds like something a man would write. I'll keep an eye out though.

..and just double checking, you did get that only the first category is specifically woman focused?

>> No.8147858
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>cutesy female protags
>that sounds like something a man would write

>> No.8147865

It's not intended as a meme. It isn't a "I recommend the priceless gems" list. As >>8147832 anon says, I merely grouped some books together based on some superficial similarity. Some are great, some are mediocre, and two or three are terrible. I intended it as a fun "who knows what you're going to get" contrast to all the other lists. We get people asking for recommendations based on silly things all the time, so I made this. It certainly could be better. Once I finish Malazan I'll have more time to read stupid books.

>> No.8147883

The category I made includes only female writers.

>> No.8147886

Read the comic book Orc Stain.

>> No.8147898

Oh, you meant the author in your picture. She's Japanese though.

>> No.8147905

Aka not pozzed by librulism. I wish our women weren't mannish morons.

>> No.8147969

Would it be wrong of me to write two stories set in the same universe, one after the other? As in, I write on now, then write the other in a month or two. Then I simply mash the two stories together, with it going chapter A-B-A-B etc

Does this method work? not really /sff/ I know but I'm writing a /sff/ book so hopefully they'll be some input.

I Promise I'm not the anon from last night asking about exposition.

>> No.8148001

It could work, if you know how to pull it off; Two Towers and the first half of Return of the King were written like that, after all.

>> No.8148011

If you think "laughing at you for being pathetic" is liberalism and feminism you have another thing coming for thinking that people in the east are any different, or better. lmfao

>> No.8148023

You mean like the Danaerys chapters with the rest of ASOIAF? It should work, unless the two stories are completely unrelated besides being in the same universe.

>> No.8148065

Uh, yeah? that's called "fixing-up", periodicals used to do this with collections of short stories all the time.

>> No.8148072
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I don't have any problems getting laid or starting relationships. The problem is that western women are shit tier human beings and I want to like them since they're my kin. At this rate I'll marry and impregnate a sheboon or an arab instead. At least some of them are feminine.

I would never date an asian woman, they're too short and I'd look like one of those desperate assholes who travel to China or Thailand or some shithole to pick up a girl who likes money and citizenship.

>> No.8148105

For calling people shit tier human beings you sure do sound like a shit tier human being

>> No.8148108
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>> No.8148111

Best way to find a good wife is celibacy before marriage, including handjobs and shit because you'll marry for reasons wholly other than sex and it's just going to be cherry on top.
You can't act like they do and expect your future wife to be better.

>> No.8148115

the funniest shit is when like. men are saying "ewww icky girls they're sooo shallow" but then you say shit like this without a hint of irony. That you'll marry someone just for sex. Someone has to get some sense into y'all eventually.

>> No.8148128

>projecting this hard

Do you want me to meme you again pregnancy anonette?

>> No.8148129

I'm a communist, anon. Feel free to spend hours to make a new straman image. That'll sure show me how pathetic I am, right?
I'm a product of my time.
>Best way to find a good wife is celibacy before marriage
Best way to get cucked to hell and back. Nah, I'll just keep fucking them until I find one that sticks.

>> No.8148133
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>This night on /sffg/bowl: /leftypol/ vs r/fantasy

>> No.8148144

What am I projecting lmfao

>> No.8148148

>Best way to get cucked to hell and back. Nah, I'll just keep fucking them until I find one that sticks.
Experience teaches otherwise. If you are fucking around you won't find a decent wife, you'll marry someone as crooked as yourself.
I'm also reading Return to the Whorl, I'm still trying to pinpoint what he's talking about if he has a central theme at all.

>> No.8148152

That you'll marry someone just for sex (or pregnancy in your case)

>> No.8148164

I'll probably marry my girlfriend. But it's mostly because I'm in love with her actually.

>> No.8148168

If anyone is willing to download these mammoths feel free to do so, I'm attempting it but I went over to /t/ and someone compiled science fiction books from every decade, the best apparently. Feel free to see what you like!

1930s 67.5 gb

1940s 67.8

>> No.8148174

1950s 100.3 gb (those scanned magazines man)

1960s 36.1 gb

66.2 gb

1980s part 1 47.97 gb

>> No.8148178

1980s part 2 47.29 gb

part 1
25.6 gb

And here's part 2

60.3 gb

>> No.8148190
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I just finished Reaper man, hold me /sffg/


>> No.8148192

Horn is now speaking to young Severian what the fuck is going on

>> No.8148194

>that scene with Paul and Jessica in the desert 250~ pages in

Holy moly, looks like interesting stuff is finally happening.

>> No.8148204

dune's a slow on indeed

>> No.8148206
File: 26 KB, 550x550, TheBardWantsYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, I’m putting out the call for writers of all skill levels to submit their work to our budding very short fiction magazine: The Bard Quarterly. As the name might express, we’re going to be publishing four times a year, beginning with issue #000 on September 1st, and continuing for as long as there’s interest. You can access our cheap-ass free website via our fb page:
or just follow the links in the image.

The dot-points:
>we want very short fiction (~750 words)
>we pay
>we give feedback even if we say no
>it'll be in free pdf format

I'll check the thread again in ~24 hours to answer any questions, but it's all on the website.

>> No.8148210
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Is pregnancy anonette cute?

>> No.8148214

>The Bard Quarterly
Isn't that name already taken?

>> No.8148216
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Sweet, I might write something just for the feedback.

>> No.8148218

I'm not posting my face eve so I guess not.

>> No.8148229
File: 17 KB, 480x383, 1462136059449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sign me the fuck up senpai

>> No.8148230

Cool! I'd dust off some the better stuff I've written.

>> No.8148236

Has the guy who has written Worm given any updates on the edited version ETA yet?

>> No.8148239
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you had me at
>we pay

>> No.8148256
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>But it's mostly because I'm in love with her actually.

>> No.8148265

Double chin confirmed. Also probably a tranny, would explain the pregnancy thing. "I'll never get pregnant but it's probably terrible body horror anyway, who'd ever want to give birth to a awful little parasite that looks just like yourself?"

>> No.8148297

Will I be more likely to get published if I pretend to be an arab womyn?

>> No.8148302
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>tfw practically did that last year with a I wrote about Space Astronettes

>> No.8148306

Hey, that's fair. For all you know I could be a double chinned tranny.

But it'd be better than being the being that reads the genre shit in these threads that you pass off as readable literature.

It could always be worse.

>> No.8148319

Dunsany, MacDonald and Herbert aren't that bad. Beats anything new even outside of genre fiction.

>> No.8148326

Those aren't bad choices. If you ever see someone talking about Dune or Herbert it's probably me. It's one of my favorite works. But for every good example there's equal number terrible.

>> No.8148328
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One thing, as a narcissist, that bothers me. Is the lack of disturbance towards my haters in /sffg/. Seriously, it's like nobody considers them. Especially given how little of a choice they had in being such insufferable worms and their parent's unwillingness to go on with the pregnancy. It's terrible horror shit. They're demeaned, inhuman, fucked up creatures. They break my ego in microfracutres. It's just, awful through and through with no positive elements.

But I don't like how they aren't explored, demented and subhuman trash I have no choice but to be forced to interact with is a concept I don't that's ever been handeled well or properly. Maybe it's me, it's a deep seated fear of not being understood, that men's blissful ignorance of my qualities, or just their mindless "memeing" in the present, override my own autonomy and emotions towards myself, making me feel like I don't see in myself the perfect human being that I am anymore.

I don't know what I'm saying. I just wish you maggots would stop constantly posting "Le epic pregnancy copypasta!", and not facing the grimey slimey disturbing bullshit you are. Or how I'm forced to deign myself by those believing its acceptable to have my stupid ideas criticised, and for some people, and for many people, this appears to be the case. This was even more prevalent because of those fucking dinosaurs lmao.

>> No.8148332

How am I a narcissist lol

>> No.8148335

When I read narcissist I thought Marc was posting this, but his posts make sense, I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to be reading here.

>> No.8148336

>But for every good example there's equal number terrible.
That's true for all things these days though, not something inherent to a genre.

>> No.8148337

Also, on my phone, when I get back home I won't have internet, someone please save this, it's a top tier pasta. It'll be our second one.
Someone also repost the first one so people can save it.

>> No.8148345


>> No.8148347

>This was even more prevalent because of those fucking dinosaurs lmao.

>> No.8148350

Can't you tell a good pasta when you see one?

>> No.8148351

Pasta is a good synonym of spam

>> No.8148356

Meant to type "this was more prevalent in the past because of those fucking dinosaurs lmao"

Still gets the point across I guess.

t. preggo lesbo

>> No.8148357

It isn't.
This pasta has the navy seal potential, local to these threads maybe, but still top tier.

>> No.8148361
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>> No.8148365

It's always possible for you to go back to the cripple's shit site.

>> No.8148367
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>> No.8148370

>here is what we do not accept:
>hate speech masquerading as a story
Okay, going undercover as some "minority" subhuman it is.

>> No.8148371
File: 76 KB, 803x688, 1458073261379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're bringing the meme magic over here and there's nothing you can do about it.

Cripplechan is dying anyways.

>> No.8148375

Where are the feathers?

>> No.8148376

What are some good books with Dinosaurs in? I know Doyle's Lost World is top tier, and Jurassic Park is... not great, but there's a few interesting bits... what else is there?

>> No.8148377
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it's a myth

>> No.8148378

There actually s. I could just go and leave he thread so you can keep trying hard all day alone in peace.

>> No.8148383
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>I could just go and leave he thread so you can keep trying hard all day alone in peace.

>> No.8148385
File: 1.08 MB, 1300x867, Pol in SFFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report the Pol Post
Hide the Pol Post
Discuss Sci-Fi/Fantasy

>> No.8148387


>> No.8148391

We need one with two kids fighting in the aisle

>> No.8148392

But I won't, and you won't even know I'm posting ;)

>> No.8148395

u wanna fuk bby?

>> No.8148396

Do you think the mods stay outside of this place because they, too, live in fear of what they've permitted to exist?

>> No.8148397


>> No.8148403

Greg Bear did a sequel to the Doyle iirc

>> No.8148487

I want r/fantasy to leave.

Also, 31 days until the Great Ordeal

Fuck delays

>> No.8148490

I like the list precisely because it doesn't have the usual suspects. I know those pretty well, so lists like this are refreshing.

>> No.8148494

What even is r/fantasy. Is it everyone you disagree with? There's a lot more to the source of it than you can blame on reddit, or tumblr, or whatever out you can find in the future. People just have different interpretations of reality. It all depends on how destructive it is.

>> No.8148520

It's a start

>> No.8148526

>wants r/fantasy to leave
>posts about bakker in the next sentence


>> No.8148529

Is Ian M Hanks a meme reddit author?

>> No.8148531
File: 310 KB, 1280x3655, pFIW5HU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone has any recommendations regarding HFY?
specifically im looking for space fantasies but maybe not directly really big space operas of epics.
something about advanced civilisations making contact with humans or interplanetary wars preferably with not so humanoid aliens like bugs or reptiles.

pic related something like this would be great.

>> No.8148540

Nah, I like him well enough. The first Culture's not great tho.

>> No.8148548

To what? For who?

>> No.8148552

Better than /pol/ posts and preggo posts

>> No.8148560


>> No.8148581

Sure, but you can't chase away redditors with reddit authors.
Gtfo bitch

>> No.8148597


>> No.8148606

Reddit doesn't even like Bakker.

It's all Martin, Rothfuss, Sanderson

>> No.8148614

I mean the guy is literally a terrorist supporting Anarcho-Communist with a arts degree, I don't think you can get more Reddit than that.

>> No.8148618

I'd rather read from "an actual terrorist" than some kind of cushy ideologically agreeable built to be sold genre fuck. It sounds like he has more ideas.

>> No.8148629

>literally a terrorist supporting Anarcho-Communist with a arts degree

Google gives me no results tdbqph famillia

>> No.8148643

He's in their top 25 fantasy books.
That's also not necessarily the factor which makes it reddit. It's more about the novels themselves.

>> No.8148672

4 years ago and you would have got a good responce

>> No.8148673

Has anyone really given a working definition of "reddit", though? It seems to mean different thing depending on who's posting.

>> No.8148677


>> No.8148684

Yes. Here is the official definition: "thing I don't like".

>> No.8148701

Yes, it's mostly that, but there are elements which are common, so
Disdain for religion
Power fantasy
Banal political messages
World building

>> No.8148706

Found the mad Christian. Don't you get tired of that Jesus buttplug in your ass? Take it out sometimes.

>> No.8148710

>Disdain for religion
I can agree that's particularly Reddit. A scent.

>Power fantasy
So most people posturing how masculinity makes them entitled to more power.

>Banal political messages
Most fiction has a message or moral, you can't, and shouldn't, try and escape it.

>World building
Yeah, I mean to a certain degree when it's traditionally Western/Tolkein inspired tripe.

>> No.8148712

They just said "religion", it could also be an absolute haram.

>> No.8148715
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>You have to be Christian to demand representation of religion different from "le pedophile that can afford being fat from indulgence money while the plebs starve" or "le epic exotic liberal gods"

Luther pls go

>> No.8148717

>"le pedophile clergy that can afford being fat from indulgence money while the plebs starve"

Fucked up my post 2bh

>> No.8148718

Aren't you forgetting

>Strict rigidly rule-defined "logical" Magic


>> No.8148723

What representation would you want to see?

>> No.8148731

Anything other than the two stated/a negative representation of western religion.

I'm aware that there's some of this, but the antitheism horse has been beaten to a fine pulp already.

>> No.8148740

I am, it should be on the list.
I hardly have problems with political messages, that's why I added the distinction of banal.
Bakker for one has a very banal one.

>> No.8148741
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Just disregard this shit lads It's late as hell here and I'm retarded. Spare yourselves a headache.

>> No.8148743

I wouldn't mind a positive representation of a monotheistic religion.

I don't agree that religion as a whole is portrayed negatively, !McBuddhism and !McTaoism are almost always portrayed positively.

>> No.8148772

They are far away and don't have strict moral laws.
That's how you get to have cheap new age spirituality and no extra boundaries.

>> No.8148778

>btw I'm a gril

>> No.8148779

Someone at overlook leak The Great Ordeal's ebook alreadry ?????

>> No.8148787
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>Buddhism doesn't have strict moral laws

>> No.8148790

Also there's no obvious Buddhist or Taoist extremism (maybe the Boxer Rebellion, but that's about it).

>> No.8148795

>Also there's no obvious Buddhist or Taoist extremism

It's not obvious if you don't spend 5 minutes on google

>> No.8148803
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>> No.8148806

As far as I'm concerned you're all Reddit

>> No.8148807

It's very easily twisted to suit whatever you need.
That's why it's always gotten along with the powers that be.
Or at least in Japan, which is the eastern country I know the most about, through various literature. Shusaku Endo is pretty interesting in his portrayal of it during the persecution of Catholics.

>> No.8148809
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>there's no obvious Buddhist extremism
Is this bait? I can't even tell anymore.

>> No.8148812

You decide

>> No.8148822

Remember when Buddha condemned a actor to hell in the Talaputta Sutra? good times.

>> No.8148823

We don't get news here because it's so irrelevant in the west, I honestly have no idea about it.
I know they had their own inquisitors in Japan, or the similar role in finding and persecution of in this case Christians, but it's a rarely talked about topic.

>> No.8148864
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>4chan vs reddit
>christfags vs fedoras
>all these /his/ posts
Bloody hell, someone post a chart of books and get us back on topic.

>> No.8148893



>> No.8149482

my ass wont stop leaking

>> No.8149886

All pol posts deleted

Back to below autosage

>> No.8150317

Night's Dawn Trilogy

>> No.8150349

The Bard and Sage Quarterly is already taken (and we legally speaking, that's different enough.
Submission guidelines are on the website. We've already had five(!) submissions, which is a great turn out and way more than we expected six weeks from submission deadline. Sometimes it's nice just to get some objective feedback.
Look forward to hearing from you!
I should have specified that it's only a pittance (to be paid in twenty installments of one-twentieth of a pittance) but we (especially Ed) felt it was really important that we pay for our content. Ideology was a nice idea, but man that guy was rude about money - "Why should I pay amateurs?" well, you don't get to be a professional without starting as an amateur.

>> No.8151130

Sanderson's Perfect State

>> No.8151136

>mostly because I'm in love with her actually.
>thinking love is real

Enjoy those serotonin

>> No.8151150

>just because a feeling has a chemical basis that means it isn't real

>> No.8151168

Ok. So, is serotonin and its reactions not real?

What is real if our eyes aren't real? Ok lol

>> No.8151210

I had to do large quantities of medication, some quite harsh to help with some health problems I had. It severely lowered my t, I don't feel shit for anyone, I'm just roboticly going through the motions.

You have no idea how large a part hormones play in this illusion called love, and how liberating and cleansing it is to view life, with them stripped from you. The pheromone scents and aesthetic bodies don't affect me like in my younger days, I have to make a conscious decision to fap nowadays.

I just watch these girls with their painted faces and it doesn't affect me, they sit on my lap at work and tell me shit, and I might grab/make lewd statement, but my heart is not in it anymore.

>> No.8151214

Ok that's nice and all but you sound like you're in second grade and it's annoying me.

>> No.8151337

Maybe it's my current lack of empathy

>> No.8151362


And here I thought WoT's heron mark swords or LOTR's elven forged blades had the sharpest edge. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.8152061

When you get low t, and I mean REALLY low levels of t, you will see what I am talking about.

>> No.8152729

Which series should I read next: The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss or The Magicians, by Lev Grossman?

>> No.8153017

Lev Grossman

>> No.8153671

What's the best work by Brandon Sanderson, Mistborn or Stormlight Archives?

>> No.8153687

I am desperately looking for an audiobook I could listen to while working out. Generally I feel like I'm dying while working out so something easier to follow would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8153693

>the people in charcge of bringing the Shrike to the screen are the fucking SyFy channel

why are tv adaptations allowed?

>> No.8153696

>not liking outdated, janky CGI

>> No.8153770

I just finished reading the second Malazan book and I'm still as confused as to what the fuck is going on as I was when I picked up the first book.
Fucking undead dragons flying around for no reason and thousands of references to previous chapters that I completely miss because they're so obscure. Am I retarded or is this just a very hard to follow series?

And why the fuck is every character having an epiphany about how meaningless and shit their entire world is every other page?

And why the fuck did they kill off Duiker and Coltane?