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/lit/ - Literature

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8140732 No.8140732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think marxism can be defeated?
Do you think cultural marxism can be defeated?

I could made this on /pol/ but they're worse than /b/ at this point.

>> No.8140741

I accept both with open arms :)

>> No.8140745

>cultural Marxism

You can't defeat something that doesn't exist

>> No.8140749

This is the future of Western society: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UFIcLpT6Cw


>> No.8140761

This topic is /pol/-tier garbage.

/lit/ is dedicated to the discussion of literature.

>> No.8140765


>> No.8140767

marxism is literature though.

>> No.8140783

>you watch those nature documentaries on the cable?

>> No.8140790


>> No.8140796

bro, pol is retarded as fuck.

we want to talk about politics without flag or /b/ trash.

>> No.8140797
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Marxism, like the ideology is opposes, is fundamentally flawed because it views and measures life in monetary terms.

>> No.8140801


Start naming sources or get out.

>> No.8140805
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>Marxism, like the ideology is opposes

>> No.8140808


>> No.8140810
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>Capitalism isn't an ideology

>> No.8140812

You made a typo.

>> No.8140815


No, it doesn't.

>> No.8140819
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>> No.8140820

Marxism needs to be turned on its head for it to 'work.'

>> No.8140826

Evola was peddling the same ideology to counter ideology, all ideology counters ideology, I don't see what point you're trying to make by making the distinction in the first place.

>> No.8140831


>Evola was peddling the same ideology to counter ideology, all ideology counters ideology

In English?

>> No.8140834
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Salutations, my Aryan brother. Safeguard the Dharma of the Hindu?

>> No.8140835

"Evola was peddling the same ideology to counter ideology, all ideology counters ideology, I don't see what point you're trying to make by making the distinction in the first place".

>> No.8140937

>all ideology counters ideology
What idology counters pure ideology? Impure ideology? Dirty ideolgoy? Perverted ideology?

>> No.8140941

Ideology has no purity.

>> No.8140984

m8, we might read books about dismemberment and fucking people to death and destroying souls, but do you really think we're cruel enough to force you to read Marx's prose? The only time it's good is when Engels helps. I mean, it's worse than Hitler's prose in Mein Kampf, which is something you have to try for pretty hard.
If you want that, yeah, sure, you can go and read Marx and come back and talk to us about it.

>> No.8140995
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>> No.8141012
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M8 I know guys from college who literally apply "Marxist" ideology to culture and social structures with the goal of changing the conditions of those things to be more conducive to the revolution. "It doesn't exist," is a meme made up by people who didn't make it far enough in intellectual circles to meet it face to face, supported by the wrongness of one dumb theory of its origins from /pol/, which is the entirety of the arguments against the existence of cultural Marxism I ever see.

>> No.8141057

The old
> frankfurt school
> critical theory
> cultural marxism!

>> No.8141061

Oh come now, anon, half of those people are just using words they don't understand like you, not people who have moved into Lukács' Grand Hotel Abyss.
If you met people who lived like that instead, you'd probably find you quite like them, especially when compared with the antiMarxists who want you to go back to Amish practice, because who doesn't like a good meal with good wine and Wagner blaring out while the whores search for chestnuts on the edge of the void of time and meaning? Soviet Marxists that's who.

Stop being a useful idiot for their cause, and join the pessimist bandwagon. We have cake.

>> No.8141075

>join the pessimist bandwagon. We have cake.

>> No.8141082

Yeah, the fact that such an argument exists and is incoherent doesn't mean that there is not cultural marxism that arose some other way.

That's what I'm saying. Those people don't have much of anything to do with the Frankfurt School, but they're alive and numerous today, practicing their version of "cultural marxism."

Pessimism is great. No argument there.

>> No.8141084

Well, everything is lies, but good eating is recommended by Schopenhauer and Lukács' main criticism of his advice in quelling the will so we could acknowledge lies, much like cake.

>> No.8141089

What? Unsubtle racism? That's the present mate.

>> No.8141094

I just assume anyone who says cultural marxism these days has no clue how to philology unless they're holding a cream bun. It's worked well so far, only taking in the odd false positive on the American right.

>> No.8141097
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Oh boy! Those people sure look oppressed and miserable. Thanks god for diversity, critical theory and gender whateverism

>> No.8141101

Proof that Sweden is corrupt and deserves to be cleansed by Islam

>> No.8141102

Looks like a bunch of disgusting proles who think they're hot shit because the local bomb factory is doing well.

>> No.8141103

What do you mean by cultural marxism? If it's political correctness, that term has about as much history with the right as with the left now (Chomsky has written a good overview). Multiculturalism has always existed to some degree. What else is there?

>> No.8141111


>Chomsky has written a good overview

Citation needed.

>> No.8141113

>Those people
What people?

>> No.8141116

I mean guys who label themselves Marxists and discuss things in terms of paving the way for a revolution of one sort or another. They're not as numerous as garden-variety SJWs but they're out there.

>> No.8141117

>dairy queen
if you're going to, Qu'ils mangent de la brioche, the situation, you need something better than ben and jerry's. dairy queen isn't going to cut it.

>> No.8141121

>acknowledging cultural marxism

You have already failed.

>> No.8141127

I certainly hate it.

>> No.8141144

Who cares? Do you not like revolutions? Do you think they happen because of some plotting undergrads somewhere?

There were people for a long while pretty much saying it would never happen because technology or modern culture or something. Then the Arab spring happened. So global revolution discussion has happened again.

If that's cultural marxism to you, no obviously it can't be stopped but who cares really? Don't fear the bogeyman you've stuck a Marxist name tag on.

>> No.8141150

It's only garbage because you feel it threatens your world view and dearly held beliefs. Considering the unchallenged rise of cultural marxism, or, in general, marxist ideology applied to social and cultural structures, I think this is an interesting topic to discuss. However the question is loaded because there is an emphasis on a ' need' to defeat 'it'.

Personally, this rise of cultural marxism will enschew the same chain of events which happened prior to the rise of all the fascist parties in, at first, Spain and Italy and later on Germany. All the right has to do to defeat cultural marxism is to do nothing. The people will not tolerate this stuff any longer than it has in the past. Most people truly detest political correctness than that they wish to uphold it. I see a dire future of the left, which for all its naivete has some very valuable ideas.

>> No.8141155

Who says I'm afraid? All I'm saying is that it exists, when the dominant thing on /lit/ is that it doesn't.

>> No.8141163
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This. It's horrifying... So awful... So much Patriarchy... Full of disgusting heterosexuality, oppressive healthy families and utterly lacking in diversity or mental illness.we've come so far, eh?

>> No.8141170

You're using "cultural marxism" for a catch all "I don't like it" term. It usually refers to an increasing acceptance of different kinds of people. And that's just a process happening on its own.

If you're not afraid of the inevitable revolution then why care at all?

>> No.8141177

You are full of mental illness. And I guess you're too young to remember the whole CFC thing. That warren there were just setting themselves up for cancer.

>> No.8141188


That kind of family structure only works given that women are expected to do lots and lots of unpaid labor. If two consenting adults of whatever gender want to and economically can make a single breadwinner household work then power to them, but specifying and enforcing specific roles for either partner is pretty bad.

Not to mention that so many 50's husbands were wifebeaters.

>> No.8141191

>limit the term explicitly to self-labelled Marxists who explicitly discuss culture as a tool to foment revolution
>"You're using it as a catch-all"

>> No.8141199

> muh private language is valid!
Laughing Wittgenstein. Jpoog

>> No.8141215

Why are they keeping unwrapped uncooked meat in their fridge? And keeping the milk, raw eggs, and cooked chicken up top like that is asking for salmonella cross contamination.

>> No.8141216

Wittgenstein was a literal Jew from one of Europe's most powerful and feared Jew families

>> No.8141234

I don't think that's really a niche definition of "cultural Marxism."

>> No.8141235

Wittgenstein was literally at the same school as Hitler. Hitler also literally fucked Eva "ashkenazi jewess" Braun on the reg and probs dreamed of little kosher children with her. And ashkeNAZI. .. coincidence?

>> No.8141276

>Yeah, the fact that such an argument exists and is incoherent doesn't mean that there is not cultural marxism that arose some other way.

I don't think you understand how arguments work.

In any case, "cultural marxism" as it is invoked on these forums usually means, broadly, a conspiratorial structure of largely Jewish agents at the highest echelons of mass-culture-production which acts subliminally to coerce American consumers into changing their views toward minorities, interracial sex, homosexuality and (recently) transgendered peoples. The name, I imagine, derives from the efforts of the Frankfurt school, a group of scholars who, largely drawing on the works of Marx and Freud, set about a critique of modernity from the perspective of its oppression of man in the form of mass-cultural repression of desire, which usually takes the form of class, race, and sexuality discrimination.

The problem with this theory is that it has the relationship between Marxism and culture backwards. According the these conspiracy theorists, cultural phenomena such as multiculturalism derive there impetus from the acceptance at the level of this mass-culture-producer-conspiracy of Marxist principles, implying that Marxism itself, when "applied" in some sense to cultural production, yields diversity as an ideology. If, however, Marxism appears to resemble the products of the culture industry, it is not because the culture industry produces according to Marxian schematic; on the contrary, it is because Marxism is a set of theoretical perspectives whose object of study is precisely the evolutions and mutations of the culture industry itself as an element in the structure of the capitalist mode of production. Marxism resembles capitalism because it purports to explain its mechanisms, not because capitalism behaves according to a Marxist "program," or what have you.

>> No.8141286

>It's a jew! This well established philosopher is a jew! he's a jew! He's wrong, all of his work, invalid! I can't argue with his work! Read Evola! He's much smarter than Wittgenstein!

Le alt-right

>> No.8141317

This entire piece is a kitchen disaster, that kid is going to drop the sodas and they're going to spray everywhere. Disgusting, it's filthy.

>> No.8141321

Spot on

>> No.8141331

cultural marxism is REAL

>> No.8141336


>> No.8141340

Donald Trump is going to lose the election.