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/lit/ - Literature

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8136888 No.8136888 [Reply] [Original]

Bickering knights edition

Selected: http://i.imgur.com/3v2oXAY.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg/
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg/
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/ / http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg/

Previous >>8129875

>> No.8136906

Requesting aramini or another wolfe fan for this

>> No.8136911
File: 82 KB, 466x512, bleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing, as a farmer, that bothers me. Is the lack of disturbance towards the concept of agriculture in novels. Seriously, it's like nobody considers it. Especially given how little of a choice there was in the far past towards our social caste and unwillingness. It's terrible social horror shit. It's dirty, dehumanizing, it fucks up what you look like to others forever. The effort starts bending your spine. It's just, awful through and through with some positive elements.

But I don't like how it isn't explored, demeaning and dehumanizing labor we have no choice but to be put through is a concept I don't that's ever been handeled well or properly. Maybe it's me, it's a deep seated dissapointment of not breaking the family tradition's mold, that king's desires for cannon fodder in the past, or just the need to nourish an overpopulated planet, override our own autonomy and emotions towards others, making you feel like they don't see in you what you see in them.

I don't know what I'm saying. I just wish farmers weren't constantly written as "Poor people! That cultivate crops!", and not facing the dirty wirty disturbing bullshit dealt with is. Or how we're forced into believing its acceptable to look down on people as "plebs" when the aforementioned are, for some people, and for many people, vital sources of aliments. This was even more prevalent in the past I'm assuming given the feudal system.

>> No.8136912

Dorcas is a woman, her husband is the man.
Both Sev and Dorcas are resurrected by the Claw, which Severian doesn't know he has.

>> No.8136923

can someone recommend any good swedish science fiction?

>> No.8136926
File: 64 KB, 333x499, 61xhtmys94L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this ?

>> No.8136934

It's obviously good, but I'd be skeptical towards a J-E translation.

>> No.8136946

Thanks, anyone else have some more depressing fantasy?
No happy stuff allowed

>> No.8136951

And whence do the claws powers come, if not from the blood of the Head of Day himself? For Triskele, "the smallest of those dead", seems to be mighty lively before the coming of the claw.

>> No.8136952

(the dude (who's been searching his wife's body for 40 years)'s) wife
the wife (of the dude (who's [more details]))

He didn't get anything wrong, he just autismo'd the details out, because he doesn't get enough feedback with others.

>> No.8136976
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, kjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd highly recommend K. J. Parker (pseudonym of Tom Holt) for some depressing fantasy. For instance, after reading the Hammer I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Or the Fencer trilogy, that fucking ending...

>> No.8137068
File: 39 KB, 1288x874, Dunno on the Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good /sffg/-related Youtube channels?

>> No.8137074

Thanks man

>> No.8137081

I'm right wing, /sffg/. I friend of mine told me to read the Sword of True because of that, but everyone I know says it's pretty bad, probably the worst thing to happen to Fantasy since Eragon.

Is it that bad? Can it worth something because of my political views?

>> No.8137100

Stop being a politics cuck and just read good books, jesus.

>> No.8137102


Something I grew up hearing about, and never understanding the fuss.

>> No.8137103

It's literally just fantasy.
Keep your politics out of it

>> No.8137114

Sword of Truth is right wing and bad. John C. Wright's Golden Age trilogy is right wing and good.

>> No.8137115

The fuck? Your political views might prevent you from enjoying a book? That's pretty pathetic.

I'm an atheist and an anti-theist: I was still able to enjoy books like Alvin the Maker, even though it's literally full blown Christianity non stop all the way through.

Hun, suspension of disbelief, you aren't supposed to agree with everything in a book.

>> No.8137118

I don't really know what you expect, read some of the biographies of popular authors, they grow up in predominately liberal affluent cities and choose degrees where they come into as little contact with the working class as humanly possible.

>> No.8137125

He's asking if his political views could make a bad book good.

>> No.8137128


I didn't say that, I just wanted to know if this book can be more fun if you agree with the author ideas, even if it's a terrible book, like /lit/ thinks SoT is. You guys missed the point, or I wasn't clear enough on the other post.

Thanks, I'm going to take a look at it.

>> No.8137129

Ohhh, yeah, I just read it again, my bad.

Possibly it could, not sure though.

>> No.8137135

>I just wanted to know if this book can be more fun if you agree with the author ideas, even if it's a terrible book, like /lit/ thinks SoT is.

The book is complete and utter garbage, anon. Enough said.

>> No.8137165

I did understand that, and I think it's silly.

Why would you want a bad book that could humor you because of your views or whatever, instead of just picking up a good book from the start?

>> No.8137182

Is Wheel of Time good?

>> No.8137187

Because another friend said it might work?

>> No.8137188

If you like Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.8137189

I didn't intend to read it right now, just some day, if I'm bored and I want something stupid.

I have a spreadsheet that I use as a backlog, If it was any good, I would add it.

This too.

>> No.8137190

No. Save your time.

>> No.8137194

Is not as good as the world thinks, neither as bad as /lit/ thinks.
It has good books and bad books. 1-3 are ok. 3-6 are great. 7-10 are atrocious. 11-14 are very good.

>> No.8137207

Pretty much this; it's not incompetent, just uninspiring.

>> No.8137211

It depends on your taste. I like it.

If you like Lotr clones with that old good vs bad story and two dimensional characters, but great wolrdbuilding, you'll probably like it,

>> No.8137233

Looks like the GoodReads web API has a fairly obvious path to the information I want (book/series relationship), but harvesting that data is technically against their terms of use. Worldcat is also pretty good, but my understanding of the record relationships is still shaky.

>> No.8137241

>socks on, feet warm
>socks off, feet cold

How the fuck do I counter this fresh hell

>> No.8137254

>he doesn't wear sox 24/7

>> No.8137256

>I live on Plute

Piss off u Icey fuck I want advice

>> No.8137259

I live in Britbong land m8 and I wear socks 24/7

>> No.8137267

>thinks LotR is Frodo vs Sauron

>> No.8137310

I saw some guy on a YouTube video saying that there was a wheel of time book (can't recall which one correctly) that made him quit the series.

He said he had loved it so far, but there was so much stale politics into that one he simply couldn't go on.

>> No.8137321

99% of chance it's book 10, 1% is 8.

>> No.8137392

Say what you want, but this guy is amazing.


>> No.8137414

Is there any good military sf?
I'm reading Storm of Steel and will be in the mood for more.

>> No.8137423

Old man's war, by John Scalzi

>> No.8137429

It's awful, easily one of the 3 worst novels I've ever read.

>> No.8137474

>John Scalzi
Oh no.

>> No.8137489

I think Rothfuss is comparatively has masterfully written prose.
Scalzi may be the most insulting author I've ever encountered.

>> No.8137504

Wtf, the Talan Aimasse is 300k years old in Malazan?

>> No.8137509

Stop spoiling books you dumb cunt.

>> No.8137535

Fuck yes. Easily the best epic fantasy in the last 50 years. The only people who bash it are young adults with ADHD-level attention spans. Books 7-10 move slowly, but it's certainly necessary for the set up of the conclusion of the series.

>> No.8137536

Rothfuss' prose is extremely eradicate in quality, probably a side effect of him having taken 7-11 to write just the first book.

>> No.8137540



>> No.8137542

Yes so what?
There is alot more history then that though.
Many different races have lived in the past centuries.
That is literally not a spoiler.

>> No.8137543


It just seems weird.
I'm almost at the end of book 1 and I STILL have no god damned idea what the Genna Packies campaign is about or what it even is

>> No.8137551


Is that supposed to tell me something?

>> No.8137553

>end of book 1
>who is shadowthrone

>> No.8137557


I don't know?

>> No.8137564

Read the first poem (call to shadow)
The "genabackis campaign" is the name for the conquest of the continent genabackis through the Malazan empire.
Led by high fist dujek one arm.

>> No.8137570


Is it normal to have no idea what is going on in the book for Malazan?

>> No.8137582

That's not normal.
You're likely pretty stupid

>> No.8137583

Only in the first one.
The second is alot better and less confusing.

Have you figured out who shadowthrone is yet?

>> No.8137589

The first book is literally a unreadable jumbled mess that has entire blogs dedicated to justifying its existence, It's normal.

>> No.8137606


I have 79 IQ according to my psychologist, so maybe


No, everyone has so many names, I keep seeing The Tista Andy and some others who get called this and that and it's confusing

>> No.8137617

Yes, it's called shit writing.

>> No.8137633

I didn't think the first one was that bad. You just have to patiently absorb facts until everything comes together. Granted I was confused about places not being on the map... They really should include all mentioned continents.

>> No.8137640

I posted about it in the previous thread. Just use ctrl f to find it.

Basically the anime stayed extreamly close to the novel, but about halfway through you start to get to some interesting new things. Since the first novel covers what seemed like more than a third of the anime the books after the first should probably be much better.

As far as the writing goes it seems pretty ok for a j to e translation. It moves very fast.

>> No.8137676

>call somebody stupid to trip his ego
>he's actually a fellow double digit IQ masterrace

First book of Malazan is just badly written, later ones are better

>> No.8137687

>First book of Malazan is just badly written, later ones are better

Aren't the last five quite bad?
Haven't read any.

>> No.8137694

Any of you read criticism on cyberpunk? Point me.

>> No.8137712

>Aren't the last five quite bad?
Where you've read that?

Erikson is a consistent writer.

>> No.8137715
File: 260 KB, 1500x1000, 2MuTWFy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Recommendations from George R.R. Martin

this is the top trend on imgur right now

>> No.8137728

>Scott Lynch
>Patrick Rothfuss
>Joe Abercrombie
I know theses 4 are best-buds but Jesus George, have some humility, that's some Tor-tier incestuous self-jerking.

>> No.8137740

I don't know how anyone can stand to be in the same room as Rothfuss

>> No.8137746


With a few exceptions, he's just shilling for unrecognized authors.

>> No.8137750

>unrecognized authors
Uhh, what? they're all well recognized and popular authors.

>> No.8137753

>Uhh, what? they're all well recognized and popular authors.

Tell that to the people sending him those e-mail asking for books.

>> No.8137755

I've heard good things about Hammer's Slammers, but IIRC it's mostly a collection of short stories.

Written by a guy who did some time in Vietnam, so it's supposed to be pretty grounded despite having fusion powered supertanks.

>> No.8137758

Holy shit GRRM was the Dinosaur poster all along!

>> No.8137761

What's your point? every /sffg/ thread is filled with people who beg for recommendations despite not having read anything in the "selected" chart.

>> No.8137769

I'm not trying to make any point. What I think is, he's deliberately not promoting authors like Sanderson and Steven Erikson due to their success.

But that's just my humble opinion.

>> No.8137773

I mean I'm not one to judge by goodreads ratings but...


Seems like he's shilling it for the sake of it, instead of recommending a good book.

>> No.8137784

Next up, "Why don't bad book reviews exist", the answer won't surprise you!

>> No.8137816

The GRRM post it's based on is over three years old...

>> No.8137863


Have you read World Without End? That book goes into quite some detail on the medieval agricultural system, including how arbitrary and unfair it is.

>> No.8137873

That book was written by somebody educated in pseudo-history by the history channel, it couldn't even get the mediaeval social hierarchy correct.

>> No.8137883

This is great. 10/10

>> No.8137913

I mean he's totally wrong and doesn't understand how mediaeval society worked, the concept of being a "farmer" didn't really exist, everybody farmed, they weren't dirty and had pretty good hygiene, didn't really deal with much bullshit caused by the aristocrats, villages were mostly autonomous from the manor, aliments weren't common for adults because they only worked 8 hours a day with at least 2 of those being naps and meals, fucktons of holidays and festivals, clean water and plenty of ale.

Do I need to go on?

>> No.8137921
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>> No.8137925

yesss goy become a medieval peasant, we will provide ale

>> No.8137929

Anon says they are farmer. Even if they've never been plowed know all about these things. Seriously.

>> No.8137970

>Anon says they are farmer
Anon should've gone to University and studied agriculture science then, who the fuck believes in overpopulation in 2016? have you seen how efficient we can grow produce now?

>> No.8138084

Prose is the cancer killing /lit/

>> No.8138226
File: 69 KB, 662x858, 1393288295956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the fuck believes in overpopulation in 2016
>It's 2016 guise, don't believe there's too many people and too few resources, the singularity is right around the corner, I promise you goys!

>> No.8138238

Not that guy, but there's clearly not overpopulation. What there is is dysgenics, where the less developed breed more than the more developed. Don't confuse them.

>> No.8138384

You're dangerously stupid.

>> No.8138428

What would that be about? High tech cuck sheds? Gay niggers from outer space? Time travelling nigger breeds someone's wife?

>> No.8138443

>trying to write a kitchen-sink fantasy novel
>one of the characters is basically supposed to be baby jesus 2.0 in another universe
>realize I have no idea how the hell the church of that universe is supposed to react to shit like that, what the child's place in the hierarchy would be, what their freedoms or responsibilites would be, etc.

>> No.8138458

Why don't you look at real life reactions? The Jewish response to Jesus and the Christian response to Islam for example.

>> No.8138463

Yeah, I recommend watching The Passion of the Christ. It's really the only way to understand Jesus' selflessness and the vitriol of the Jews.

>> No.8138478
File: 1016 KB, 805x803, qt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I always liked Tolkien, I know he's about as mainstream you can get except maybe for GRRM at the moment, but I'm still in love with his works. This is troublesome for me since I can't seem to find anything more like it.

I have read many fantasy novels from different authors but none seem to capture that same spirit or breath as Tolkien. So I'm asking you guys, which authors are the inheritors of Tolkien? As in people who were inspired by his stories directly and didn't just superficially copy him or tried to subvert his works but authors who wanted to do what he did. The only thing I've read that feels vaguely similar is greek and norse myth.

>> No.8138479

The thing is, if I go with that it completely takes over the story I'm trying to tell. Since her part of story takes place in an AU I was thinking that it would be established that their version of christianity expects jesus 2.0 to be born rather than descending from heaven.

That said, I still don't know how that would be handled. The best approximation I can think of is this case a few years back where a girl in india was born with way too many limbs and her villagers thought she was the reincarnation of Kali, but since the church is so much more organized I don't think the case applies

>> No.8138486

Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser
The Chronicles of Amber
The Worm Ourobouros

>> No.8138488

>if I go with that it completely takes over the story I'm trying to tell
Just don't do the Jesus thing then?

>> No.8138493

Simple, Batman Jesus, only he and maybe couple of priests (or the equivalent of the Pope?) of said Church know for a objective fact he's Batman Jesus 2.0 and guides the church of the shadows.

>> No.8138499

One of the interesting things in The Passion of the Christ is how the Jews want to kill Jesus but under Roman law, though they are allowed to enact their own laws, they can't perform the death penalty. So they go to the Roman Governor and the we see that he's been told to prevent any further uprisings and is under a lot of pressure, and thus needs to please both the Jews and the Christians. As such, he brutally flogs Jesus, hoping that that will satiate the Jews without having to upset the Christians by killing Jesus. Yet the Jews still want Jesus dead. Then he offers to release another hated murderous criminal back to the Jews in lieu of Jesus, but they say they want Jesus anyway.

It's a good little play on the state's interests and the way organised religion splits when someone new and divisive appears. It may also be helpful to study the accounts of Martin Luther and Zwingli, because they incurred a similar reaction in the Reformation.

>> No.8138520

That's probably for the best actually. I could just make her someone who seems like they were born to be a saint due to circumstances: electricity manipulation and cross-shaped pupils (not a mary sue trait if I address that it seriously fucks up her eyesight and other characters have similar powers)

Implications of the mythology in the story will lead readers to suspect her of being the second coming anyway

>> No.8138656

Is Gormenghast YA?

>> No.8138667
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>Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser
This is pulp. Good pulp but pulp nonetheless.
>The Worm Ouroboros
This was an inspiration for Tolkien, not the other way around. I've not read it yet though, will definitely give it a go.
Gothic and very anti-traditionalist. I didn't enjoy it and I don't really see the connexion to Tolkien.
>The Chronicles of Amber
I've never read any of these books but they seem very different. Wizard computer hackers on earth and in alternative dimensions? Not for me.

I guess I will read TWO then but I also wanted to know if there was any post-Tolkien works in the same style.

>> No.8138670


>> No.8138761

>tfw every brilliant idea you have is revealed to be shit the minute you put the pen to paper

>> No.8138798

t. Severely autistic individual

>> No.8138805

The ideas might be fine, you just have to learn how to execute them in a satisfying manner.

>> No.8138807

Neal Asher, BV Larson

>> No.8138809

Not that guy, but I tried reading Brass Man and it was written so terribly I had to put it down after only a few chapters.

>> No.8138814

It feeling like shit is the problem. If my work feels shitty I lose interest in the concept and have no motivation to keep at it. Same reason I never learned to draw

>> No.8138847

Keep your stories short at first and just stick with it. Doesn't matter if it's shit as long as it gets done, that's the most important part of any creative project, to see it to completion.

>> No.8138856

>naruto godmode eyeballz

>> No.8138861

Could Naked Lunch be called fantasy?

>> No.8138862

the eyes dont do anything, they just look weird and impair her vision

>> No.8138870


Why do so many fantasy works have absolutely dogshit tier book covers?

>> No.8138885

My story does the same damn thing. There's a girl who can cross her eyes in four dimensions, allowing her to see a warped, almost cubist, perspective of the past or future. She's afraid to do it too much though because her eyes may get stuck like that

>> No.8138888

Publishers are damn sure its teenagers buying those books so they base their designs on that

>> No.8138918

They don't want to hire a decent artist to paint a cover illustration since they're cheapskates and genreshit almost always comes primarily as paperback or pocket.

>> No.8138927

>Magical loli goes cross-eyed to see into the future
It's just like in my animes.

>> No.8138929 [DELETED] 

Any cool fantasy with little girls?

>> No.8138937

who said she's a loli?

>> No.8138944

It's cute if a little girl goes cross-eyed, grown woman not so much. Grown women aren't cute at all in fact but the whole cross-eyed thing works much better with kids.

>> No.8138947

Pedos are not allowed on 4chin m8.

>> No.8138960

I just asked a recommendation for fantasy with little girls, or at least 1 girl protag.

That's all.
If you don't like my question, ignore it and hide the post.

>> No.8138963


>> No.8138964

I never said cute

>> No.8139024

You said girl. When a girl grows up she becomes a woman. Boys become men.

And what's the point of having a grill in your story if she isn't cute?

>> No.8139026

there are no women in america
just old girls

>> No.8139042


I saw a farmer at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet one in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him about the water crisis or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen hay bales in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bales and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bala and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.8139045

I just call any woman under 25 a girl

>> No.8139049

Is Malazan YA?

>> No.8139050

>When a girl grows up

Well that rarely happens so it's safe to call any female a girl

>> No.8139052


>1-3 are ok
>3-6 are great

make up your mind

>> No.8139058


Don't worry, you're still 15 points above the average for some African countries

>> No.8139062


He's fairly well read and a good editor and compiler.

He's just a shit author.

>> No.8139065

>I've never read any of these books but they seem very different. Wizard computer hackers on earth and in alternative dimensions? Not for me.

the first 5 books are good.

the second quintuplet is faggy.

>> No.8139079


>> No.8139087

Why would you call old hags "girl"?

>> No.8139091

It's literally a tabletop RPG setting. Doesn't get any more YA than that.

>> No.8139115

It's not a coming of age story and it's not marketed towards adolescents.

>> No.8139131

love this copypasta

>> No.8139134

It's written for adolescents tho.

>> No.8139140


>Doesn't have rape
>Isn't super edgy

It's clearly not NOT YA

>> No.8139156

I don't think so, he deliberately wrote in a style that lacked exposition which doesn't strike me being targeted towards young or immature readers.

>> No.8139166



You give him too much credit

>> No.8139184

No, that was just shit writing, big difference.

>> No.8139240
File: 1.38 MB, 579x807, Dayside Taldain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exactly three weeks until White Sand Volume 01
>exactly three weeks until Zero Time Dilemma

>> No.8139243

>which authors are the inheritors of Tolkien? As in people who were inspired by his stories directly and didn't just superficially copy him or tried to subvert his works but authors who wanted to do what he did
>The only thing I've read that feels vaguely similar is greek and norse myth.
You heard it here first guys, the Greeks and the Norse copied Tolkien.

You Tolkienfags just like to behave like he invented everything.

>> No.8139247

>graphic novel
hard pass

>> No.8139255

Read Prador Moon and Shadow of the Scorpion first(coke). After you get hooked to addiction, using meth is gonna seem awwwright

>> No.8139260
File: 2.76 MB, 1380x2000, 434234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You heard it here first guys, the Greeks and the Norse copied Tolkien.
Are you illiterate? This was never implied in any way.

>> No.8139282

>what is reading comprehension
Back to school you burger packer

>> No.8139283
File: 135 KB, 900x872, 1453198059695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphic novel
Why not call it a comic?

I'd rather have a book version too but I'll take what I can get.

>> No.8139289

Exactly three weeks till AGE of Myth.

>> No.8139308

But there is rape in Malazan. Quite a bit of it.

>> No.8139309

It's obviously your reading comprehension that's flawed.

>> No.8139527

Fuck no. Easily the worst epic fantasy in the last 50 years. The only people who like it are young adults with ADHD-level attention spans. Books 7-10 move slowly, but they aren't any shitter than the rest of the series.

>> No.8139531

Yes, but don't worry. They could easily be 3000 years old and it wouldn't make any difference. Eriksson just likes to add a few extra zeroes to everything to make it seem more "epic".

>> No.8139538

What a dumb post. Most of those writers are more successful than Erikson.

>> No.8139544

It's a copypasta you stupid cunt.

>> No.8139549

Come back to me when you learnt English.

>> No.8139554

*Come back to me when you have learned English.

Come back to him when you have learned English.

>> No.8139556

>*Come back to me when you have learned English.
Come back to him when you have learned English.

>> No.8139559

>Come back to him when you have learned English.
Come back to me when you have learned English.

>> No.8139562
File: 720 KB, 712x657, listenson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this memeage RIGHT now

>> No.8139565

Can the dude with the 79 IQ stop posting for a few minutes? Thanks.

>> No.8139573
File: 539 KB, 1059x906, 1420825075913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry dad

>> No.8139609

His son is nowna woman and is sleeping with a black man?

>> No.8139631

The times they are a-changin'.

>> No.8139634
File: 117 KB, 600x900, 1464900552515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8139637

I'm writing a fantasy epic where cute 13 year olds go on adventures

Is there still a market for that? Or should I throw in a rape or three to make it more appealing to modern readers?

>> No.8139638

YA fiction, boring.

Bring in some twist. Like the 13 year olds come together and rape a 10 year old girl every night.

>> No.8139642
File: 47 KB, 721x875, 1465272921771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure are.

>> No.8139645
File: 28 KB, 693x1080, reaper_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Reaper Man. I usually read things with a neutral expression but Discworld is the only thing that makes me smile while reading. Is this the comfiest book or what?

>> No.8139656

Most of those writers are dead too you faggot.

>> No.8139657
File: 35 KB, 296x640, 1463217138025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those hips
I want her to sit on my face

>> No.8139673

Shame about her face.

>> No.8139681


>> No.8139772


>> No.8139775

>Gormenghast, that is, the main massing of the original stone, taken by itself would have displayed a certain ponderous architectural quality were it possible to have ignored the circumfusion of those mean dwellings that swarmed like an epidemic around its outer walls. They sprawled over the sloping earth, each one halfway over its neighbour until, held back by the castle ramparts, the innermost of these hovels laid hold on the great walls, clamping themselves thereto like limpets to a rock. These dwellings, by ancient law, were granted this chill intimacy with the stronghold that loomed above them. Over their irregular roofs would fall throughout the seasons, the shadows of time-eaten buttresses, of broken and lofty turrets, and, most enormous of all, the shadow of the Tower of Flints. This tower, patched unevenly with black ivy, arose like a mutilated finger from among the fists of knuckled masonry and pointed blasphemously at heaven. At night the owls made of it an echoing throat; by day it stood voiceless and cast its long shadow.


>> No.8139781
File: 1.74 MB, 948x1244, Avoid All Of These Authors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the dinosaur meme started for no reason

>> No.8139782

shame about authenticity of the photo

>> No.8139784

Wow that's really fucking cool.

Picked up

>> No.8139785

>Lock In
Officially triggered.

>> No.8139799

what happens if you actually go into detail in fucking
child rape
and children raping children
how would you even go about that
who the fuck publishes that

>> No.8139802

You've got to be already a popular well established author before you even attempt anything remotely like that.

>> No.8139805

It's other children doing it so it's fine.

I also thought about the alternative, where a bunch of children come together and kidnap a 20 year old girl or so and keep her in their dungeon to fuck every night.

That would be awesome!

>> No.8139806

children didnt go into detail about the child rape
I did

>> No.8139809

It's the next progressive thing, few degeneracies stay unaccepted right now, we must go further.

>> No.8139812

It's fiction, who cares. It's not like you have to fuck real children to know how children have sex or whatever. Didn't you know Stephen King has a child orgy in one of his books?

>> No.8139814

does he go into detail

>> No.8139839

I don't get this one. Is this a rouse playing on the credibility of image-collections or are you genuinly trying to inform people on avoiding these books?
I can understand making collections of things you'd recommend to others but what's the point of makin a list of the books you wouldn't recommend? You don't even explain what about these particular books warrants a 'stay away' sign.

>> No.8139843

What are your favorite /sffg/ movie adaptations?

>> No.8139875
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 1465216217802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was a copypasta lads

>> No.8139877

Is William Gibson underrated?

>> No.8139894

That's the best part.

No? If anything he's overrated. His fetishism is so prevalent throughout his work It borders on disgusting.

>> No.8139906

Fetishism? I've only read Hinterlands and quite liked it. So I was thinking of picking up some other stuff.

>> No.8139959

Hello, /sff/, need help with New Sun. Just received the second half from Amazon. I read the first half once and just gleaned the main plot from it. I was thinking of giving it a re-read before delving into part 2.

How exactly should I approach my rereading of the New Sun to gain an understanding for the hidden and implied stuff?

>> No.8139972

I find that inserting a dildo into my butt helps, my reading comprehension skyrockets from the usual 100% to an inhumane 500%. Perhaps try it out.

>> No.8139976
File: 59 KB, 316x475, 17910124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this? Is it any good?

>> No.8139977

Read the Bible, The Catholic Catechism and Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth Trilogy.

>> No.8139983

Yes. One of the better modern books.

>> No.8140001

Does someone with no idea of Christian beliefs and history have any hope of deciphering new sun?

>> No.8140010


>> No.8140023

I know yall shit on Scalzi, but I liked Lock in. Never read old man's war though.

>> No.8140029

Is that a question or a statement?

>> No.8140033
File: 206 KB, 1233x957, 1465218191534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off pedophile faggot

>> No.8140034

what do you think

>> No.8140037

People say stay away from Rothfuss, Brent Weeks and Sanderson all the time. Never gives a reason. No one asks them why. Why are you asking me now?

>> No.8140053
File: 1.65 MB, 1956x2329, Modern Fant Recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag asking newfag questions
Time for the list.

I would like to add Hull 3 Zero to the recommendation, maybe Iron Dragon's Daughter, it has a strong start and flow and had me hooked, but certain parts had my enjoyment needle dropping. Well see if I will fully endorse.

>> No.8140055

A statement.

>> No.8140059
File: 928 KB, 743x809, 1465119150022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iron Dragon's Daughter

When will this meme die

>> No.8140070

No. The only way he'd be underrated would be if he was completely forgotten.
Yes, but it's primarily a religious work, so knowing the essentials will help you read it right.
There are certain misguided naturalist readings out there as well as marxist, so keep in mind it's profoundly Catholic.
When I read it and determine if it's actually good, which honestly won't be too soon.

>> No.8140077

I am not the guy shilling it. I am the guy that was shilled into reading it, and far it's enjoyable.

It mixes magic and technology, so if that anon who asked for books that mix magic and tech in the last thread is still here, this is one.

>dat pic
Are you the pedophile? Do you threaten little girls by telling them you will shoot the bear if they don't cooperate?

>> No.8140081

>Are you the pedophile? Do you threaten little girls by telling them you will shoot the bear if they don't cooperate?

No, it's just a spicy reaction pic I like to use

>> No.8140089
File: 242 KB, 845x1036, the ol' spicy keychain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking 12?
You have to be 18 to use this site.

>> No.8140101
File: 73 KB, 800x750, 1463774134211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying using 12-year-old terms isn't the point of the joke
>not getting all the layers of irony in my posts


>> No.8140228
File: 25 KB, 280x390, 159-chin_stroking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fantasy with an overreaching message better?

>> No.8140236

if you look at the context
and the conversation we just had
its me asking you questions
and you answering them
suddenly you ask if its a question or not
youre fucking retarded
and so are (you)>>8140033
free reply for u sir you pleb
the question wether he goes into detail or not and you call me "pedo" lol
fucking americans
so he fucking does and you're too embarrassed to have read it to actually know you just heard a fucking friend tell you that there's a "scene" of pedophilia in a book and you dont have the answer which is so simple, did the artist go into detail of perverseness or did he not.
Jesus christ

>> No.8140242

It depends how subtle and well-done it is. For every Tolkien there's 10 Mieville's.

>> No.8140246
File: 1.97 MB, 400x332, 1464897285758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, he goes into detail of it.

The little girl describes how each of the boys' cocks feel

Now purge yourself you genetic dead end.

>> No.8140256

I love the comparison, well done anon

>> No.8140260
File: 177 KB, 751x1176, shades of grey by fforde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a very fun read in my opinion. The color based dystopia, and I love a good dystopia, is masterfully crafted. The absurdity of it and the way people live and act in it is pretty good. The spoon shortage and other things aren't that far removed from the truth, as at the end of the Soviet Union plastic shopping bags, chewing gum and other deficit items from the West were venerated and coveted here.

More fun than the color based dystopia in Red Rising and with better characters, in my opinion.

Thanks, whoever talked about it a few threads ago.
Any other good books from the same author?

>> No.8140266

Pretty comfy, yes.

>> No.8140269

> it's only me and another anon in the entire 4chins, no one can ask me questions other than the one other anon.

>> No.8140270

Terry was a god of comfiness desu.

Although if you're autistic like me and feel the need to take every fictional world seriously DW might read like grimdark fiction.

>> No.8140281

But they do give a reason, usually all you need is ask. Rothfuss is bland wish fulfillment, Sanderson is YA anime MMO wannabe and I don't remember what Brent was.

>> No.8140291
File: 185 KB, 486x243, 1458071021204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Rothfuss has a case of the Tingles.

I kinda want to be his friend

>> No.8140301

Is this a reference to that one person who wanted "pregnancy" as a major theme in her novel?

>> No.8140307 [SPOILER] 
File: 646 KB, 512x481, 1465405752557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on famalam

>> No.8140312

What's wrong with that as a theme? Ain't the best fantasy related one, where fantastic elements benefit it at all, but why not?
I mean Margaret Atwood has already written worse stuff, how bad can this be?

>> No.8140331

shut up.
You dont want that discussion.
We already had it and I can telly you it was the worst shitposting I have ever seen.

>> No.8140344

Tbh it was less annoying than women can't write little girl protagonist nonsense because it was only one thread.

>> No.8140349

>it was only one thread.
Hopefully it will stay that way.

>> No.8140356

Any science fiction with a little girl protagonist?

>> No.8140358

I just skimmed through it all. It didn't seem terrible, just boring as fuck.

On the other note, halfway through Return to the Whorl.
Fuck if I know what's going on

>> No.8140364

It's too bad. An anon, however misguided, posts a sincere attempt at discussion and shitposters had an epileptic episode. Granted it should have been phrased as more question than opinion (Zeus forbid!).

>> No.8140373
File: 131 KB, 960x686, 1464970834202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(Zeus forbid!).

We reddit now

>> No.8140415
File: 169 KB, 1300x970, 8a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plato's republic has a lower rating that ASOIAF on Goodreads

Remember to not take that shit seriously lads

>> No.8140427
File: 26 KB, 213x237, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to sound intelligent?

>> No.8140430
File: 235 KB, 800x990, 800px-Cavalier_soldier_Hals-1624x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you?

>> No.8140440

>Boring book rated lower than fun book
Working as intended.

>> No.8140452
File: 3 KB, 320x140, 1458217556933-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8140543

>eventually, we evolve to the point where there's a furry guild that's also taken seriously, like in BotNS

>> No.8140600

Do I finally have a reason to read BotNS?

>> No.8140650

I want to see the original real bad

>> No.8140656

So I am relatively new to reading, one big issue I have is visualizing what I am reading.

I googled around and settled on The Way of Kings, and The Lies of Locke Lamora as my first books of choice

I found it moderately easy to visualize most of Sanderson's works(and the maps helped too) But I felt like a genuine retard trying to picture Camorr from TLOLL in my head

Any tips on improving this?

>> No.8140657
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1444270899185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting u right up famalam

One thing, as a woman, that bothers me. Is the lack of disturbance towards the concept of pregnancy in novels. Seriously, it's like nobody considers it. Especially given how little of a choice there was in the far past towards our rights and unwillingness. It's terrible body horror shit. It's demeaning, dehumanizing, it fucks up what you look like forever. It breaks your pelvis in microfractures. It's just, awful through and through with some positive elements.

But I don't like how it isn't explored, demeaning and dehumanizing labor we have no choice but to be put through is a concept I don't that's ever been handeled well or properly. Maybe it's me, it's a deep seated fear of not being understood, that men's desires for heirs in the past, or just their mindless desires in the present, override our own autonomy and emotions towards them, making you feel like you don't see in them what they see in you.

I don't know what I'm saying. I just wish women weren't constantly written as "Men! But different!", and not facing the grimey slimey disturbing bullshit dealt with is. Or how we're forced into believing its acceptable after shock and sobbing of it wear off as a child, for some people, and for many people, it doesn't wear off. This was even more prevalent in the past I'm assuming given the lack of choice involved.

It arguably makes less sense than some of the parodies

>> No.8140693

If you didn't already for it's reputation, then I don't think so. I'm only in the first book, but the guild where the members marry animals only appears briefly mentioned in a paragraph or two.

>> No.8140719

They don't fuck them I think.
It's such a side note it's hard to tell.
Pictures usually arise from the writing, no maps necessary.

>> No.8140720

anybody has a link to scrapped princess light novel?

>> No.8140722

That's not a bad point actually.

>> No.8140726

Worse than I thought it'd be

>> No.8140744

Non-native speaker of English here, does the post anon was quoting have absolute shit writing from a gramatical standpoint or is it some retarded avant-garde writing style that would be seen as passable by editors but I just don't get it because I'm not good at english?

>> No.8140751

>but I just don't get because I'm not good at English*

>> No.8140752

Agreed, it's genuinely retarded, filled with misconceptions about how somehow giving birth to another human being is dehumanizing and "body autonomy" and the unusual newspeak of a progressive who doesn't read or reads shit(this being a retarded fantasy reader, and reading shit fantasy is worse than not reading).

>> No.8140760

It's kinda garbled and meandering, very conversational in style.

>> No.8140794

Boys what are the chances that Wolfe has based New Sun in commentaries on the book of Job by Aquinas?
It's the first book which discusses the grand design and says that "God writes straight in curving lines". It's very close to the themes of all the Solar Cycle novels and I'm 100% certain Severian paraphrases Aquinas in a number of places.
Of course it may come from the general Catholic outlook, and it goes against me that Wolfe never mentions Aquinas personally.

>> No.8140822

It's even funnier knowing that the anon already claimed to be a lesbian earlier in the thread, leading to my "plowed" jab in response to the farmer meme (was I too subtle?).

>> No.8140838

What does this have to do with genre fiction, besides genre fiction fans are cancerous to the board.

>> No.8140865
File: 878 KB, 986x1369, 1452279985053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on King's The Dark Tower series? Worth a read or nah?

>> No.8140867
File: 10 KB, 134x225, Howdoesone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies sir, got carried away. Have you read this book? I was interested initially, but grew indifferent upon learning that the bugs were a result of psychic mysticism.
*buffs monocle*

>> No.8140874

Nah its long and like with most incompetent authors, it gets worse and worse as it reaches the stupid and unsatisfactory ending.

>> No.8140878

If you reply to this post, 100 years of good luck will come upon you

>> No.8140889

You forgot to post a dank meme with your shitpost

>> No.8141055

The Player of Games by Banks can be read as a stand alone, right? And how is the book, good read?

>> No.8141067
File: 114 KB, 295x475, 10814635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this series, theirs not to reason why?

Seems to have good reviews and the women on the cover reminds me of Starbuck.

>> No.8141073

Judge it on basis of its cover and you won't regret it.

>> No.8141076

>judging a book by its cover
Found the dickhead

>> No.8141088

It's found the person with common sense.
This book is the anime equivalent something with a cover with 6 girls and 1 guy, where each covers a fetish, you know in 99% of the cases that it's absolute garbage.
If you really want to discuss this shit there are plenty of better sites, like yahoo answers.

>> No.8141105

Why are retards like you allowed to live?

>> No.8141114

Why are retards like you even asking if shit books are shit when there is a perfectly viable method of disconcerting at their disposal?

>> No.8141120

Do you feel like you fit in on this anonymous chinese frogposting board now?

>> No.8141124

Does Foundation hold up nowadays? And which books are people usually talking about when they speak about it, since there seem to be 5 and this


seems to think that #3 - #5 is the chronological order.

>> No.8141126

I've felt like I fit for a long time, in many of my characteristics.

>> No.8141134

They're usually talking about the trilogy, yes.

>> No.8141139

So what are the first two books about? Is it not something people read in order?

>> No.8141159

>Is it not something people read in order?
Not usually, the first two are prequels. The trilogy's animus is the dead hand of Hari Seldon guiding the rebirth of civilization. The prequels are thrillers starring the aforesaid Seldon.

>> No.8141167

>fitting in
>on an anonymous image board

You are more retarded than I first thought.

>> No.8141168
File: 387 KB, 1600x1200, weapons list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help.

How the fuck do I explain stuff without exposition or obvious explanations?

I want to tell a historical story that occurs in my /sff/ world, but don't want a character to really explain it, or for me to simply explain it to the reader.

Is there another way, multiple subtle hints and ideas? I don't have the word count for that.

Anyone got some advice? I'm really stumped.

>> No.8141172

it's called "show, don't tell" for a reason

instead of dumping your story randomly, weave it in only when it becomes relevant.

>> No.8141174

Have people refer to shit subtly through dialogue and context.

>> No.8141175

I decided to read ASOIAF before any other fantasy series, I have no excuse really, I was a fan of the show at the time. I'm nearing the end of lotr now and I'm blown away at how mediocre ASOIAF is in hindsight. I thought that Martin's lengthy descriptions were just a trapping of the genre but Tolkien can really paint scene or landscape far better without spending 2 pages laboring over pointless details. All those awful descriptions of feasts stand out so badly to me now, how can anyone claim that those books are literature.

I know I haven't exactly made some huge revelation and lotr is entry level as fuck but I mean come on this shit is so obvious. I like asoiaf but Christ it's really not that good, I knew something was up with those last 2 books and now I realize that they are really just poorly paced, padded wank.

>> No.8141179

>without spending 2 pages laboring over pointless details
Funny you say that because that's literally what Tolkien does.

>> No.8141186
File: 43 KB, 480x320, E352446FE23041B590BEE641731819D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading a story that was already spoiled for you

>> No.8141187

Do you not recognize elements similar to most posters?
For example, desire to discuss literature, love of philosophy, students, often lonely and so on. Because anonymity doesn't mean posters aren't a group of people.
Fantasy is deceptively rich, if you know where to dig you will find gold.
If not you'll be stuck in the mud of mediocrity.
Also, other works by Tolkien are arguably better than Lotr. I'm personally a big fan of Children of Hurin.

>> No.8141190

I'm going to try to follow this mantra but I'm still running into issues.

I know this and I know it well, I've read some awful stuff in my time. But I'm having trouble piecing everything together. I've got lots of tell, and don't want moments of "oh they're exposition time now" in a characters dialogue.

>two characters on joruney to x, one asks other if he knows history of x, he doesn't, first explains
>tourists visiting want to know history and facts, character tells them

Are these too obvious?

>> No.8141192

>Funny you say that because that's literally what Tolkien does

I guess he does but it really never feels like it. I NOTICE when GRRM does but when Tolkien does it it feels necessary. I also feel like there is a lot less of it after fellowship.

>> No.8141210

>two characters on joruney to x, one asks other if he knows history of x, he doesn't, first explains
>tourists visiting want to know history and facts, character tells them
neither of those is showing. if you know it "well" then you wouldn't need to ask.

if you have lots to tell perhaps introduce some new point in the plot where you introduce the information in a practical sense, as in something with more substance than a conversation. could be fun to read plus does the job if done well.

>> No.8141211

The Eyre Affair is pretty good, deals with the written word in kind of the same way SoG does with colors and has alternate history, though it's not a dystopia. I wouldn't recommend the sequels though, they seem to retread a lot of the same ground.

>> No.8141214

That's because he's not having pointless descriptions.
The descriptions are pleasant to read, build atmosphere and help you imagine where the plot is supposed to be.

>> No.8141221

Read Gene Wolfe.
Imitate him.
You have amazing presentation.

>> No.8141224

Yeah, you can start with any of the first few Culture books. Player and Use of Weapons seem to be the favorites.

>> No.8141240
File: 211 KB, 2197x1463, dave cameroon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any science fiction with a pig protagonist?

>> No.8141245

Book of the Short Sun, a character is called Pig.
He is not really a pig.

>> No.8141252

half-assed imitation is the quickest way to mediocrity, dosent matter who you imitate

>> No.8141254
File: 379 KB, 669x950, child_soldier_by_fightpunch-d6ztwtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you're right, and I'm just being overly self-critical. I'm going to introduce some young characters soon who need things explaining so that could be a good opportunity. But thank you for the advice nonetheless you've made me step back and think.

I'm mainly imiting Asimov at the moment which I don't feel is bad, but I'm trying to bring some rougher prose so I'm referring to Pohl's Gateway a lot now as well.

I like how Asimov weaves speech and descriptive sentences well. As you may be able to tell I am not a literature student in the slightest.

>> No.8141261

27 days until the great ordeal

>> No.8141263

Hence make sure it isn't half assed.
His overall presentation isn't too difficult to imitate. It's basically "never directly explain anything and imply things when the character is rambling".
Neither am I, but literature studies don't mean much nowadays. It's fallen low.

>> No.8141287

>Does Foundation hold up nowadays?

>> No.8141293

Foundation > Dune IMO

Opinions aside, Foundation holds up marvellously. It does seem a little of it's time, but that's not a bad thing at all.

and I read in date of publication.

>> No.8141308

Its more like "explain things from the characters perspective, whether they're ignorant of a thing or not"

And he's far from the only author to do that kind of thing, thats why its better to drop any notion of imitation and just take things for yourself as you widen your reading.

But none of this is even answering the guys question.

How significant is the event? Give us a scale. What are the effects it had on the world? How has it affected the characters thus far? If the event actually mattered to any of your characters it will be easy to find a way to talk about it without giving a dry history lesson.

>> No.8141333

Thanks for the advice.
Of course as luck would have I've describing events hundreds of years ago so I'm having to avoid it being a literal history lesson. I'll trouble you no further and think on what you've said. Thanks again.

>> No.8141341

Get fucking hyped

>> No.8141508

Anyone here read any Octavia E. Butler? I'm particularly interested in this


>> No.8141803
File: 523 KB, 1919x1152, 5165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science fictionisdead

>> No.8141861

Anyone's got that first chapter of Peace Talks from Jim Butcher that got released for kickstarter

>> No.8141980


yeah, I read it

Justine's pregnant, peace talks are coming to chicago, Carlos is back

>> No.8142018


>> No.8142075

I've not found a series that captures the feel of Tolkien either, but I can assure you that Chronicles of Amber does not.

>> No.8142111

I recently bought an omnibus of her Patternist series, though I haven't started it yet. Everyone who knows about her seems to hold high opinions of her works, and given she's a female African American sci-fi author, I think it will be an interesting read.

>> No.8142142


New Bread

>> No.8143008
File: 703 KB, 2437x1047, Dinosaurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fine specimen as it uses a PC

>> No.8143043

All it takes to fit in on 4chan is to shitpost heavily and be a contrarian tbqh famalamorino