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8133861 No.8133861 [Reply] [Original]

What are some philosophical books that BTFO marxism/socialism?

Pic definitely unrelated.

>> No.8133867

There aren't any, it's like looking for a book that BTFO evolution, there's a lot out there claiming it but they're all worthless

>> No.8133868
File: 120 KB, 735x657, frog stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read max stirner

>> No.8133871

La bible du roi Jacques.

>> No.8133892

>asking lit to go AGAINST socialism

its like you dont even know half the people here are pseuds that voted for sanders, newfriend.

>> No.8133897


> he that does not work, shall not eat

>> No.8133906

this desu

>> No.8133907
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Fear not, good sir, cause based Mises and Da Austrian School G's are here to chew bubblegum and BTFO statism and we're all out of gum


>> No.8133917

>half the people here are pseuds that voted for sanders

I'd be surprised if half of /lit/ was actually stupid enough to vote for Sanders.

>> No.8133923

This, why would I waste my vote on someone destined to fail. Besides if Trump is like Hitler as the Left would have me believe, would that be such a bad thing?

>> No.8133929

If /lit/ loves the western cannon, which is as we all know, a product of the singular genius of the white European Race then why do they support leftism and globalism? Is Trump ( IQ over 150, world class business genius) the only hope for the True Patrician?

>> No.8133934

stop posting, samefag

>> No.8133942
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> implying bourgeoisie electoral politics

>> No.8133953

Not samefagging you lefty cunt

>> No.8133961
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interesting fact: Mises literally called himself an "entrepreneurial Marxist" at the 10th anniversary meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society

>> No.8133962
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trying to discredit marx and socialism are telltale signs of a low IQ conservacuck

>> No.8133978

3/10 bait

>> No.8133980

Just read Cioran's french works. He puts down utopia in a lot of them.

>> No.8133985
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this would make more sense if you were replying to OP

>> No.8133993
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On the contrary, under Socialism, the true innovators, High IQ enterpreneurs and Patricians, are cucked by and forced to subidize the low IQ masses of poors and mud people.

>> No.8134005

None, any that have tried or any reading into current philosophy that tries has resulted in maximum pseud. You can use the meme version of Stirner and take a crowbar to the kneecaps of all philosophy, including Marx. Alternatively you could train yourself to think like an ancap mentallity and make everything about how Marx is evil (not sure why though when you could take an objective approach to learning). If you want to go the former route read Economics in One Lesson by Hanzlitt. If you want to go the latter route read Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian and Marxism by Wolff

>> No.8134019

>the god that failed

Is that written by the same guy who wrote Coldsteel the hedgehog? Because that cringe is top tier

>> No.8134024
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>Libcucks find this attractive

Low t, low bait skills.

>> No.8134040

>It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.
- Adam Smith

Capitalism transformed individual egoists into functionaries of society employed at societies service. Communism is just the logical development of this less developed alienated form of egoism.

Hoppe's literally just a neo-Feudalist
>… gated residential communities are owned by a single entity, either an individual or a private corporation, and the relationship between the community proprietor and his renters and residents is purely contractual. …. Clearly then, the task of maintaining the covenant entailed in a libertarian (proprietary) community is first and foremost that of the proprietor. Yet he is but one man, and it is impossible for him to succeed in this task unless he is supported in his endeavor by a majority of the members of the community in question. In particular, the proprietor needs the support of the community elite, i.e., the heads of households and firms most heavily invested in the community. In order to protect and possibly enhance the value of their property and investments, both proprietor and the community elite must be willing and prepared to take two forms of protective measures. First, they must be willing to defend themselves by means of physical force and punishment against external invaders and domestic criminals. But second and equally important, they must also be willing to defend themselves, by means of ostracism, exclusion and ultimately expulsion, against those community members who advocate, advertise or propagandize actions incompatible with the very purpose of the covenant: to protect property and family.

>Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They—the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism—will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order.

>> No.8134041

There honestly aren't any.

>> No.8134044
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Das it rad

>> No.8134071
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A history book.

>> No.8134077

So this guy isn't even arguing for the positives of capitalism anymore, just hoe to maintain the system and keep the elite on charge. What sad sacks read this crap

>> No.8134112

Fools, Frauds and Firebrands - Roger Scruton
Look up his sources.

>> No.8134136

This desu senpai

>> No.8134162

That dude just ends up sounding as bias and as baty as the guys he's writing about. And that's not a critique of Marx's theories, only 20th century thinkers like existenalists and structuralists

>> No.8134265
File: 313 KB, 2809x923, 1465222748696-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denial, Rationalization, and the Administered Price Thesis by Dr. Gyun Cheol Gu
Pricing decisions and the neoclassical theory of the firm by M.R. Lucas
The Death of Economics
by Paul Ormerod
Economic Theory of the
Leisure Class by Nikolai Bukharin

Pic definitely related

>> No.8134324

>no Hayek
You'll definitely want to read "The Road to Serfdom" by him.

>> No.8134344

Le literal big tobacco shill. Jpg

>> No.8135495


>> No.8135549

Road to serfdom, Hayek
Capitalism and freedom, Friedman
No point going with Adam Smith really desu, Keynes made him fairly redundant

>> No.8135574

Literally any book of 20th century global history.

>> No.8135582

Marxism is an infallible ideology.

>> No.8135592

>implying history books don't exist
>implying socialists can face the price calculation problem

You marxists are the new christians

>> No.8135595

Master and Margarita

>> No.8135726

the only people with valid criticisms of Marx are the anarchists, the only people with valid criticisms of most things are the anarchists

>> No.8135728

do communists actually view this image as anything but pathetic?
it was laughed at when it actually happened

>> No.8135758

Came here to post this

>> No.8135767

Too bad the only valid thing they produce is criticisms

>> No.8135792

You might want to start with blowing the fuck in about whatever ideology you think you support, before trying to blow some concepts you've heard of on the internet the fuck out.

>> No.8135910
File: 27 KB, 270x436, Le_Miroir_de_la_production.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP the only critiques of marxism that are any good come from the left.

you can use marxism to BTFO socialism.

I don't know of any book that critiques Marx's actual methodology, only his conclusions

>> No.8135927


this is unattractive af t b q h

>> No.8135943

what reality do you operate in

>> No.8135961

>>implying history books don't exist

Where did he imply that?

>> No.8135962
File: 90 KB, 960x529, 1432179462277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Uses of Pessimism - Scruton

Not philosophical but economics:
Capitalism and Freedom - Friedman
Road to Serfdom - Hayek

>> No.8135969

How is Adam Smith redundant when his core ideas make up the backbone of every thinker you mentioned, including Marx? By your logic didn't Keynes basically make Hayek and Friedman, neo-classical thinkers, also redundant?

>> No.8135988


the "I fell for the French mental masturbation post-structuralist leninspeak edgelord" post-sooperdooperhyperreality

>> No.8136266


>price calculation problem

Are you telling me capitalism doesn't work when you don't do capitalism? Holy fucking shit, stop the presses!

>> No.8136374

It sounds to me like you have not read any of the works you make an ad hominem attack on. Your point is invalid. Board, no need to listen to these people making fallacious assaults on things they don't understand.

>> No.8136395


neoliberalism is bad

>> No.8136971

It's impossible to btfo Marxism because there is so much that is true within it. Every crtitcal analysis of Marxism I've read bar one show a complete and utter misunderstanding accidental or wilfully. Part 1 of schumpeters capitalism socialism and democracy is the only decent critique I have ever read.

>> No.8136979

You are using bukharins defence of capital against an Austrian as something against Marxism?

>> No.8137014
File: 171 KB, 610x611, No mercy for the spooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Alternatively, you can opt for the nuclear option: Max Stirner.

>> No.8137119

>Can someone please validate my opinion?

>> No.8137476
File: 63 KB, 720x610, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8137579

If you've read Capital, then this:


>> No.8137593

I'm assuming OP is unread enough to not know who he is so that he might actually read a fucking buck and realize that what he's looking for doesn't exist.