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/lit/ - Literature

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8138302 No.8138302 [Reply] [Original]

>author is ugly

>> No.8138306

>William Vollmann

I really like You Bright and Risen Angels but jesus christ if Vollmann isn't the goofiest hick looking motherfucker.

>> No.8138322

somewhere out there Pynchon sheds a tear and doesn't know why

>> No.8138334

Who is James Joyce? Who is Virgina Woolf?

>> No.8138361

those certainly weren't ugly
if you want an ugly author it's, i dunno, balzac

>> No.8138370

I will never read The Tunnel on the basis of how much of a fuck ugly ballsack Gass is.

>> No.8138371
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>woolf wasn't ugly
ok bruh

>> No.8138380
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>> No.8138462


Name a beautiful author that is actually good.

>> No.8138472

Ezra Pound
Hart Crane
William Gaddis
Samuel Beckett
John Hawkes

>> No.8138483


>> No.8138485

Look at the picture of her when she was twenty on Wikipedia. She was cute.

>> No.8138495

>implying anyone here would have a chance with a woman half as attractive as that

>> No.8138526

She had a Zadie Smith-esque English grace to her facial expression.

>> No.8138536

Pretty sure that was a trick of the angle.

>> No.8138569


Hawkes and Beckett don't count as beautiful.

>> No.8138597

Me but I'm too obscure for anyone here.

>> No.8138604
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>> No.8138671

Iktf, recently started reading moz's autobio

>> No.8138675

I think pynchon's cute

>> No.8138800

Holy shit be still my heart.
Ezra Pound was a hottie too. While we're on the subject I think Chuck Pahlaniuk is hot too, but not hot enough for me to check and see if I spelled his name wrong.

What a deep meaningful discussion we're having here.

>> No.8138803

>What a deep meaningful discussion we're having here.

>> No.8138808

Yeah I love Vollmann but he is... Not pretty.

>> No.8138813

You first, faggot.

>> No.8138822

Nah. You're the cunt who spergs idiocy like that to your four group of 19 year old friends. Haha we're so silly! I love us.
You and your kind are a disease.
We don't need to have deep and meaningful discussions. We are all aware of what we're talking about. You're the faggot who has to ruin it.

>> No.8138824



>> No.8138825
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authors, especially poets, are beautiful more often than they are not

>> No.8138834

"kys" short for "kill yourself" because >>8138822
wants to make sure everyone knows he's the coolest edgiest guy on the block.

>> No.8138849


>> No.8139724

>it's a millenial thread where everyone posts about the attractiveness of authors like this is a beiber forum

bravo for managing to be worse than bookshelf attention whoring/haul threads though, I mean I guess that took some effort

>> No.8139742
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>> No.8139819
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>> No.8139829
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>> No.8139832
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>Author is.

>> No.8139836
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>OP is a bigger faggot than usual

>> No.8139866
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>> No.8139928
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>> No.8140153

I'd destroy myself to get to her and make her love me

>> No.8140759


>implying authors exist

>> No.8140923
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>> No.8140976
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Fuck the fucking fuck off, she was beautiful.

>> No.8140985


Bit of a horse face, lad...

>> No.8141029

Balzac wasn't that ugly and was known to have intense eyes.

>> No.8141030


>> No.8141040

It's called the English condition

>> No.8141295
File: 96 KB, 698x874, CaptnKierk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the way, lads!
Ridiculously handsome knight of faith coming through

>> No.8141316
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the best

>> No.8141545

>literal hunchback

>> No.8141591
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>> No.8141652

she looks like oscar wilde lmao

>> No.8142310
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>> No.8142330
File: 124 KB, 670x931, william-h-gass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally the reason I haven't ever read and never will read his stuff.

>> No.8142432

He looks like a man I could trust.

>> No.8142839

>Author isn't grizzled and rugged
>His books suck

>> No.8142859

his throat is just repulsive

>> No.8142860


She got a big old melon head!
Big old tater head!

>> No.8142863


I'll never read him because his last name is Gass and that bloated disgusting gut combined with that last name just makes me think of a pretentious windbag blowing out diseased farts which he then greedily sniffs.

>> No.8142868

Guy de Maupassant