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File: 80 KB, 473x700, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8128688 No.8128688 [Reply] [Original]

Why is modern art hated, /lit/?

>> No.8128718
File: 27 KB, 395x230, jeffkoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw that grammar

>> No.8128721

Because most of it is the epitome of pretensiousness. Post modern art is garbage because it comes from special snow flakes who can't believe they arent individuals. I'll be the first to admit still visual art in general does not move me as much as other forms of art, but I have seen a painting or two that has moved me, none of them post modern trash.

>> No.8128724

thanks for you opinion, senpai

>> No.8128728

Some of it is quite loved, Francis Bacon for instance practically has universal currency

>> No.8128730

people are stupid

>> No.8128737

honestly would rather live in a world that looks like the top one t b h

>> No.8128740

Because art has been reduced to be a factory of ideas instead of a guild of ideas + talent.
And not really that status quo shattering ideas either... I went to an exhibition that was all about evoking solidarity for muh refugees.
Now anyone with a liberal idea can produce art. Doesn't require any skill.

>> No.8128742

because of what you just posted. One clearly took more effort than the other and is therefore worthy of consideration.

>> No.8128744

how's being a liberal treating you

>> No.8128745
File: 23 KB, 650x366, 419428-111004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's conceptual art which means you don't need to experience the work of art for yourself. You can hear about it and understand it in a way you can't hear about a Michelangelo without experiencing it.

So modern artists just think of an idea, usually social commentary that ends up being ironic because the artist doesn't actually want to risk anything, and they make the work. The critics immediately get the gimmick and see its potential for easy writing. They write about it and hype it. Everybody gets rich.

>> No.8128746

fuck jeff koons

>> No.8128747


>> No.8128748

Because STEM god tier.

>> No.8128753

I am too a man whom is intelligent and nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.8128757
File: 71 KB, 315x475, 204011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late capitalism happened

>> No.8128758

People are getting bored with realism. They want to do something more,

>> No.8128763

proper liberal or american liberal?

also what does that have to do with my taste in art?

>> No.8128768


That's exactly it, people are 'bored'.
That's why you had this enormous proliferation of isms in the 19th and early 20th century.
More like fads than schools they were.

>> No.8128770

liberalism means 'everything is subjective, a feminist who shits and periods on a canvas is as good as Michaelangelo becaues of muh feels of EQUALITY and women are great xD'

It's pure Marxism

>> No.8128774

It never required skill.

>> No.8128789

It's just the easiest target for the anti-intellectual crowd to go after because the merit in it is harder to see than the merit in mocking it. Basically people are stupid fucks and would rather make fun of art than try and understand it, even though seeing the perspective of other people is basically the point of art.

>> No.8128795
File: 622 KB, 750x1000, 1362897479776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you three reasons why I hate it.

1. They are not philosophers but they attempt to materialize philosophy in their works. Say you come across a pure black painting in a museum.

Before you know anything about it, you start to wonder what is going on. Before you get to any idea, any conversation with yourself, the artist will be patting themselves on the back because they "made you think". You may later come to some idea of what it means but it already doesnt matter.

It is symbolism so vague and loaded it can mean anything. There is no courage to create something specific that the audience can realistically find.

2. Most works are treated at stock. It will go up in price because it will be older in a few years, and thus more valuable as art. Because of reason 1 it is difficult to devalue the work because it is so vague.

3. It is generally not aesthetically pleasing in the most basic sense to me.

>> No.8128800

Because it's worthless, end of story.

>> No.8128801

Fuck you. People are bored of the avant garde which has been the same since the 70's.

>> No.8128811


>> No.8128816

>le capitalism happened

>> No.8128817
File: 33 KB, 666x360, 1463168420095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it's dishonest. It has nothing deep going for it other than complete and total subjectivity. Subjectivity is fucking boring and shallow.

People don't know how to derive the layers of meaning within art that isn't abstract subjective trash. Old art was art that was created with a stern purpose of expressing an idea to an audience. And not only a singular idea, but layers of meaning hidden within the skin of the art. Meaning that may never be unlocked by those who experienced the art many years later. It wasn't created hoping the audience makes up their own minds. It was created with true meaning and purpose.

The difference is that a pure work of art will forever express something solid to an audience thousands and thousands of years later, that same meaning will be held to those throughout the ages. This "modern art" doesn't even convey a decent point to an audience 10 years after it's creation.

>> No.8128831

What does that mean?

>> No.8128834

Because people can't comprehend it.

>> No.8128835

french capitalism

>> No.8128844

Because it's far less deep than the artist imagines it to be.

>> No.8128868
File: 644 KB, 427x1024, art students.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's all nu males and third wave feminists now. The majority of working class people can't get into that shit.

Like honestly, try dating an "artist" nowadays and she not being a fucking islam apologist and going "omg Drumpf xD"

>> No.8128875


will they ever recover?

#TRUMP - 1

>> No.8128881

As Iong as it doesn't lead to a holocaust, burning witches, etc, I'm cool with this.

Also this meme is pure false dichotomy, but you won't let that stop your circlejerk, so have at it.

>> No.8128884


So sarcastic, funny.
But even more funny will be how Bernie Gutman won't get the nomination.

>> No.8128897

Trump will make America great again!

Can't wait to see the looks on the spics' faces when the wall is built.

>> No.8128910

It's hated by the sort of reactionary turds who frequent /lit/ and /pol/

In the real world, there is bad "modern art" (however you define it) and good "modern art".

All art was "modern" at some stage, and some of it was hated. For example impressionism was despised by the art establishment of the day. The good bits of it have survived, the shitty bits have not.

Tate Modern (London): 4.7 million visitors per year
MoMA (New York): 3 million visitors per year

>> No.8128919

damn, i only needed a "sjw" for a line on my /pol/ bingo card

>> No.8128926

>All art was "modern" at some stage, and some of it was hated. For example impressionism was despised by the art establishment of the day. The good bits of it have survived, the shitty bits have not.

Did you feel nervous when typing this out, because this argument is sketchy as fuck.

>> No.8128927

Most artists I meet tend to be mediocre minds that use to many commonplaces and silly doxa when explaining their outlook.

>> No.8128929

The last decent piece of art was made in the 1950s which was paradise on earth, a literal Utopia.

Back then, gender roles were perfect, and the white man was in his rightful place.

Since then the world has fallen to Marxism, and soon we'll have world-wide communism.

We need to wake up and recapture the glory of the 50s. Take the redpill and spread it

>> No.8128935


The 50s was such a shitty time period. I bet you are some fat neckbeard anyways. You would get laughed at in the 50s, probably sent to some military camp for rehabilitation.

>> No.8128945

Obvious troll is obvious.

If not trolling see >>8128935

>> No.8128973

how does you know???

>> No.8128992

And yet now we coddle such neckbeards and tell them that their autistic opinions are valid and that they are not worthless pieces of shit... Thus said neckbeard is correct, the 1950s were a better time.

>> No.8128995


Because there's no skill in it anymore. Literally anything can be art if you come up with some bullshit symbolism behind it.

Some cunt can smear her period blood on a canvas and claim it's about women's struggles and people will eat it up. Some douche can piss in a jar with a crucifix in it and claim its a criticism of religion, and people will eat it up because of the supposed "meaning" behind it, which is purely constructed by the artist as a form of self masturbatory satisfaction instead of actually looking to move people emotionally.

When anything can be art, then nothing is.

>> No.8129003
File: 72 KB, 736x430, 3f9b6e7beff54863b094dc42935c3c3b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is evil according to modern day nu-male feminists

>> No.8129004

Because it's a meme shared by a minority of people that everybody hates

>> No.8129015

Notice how you got no replies from the assblasted lefties

>> No.8129018

Why? It's clearly a polyamorist relationship.

>> No.8129023

Serrano's Piss Christ is pretty good though.

>> No.8129024

>there's no skill in it

Word for word the answer that came to my head when I read OP's question.

>> No.8129031
File: 239 KB, 1280x994, 1280px-Edouard_Manet_-_Luncheon_on_the_Grass_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. For example, pic related was rejected when it was first submitted to the Paris Salon, because the nude included was not allegorical. The Salon rejected a number of impressionist works now considered classics.

Is it really difficult to grasp that it is mainly good (and/or popular, well-funded, hyped etc) artists whose work has survived? In the past bad artists (or those who fell from favour) were forgotten. There are exceptions, of course.

Of course now in the age of mass media and popular culture, anyone can produce any old shit and someone somewhere will like it. That explains why so many people still own Thomas Kinkade works, for example.

the captcha system appears to be totally fucked today

>> No.8129034

If there's no skill in it, why aren't you a famous modern artist?

>> No.8129037

It's not. It's two white couples, with a child each. And as you can see, there is an absolute innocence and no degeneracy or filth or sin between the two children yet. It was a period of innocence and love of fellow whites.
Later, they will develop feelings for each other, get married, and have intercourse and thus ensuring the next generation of white children.


Now it's degenerated into a veritable Hell on Earth

>> No.8129038


And I forgot to mention, any legitimate criticism of it can be handwaved as someone simply "not getting it", which creates this nebulous later of artificial depth that the artists think they're representing, thus preventing their work from facing any true criticism unless the critic wants to admit to their own stupidity.

>> No.8129039

Less than 1% of americans visit the MoMa each year.


I wonder how many of those visitors are foreign.

>> No.8129047
File: 516 KB, 605x903, helme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.8129048

It's one woman with her cuckolded husband and her male and female lovers. The children are hers and her lovers, not the husbands.

>> No.8129057

>being this much of a positivist

>> No.8129058


In fairness, although I would actually like to visit it sometime, I'm sure it's an absolute pain in the ass to get to, and then you have to cough up whatever it is now... 20, 40bux? for the privilege of Pollock. Most people are uninterested, and if you're even-handed about it, you can hardly blame them.

>> No.8129059


Get a load of this relativist.

>> No.8129067
File: 177 KB, 830x969, shigeo-fukuda-shadow-art-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, pic related took absolutely no skill to make. It's like you people don't actually have any understanding of modern art and are just attacking this vague notion you have of it instead

>> No.8129073

People don't get modern/post modern art. Art is not supposed to always look like naked women in the sky or war depictions.

>> No.8129077

I'm positive about my white, European heritage. Only liberal see something negative about it.

You calling me a positivist is a compliment. I'm redpilled.

>> No.8129083
File: 37 KB, 344x500, Required reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This sums it up beautifully.

>> No.8129088


You have some gross faggot fantasy that the 50s was exactly like Stand by Me or exactly like a Norman Rockwell painting. You sound exactly like one of those fags like Stephen King who obsesses about their childhood in the 50s except you are a 20 year old neckbeard. You are sick in the head dude. Fuck off back to /pol/ you small minded shitstain.

>> No.8129089

>third wave feminists now
They're 4th wave and even worse they're revisionist swine.

>> No.8129092

This thread is embarrasing to even look at.

>> No.8129097

why is anyone buying this terrible argument? are you just samefagging?

>> No.8129098

For comparison the Metropolitan gets about 6 million.

>> No.8129099

I lold

>> No.8129101

>art have to be representational
>art have to be beautiful
>art needs purpose
>art have to be realistics

>> No.8129105
File: 60 KB, 330x327, retro-housewife[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"this was such an evil time!"

>> No.8129109


Everything you listed is a product of an advanced culture, and yet you are calling us uncultured. You wouldn't know culture if it smacked you across the face.

>> No.8129112

Well yeah it was. Just look at that pedophile in the bow tie. He's bribing those kids not to tell anyone he had sex with them by giving them a cake and his wife is enabling this sick behavior.

>> No.8129117


He was being ironically facetious. I don't think you get it anon.

>> No.8129120
File: 18 KB, 403x370, Is this Who serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>art can be whatever I want
>art should be whatever I want
>Me me me me me

>> No.8129123
File: 57 KB, 420x304, art-1950s-20traditional-20roast-20dinner-20111024124850744154-420x0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"this is SOOO problematic, look at all these happy white people!!"

>> No.8129124


Because I don't want to be one.

>> No.8129126

dont you know danto and dickes
my main men

>> No.8129127

If you think this an accurate representation of what the 50s was actually like you are a fucking fool.

>> No.8129132

I saw that painting at the Botticelli exhibition at the V&A recently.

Remember that Botticelli was commercially successful in his lifetime but was largely forgotten for 300 years until he was rediscovered and repopularised by the Pre-Raphaeliltes

>> No.8129133

Not a part of the cult it seems.

>> No.8129134

Happy? That family is $30,000 in debt to the bank. There's no way they can ever pay that back.

>> No.8129141

dickies, sorry

>> No.8129143


In contrast with today's era of mass divorce rates, the resulting broken families and attention craving narcissist dickholes as a result, social alienation, dark triad evil shitheads dominating every aspect of social life and unemployment all around.
Not to mention the European ghetto's filled with salafists that are just ticking jihadi time bombs and the declining portion of whites in all white countries. What is happening now is a postponing of a bloody civil war of which Syria is just a foretaste.

Calling someone /pol/ and then going on a rant about how great life is today makes you a conservative by all standards.

>> No.8129145


There is no time that is inherently evil, and there is also no time that is inherently good. There was a lot of fucked up shit happening politically in the 50's in America. I am not saying the traditional white 50's conservative family is evil, but of course it's not some mythological perfect family either. /pol/ is just full of neckbeards who grasp to periods of history they never experienced as a way of expressing their lofty alt-right ideals in progressively deteriorating American culture. There are better things to latch on to than the 50s if you are in opposition of extreme leftism. You just make yourself look like an idiot if you paint the 50s as the perfect ideal period.

But you are trolling anyways so theres no point.

>> No.8129148
File: 63 KB, 600x440, 7c4a4569abadc1ea1da35ff912c5ab66[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even blacks were living prosperously and happily.

This is what liberals want us to believe was an unjust time to ensure that Marxism will win

>> No.8129151
File: 512 KB, 160x160, Implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Things weren't better in the past, not even in certain ways; now pass me that cocaine! We're going on a wild ride kids, buckle up! The future awaits, utopia no less! And things can only get better! Change is always good, remember; nothing was better in the past, so throw away those rose-tinted glasses! After all, we don't need eyes where we're going!

>> No.8129161
File: 199 KB, 666x550, retro-family-morning[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"look how unhappy they are! They're clearly fake smiles"

>> No.8129164

dude if you think the 50s were so much better switch off your computer and go and die in a minor car accident that would be easily survivable today

>> No.8129172

Except that clearly took skill to make and has aesthetic merit. If I lack understanding of modern art perhaps you could explain it to me? What makes art modern?

I samefagged once to add to it. And more people are disagreeing with me than agreeing. I'm fully open to arguments but if you're just gonna name call you can fuck right off.

>> No.8129173


This reads like my stereotypical idea of Hunter S. Thompson shit. Fear and Loathing, I like it.

>> No.8129182


Liberals do this with everything in the past.

It used to be that the right was the "muh present day is deh best" faction and then started naming all the bad shit that went on in previous centuries, but nowadays they have become the ones who will go "LOL NOTHING IN THE MIDDLE AGES WUZ GOOD U DUMB EVOLAFAG ENJOY THE BLACK PLAGUE".
All admitting that they want you to glorify the current era as much as they do.

>> No.8129183

>going to new york

>> No.8129184
File: 21 KB, 236x289, 726dd0e8a2d62bf18ae1cee4e3f5e4eb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"look how unhappy they are! They are even Christian, ughh! The woman doesn't even work, she just has to stay in the kitchen all day, and take care of her husband and kids, and that's terribly oppressive!"

>> No.8129185

>This is what liberals want us to believe was an unjust time to ensure that Marxism will win
How is It's A Wonderful Life even possible unless you mean it's time travel propaganda.

I think the 50s was a great decade but it wasn't a conservative decade by a long way. The 60s was much more conservative in a lot of ways.

>> No.8129194

That's a fucking painting

>> No.8129196

my dad(who is black) was born in '54.
it wasn't a happy time.
you're supporting your claims with commercial images.

That's like using a picture of a family from a Burger King commercial to represent our generation.

>> No.8129199
File: 59 KB, 501x620, ab8de152995b5bb96ba206c5945ac36b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture, for me, sums up the entire decade.
We need to make this sort of society resurface

>> No.8129202

If you really think people were so happy in the 50's then why did the 60's happen? Stop looking at the past through pretty pictures. Buy a postcard and jerk off over it if you have just don't pretend you know shit.

>> No.8129208


In reality, you're that budgie; trapped in a cage of another's ideology.

>> No.8129212
File: 46 KB, 468x312, 6a013488670c86970c0148c679631e970c-800wi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally crying going through these images.

If only I had been born 40 years earlier, I would've been happy. How can Western civilization have crumbled so much in such a short time?

>> No.8129216

Actually that just takes time to make no particular skill

That motorbike pic is equilvant to the "artist" who takes a photo, simplifies and prints and then paints this image. It's pretty trashy

>> No.8129218

>most people itt actually think visual artists are trying to be """deep"""

>> No.8129222

plot twist, the guy is hugging his children because he's just been diagnosed with lung cancer because tobacco was advertised as healthy at the time

>> No.8129230
File: 513 KB, 827x1024, Shimmering Substance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you faggots one day maybe understand that people have different tastes?

Pic related, the most beautiful painting ever painted

>> No.8129231
File: 25 KB, 216x300, Church-family[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm distraught that it had to end.

>> No.8129236

real answer: because art has moved for the most part into the academy, and most non-specialists not to mention the general public lack the critical apparatus necessary to appreciate most art. some of it is shit, but the art scene (I assume you mean visual art) really is not bad as reactionaries make it out to be.

>> No.8129239
File: 75 KB, 700x334, seafood_pizza_cooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8129241

Looks like your mothers mouldy minge

>> No.8129242

Good one, and now you've made me hungry

>> No.8129243

People don't understand art so they think they can put some kind of leash on it and also say what is and is not art.

That "stupid shit" like a trash can knocked over and arranged is art just like how whatever Michaelangelo painted is art. If people actually cared about art and not simply looking at things they'd learn to appreciate it in its own way.

Pretty much my entire point is shut the fuck up.

>> No.8129244
File: 1.97 MB, 400x332, Crashing this plane.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Emperor's New Clothes

In fact, that's what all modern art is.

>> No.8129251


That's pretty good art if it can evoke that much retarded anger in you, I would say. The spaghettiopussy one, I mean.

>> No.8129256

>Pretty much my entire point is shut the fuck up.
You should have led with this, and saved a post.

>> No.8129258
File: 112 KB, 772x817, I've seen some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(((((Modern Art)))))

>> No.8129266


>"you don't understand" handwave dismissal of criticism
>claim that anything is art simply because you say so
>discrediting the value of visual aesthetic in a primarily visual medium
>wanting people to "shut the fuck up" in a blatant attempt to shut down rational thought

Convince me you're not an emotional retard. I'll wait.

>> No.8129268

Mindless veneration of craftsmanship, nothing more. And 99% of the people who cry about modern art don't know the first thing about the craft themselves anyway. So the process of photorealistic painting takes on a certain mystique for them. Anyone with half a brain knows that there's something of value in both traditional(ist) and modern art.

>> No.8129274


Do you think cartoons are real? Honestly, I need to know.

>> No.8129275


>Anyone with half a brain

Heh, he's speaking from experience.

Nothin' personnel, kid.

>> No.8129279

Because it's nihilistic, self-involved, lazy, elitist & promotes rampant pretentiousness.

>> No.8129282



>> No.8129283

Traditionalists, everybody.

>> No.8129292

art is dead, but not for the reasons you think it is. artists have become pseudo-philosophers. duchamp and his fountain had some symbolic meaning, but his other pieces like the wine rack were done entirely to question its aesthetic validity. these experiments have some value, but as time passes, the ironic and avant garde experiments he brought forth have slowly become serious, normative pieces - typically intended for the academic population. the apotheosis of this is the charlatanic work of damien hirst, specifically "the physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living"

i dont see why people hate modern visual art when conceptual art exists. it's academic masturbation.

>> No.8129294

>We need to make this sort of society resurface
I'm telling you now it has never seen the light of day, it cannot re- anything.

>> No.8129304


But if you're putting limitations on art and saying what it is and what it isn't then you genuinely do not understand it.

>> No.8129318
File: 154 KB, 604x904, Gustave_Dore_-_'La_famille_du_saltimbanque,_l’enfant_blessé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly some of it is pretty fucking amazing.
>pic highly related

>> No.8129326

Same thing is happening in literature mate. It's our generation

>> No.8129327
File: 32 KB, 491x404, 1462302178750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 1950s
>a time of social democracy and advances in equality
Everyone has the 1950s wrong. It really was quite good, but not for the same reasons that conservatives make it out to be. It was a time of high wages, economic prosperity, and a flourishing postwar culture. Minorities were gaining more rights, and America was more accepting to the idea of desegregation. It was a flawed but still pretty sweet era.

>> No.8129352

well the second image is the product of an entirely different society, you want art like that bring back the bourbons, bring back the absolutist monarchy, bring back power centralisation take away muh constitution. Art is simply the reflection of the society in which it is created. You want aristocratic art? Bring back the aristocracy. You want to live in a decent, comfy place with all your rights in tact? modern art it is.

>> No.8129360

>3 people replied to this
you guys are fucking stupid.

>> No.8129370


There is no limit to my definition of art, only that it has to adhere to some form of aesthetic.

Something being aesthetically pleasing with no deeper motive is fully valid. A simplistic piece that doesn't take much skill is equally valid if feeling can be conveyed through it.

The problem arises when art becomes a platform purely to "force" a meaning without regard to the art itself. Aesthetics are important when it comes to art. A piece can be ugly but still aesthetic, as the aesthetic is still being regarded as an important function of the medium.

>> No.8129373

looks like a fucking magic the gathering card lmao

>> No.8129378


This >>8129373 Gustave Doré has much better work...

>> No.8129388

i can't speak for everyone else, but i dislike a lot of it (not necessarily all) because it is usually characterized as one of the following

1. it's a hamfisted political statement that tries too hard to be edgy and/or contrarian out of shock value and little else (whoa, that guy used shit instead of paint! scandalous!) and as a result gets praised because it panders to the right people

2. its value is heavily dependent on how much it costs, making it come off as materialistic and disingenuous (whoa that can of shit is worth a shitton of money, it must be deep) and the "artists" themselves are just greedy as fuck

3. there is very little actual criticism of it, its just hurr durr you don't get it, there's no discussion of craft or execution or anything and as a result it's just a massive circlejerk

>> No.8129395

You're really grasping at straws

>> No.8129405

I just had the privilege of seeing that irl, so I liked it

>> No.8129418

To be honest, "The Physical Impossibility etc" is pretty rad as a purely aesthetic experience. Divorce it from whatever nonsense Hirst says it's supposed to represent, and what you think of him as a person and artist, and the ridiculous amount of money that it sold for. What are you left with? A presentation of a vicious predator, dead. You can walk around it, see it from every angle in absolute stillness, notice where it has begun to decay. And you people think of yourself as aesthetes.

>> No.8129426

>it is usually characterized as
So you admit that your knowledge of modern art is secondhand at best?

>> No.8129431

>whoa, that guy used shit instead of paint! scandalous!
I think most of the famous shit flingers (Gilbert and George would be an obvious example) tend to do it in reference to painting materials of a bygone era. In the Dali autobiography he writes about how royal shit was highly prized for painting.

>> No.8129435

So none of you know the difference between modern and post-modern.

>> No.8129474

>look at me everyone I read a wiki page just now!

Yeah, everyone knows.

>> No.8129491

i'm not admitting anything, the OP asked for my opinion and i gave it

i don't necessarily hate all contemporary artists. There wasn't really any craft in Piss Christ, for example, but it wasn't just an attempt to be edgy because no one was told that it was urine and that was done on purpose

>> No.8129506

I don't think you know what liberalism actually is.

>> No.8129512

So you don't know the difference between modernism and post-modernism? I'm confused, what does my post have to do with wikipedia. It has something to do with this thread.

>> No.8129523

Do you seriously think now is when full communism will take over the world, when there is not a single communist society in the world and the number of state socialist countries is shrinking?
You're seriously brainwashed.

>> No.8129528


How can something be postmodern if what is modern is what happens now? Is postmodernism a representation of the future?

>> No.8129529

for you

>> No.8129530
File: 134 KB, 274x327, tumblr_inline_o4cpnc4vsd1s7sr6z_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can something be postmodern if what is modern is what happens now?

>> No.8129532

The 1950s was when modern art was happening, dumbfuck. Jackson Pollock died in 1956.

>> No.8129534

Sounds like a wonderful system. How do I join?

>> No.8129560

Modernism isn't just what is happening now, you are conflating the terms modern and contemporary. When people talk about modernism as a artistic or philosophical movement, they are talking about a movement that started in the late 19th century which ended in the early to mid 20th century, and was replaced by post-modernism.

>> No.8129574

The 50s were ok and you are a complete moron. Whiteboy, you best be trolling.

>> No.8130066
File: 40 KB, 529x418, klee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't /his/ kill these threads here?

Anyway saw this today and few other Klees today and I really liked them.

>> No.8130116

Unrelated but is it possible today to own a great piece of art for about 10000 to 20000 dollars?

I've been thinking about how I would love to own just one great work of art in my room that I could always look at and take inspiration from.

>> No.8130224

Any art is fine and no one should be discouraged from making whatever art they want to. But it shouldn't be venerated unless it's clearly the product of hard work, hard thought, and dedication. It isn't that hard to tell when that is the case - work by Morton Feldman or Cy Twombly or something are obviously legit. 18-year-old art students' sculptures about the patriarchy probably aren't.

>> No.8130294

Is that what you value highest? The ability to invoke anger?

>> No.8130307

Go to bed Caleb

>> No.8130309

Or maybe I just don't like litter.

>> No.8130313

You've answered your question with your image retard

>> No.8130330
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1350058690214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon dude

>> No.8130333

I don't under what post-modernism means and what is modern. So is post-modernism the future? I don't get these terms and don't care to figure it out. I hear people say that shit about literature but when I'm reading the books they seem similar to other books I read. Is there a pre-modernism? Or is this just some buzzword like Millennials but no one actually knows what it means and depending on who you ask the definition is changed?

>> No.8130340

I've got much more of a background in music than visual art, but the idea that displays of technical skill are the only artistic expressions worth admiration is pretty shallow IMO. If you consider the goal of art as communicating ideas, then why would you want it to harp on the same themes for hundreds of years?
A lot of these "real works of art" thing is the visual equivalent of "le born in the wrong generation like this if you remember when real music required skill" and a ton of them are just rote memorization and repetition of previous artists ideas.
Some of these things that are really not technically impressive do have some idea or concept that they're playing with, but typically they do cater to an audience that's more well versed in the subject, I though minimalist music was really stupid until I worked my way through a lot of Modernist and 20th century Avant stuff.
Sure a lot of it's trash but I'd argue that's true of most art being produced at any point in history, just because a work of art looks pretty or would be hard as fuck to play doesn't mean there's any appreciable depth to it

>> No.8130347

>If you consider the goal of art as communicating ideas
I don't.

>> No.8130363

post modernism is just what comes after the artistic/philosophical movement "Modernism"
TLDR version, Modernism i concerned with experimentation and progressing it's medium, always being new. Where Postmodernism tends to be characterized by more cynicism, deconstruction, irony and playing with context.

>> No.8130366

>the idea that displays of technical skill are the only artistic expressions worth admiration

I didn't say or imply that though.

People can admire whatever happens to tickle their fancy. I just think it's usually obvious when the work is from an artist who was truly dedicated to it, regardless of whether it requires "technical skill" or not.

>> No.8130368

What do you consider it to be then?
If it's just to look pretty or feel good then why not just go admire nature or use drugs or something?

>> No.8130373

>I didn't say or imply that
>it shouldn't be venerated unless it's clearly the product of hard work,
What do you mean then?

>> No.8130392

Sounds boring. So the only way for post-modernism to die is for a new wave to become popular?

>> No.8130409

It took effort to create. That effort might've gone into thinking or experience or education or whatever. Not necessarily "skill".

>> No.8130417

Pretty much
That seems a bit unlikely at this point, at least for a while. Pop art and academic art communities are so divorced from each other at this point that they really don't interest each other. A lot of post modernist stuff is made for people who already have a formal background in that medium, and they seem to be enjoying it for now

>> No.8130425

My mistake then, I completely misunderstood

>> No.8130432

I do admire nature and I do use drugs but art is another thing that provides another experience. I do not care about an artist's philosophy or opinions. My interest in art is the same as my interest in the creek by my house. I hate philosophy, I hate opinions, I hate people and I hate artists. I want the artist to disappear. I do not care to see them in their work and I do not look for them there. I just want the art. But some artists are just far too loud to ignore so I would really like to drive a railroad tie into their stupid fucking skulls. Now THAT would be a pleasant experience. A beautiful colour, a beautiful sound and a pleasant change in texture felt through the hands. That is the type of art that I really enjoy.

>> No.8130438

daily reminder that you view old art through a modern brain

>> No.8130444

No prob I probably wrote my thoughts poorly.

Did you study music at school? I'm decently versed and play classical guitar, but got scared away from actually studying it in college.

>> No.8130448

/ic/ here.

I'll give my worthless opinion:

I consider good or real art, something that consists of a good idea (it's inner message), a technique based on the historical skills of the masters and emotional catharsis you feel from it.

So far all masterpieces fill those three values, idea+technique+emotion.

Look it up and any piece of art that contains those three will be considered masterpieces among all cultures and among all periods of time.

Of course this mean post modern art usually fails at the technique (non existant), usually exposes dirty or ugly emotions that are nothing but gross shocking garbage and some intelectual deepness that is nothing more than shallow liberal ideas.

Overall there's nothing good about that art.

Classical masters despicted shocking scenes that were huge scandals by their peers (caravaggio) but they were even seen then as beautifull pieces, even by their oponents.

>> No.8130451

Ok, so you are just extremely shallow
Also edgy

>> No.8130453

wew lad u r blowing my mind

>> No.8130461


underrated post

>> No.8130468

>brains and emotions are somehow dependant on culture and not biology
>brains magically have evolved into radical diferent shit in 500 years

>> No.8130486

I'm not that into art so none of this really affects me or bothers me. I just like to do my own thing if I draw.

>> No.8130489

Who is making and appreciating "modern" art? Conceptual art? Not the elite, nor the commodity purchasing class, but the academia, and the wannabe academia.

So why do we assume that academia has any clue about art?

>> No.8130495

Yeah I used to, played Oboe for about 6 years and took a bunch of theory. I never really liked anything I wrote though, and the orchestra culture is actually just really stressful, and petty. You'd think that within groups that had to cooperate to produce good sounding music people would be on the same page as each other, but it's full of really huge egos and extremely competitive. I once heard that something like 70+% of professional orchestra musicians tested positive for amphetamines or similar, and I absolutely believe that based on my experience.
I eventually got out of that and I'm in tech now, still play for fun or in small groups, but the culture in the academic/serious professional circles is really draining. You shouldn't regret passing it up, playing with friends or alone was always the most memorable and rewarding to me at least.

>> No.8130501

you don't have the same level of consciousness as someone from the middle ages do you?

>> No.8130509

So anyone who isn't fascinated by some painter's dull opinions is shallow? I'm not that guy, and yes he's obviously an edgy faggot, but looking to art (in any medium) for visceral feelings and aesthetics isn't shallow, it just means you know what interests you and what doesn't.

I have nothing against people who like modern art, I just don't see it myself. I will say, however, that they do seem to be somewhat gullible (cf. Exit Through the Gift Shop).

>> No.8130519

why anybody is giving a fuck about that circlejerk?
the ones that are pushing the envelope are videogames.

>inb4 games are crap
games are the ones that are now who are pushing the limits, taking all previous art forms into something new.

AAA games need so much quality is something similar to ancient marvels.

So you imply that morality and basic morality values like justice, caring for elders, women having to be pure, fairness magically have changed since them?

>> No.8130523

Everyone has their own tastes and interests. I never told you what you should like. I never belittled you. I simply told you that what I appreciate is different from your assumption. And sincerely I do find murder appealing. The image of someone flippantly calling another "edgy" as the stranger guts them is a fun one. The smugness would inevitably cede to something else wouldn't? What would that look like? I'm sure if you bring your imagination to bear you can come to an understanding of what I appreciate about that type of scene.

>> No.8130537

Why can't dirty and ugly emotions be art?

>> No.8130540

Art is going to change so much with VR.

>> No.8130564
File: 61 KB, 620x388, caravaggio_2183764b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never implied that.
If you see master works, there's plenty of ugly emotions being despicted beautifully.

Shitty modern hacks lack the years of training, so they end up making the same stupid shitty shit (human wastes, fetuses, randomness, corpses, garbage).

>> No.8130573
File: 102 KB, 666x666, 1462850144517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I see you guys are all rising high school juniors! It must be exciting finally being upperclassmen, huh? Have a good summer

>> No.8130576

me on the right

>> No.8130582

Explain Matisse's artistic evolution, my man

>> No.8130584

>So anyone who isn't fascinated by some painter's dull opinions is shallow?
Not even sort of implying that they're all of merit but
>just turn your brain off brah

>> No.8130586
File: 1.21 MB, 2700x647, Qian_Xuan_-_Early_Autumn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both sides look like huge wankfests, screaming "look what I can do!".

>> No.8130590

Why can't you depict ugly shit in an equally ugly manner? Wouldn't that be more appropriate?

>> No.8130598

Are you literally this retarded. You realize those two are mutually exclusive, yes?

>> No.8130599
File: 507 KB, 1500x997, 20100414201035Matissedance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mean garbage like this?

It's garbage.

I see better shit on /ic/ or reading doujin shit from the comiket.

Art = beauty.

Art that isn't beauty is art that doesn't glorify our human life, want ugly shit?, simply google news, there's plenty of ugly shit, kids starving in africa, refugees drowning in the middle of the ocean, americans bombing muslims and muslims child hospitals, muslims stoning women, cuck shit.

Why do you want to add uglyness to the world?

>> No.8130601

He's using the American definition of liberalism. From an American perspective, hes correct. The term means something different to the rest of the world.

>> No.8130611

>Art = beauty.
No, it isn't.

>> No.8130613

Why do they have to put fucking stamps all over it?

>> No.8130614

>nu males and third wave feminists
is this what you call people who disagree with you?
>dating an "artist" nowadays and she not being a fucking islam apologist
so you don't actually hate modern art, you just hate a hypothetical girl you made up in your head who you hypothetically disagree with. lol ok

>> No.8130615

If I don't care about the idea being expressed, I'd rather seek out something that gives me aesthetic pleasure. If I wanted ideas, I would read philosophy.

>> No.8130619

I see the idea here - that postmodern art represents the commodification of art as opposed to the pure aesthetic treatment of art.

In late capitalism, even high-brow 'art' becomes a meaningless, empty, ironic attempt to gain exposure and money. What distinguishes 'modern' art, then, from mass-market trash like YA novels and superhero movies? It seems to me like both are created to generate hype and money, nothing more.

More importantly, how do we get out of this pit? New Sincerity is annoying, cloying, kitschy and just as fake as postmodernism most of the time.

>> No.8130629

has been the proper definition of masterpieces during all history.

I don't care about your shitty garbage like picasso doodles.

I only consider art something that has a technique based on tradition, provides an emotion on the viewer and has a deep and intelligent idea.

So far modern garbage doesn't even come close to what I consider art.

Pls don't use the maymay that anything can be art, is a tired cliched used by hacks and non artists and the jew paying academics to write shitty fanfiction over garbage.

>> No.8130631

try harder

>> No.8130635

You're showing your ignorance. Read Kant because I'm not wasting my time with you.

>> No.8130640
File: 160 KB, 720x518, TYKka6v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want ugly shit?, simply google news
I wish some of this stuff was on the news.

Why do we put la Gioconda on an air-tight casing, meters and guards away from human hands, in a glass pyramid where silence is the imperative?

>> No.8130641

>Art = beauty
This is a very simplistic way of looking at things.
>Art that isn't beauty is art that doesn't glorify our human life
One could argue our human life shouldn't be glorified. The point of depicting ugly shit is to make people feel uncomfortable, confused, disgusted even. How are we to survive as a race if we simply ignore the ugly shit?

>> No.8130648

American liberalism is not Marxism. You are also fucking retarded.

American Liberalism is about equality and social security programs under a capitalist system. Marxism is about class struggle and exploitation of labor in capitalism.

>> No.8130657

I suppose the answer to both questions is "Chinese people"

>> No.8130667

Maybe President Trump will ban decadent art.

>> No.8130670

American liberalism has it's roots in Marxist thought.

By saying equality, you mean economic and social equality, both Marxist ideas and rooted in the idea of class struggle. Welfare and social security programs are anti-capitalistic in essence, and the more we embrace programs such as these, the closer we are to a Marxist society.

>> No.8130671
File: 1.37 MB, 1768x1254, Ernst_Ferdinand_Oehme_-_Schloß_Naudersberg_in_Tirol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good enough.

>> No.8130682
File: 318 KB, 700x537, ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have literally no conception of movement, aesthetically or regarding artistic evolution. Also, pic related is one of his earliest. Why do you think that he moved from this to Danse? Does your smooth little brain even register the concept of exploration?

>> No.8130688
File: 184 KB, 910x951, matisse.musique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you care to show me anything from matisse that isn't garbage?

pic related:

composition is pretty basic, symetrical shit without tension.
use of color is random and have no cohessiness.
brushwork is poor and amateur.
knowledge of anatomy is inexistent.
use of focal point is non existant.
values are non existant nor there is contrast.
perspective is non existant.
use of materials is non existant.

again, pretty much an amateur work as fuck.
I see better shit on /ic/

Also the narrative of the image is simplistic as fuck.

I don't see nothing, not even a good thing about this painting.

Seeing this painting, I can conclude he's amateurish as fuck and most people dickride him are not real painters.

>> No.8130694

I can't wait for the ultimate end of art, random acts of pure violence, the murder of an innocent in the gallery, it will "shock" and "make you reconsider what a work of art is." The murderer will become an art-world celebrity and will never be charged with a crime because it is art. Eventually his career will culminate in the ultimate end of Eliot's call to "make it new," a murder-suicide alongside Damien Hirst.
JG Ballard was right about everything

>> No.8130698

That painting is not ugly anon, there's plenty of technique and vission and training to make it beautifully.

What's else to do?
Life is already meaningless, it's a nihilistic view of life to not make art that is beatifull.

Again, there's plenty of old masters who were doing beautifull paintings about deads, corpses, rapes, envy, cannibalism, horrible topics, but that in the end are beautifull.

Kant wasn't a painter, why should I take his opinion worth a shit?

Imagine if Kant made a philosophical book about why eating shit is better than proper food.

Also nice weak minded faggot, you rather repeat opinions than form your own, using your own arguments.

>> No.8130700
File: 53 KB, 603x727, 23-henri-matisse-blue-nude1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>composition is pretty basic, symetrical shit without tension.
>use of color is random and have no cohessiness.
>brushwork is poor and amateur.
>knowledge of anatomy is inexistent.
>use of focal point is non existant.
>values are non existant nor there is contrast.
>perspective is non existant.
>use of materials is non existant.

shouldn't we judge art on its aesthetic effect rather than on its objective technical qualities? personally, I really don't respond to that painting, but ones like pic related give me this real nice sense of pleasure in viewing them.

>> No.8130704

>American liberalism has it's roots in Marxist thought.
Neo-Keynesian economics has influenced American Liberalism 10x more than socialism.

>Welfare and social security programs are anti-capitalistic in essence
again no it doesn't. They were started to revitalize the american economy.

American Liberalism has small influences from Marxist thought, sure. But the guys point was that they were the same thing. That's wrong.

>> No.8130705
File: 124 KB, 480x760, Morning – Ilya Glazunov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's plenty of technique and vission and training to make it beautifully.
Are you an artist yourself, Anon?

>> No.8130707

if you think that painting means he had top skills, you're deluded as fuck.

there's no aesthetic effect neither in your painting.

It's like reading some basic ideas with awfull and shitty prose filled with typos.

It's shit.

Also I can explain your sense of pleasure in technical terms.

Do any of you even do painting or are simply repeating stupid comments?

>> No.8130708

>it's a nihilistic view of life to not make art that is beatifull

>> No.8130715

I do drawing and painting for fun, even while I'm just an amateur.

Painting is visual language and therefore it should be value on terms of it's expressiveness, same as when you enjoy more complex prose than simply YA garbage.

I ask this everytime I hear a nihilist:
Why don't you kill yourself and avoid to keep living?

Are u a coward?
Are u an hypocrit to that philosophy?
Don't you 100% believe that life is worthless?
Why not simply kys?

>> No.8130720

>American liberalism has it's roots in Marxist thought.

American Liberalism's roots go back to the founders, who were all assuredly the Liberals of their day.

Your roots go back to not knowing how a fucking apostrophe is used.

>> No.8130723

>I only consider art something that has a technique based on tradition, provides an emotion on the viewer and has a deep and intelligent idea.
You realize that your idea of masterpieces have, up until the industrial revolution, have all been commissions? That artists were told what they were to depict, how to depict it, what implications they were to convey, how to convey them, how long they had, where they were to do it, etc., etc.
Expression was intensely limited, and deviation usually resulted in legal action. The first instance of an artist actually winning one of these cases was in the goddamn Baroque period with Feast in the House of Levi.

Also, if you don't think that Picasso isn't one of the most tradition-dedicated artists in history, you're out of your fucking mind, you fucking idiot. You have no fucking notion of art, aesthetics, history, or anything beyond personal taste.

Just admit it.

>> No.8130726

nihilism is boring

>> No.8130727

Good goddamn, it IS true that retardation can't recognize itself

>> No.8130728

I'm pretty sure you're baiting but whatever

I can only guess at what you're trying to say.

>there's no aesthetic effect neither in your painting.

This is a highly personal thing, but you should be able to understand how others can take pleasure in such forms of art?

>Also I can explain your sense of pleasure in technical terms.

What do you even mean? Please explain my sense of pleasure, then? How does this even advance your argument?

>> No.8130731

>multiple people come to the same conclusion.
>they must be wrong

>> No.8130736

>Why don't you kill yourself and avoid to keep living?
Nihilists believe that the only truth is that there is no truth. I don't killing oneself is the next logical step after accepting this.

>> No.8130743

traditional fine art (i.e anything that would be shown in a gallery) has become largely irrelevant
people often say we need to 'fund the arts' but I fail to see anything being produced to support that argument

>> No.8130744

Do you think those artists personality and ideas were expressed in those commisions?

Mozart didn't wrote much original pieces for fun and all his major pieces are commisions.

So because mozart pieces wasn't originals they're not imbued with mozart personality.

>le picasso maymay
He had potential but he decided to break the norms and be a special snowflake.

I don't give a fuck if he had the skills to make realism and masterpieces, most of his shit is garbage, deal with it.

Imagine if Pele stopped suddenly playing soccer and became some hobo asking for money.

Generally all the aesthetical pleasure can be explained by the use of colors, composition, narrative, line work, curves, and other technical terms.

Do you think musicians can't explain why a song can be sad or happy?

It's the logical step.
Or they're cowards and are afraid to die, or they deeply inside still believe life has meaning.

>> No.8130751

Because art has moved from technical and well planned conveyance of message to "I'm going to throw something on the canvas because I 'feel' it and THEN tell you the meaning of it."

The only reason why Pollock and Picasso are even notable now is because they started their own art movements, if their movements didn't catch on they'd simply have stories similar to van Gogh or lesser still your average college artist baristas.

After the dadaist and abstract movements and general philosophical change from believing in a god-like being to believing 'what you want' post-modernism has become the shithole of trash art it is today.

There's no technical skill unless it's used commercially in comics or vidya or films. Everything that ends up in art shows now is just throwing stuff together and then telling your intention with a bit of marketing.

>> No.8130752

The liberalism of the founders was classical liberalism, equality of opportunity, natural rights, laissez-faire economics, small goverment that sort of stuff.

Modern american "liberalism" is more focused on forced economic and social equality, socialized welfare, big government etc. It's largely antithetical to what the founders had in mind.

>> No.8130755

>Generally all the aesthetical pleasure can be explained by the use of colors, composition, narrative, line work, curves, and other technical terms.
And so? I can explain how the simple blue-white coloration of the Matisse I posted brings me a sense of piece, how the simplicity of the figure encourages a sort of relaxation; in more technically detailed pieces, much more intense feelings emerge, this can be a good thing but art should seek to express the full extent of the emotional spectrum.

>> No.8130756

>It's the logical step.
How so?

>> No.8130762


>> No.8130764

>Imagine if Pele stopped suddenly playing soccer and became some hobo asking for money.
False equivalence. Cmon man. Art has no objective or goal like soccer does. Art's role is not to please your stupid ass.

>> No.8130770
File: 346 KB, 1003x796, wayne-barlowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

Now tell me: Would you enjoy a life where you were being watched constantly? Where, when you did wrong, a barrage of reprobation came your way; when you did right, appraisal came just as overwhelmingly. And all of your moves, all of actions, even those you had not thought of, down to the socks you're wearing, were at all times being judged and recorded, and everything you do was being deciphered, everything in a painting need to have intent, need to be the most it can ever be, to have perfect precision.

Now ı'm not much an authority myself, but a world where all of the pain ı've had to go through in the search of beauty, to either preserve or destroy it was constantly being thrown back onto my face, does not seem like a pleasing doom.

The recognition of acquiered skill is a great compassion, it's good empathy--please don't turn it into something else.

>> No.8130771

yeas, I do agree the piece is not complete garbage.
It's coherent and nice.

But I still focus on the following:
It's basic.

There's no high level of mastery on the technical aspects, so the message ends up as some watered basic shit.

Have you seen stuff like the meninas?
compare that feeling.

Hell, even hentai doujins contains a bigger aesthetical impact than that piece.

I assure you some satoshi urushihara porn waifu illustrations will give you a bigger feeling.

Because otherwise they're cowards and don't trully believe that ideology.
Would be like seeing some nationalist right wing not avoiding some nigger from burning his flag.

>> No.8130775

>I ask this everytime I hear a nihilist:
>Why don't you kill yourself and avoid to keep living?
You're fucking retarded. You don't even know what Nihilism is. Read a book for a change, will you?

>> No.8130776

>why is modern art hated?
Because it's awful.

Thousands of years to learn how to paint well and then some dickhead invents the camera

Modern art is just people throwing a fit because they were born too late to be relevant by being good at art

So they try to be relevant by being bad at it

>> No.8130778

>Because otherwise they're cowards and don't trully believe that ideology.
You didn't answer my question, just repeated why you said earlier.
>Would be like seeing some nationalist right wing not avoiding some nigger from burning his flag.
What the literal fuck are you talking about

>> No.8130780

holy crap you literally described the New Deal America. Do you think 40s-70s America is Marxist? Obviously fucking not. Now stfu.

>> No.8130787

>no objective
The objective of art is the seek of beauty.

If you take that then art is meanignless, it's a dead end to argue about something that has no meaning or even a definition.

So you're wasting time argueing about something meaningless.

It's a suicidal point of view.
I hold the position that the point of living is beauty and that beauty hold all the range of emotions, happyness included.
beauty also holds spiritual meaning and for some people it could change their lives from degeneration into being worthy persons.
See how many people the beauty of jesus message can rescue them from drugs.

Your opinion means my life has no meaning, therefore has no value.

I don't share that opinion.

The goal of life is to seek beauty, and art is the only way to archieve beauty.

>> No.8130788

Anime is basically the pinnacle of human achievement in art. Shit moves nigga!

>> No.8130799

nihilims was the answer some faggot from the XIX century invented to destroy tradition and don't hold humans to society limitations, fullfiling their own potential.

as such nihilism doesn't hold the view that life has a meaning beyond the personal one.

But as you can see I'm talking about the teenager view of nihilism.

>> No.8130806

The New Deal had roots in Marxist thought. It featured vastly increased government regulation of housing, insurance, trade, etc. These are all things Marx thought should be socialized, and therefore The New Deal brought us closer to Marxism. Never said it was literally communism, though.

>> No.8130807

because people always pull up examples of it being bad like the abstract stuff

>> No.8130809

>as such nihilism doesn't hold the view that life has a meaning beyond the personal one.
True. Again, how is suicide the logical conclusion to believing this?
>But as you can see I'm talking about the teenager view of nihilism.
Is this some sort of disclaimer to let us know you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.8130810

all you've done this whole thread is assert certain qualities as requirements for "good art" without explaining why they're required.

>> No.8130811


Give use one example of "pure" art, and please peel back each layer of meaning so that we can see for ourselves the objective truth hidden within it.


>> No.8130812


lmao can you kids go back to not using that meme word it is in every sentence holy shit

almost as bad as literally

>> No.8130814
File: 37 KB, 419x130, literallycommunism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donno man this mural looks pretty communist to me..

>> No.8130815

>The New Deal had roots in Marxist thought.

New Deal economics, a system where a larger social spending and a social safety net is applied to a CAPITALIST FRAMEWORK. Nothing about this is at all related to socialism, because socialism isn't about public expenditure and big government. Now stop.

>> No.8130820

>abstract art is disliked because people always pull up the abstract stuff


>> No.8130823


>depicting laborers is literally communism

>> No.8130824

The Nike swoosh was the greatest work of the 20th century. Prove me wrong.

>> No.8130829

I was clearly using the meme definition teenagers and emos uses when they discover nihilism.

sorry if you want the proper definition.

It cames from the evaluation of masterpieces done before the XX century.

I don't need to follow the meme definitions your college professor used on your class of art history.

I'm not some faggot who needs others to form opinions for him.

>> No.8130832
File: 65 KB, 506x543, 1465086338290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It cames from the evaluation of masterpieces done before the XX century.

>I'm not some faggot who needs others to form opinions for him.

>> No.8130840
File: 407 KB, 570x489, trash meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I rather trust the opinion of so called geniuses than forming my own
>I have no personal arguments other than shit I read on some philosophers books

>> No.8130847

>posts propaganda
You're not helping your case

Things like social spending and a social safety net are antithetical to capitalist ideals. If we're moving away from a purely capitalist society, what are we moving towards other than socialism?
>socialism isn't about public expenditure and big government
It is when it's practiced under a still mostly capitalist society.

>> No.8130851

>sorry if you want the proper definition.
Sorry, I just assumed people like to use proper definitions when trying to intelligently discuss something.

>> No.8130854

>>posts propaganda
>You're not helping your case

I'm not the other anon. I was doing a joke.

>> No.8130857

>The objective of art is the seek of beauty.
you're asserting that art can only be beautiful if it follows your specific guidelines. I assume you're a neo-classical purist. Is Monet's Study of a Figure trash to you because it doesn't follow your standards?

Also are you implying aesthetic beauty is the only kind of beauty?

>If you take that then art is meaningless
again you're asserting your own view on art. The point of revisions of artistic paradigms is that there can be more than one way of interpreting a piece.

>> No.8130859

sorry, I assumed you're smart enough to known I was using the meme definition.

seems like your meme knowledge is not good enough.

>> No.8130865

Ah, my bad

>> No.8130868

if by that you mean I'm conservative, then yes.

I don't mean my own view is the real one, but I simply mean that we should only call art my definition.

Maybe I should come with a new word to mean my version of art.

Maybe we should stop using art and start talking and using diferent words with diferent meanings.

>> No.8130874

>how do we get out of this pit?

By not trying. True art, as poetry, comes from within and will never bow before the forces of the intellect. True art cannot be killed, it is immortality itself. Pandering, untruth, and rhymestering have always been the technique of the lower bard, he simply has his time in the sun now. The brotherhood of the master-poet will always create what matters.

Enter the forest from its darkest edge, there will be your path to the Grail.

>> No.8130879

>Things like social spending and a social safety net are antithetical to capitalist ideals
they're antithetical to laissez-faire ideals. Capitalist markets still function.
>If we're moving away from a purely capitalist society, what are we moving towards
As long as capital and markets exist, we're still traversing through capitalism
>It is when it's practiced under a still mostly capitalist society.
I'm assuming you're just trying to rustle my jimmies at this point, because I've already explained why this is wrong. Congratulations, my jimmies are thoroughly ruffled.

Seriously guys Roosevelt wasn't a commie.

>> No.8130880

>I don't mean my own view is the real one, but I simply mean that we should only call art my definition.
"I respect that people have different opinions, but we should all just accept that mine is the only one that matters."

>> No.8130884

No one is brave enough to challenge this. You know I'm right but you will never admit it will you?

>> No.8130886

my definition only covers masterpieces though.

We need to stop using the same concept for diferent things.

my definition doesn't cover commercial art, garbage art (modern and contemporanean shit), porn stuff, amateur art and historical one and art done by tribes.

>> No.8130888

>they're antithetical to laissez-faire ideals. Capitalist markets still function.
I would argue laissez-faire is the purest form of capitalism.

>> No.8130891

>As long as capital and markets exist, we're still traversing through capitalism

True but socialism also exists within capitalism.

The dictionary definition of socialism is:
>a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The means of production, distribution, and exchange are capital.

>> No.8130892

>if by that you mean I'm conservative, then yes.
no i meant 18th-19th century era art. It's a movement in art, dedicated to highly detailed, aesthetically beautiful paintings that call back to the classics. jacques louis david is probably the most well known.

I mentioned it in relation to Monet and the impressionists who the Neo-classicalists shunned. I think Monet's painting is absolutely beautiful. The point being, there is subjectivity in that people have different ideas of the concept of beauty.

>Maybe we should stop using art and start talking and using diferent words with diferent meanings.
whatever floats your boat, man

>> No.8130896
File: 88 KB, 400x225, latecapitalismisbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our society can be referred to as `capitalist`
>this `capitalist`society is finished
>there is a better alternative

The concept of `late capitalism`triggers me so bad.

>> No.8130902

I'm going to sleep but yeah, if you mean XIX century french academical paintings and philosophy.

As for this thread is the usual retardation when people want to use diferent meanings using the same word and get angered when people try to impose their own definition on the same word to other people without realizing they're using the same word for diferent shit.

Original expressive shit on canvas and feminism menstruation tampoons on canvas.
Classical realism and neo classicals.
Modern movements like impressionism.
Amateur sonichu drawings.
Comercial ads.
Graphic design.
hentai and hentai comics (porn art).
Anime and comics.
Historical paintings.
Non western traditions.

Diferent shit, all use "art" in these stupid discussions.

>> No.8130910
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, 1422335297326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a dictionary definition to define and police the boundaries of a political theory
The dictionary doesn't say anything about hating straight white men under "feminism" or gassing jews under "national socialism" so I guess both those are just peachy then

Didn't even read the thread so I don't know what this is apropos of, I just clicked reply to call you out specifically on this bullshit

>> No.8130912

bc photography has made realism pointless

>> No.8130914

>Didn't even read the thread so I don't know what this is apropos of,

I loled

>> No.8130918

That only really applies to basic portraits. You can't take a photo of something that isn't there.

>> No.8130922

>The means of production, distribution, and exchange are capital.
Those aren't being exchanged through and regulated by the "community" [it should say working class, but ok whatever]. Capital and the means of production is owned by the capitalist class. This is apparent now, 20, 50, and 100 years ago.

Like you're making it very clear you know nothing of the subject if you think that possession of capital (mostly by the elite) is proof of a socialist system in capitalism

>> No.8130927
File: 72 KB, 863x704, 12665123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of contemporary photography?

>> No.8130931

that lady has no chin.

none zero

>> No.8130939


shes very british.

>> No.8130940

You're equating government with the capitalistic elite.

>> No.8130943

When you type 'Modern Art', what exactly do you mean?

>> No.8130948
File: 32 KB, 288x339, 1458270128768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You can't take a photo of something that isn't there.

>> No.8130962

give replies

>> No.8130994

what the hell are you talking about? I'm not talking about government.

Capital is owned by capitalists.The means of production is owned by capitalists. When I say the elite i mean the capitalists.

Socialism isn't red-tape obstructing the free-market. It's the complete movement of the means of production to the hands of the working people. Capital does not exist in this context. Saying we live in a socialist system now is looney.

>> No.8131008

>all of these buzzwords
Your sentence is really incoherent. It's like you picked random eords from /pol/ that you don't understand and strung them together.

>> No.8131071

odd how the second picture is the real one

>> No.8131077

>The New Deal had roots in Marxist thought. It featured vastly increased government regulation of housing, insurance, trade, etc. These are all things Marx thought should be socialized, and therefore The New Deal brought us closer to Marxism.

Who told you Marx wanted to socialize these things? You know Marx supported free trade, right?

>> No.8131107

The short answer is that we use different formats and media to express the kinds of things which aesthetic works of the past sought to examine, and it isn't entirely clear what the position of those traditional formats - painting, stoneworking, whatever you include in that range - ought to be in a highly commoditized and democratized media environment.

There are entire courses dedicated to asking this question. A lot of them are terrible, but there are a few that are actually worth taking. They'll help you answer the question a lot better than anyone on /lit/.

>> No.8131146
File: 905 KB, 1600x1863, nerdrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8131160

people tend to hate what they don't understand. this is one of the main factors imo.

>> No.8131178

Fuck off.

>> No.8131197
File: 104 KB, 663x350, 1464299218581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every critique of modern art I've seen ITT has been hilariously shallow. Like, basically what a 12-year-old would say after being dragged to the MoMA.

>> No.8131203
File: 2.40 MB, 1752x5426, 1464875546410-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8131210

And so is your critique of their critiques.

>> No.8131234 [DELETED] 


Great art captures the transcendant.

Nobody believes in the source of transcendance anymore.

>> No.8131240

No legitimate critique of something as shallow as contemporary art can be truly deep. If it appears deep, it's full of shit.

>> No.8131258

>Also I can explain your sense of pleasure in technical terms
Is this /lit/'s equivalent of "fun is a buzzword"?

>> No.8131265

Most people that hate post-modern art have very little interest in fine art in general. They'll whine that it's all ideas and no substance, and yet they still don't go to classical art galleries because they're fundamentally not interested.

Post-modern and contemporary art is a lot of fun and I'd choose to look at that weird and often stupid crap over a thousand paintings of Jesus on the cross. Even if a lot of it is terrible or pretentious or just plain silly, at least it's interesting and challenging.

I don't know why some people get so mad about pieces of art they don't like. Don't go to a contemporary art gallery if you don't like it dipshits.

>> No.8131284


>> No.8131345


pick one

>> No.8131363

Wow this thread was awful
maybe it's time for to accept that /lit/ has become (or maybe it always was) as stupid as the rest of the site.

I wonder whose fault it is

>> No.8131370

Like any period of art, post-modern art has some good pieces and some bad pieces too. But, its pretentiousness is somewhat transparent.

>> No.8131378

it is, but not an original by anyone whose name you would recognise, unless it was a drawing on paper or something. you could get some really good limited edition prints (like giclee prints) or something though

go to a big fair first to get an idea of prices etc. i am thinking of going to this: www.olympia-art-antiques.com/ just to have a look around, mainly because i can get free tickets

>> No.8131386
File: 105 KB, 976x549, _89886278_dolanbrothers3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you enjoy a life where you were being watched constantly? Where, when you did wrong, a barrage of reprobation came your way; when you did right, appraisal came just as overwhelmingly. And all of your moves, all of actions, even those you had not thought of, down to the socks you're wearing, were at all times being judged and recorded

dude you just described youtube + instagram

>> No.8131391
File: 38 KB, 1600x1294, Official_Apple_Logo_2013_Pictures_5_HD_Wallpapers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll fite u

>> No.8131395

she's dutch

>> No.8131400


see comment in >>8130812

whenever i see "incoherent" used here, it is shorthand for "you like something i don't like and i'm going to be a smarmy fucking pseud about it"

>> No.8131540

Communists are the ones who make modern art, people on the right hate modern art. Impressionism and the resulting stinkers it's produced ever since where a revolution against the old art schools. Modern art these days is more influenced by edgy marxists, feminism and celebrating being non-white than painting pictures of the free market.

>> No.8131579
File: 18 KB, 246x246, 6ituh7MH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are pepes that are far more expressive and poignant than the entirety of Pollock's work, modern art is a (stale) meme.

>> No.8131582

jesus, it's like this comment was generated by some kind of fucknut /pol/tard post generating algorithm

>> No.8131603

kill yourself

>> No.8131613

I know one of the artist's there and he is actually very good at life drawing. The slave does indeed still teach life drawing too.

>> No.8131810
File: 54 KB, 692x730, T07667_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was at least one occasion when modern art was literally shit (allegedly.. nobody has actually ever opened one to find out)

one was sold last year for £182500

these were made in 1961

>> No.8131828
File: 41 KB, 550x512, 1451893461538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure that's not the modern human condition?

>> No.8131837
File: 556 KB, 966x660, futurism_landing_depero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shut up will you?

>> No.8132032
File: 943 KB, 1680x2008, evola art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8132505

>than painting pictures of the free market.

>> No.8132797

>all these people earnestly replying to you
I'm gonna have to give this post a strong six to a light seven

>> No.8132822

Lmao people actually think all debt is bad. Maybe the Greeks could do with more of you people.

>> No.8132860

>Ever painted
>Was shat onto a canvas.

You probably can't tell the difference