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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.8140446[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm like 30 pages in. I torrented the book so I was wondering if the book is supposed to be so inchohesive or it is an issue with the torrent I downloaded.

>> No.8140477


>> No.8142501

Are you talking about the lizard scene?

>> No.8142510
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>reads dude drugs lmao: the book
>expects coherence

>> No.8142923

What do you mean by incohesive, anon?

The book, like most of Hunter's works, is pretty straightforward.

>> No.8142926


>> No.8143299

Could you explain further on what you mean by inchohessive

>> No.8143310

Learn what cohesion is. The book is cohesive. You mean incoherrant, yes it is, its rambling but cohesive vignettes over a trip he took. There is no "Story Arc" to speak of.

>> No.8143474

i think he might mean incoherent. perhaps he's being meta by being incoherent about the incoherence in the book.

>> No.8143658

Its whole gimmick is that he did these things and wrote about them while drunk/high, so yes, it's supposed to be incoherent.